Phineas Gage 2

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Language arts
April 4, 2024
Phineas Gage vs. Adolescents
Medical knowledge in 1848 was quite different from medical knowledge now. Phineas
Gages’ accident helped scientists learn more about the human brain and use it for medical uses
today. Phineas Gage was working with explosives along with his railroad crew when an iron rod
punctured the left frontal cortex of his brain which controls his self-control, decision making, and
personality. The iron’s passage left him alive and conscious but forever changed. While the
doctors said that Phineas looked fine physically, mentally he was a different person. After the
accident, Phineas Gages’ behavior was similar to the behavior of an adolescent because of the
change of his attitude/ personality and poor self-control.

For both adolescents and Phineas after his accident, lack of self-control was an issue. For
adolescents, the cause for poor self-control was their frontal cortex still developing. In the text it
says, “the prefrontal cortex— which stops us acting on impulse and inhibits risk-taking—is not
yet mature, and will continue developing throughout adolescence and early adulthood” (the right
sorts of risks, paragraph 7). This shows how adolescents lack self-control because their
prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped. On the other hand, Phineas Gages’ lack of self-control is
because of his brain injury. In the text it says, “impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts
with his desires” (Accident part 2, paragraph 5). This shows that he is inconsiderate and only
cares for him and his selfish needs, which is driven by his lack of self-control. As shown,
Phineas Gage has a tough time controlling his actions and thoughts. However, they have a lot
more behavior in common than just lack in self-control.
Another way Phineas’ and adolescents’ behavior were similar was their change in social
interactions and attitude towards people. Due to Adolescents underdeveloped brain and their
mood swings their social interactions change. In the text it says, “The children now love luxury.
They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter
in place of exercise” (Adolescence isn’t an Aberration, paragraph 11). This shows how children's
attitude changes towards people, and they become moody. Phineas Gage had the same change in
his attitude. After his accident he became disrespectful and rude to other people. In the text it
says, “The new Phineas is unreliable and, at times downright nasty. He insults old workmates
and friends” (Accident part 2, Paragraph 5). This shows how after Phineas’ accident, his attitude
towards old friends and workmates was disrespectful, rude, and nasty. This just shows how
Phineas, and adolescents are rude, disrespectful, and nasty with the people close to them.

In conclusion, the story of Phineas Gage serves as a good example of the actions people
do when their frontal cortex is damaged, like self-control, personality and mood changes. Even
though Phineas Gage and adolescents have similarities, they have their differences. Adolescence
happens to teenagers that are growing up. Although adolescence is a natural part of their growth
process, Phineas Gages accident result lasted him the rest of his life. Phineas Gages’ life was
eventful, and it provided us with the medical knowledge that we use today.

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