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Socialism as a meta-ideology believes in common/social ownership of means of
production - only way to end exploitation of working class.
Socialism is a philosophy of modern west - emerged as reaction to capitalism coz
inequalities and decline in human dignity.

Philosophy - production is a social activity and society has a role in production.

Capitalist don’t give due to society and believe in possessive individualism. Socialists
reject this and say Man is Social by nature and society is prior to man.

View on (Assumptions)

1. Human nature - social by nature - No man is an island

2. Society - prior
3. Rights - bourgeois concept based on view that theres conflict b/w man and
However, NOW they recognise social and eco rights
4. Liberty - Libery is bourgeois concept, false consciousness and actually leading
to alienation. True liberty is freedom from necessities - communism state of
true freedom
5. Equality - Substantive and not formal - Socio-economic Equality - Equality of
Outcomes as theres no level playing field in society
6. Justice - Social justice - equal satisfaction of needs
7. Views on state - no consensus - diff schools -
FOR MARX - instrument
FOR NEHRU - source of development

Method to bring socialism

1. Diferences - revolution, constitutional methods etc

CEM Joad - Its like a hat that has lost its shape bec everyone wears it

Why everyone wears?

1. Coz UAF and mass poverty in third world.

2. Near to cultural values of East.
3. Even in West, socialist parties have support of working class and also middle

Hat - Basic ideas same - concern for equality, towards common ownership, Tell Human
nature, society prior etc
Lost shape - Differences ->

Country specific and leader specific models - like Lenin, Stalin, Mao etc
Diff types - Before, Marx time and after Marx

Conclusion - Its correct to say this statement. Also, even after losing shape we can still
recognise the hat as we can differentiate socialism from other ideologies like Idealism,
Liberalism, Fascism. The most imp concern for socialists is equality.

Socialism before Marx

Earliest expression of Communism can be seen in Platos Th of Communism.
However, in modern times, traced to French Revolution and ideas of equality and

Since, Marx is the most imp personality in the history of socialism its apt to classify
wrt Marx. Only when Marx calls for revolution against capitalism, did socialism
became a serious concern.

Socialist scholars/leaders before Marx - Louis Blanc and Blanqui

During F Revolution, they demanded control by workers over production
and overthrow of state.
Later socialist ideas emerged in diff countries of Europe esp Britain and France.
Prominent scholars were St Simon, Charles Fourier and Robert Owen (SFRO)
They preferred to appeal to the conscience of capitalist class. There was
no role of workers in bringing socialism.

Early socialists were termed as Utopians by Marx as they lacked scientific

understanding of capitalism and lacked nay program for action. Marx differentiated is
socialism from them by calling his doctrine as Scientific and Praxis.

Socialism after Marx

Revisionism -
1. Theme is parliamentary road to communism
Eduard Bernstein 2. revolution neither possible nor necessary (bec of
and Karl Kautsky Imperialism and right to vote respectively) -
3. Berstein saw growth in middle class in Germany so
thought revolution will only harm worker interest
4. Gave idea in ‘’Erfurt programme’'

(aka evolutionary 1. Strike when the iron is hot - Based on roman general
socialism) (nearest Fabius -
to liberalism) can't have socialism overnight
(British Variety) 2. Permeation as strategy
3. Unique bec via middle class rather than working class
George Bernard
4. Laskian Socialism - socio and eco rights concept
Shaw, Annie Besant,
Constructive view - work with state to bring socialism

Syndicalism Inspiration is Marx and George Sorel (Book Reflections on

(nearest to marxism - Violence)
its violent
Slow work, strikes and lockouts
Pouget and End pol state and establish economic state (state led
Polloutier by workers) - bec Real interest is economic
State will be Loose federation of workers union ie
syndicates - workers with all powers

Guild Socialism
1. Known as mid way house
GDH Cole B/w Fabianism (peaceful constl methods) and
(real interest economic + Marx principles like historical
materialism, class and class struggle)
1. Guild is association - medieval idea (merchant
2. Unlike Syndicates, they are associations of diff
eco interests like doctors, teachers, workers etc
2. Democracy in Industry
3. Functional representation along with political parliament
(since majority public policy is economic)

Peaceful constitutional method

Marx found socialism in Chaos and left it as a movement

1. Explain concept and how it developed

2. Imp of Marx in discipline
3. No achievement before Marx
4. Marx views - utopians etc
5. Marx Contribution - scientific analysis etc
6. Impact of Marx -
1. Communist revolution in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, N Korea
2. Emergence of diff schools so into a movement
3. Emergence of diff left parties even in West
7. Now, an ideology, leaders, direction and program of action
Contemporary Relevance of Socialism/Do you think it will re-emerge as anti-

1. Socialism emerged as reaction to capitalism and inequality in society leading to

attack on dignity
2. Value of socialism is - socio economic equality
3. Objective is - common ownership of means of production
4. Evolution
1. With victory of communism is Russia, there was expansion in socialist ideas
around the world -
1. Emergence of communist regimes in E Europe, rise of left parties in
continental Europe
2. v popular is third world
3. Emergence of welfare state in response to challenge of socialism
4. Time when appeal of socialism higher than capitalism in world
2. Sudden collapse of communism in E Europe led to question mark in its
1. Francis Fukuyama - end of history and victory of liberal democracy
2. Only few pockets like Cuba, N Korea and China but almost all have
adopted Neo liberal economic policies
3. Socialism has been pushed into dustbin of history
3. But neo liberal defects
Thomas Pikettys ‘Capital in 21st century - highlights inequalities - New
4. Impact
1. Civil society
1. protests - Seatle meeting cancelled
2. World Social Forum estb against WEF - represents ‘counter
globalisation movement'
2. 2008 GFC - crisis of legitimacy -
1. Even in core of west ie USA theres been protests like Occupy
Wall Street movt and Brexit
2. Revival of interests in works of Marx
3. Arab Spring - issue of inequalities and joblessness
4. Victory of Syriza Party, APP in Delhi show resentment
5. Hence said that socialism will remerge as anti capitalist movt in 21st Century
1. It will not be adopted economic system and will remain relevant to
1. highlight inadequacies of capitalism and
2. ensure capitalism remains humane
Welfare state as one of the consequences of socialist critique of

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