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Phonological Processes

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Structural Simplification Assimilation (consonant harmony) Segmental/substitution Processes
- the shape of the word - swapping sounds for similar or identical ones - the sounds within the word

Structural Simplification

Weak Syllable Deletion (WSD)

- Pre-tonic - most common
- wSw – Sw
- potato -> tato
- Post-Tonic - after the primary stress
- Sws – Ss
- telephone – tephone
- Partial - water -> wawer
- Complete - water -> wawa
- dog – dodo
Final Consonant Deletion (FCD)
- must be all final elements, including
- Nasals - /ban/ -> /ba/
- Plosives - /kat/ -> /ka/
- Fricatives - /kiz/ -> /ki/
- Affricates - ‘march’ -> /ma/
- Clusters - /ant/ -> /an/ -> /a/
Cluster Reduction (CR)
- Just say cluster reduction unless they - Initial: stop -> top, frog -> fog
only do it in one place - Final: hand -> han
- CC -> C - /ant/ -> /an/ is cluster reduction, but
- CCC -> CC or C /ant/ -> /a/ is FCD
- Combining the features or manner of - spoon -> foon
clusters to make a new phoneme - combines voiceless, manner
(fricative /s/), and place (labial /p/) to
get /f/
- schwa inserted between consonant - blue -> belue
cluster elements
- transposing/reversing/swapping two - elephant -> ephelant
segments/syllables in word
- usually to change stress pattern or
Initial Consonant Deletion (ICD)
- rare - fan -> an
- common in children with issue in nasal - unlikely due to normal development
airflow from babbling to words
- rare - Opposite of fronting
- Common in children with cleft palate
Phonological Processes


One sound has a place, manner, or voicing that influences other sounds in a word or across words
in an utterance
Assimilation of place
- Labial Assimilation - pit -> pip (complete, progressive)
- feet -> feep (partial, progressive)
- Velar Assimilation - shark -> kark (complete, regressive)
- cuddle -> cuggle (partial, progressive)
- Alveolar Assimilation - moon -> noon (complete, regressive)
Assimilation of manner -
- Nasal Assimilation - mat -> man (partial, progressive)
- Liquid Assimilation - yellow -> lellow (complete, regressive)
- Fricative Assimilation - Schleswig -> Schleshwig (complete,
Progressive - An earlier sound changes a later sound
Regressive - A later sound changes an earlier sound
Complete - Direct substitution for the same sound
Partial - Changes in place, manner, or voice

Segmental Processes

Gliding -
- Liquids (l, r) become glides (w, j) - red -> wed
- look -> wook
- kangaroo -> kangawoo
Fronting -
- only use place if relevant - Velar: key -> tea
- Palato-Alveolar: shoe -> sue
Stopping -
- of fricatives or affricates - sue -> two, shoe -> two
- zoo -> doo, chew -> two
Context Sensitive Voicing
- Voice a consonant before a vowel - pear -> bear
- Devoice a consonant after a vowel (becomes voiced before vowel)
- Really common in children with - pad -> pat
phonological disorders (becomes devoiced after vowel)
Prevocalic Voicing
- pear -> bear - random voicing or devoicing is common
Postvocalic Devoicing in children with apraxia
- pat -> pat
Fricative Simplification
- Normal in some dialects of AusEng - thing -> fing
- Turning a fricative into an affricate - shoe -> chew
- turning an affricate into a fricative - chew -> shoe
- liquids or nasals replaced by vowels - apple -> appu
- normal in some dialects of AusEng
Phonological Processes

- Like when you have a cold - knee -> dee

Glottal Replacement - butter -> bu?er
Cluster Simplification -
- Still has 2 consonants but replaces on - tree -> twee
with another
- Usually looks like gliding
- Only use if gliding and assimilation not
Idiosyncratic Substitutions
- Child will replace sounds for reasons - teeth -> teethes
that may not be phonological regularization of the plural
- Possibly just developmental errors (morphological error)

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