A#1 - Class Discussion - Project Portfolio Section 4

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RTO No: 91223

Assessment Task 1

BSBOPS503 Develop administrative systems

Activities-6/Assessment task-1
6. Monitoring activities

Assume it’s been three months since the rollout. You have received the following
feedback from users:
User 1
It is pretty good, but sometimes I need a file and it is not where it should be. When I
look again in a few hours, it is usually there. It is quite frustrating! I must say that
sometimes I would rather go back to the old system I used to.
User 2
I take the file out of the shared folder and work on it on my desktop. I then upload it
when I am finished, so it is pretty much the same as just working on my desktop.
User 3
I can see how it should be more straightforward than what I am used to, but it isn’t
always. With the old system, I would receive a file to work on, I would do that, and
then send it back to my manager. Now I am not sure what has been done by
whom. And sometimes I can’t find the file at all.
User 4
It is pretty good, but sometimes the file that I need isn’t anywhere, even if I do a
search for it. It is always there when I look the following day, but not always when I
want it.
User 5
Not bad, but it is complicated. Like, has another editor already corrected the file, or
should I be doing it. I am sure that I have edited a file that was recently proofread
by someone else, as there were no mistakes in it.
User 6
I like it. I have no complaints. It does what I need it to do.
User 7
I have found it pretty easy to use, and I know where all the files are now.
I have had no security issues with the system, but I do a backup of all my files
every Friday afternoon, just to be sure.

Additionally, a new staff member will begin next month and is due to undergo
systems training as part of their induction.

You now need to analyze the issues raised, develop solutions, and notify the users
of any modifications you make to the system.
You will also need to make further modifications to your procedure and training
session in preparation for the new staff member. Read through the requirements of
your portfolio and work through the activities.
Complete Section 4 of your Project Portfolio.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 4 of your Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
Section 4: Monitoring

Analysis of user responses User 1

Identify issues and trends in It is pretty good, but sometimes I need a file and it is not where it should
user responses. Include be. When I look again in a few hours again, it is usually there. It is quite
usage, security and output in frustrating! I must say that sometimes I would rather go back to the old
your analysis. system I used to.
User 2
I take the file out of the shared folder and work on it on my desktop. I
then upload it when I am finished, so it is pretty much the same as just
working on my desktop.
User 3
I can see how it should be more straightforward than what I am used to,
but it isn’t always. With the old system I would receive a file to work on, I
would do that, and then send it back to my manager. Now I am not sure
what has been done by whom.
And sometimes I can’t find the file at all.
User 4
It is pretty good, but sometimes the file that I need isn’t anywhere, even
if I do a search for it. It is always there when I look the following day, but
not always when I want it.
User 5
Not bad, but it is complicated. Like, has another editor already corrected
the file, or should I be doing it. I am sure that I have edited a file that was
recently proofread by someone else, as there were no mistakes in it.
User 6
I like it. I have no complaints. It does what I need it to do.
User 7
I have found it pretty easy to use, and I know where all the files are now.
I have had no security issues with the system, but I do a backup of all
my files every Friday afternoon, just to be sure.

• issues and trends in user responses: staff does not make

efficient use of the search bar and folders.

• Additionally, a new staff member will begin next month and is

due to undergo systems training as part of their induction

• I would conduct training on these topics to ensure that they have

a better understanding of the new system.
• Provide further system training to employees.
Document solutions to issues
and steps you will take to • Divide the files into folders for different teams, departments, and
last edited dates.
make modifications to the
system. • Assist them with the search box, including keywords for each
Include modifications to file, date, and so on.
procedures and training and
attach evidence once you
have updated these

Communication strategy
The modifications will be communicated to employees via email.
How will modifications be
At training sessions, I will provide a final review to ensure that all staff
notified to staff? Where will
can know to replace their current procedure with the new one.
revised procedures be
located and how will staff
know to replace their current Email:
procedure with the new one?
Dear All Staff,

After consideration, we have updated Administrative Systems Policies

and Procedures for better performance and the new policy will replace
any current procedures.
Some specific instrucions on Slack – our administrative system is
included in this version.

Please find the updated Policy as the attachment.

If any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,

Training session
At the end of all training sessions, I would include quizzes and free chat
Outline the process and sessions to ensure that they have grasped the lesson.
approach you took to
This would involve the entire team, allowing employees to better grasp
modifying this training and the training and allowing me to quickly identify system issues based on
why. employee feedback.

Attach: Modified procedure ☐

Evidence of distribution and notification to staff ☐

Revised training session materials ☐

Evidence of distribution and notification to staff

• The student should send an emails regarding the modification procedure & new
training session.

• Revised training session materials: The student should create revised power
point slides based on Modification and organise revised training session.

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