1 AutoLumo LIS Communication Protocol (V1.4) -英文版

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Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

AutoLumo LIS Communication Protocol


Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Revision Records

Date Version Description Author

Command 19 added to Autobio protocol: send sample Zhu Baohua,
2020/06/04 V1.3
information to LIS after sampling Zhou Changku
6 sample types added to Autobio protocol: 3: BALF, 4:
2022/09/02 V1.4 Liu Luyu
CSF, 5: Sputum, 6: Saliva, 7: SwabEluate, 8: SwabTreat

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.


Part I LIS Communication Process, Modes and Settings ........................................................................... 5

1. LIS communication process ..................................................................................................................5

2. LIS communication modes ................................................................................................................... 5

3. LIS communication settings ..................................................................................................................5

Part II Autobio Communication Protocol .................................................................................................... 8

Autobio Protocol Command List .............................................................................................................. 9

Autobio Communication Protocol (Examples) .......................................................................................16

1. Application examples ..................................................................................................................16

Example 1: The results are automatically sent to the LIS system according to the test
(recommended method) .......................................................................................................... 16

Example 2: The results are automatically sent to the LIS system as samples ....................... 17

Example 3: Two-way communication, obtaining sample information from LIS system, and
sending it to LIS system after testing ......................................................................................18

2. Precautions .................................................................................................................................. 19

Part III: Autobio HL7 Communication Protocol ...................................................................................... 20

Autobio HL7 communication protocol description ................................................................................ 20

1. HL7 lower layer protocol ............................................................................................................ 20

2. Nonconformance of HL7 standard ..............................................................................................21

3. General syntax of HL7 interface .................................................................................................21

4. Available message of HL7 ..........................................................................................................22

4.1 Get the test request (QRY/DSR) .......................................................................................22

4.2. Send test results (ORU/ACK) ..........................................................................................23

5. Message segment instruction of HL7 ......................................................................................... 23

5.1.1. MSH - Message Header ................................................................................................ 23

5.1.2. QRD - Query Definition ............................................................................................... 25

5.1.3.QRF - Query Filter .........................................................................................................25

5.1.4.DSC - Continuation Pointer ........................................................................................... 26

5.1.5.MSA - Query Filter ........................................................................................................ 26

5.1.6.ERR - Error .................................................................................................................... 27

5.1.7.QAK - Query Acknowledgment .................................................................................... 27

5.1.8. DSP - Display Data ....................................................................................................... 28

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

5.1.9. PID - Patient Identification ........................................................................................... 30

5.1.10. OBR - Patient Identification ....................................................................................... 30

5.1.11. OBX - Patient Identification ....................................................................................... 31

5.1.12.NTE - Patient Identification .........................................................................................31

Autobio HL7 communication process and message examples .............................................................. 32

Part IV Autobio ASTM Communication Protocol .................................................................................... 35

Autobio ASTM communication protocol description ............................................................................ 35

1. ASTM lower-layer Protocol: ASTM E1381-95 ......................................................................... 35

2. Protocol Introduction .................................................................................................................. 36

3. Introduction to Antobio ASTM Records .................................................................................... 37

(1) Message Header Record ....................................................................................................37

(2) Patient Information Record ............................................................................................... 38

(3) Request Information Record ............................................................................................. 38

(4) Test Order Record ............................................................................................................. 39

(5) Result Record .................................................................................................................... 40

(6) Message Terminator Record ............................................................................................. 40

Autobio ASTM communication process and message examples ...........................................................41

Encoding example (UTF-8 encoding is used) ................................................................................ 42

(1) Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample No. and the specified patient
No. ................................................................................................................................................... 42

(2) Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample No. and the specified patient
No. ................................................................................................................................................... 43

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Part I LIS Communication Process, Modes and

1. LIS communication process

Autobio Automatic
Immune Analysis Control
and Management System
Send command

Respond to command

"Autobio Automatic Immune Analysis Control Management System" includes A2000 Plus, A1000, A6000
and A1800 series immune analysis instruments, hereinafter referred to as "Analyzer".

2. LIS communication modes

(1) Media

① RS232 serial port

Port: Any free COM port

Communication settings: Baud rate: 9,600 Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 Flow control: None
Parity check: None

Flow control: hardware automatic control. If PC does not support hardware automatic control,
flow control is not performed.

② Network port

Network port address: Configure IP to enable client software and Lis software to connect and

Network communication port: idle port

Network port type: Socket communication is used as the Client or Server, and the client software
is used as the Client by default.

3. LIS communication settings

Set the serial port parameters (port No., baud rate, data bit, parity check, flow control, stop bit) or
network port parameters (network port address, port, as Client or Server) of LIS communication, and the
parameters must correspond to the communication parameters in LIS. The LIS communication setting

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

interface is shown as follows (administrator):

Part of LIS switch settings are as follows (maintainer permission is required):

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Note: Some configuration items, such as "Send Completion Time Switch, Send Reagent Lot No.", are
only valid for Autobio protocol. HL7 protocol sends these segments fixedly, without using and without

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Part II Autobio Communication Protocol

Autobio communication protocol is a user-defined protocol of Autobio Labtec Instruments Co., Ltd..
If this protocol is used, the user needs to transmit it in the command format. In case of any questions, please
contact the relevant personnel of Autobio.

Basic transmission format: {CommandWord, Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, [S]abcdefghjkl…}

Transmission rules: string,

CommandWord, Long integer string

Parameter 2: ddddd, Long integer string

Parameter 3: ddd.dddddF, Float string

… …

ParameterN: [S]abcdefghij Variable length string


1. Each transmission of information starts with '{' and ends with '}', and each segment is
separated by ','.

2. The integer string does not include any beginning symbol, and the characters are among 0 to
9 and '-'. If the value is invalid, set the value according to the specific command in the
Command List. In addition, null values i.e. ",," is not allowed in integer string.

3. The long integer string ends with an L in capitals, and the characters are among 0 to 9 and '-'.
If the value is invalid, set the value according to the specific command in the Command List.
In addition, null values i.e. ",," is not allowed in long integer string.

4. Double-precision float string ends with an F in capitals, and the maximum number of
decimal places is 5. Characters are among the 0 to 9, '.' and '-'. If the value is invalid, set the
value according to the specific command in the Command List. The floating point type does
not allow the transfer of null values, that is, ",,".

5. The string data starts with [S] in capitals. If there is ',' in the following characters, it will be
automatically replaced with ';'. The null value "[S]" is allowed in string data.

For the specific format, please refer to the Autobio Protocol Command List and Autobio Protocol
Application Description.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Autobio Protocol Command List

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters
and er S/N
Get the 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
String System identification (system identification
detailed test 2
set by the user in the Analyzer)
request data
Analyz for the
er specified
sample No.
3 String Sample No.
and the
patient No.
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
2 Integer (if there is an error, the parameters located
behind the sample No. are not sent)
3 String Sample No.
4 Integer Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)
Integer For ordinary or emergency sample, 0:
Ordinary sample; 1: Emergency sample
6 String Patient No.
7 String Last name
8 String First name
Respond to 9 Integer Gender, 0: Female; 1: Male
getting the
detailed 10 Integer Age
sample test 11 String Department
request data
Analyz 12 String Inpatient area
2 LIS by the
specified 13 String Bed No.
sample No.
and the 14 String Submitting physicians
specified 15 String Submitting date (YYYY/MM/DD)
patient No.
16 String Inspector
17 String Notes
Integer Quantity of test items (how many test items
are performed for the sample)
19 String Number of the 1st test item
Integer Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside
20 the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)
21 String Number of the 2nd test item
Integer Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside
22 the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N

2×(n-1+19 String Number of the nth test item

Dilution ratio of the nth test (dilution inside
the machine must be within the support
2×(n-1+20 Integer range of this test item)

Get the count 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)

of test
samples of all
3 LIS patients System identification (system identification
er 2 String
allocated to set by the user in the Analyzer)
the specified
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
Error code 0: No error - greater than 0:
2 Integer Error (If there is an error, subsequent
parameters are not sent)
Respond to
getting the Count of test samples allocated to the
3 Integer
count of test instrument
samples of all 4 String Number of the 1st test sample
4 LIS patients
er 5 String Patient No. for the 1st test sample
allocated to
the specified 6 String Number of the 2nd test sample
instrument to
LIS 7 String Patient No. for the 2nd test sample

2(n-1)+4 String Number of the nth test sample
2(n-1)+5 String Patient No. for the nth test sample
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
System identification (system identification
2 String
set by the user in the Analyzer)
3 String Number of test samples
4 String Number of test items
5 Integer Test request ID
Send the test Long
Analyz 6 RLU (relative luminous value of test results)
5 LIS result to LIS integer
by test
Concentration value or S/CO value
Double Note: When the configuration item
LISWthSendString = 0 (default value), it is
sent according to the Double type.
Concentration value or S/CO value
String Note: When the configuration item "Send
test results in string format" = 1, send them
in string format, and the default is 0.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
Completion time, format: yyyy/MM/dd
8 String Configurable: transmission completion time
switch under the Lis connection setting -
check, to send; uncheck, not to send
Patient No.
9 String Configurable: patient No. switch under the
Lis connection setting - check, to send;
uncheck, not to send
10 String Configurable: whether to send the test flag
to LIS under the Lis connection setting -
check, to send; uncheck, not to send
Name of kit
Configurable: whether to send the name of
11 String the kit used for testing to LIS under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send
Item number of the reagent used in the test
Configurable: whether to send the item No.
12 String of reagent used for testing to LIS under the
Lis connection setting - check, to send;
uncheck, not to send
Lot No. of reagents used
13 String Configurable: whether to send the reagent
lot No. under the Lis connection setting -
check, to send; uncheck, not to send
Negative and positive results of r-interferon
(submit null character strings for
non-interferon items)
Configurable: Interferon result position
14 String under Lis connection setting, 0, not to send;
1. Send separately (at this location); 2.
Splicing is behind the concentration value (if
it is 2, this position does not exist, and
splicing can only be performed when the
concentration is sent as a string)
Validity of kit
Configurable: whether to send the name of
15 String the validity period of the kit used for testing
to LIS under the Lis connection setting -
check, to send; uncheck, not to send
Sample No.
Configurable: whether to send the sample
16 String rack No. and sample position under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
Position of the sample where the test is
17 Integer Configurable: whether to send the sample
rack No. and sample position under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
2 (if there is an error, the parameters after the
Respond to Integer test request ID will not be sent)
Analyz sending the
6 LIS 3 Integer Test request ID
er test result to
LIS by test 4 String Number of test samples
5 String Patient No. for the test sample
6 String Number of test items
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
System identification (system identification
2 String
set by the user in the Analyzer)
3 Integer Sample ID
4 String Number of test samples
5 Integer Number of test items for the test sample
6 String Number of the 1st test item
Long Results of the 1st test item RLU (relative
integer luminous value of test results)
Result concentration value or S/CO value of
8 Double
the 1st test item
9 String Number of the 2nd test item
Send the test
Analyz Long Results of the 2nd test item RLU (relative
7 LIS result to LIS 10
er integer luminous value of test results)
by sample
Double Result concentration value or S/CO value of
the 2nd test item

3(n-1)+6 String Number of the nth test item
Long Results of the nth test item RLU (relative
integer luminous value of test results)
Double Result concentration value or S/CO value of
the nth test item
String Sample No.
Configurable: whether to send the sample
3(n-1)+9 rack No. and sample position under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
Integer Sample position
Configurable: whether to send the sample
3(n-1)+10 rack No. and sample position under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
Respond to
2 Integer (if there is an error, the parameters after the
sending the
Analyz sample ID will not be sent)
8 LIS test result to
LIS by 3 Integer Sample ID
4 String Number of test samples
5 String Patient No. for the test sample
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
System identification (system identification
2 String
set by the user in the Analyzer)
The response
quickly 3 String Sample No.
obtain the Sample No.
Configurable: whether to send the sample
detailed test
4 String rack No. and sample position when
Analyz request data
9 LIS obtaining the test from Lis under the Lis
er for the
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send
sample No.
and the Sample position
specified Configurable: whether to send the sample
patient No. rack No. and sample position when
5 Integer
obtaining the test from Lis under the Lis
connection setting - check, to send; uncheck,
not to send
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
2 Integer (if there is an error, the parameters located
The response
behind the sample No. are not sent)
quickly gets
the sample 3 String Sample No.
detail test
request data 4 Integer Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)
10 LIS for the For ordinary or emergency sample, 0:
er 5 Integer
specified Ordinary sample; 1: Emergency sample
sample No.
and the Sample type
specified 0: Serum, 1: Urine, 2: Plasma, 3: BALF, 4:
patient No. 6 String CSF, 5:Sputum, 6: Saliva, 7:SwabEluate, 8:
SwabTreat. If the Analyzer cannot recognize
it, it defaults to the default sample type in
the item table
Patient No.
7 String Configurable: Whether to resolve the patient
No. under the Lis connection setting - check,

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
to resolve (the corresponding Lis software
needs to reply to this segment), uncheck, not
to resolve (the Lis software does not reply to
this segment)
Quantity of test items (how many test items
8 Integer
are performed for the sample)
9 String Number of the 1st test item
Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside
Integer the machine must be within the support
10 range of this test item)
11 String Number of the 2nd test item
Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside
12 Integer the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)

2×(n-1)+9 String Number of the nth test item
Dilution ratio of the nst test (dilution inside
Integer the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)
Connect LIS 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
system to
Analyz System identification (system identification
11 LIS begin 2 String
er set by the user in the Analyzer)
on 3 String Version No. of LIS communication module
Respond to 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
Analyz LIS system to
12 LIS 2 Integer (If there is an error, subsequent parameters
er begin
are not sent)
on 3 String LIS version No.
Get the test 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
request data
System identification (system identification
by the 2 String
Analyz set by the user in the Analyzer)
15 LIS specified
sample rack 3 String Sample No.
quickly 4 Integer Sample position
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
Fast response
2 Integer (If there is an error, subsequent parameters
Obtain the are not sent)
detailed test
Analyz request data 3 String Sample No.
16 LIS
er of the 4 Integer Sample position
sample rack 5 Integer For sample or not, 1: Sample; 0: No sample
6 String Sample No.
7 Integer Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
For ordinary or emergency sample, 0:
8 Integer
Ordinary sample; 1: Emergency sample
9 String Patient No.
Sample type
0: Serum, 1: Urine, 2: Plasma, 3: BALF, 4:
CSF, 5:Sputum, 6: Saliva, 7: SwabEluate, 8:
10 String SwabTreat. If the Analyzer cannot recognize
it, it defaults to the default sample type in
the item table

Quantity of test items (how many test items

11 Integer
are performed for the sample)
12 String Number of the 1st test item
Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside
13 Integer the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)
14 String Number of the 2nd test item
Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside
15 Integer the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)

String Number of the nth test item
Dilution ratio of the nst test (dilution inside
Integer the machine must be within the support
range of this test item)
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
System identification (system identification
2 String
set by the user in the Analyzer)
3 Integer No. of the 1st reagent
4 Integer Lot No. of the 1st reagent

Send reagent 5 Integer Remaining times of the 1st reagent

Analyz information 6 Integer No. of the 2nd reagent
17 LIS
er to LIS after
sample test 7 Integer Lot No. of the 2nd reagent
8 Integer Remaining times of the 2nd reagent
… Integer …
3(n-1)+3 Integer No. of the nth reagent
3(n-1)+4 Integer Lot No. of the nth reagent
3(n-1)+5 Integer Remaining times of the nth reagent

Analyz Send reagent 1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)

18 LIS information
er 2 Integer For error code, 0: No error; above 0: Error
to Lis after

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Comm Sender Receiv Description Type Parameters

and er S/N
sample test
1 Integer Command word = serial number (S/N)
Send sample 2 String Sample No.
Analyz information
19 LIS 3 String Sample No.
er to LIS after
sampling 4 Integer Sample position
5 Integer Sample status

Autobio Communication Protocol (Examples)

1. Application examples

Example 1: The results are automatically sent to the LIS system according

to the test (recommended method)

LIS communication setting Setting status

Receive LIS request LIS interface Close
Automatically send to Result Send all results
LIS category
Sending By test

The Analyzer releases a series of tests. Each time a test result is completed, the data will be sent to the
LIS (SendTestResultToLISByTest, Command No. 5). After receiving the data, the LIS system should send
a response back to the Analyzer (SendTestResultToLISByTestResponse, Command No. 6) to complete a
result transmission. The default concentration value or S/CO value is sent according to the Double type.

Command example:

{5, [S]AutoLumo2000, [S]118092038608, [S]141234517198L, 0.007F, [S]2018/09/20 09:26:30,

[S], [S], [S]Anti HIV, [S]141, [S]180123, [S], [S]2019/1/22, [S]CH71, 1} (The patient No. and
flag do not exist and are non-interferon items, so they contain three empty strings [S])

LIS response:

{6, 0, 1001, [S]2017062707, [S]BL07, [S]121}

Note: The completion time, patient No., flag, name of kit, item No. of the reagent used for the test, lot
No. of the reagent used, interferon positive and negative results, expiry date of kit, sample rack No., and the
location of the sample where the test is conducted are configurable. See the Command List for details.

It should be noted that the "interferon result segment position" in LIS connection settings will affect
the total number of segments sent. If it is set to 2, it will be spliced behind the concentration (test results
need to be sent by string), and if it is set to 1, it will occupy a single segment (after the reagent lot No.
segment, for example, if the interferon result segment position is set to 1).

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

If LIS needs to receive the test results of the Analyzer, which will display the effect of less than or
more than when it exceeds the upper and lower limits of the detection range, please turn on the "Send Test
Results by String" switch in the system settings with the permission of the maintenance personnel.

If the sample No. of the Analyzer in the test result interface is 854 and the measured result of item No.
100 is 0.06, the display effect is

If the value of "Send Test Results by String" is set to 0 (unchecked, factory default), then the results
sent like the above example are floating point numbers:

Examples of commands sent by the Analyzer:

{5, [S]A2000 Plus, [S]854, [S]100, 16745, 125191L, 0.06F, [S]2018/10/7 10:22:09, [S], [S], [S]
CA50, [S]100, [S]180123, [S], [S]2019/1/22, [S]AS03, 1} (The patient No. and flag do not exist
and are non interferon items, so they contain three empty strings [S])

LIS response:

{6, 0, 16745, [S]854, [S], [S]100}

If the value of "Send Test Results by String" is set to 1 (check), then:

Examples of commands sent by the Analyzer:

{5, [S]A2000 Plus, [S]854, [S]100, 16745, 125191L, [S]<1, [S]2018/10/7 10:22:09, [S], [S],
[S]CA50, [S]100, [S]180123, [S], [S]2019/1/22, [S]AS03, 1} (The patient No. and flag do not
exist and are non interferon items, so they contain three empty strings [S])

LIS response:

{6, 0, 16745, [S]854, [S], [S]100}

Example 2: The results are automatically sent to the LIS system as samples

LIS communication setting Setting status

Receive LIS request LIS interface Close
Result Send all results
Automatically send to category
LIS Sending By sample

The Analyzer releases a series of tests. When all the results of each sample are tested, all the results of
the sample will be sent to LIS (SendTestResultToLISBySample, Command No. 7). After receiving the data,
the LIS system should send a response back to the Analyzer (SendTestResultToLISBySampleResponse,
Command No. 8) to complete sending a sample result.

Command example:

{7, [S]A2000 Plus, 101, [S]41, 3, [S]132, 970200L, 183.145F, [S]112, 673200L, 13.15F, [S]113,

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

1378200L, 13.5F, [S]AN01, [S]1}

LIS response:

{8, 0, 101, [S]41, [S]}

Note: The AN01 (sample rack No.) and 1 (sample position) segments will be sent only when the
switch of whether the sample rack No. and sample position switch are sent are turned on. By default, they
will not be sent.

Example 3: Two-way communication, obtaining sample information from

LIS system, and sending it to LIS system after testing

LIS communication setting Setting status

Receive LIS request LIS interface Open
Automatically send to Result Send all results
LIS category
Sending By test

1. Publish the sample test in LIS system and save it in LIS database.

2. Put the samples that have been tested in the LIS system into the sample loading area of the Analyzer.
After the Analyzer scans the sample No., it will send a command to LIS
(GetPatientSampleRqeuestByIDOnline, Command No. 9). After the LIS system receives the command, it
will query all tests of the corresponding sample No. and send a response back to the Analyzer
(GetPatientSampleRqeuestByIDOnlineResponse, Command No. 10)

Command example:

{9, [S]A2000 Plus, [S]41}

LIS response:

{10, 0, [S]41, 1, 0, [S]0, [S]BL07, 3, [S]100, 1, [S]112, 1, [S]113, 1}

Note: The patient No. segment in the No. 10 receiving command is configurable. If LIS does not reply
to this segment, that is:

{10, 0, [S]41, 1, 0, [S]0, 3, [S]100, 1, [S]112, 1, [S]113, 1}

Check to resolve the patient No. segment, and uncheck to not resolve.

3. After receiving the LIS response, the Analyzer system will conduct the test in the Analyzer
according to the test issued by the LIS system. Every time a test result is completed, the Analyzer will send
data to the LIS (SendTestResultToLISByTest, Command No. 5). After receiving the data, the LIS system
should send a response back to the Analyzer (SendTestResultToLISByTestResponse, Command No. 6) to
complete the sending of a result.

Command example:

{5, [S]A2000 Plus, [S]41, [S]100, 47925, 970200L, 183.145F, [S]2018/07/2716:55:07, [S]BL07, [S],

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

[S]CA50, [S]100, [S]180123, [S], [S]2019/1/22, [S]AS03, 1} (There is no flag, and it is a non-interferon
item, so it contains two empty strings [S])

LIS response:

{6, 0, 47925, [S]41, [S]BL07, [S]100}

4. If there are no tests for corresponding samples, LIS system will respond as follows:

Suppose the Analyzer requests LIS system to test the No. 122 sample, it will send the following

{9, [S]A2000 Plus, [S]122}

If there are no corresponding test item for No.122 sample, LIS system will respond as follows:

{10, 0, [S]122, 1, 0, [S]0, [S]BL07, 0}

Description: The patient No. BL07 segment is configurable, and the corresponding patient No.
analytic switch should be turned off if LIS does not respond this segment, i.e., {10, 0, [S]122, 1, 0, [S]0,0}.

2. Precautions
1) For any command sent by the Analyzer to LIS system, LIS system should respond to the
Analyzer in standard format.

2) The format of the communication data between the Analyzer and LIS system should meet the
transmission format specified in the communication protocol.

3) Some configuration items need to be turned on or off in order to communicate normally. Please
debug the configuration items before the formal test to ensure that LIS can communicate

4) Commands No.17 and No.18 are self-provided special version requirements and are not enabled
for other hospitals at this time.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Part III: Autobio HL7 Communication Protocol

This protocol is provided to those who are engaged in the development of the laboratory information
system (LIS) and those who need to know about Autobio HL7 interface and is used to guide LIS developer
to develop LIS interface that makes LIS is able to communicate with the Autobio full automatic
immunoluminescence analyzer and complete the data transmission. Developers need to have a certain
knowledge of LIS and HL7 standards and the capability of programming skills of network or serial port.
The application layer protocol is based on HL7 version 2.3.1. It is suggested that applying Visual C++ and
other development tools (but not limited to) for the interface development based on Windows.

This interface document is the HL7 protocol document of Autobio full automatic
immunoluminescence analyzer, and will mainly introduce the relevant contents of Autobio HL7 interface
protocol. It includes the following two parts:

(1) Autobio HL7 communication protocol description.

(2) Autobio HL7 communication process and message examples.

Autobio HL7 communication protocol description

HL7 is an electronic data exchange standard for inpatient care. It has been adopted by many countries
and originally defined by the United States. Autobio interface is defined based on HL7 v2.3.1. For more
information referring to HL7 Interface Standards Version 2.3.1.

Autobio HL7 interface is the software configurable item of full automatic immunoluminescence
analyzer system. It can adopt TCP/IP or RS232 serial port to realize LIS communication. The Analyzer
requests LIS system for the sample application information by scanning the sample bar code in real time.
And the test results are reported to LIS server by real-time and batch transmission while the sample tests
are completed.

Only few message types, segment types, and other data specified in the HL7 are adopted in this
interface protocol because of the small demand of Autobio HL7 interface.

1. HL7 lower layer protocol

HL7 protocol, as a message-based upper layer protocol, does not provide message start and
termination mechanism. In order to determine the message boundary, we use the Minimal Lower Layer
Protocol (MLLP) in the lower layer communication. MLLP protocol is an encapsulation method of HL7
message, which is defined by HL7 standard. Message encapsulation means that the message starts with a
single character and ends with two characters.

Communication layer messages are transmitted in following format:

<SB> ddddd <EB><CR>


 <SB> = Start Block character (1 byte): ASCII <VT>, i.e., <0x0B>. Do not confuse with the
characters SOH or STX in ASCII.

 ddddd = Data (variable number of bytes): "ddddd" is a HL7 message that contains only ISO 8859

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

-1 characters (hexadecimal value from 20 to FF) and excluding characters that cannot be printed
and other control characters. It is also the responsibility of the external system not to send any
prohibited characters, nor will Autobio-HL7 interface respond for these characters.

 <EB> = End Block character (1 byte): ASCII <FS>, i.e., <0x1C>. Do not confuse with characters

 <CR> = Carriage Return (1 byte): ASCII carriage return, ie., <0x0D>

2. Nonconformance of HL7 standard

The Autobio HL7 interface is specially customized according to the actual business needs reusing
some message segments or fields, which does not fully conform to the standard of HL7 v2.3.1.

3. General syntax of HL7 interface

In HL7 communication protocol, message is the basic unit of data exchange between systems, each
message has its own message types. A message consists of multiple segments with names that define its
content or function. A segment is composed of multiple data fields. The first segment of a message is
always a message head segment, which indicates the program name, message type, and a unique message
ID No. to be sent and received. The composition of the next segment is determined by the type of message.
For example, PID segment (Patient Identification Data) includes name, address, social security No., etc. A
data field may also consist of multiple components.

For instance:



The five character definitions following MSH are used to distinguish the delimiters of fields,
components, and subcomponents. The Autobio HL7 standard uses the following characters:

Character Description
| Field delimiter
^ Component delimiter
& Subomponent delimiter
~ Repeated delimiter
\ Escape character

The first field of the MSH includes individual delimiters. Some later fields are empty because they are
optional and the Autobio HL7 interface does not use it. The detailed definition and selection of the fields
will be explained in detail in the specific message. For any message, the sequences of the segments after
the MSH segment are specified and to be described in detail in following sections. The following syntax
structures are used to indicate that a segment is optional or repetitive:

[ ] indicates the segment inside is optional.

{ } indicates that the paragraphs can be repeated 0 or 1 or more times.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

4. Available message of HL7

The available messages of HL7 in Autobio-HL7 are QRY/DSR and ORU/ACK.


QRY/DSR, used as an Autobio Analyzer to request LIS to obtain a sample test request.

ORU/ACK, used as an Autobio Analyzer to send the test results to LIS.

4.1 Get the test request (QRY/DSR)

The diagram for obtaining the test request is as follows:

Autobio Automatic
LIS system
Immune Analysis
Control and Response

HL7 message

QRY/DSR: query of initial mode status display – respond immediately

QRY/DSR messages is used to query LIS system for sample request information, which triggers event
Q01. We use it to request a patient sample test from LIS system.

Concrete structures are as follows:


QRY Query

MSH Message header

QRD Query definition

[QRF] Query filtering

[DSC] Termination identification


Display Response

MSH Message header

MSA Message acknowledgement

[ERR] Error

[QAK] Query acknowledgment

QRD Query definition

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

QRF Query filtering

DSP Data presentation

DSC Termination identification

4.2. Send test results (ORU/ACK)

The diagram of sending test results is as follows:

Autobio Automatic
Immune Analysis LIS system
Control and Response

HL7 message:

ORU/ACK: non request observation report/response

ORU/ACK message is used in HL7 to transmit laboratory results. Its trigger event is R01. We use
it to transmit patient sample test results to LIS system.

Concrete structures are as follows:


ORU Observational Results

MSH Message header

PID Patient information data required by network (patient name,

sample No., etc.)

OBR Doctor's advice (sample type, submitting physicians, examiner,

clinical diagnosis, etc.)

[OBX] Test Results


ACK Acknowledgment

MSH Message header

MSA Message acknowledgement

5. Message segment instruction of HL7

5.1.1. MSH - Message Header

MSH is the first message segment of HL7 message, and all messages begin with a MSH segment,

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

usually at the top of the message. This message segment is used to define the intention, source, destination,
and some details of the message syntax. MSH segment of Autobio-HL7 interface adopts the fields as

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Lengt Description

Contains a delimiter between the segment ID and the
1# Field Separator 1 first real field, defining the field delimiter for the rest of
the message, here is “|”
Contains component delimiters, repeating delimiters,
2# Encoding Characters 4 escape delimiters, and subcomponent delimiters, here
are “^~\&”
3 Sending Application 180 Sending application, here is Autobio
Sender device, here is the model No., for instance,
4 Sending Facility 180
AutoLumo A2000Plus
Date/time of current message. Here is the system
7 Date/Time Of Message 26 date/time with the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss,
for instance, 20170630093523
9# Message Type 7 Message type, for instance, ORU^R01
10# Message Control ID 20 Message control ID, used to command words, ※2
11# Processing ID 3 Processing ID, here is “P” (indicate product)
12# Version ID 60 Version ID, HL7 protocol version, here is 2.3.1
Sequence No., here is the current time (accurate to
milliseconds), the format is "yyMMddHHmmssfff",
13 Sequence Number 15
used to be a running number. For instance:

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

※2: The command words used in the Autobio-HL7 protocol are as follows:

Sender Receiver Description
Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample
Analyzer LIS
No. and the specified patient No.
Respond to getting the detailed sample test request data by the
LIS Analyzer
specified sample No. and the specified patient No.
Get the count of test samples of all patients allocated to the
Analyzer LIS
specified instrument
Respond to getting the count of test samples of all patients allocated
LIS Analyzer
to the specified instrument to LIS
Analyzer LIS Send the test result to LIS by test
LIS Analyzer Respond to sending the test result to LIS by test
Analyzer LIS Send the test result to LIS by sample
LIS Analyzer Respond to sending the test result to LIS by sample
The response quickly obtain the sample detailed test request data
9 Analyzer LIS
for the specified sample No. and the specified patient No.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

The response quickly gets the sample detail test request data for the
LIS Analyzer
specified sample No. and the specified patient No.
Get the test request data by the specified sample rack barcode
Analyzer LIS
Respond to quickly getting the test request data by the specified
LIS Analyzer
sample rack barcode

5.1.2. QRD - Query Definition

QRD segment is defined as a query, and each QRY message contains this segment, LIS needs to
return the initial QRD segment while responding. QRD segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the
following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

The current query date/time, here is the system
date/time, of which format is
1# Query Date/Time 26
“yyyyMMddHHmmss”, for instance,
Query format code, here is “R” (record –
2# Query Format Code 1
oriented format)
3# Query Priority 1 Query priority, here is “D” (deferred)
Query ID indicates different query requests, here
4# Query ID 10 is system date/time, of which format is
“HHmmssfff”, for instance, 093523614
7# Quantity Limited Request 10 Quantity limited request, here is “RD” (Records)
Who subject filter, used as the sample No. in
obtaining the test according to the sample No.;
8# Who Subject Filter 60
used as the sample rack No. in obtaining the
test according to the sample rack and position;
What subject filter, here is OTH (Other); used as
9# What Subject Filter 60 the sample No. in obtaining the test according
to the sample rack and position;
What department data code, used as current
sample position (1 to 5) in obtaining the test
10# What Department Data Code 60
according to the sample rack and sample
position, others set null.
12 Query Results Level 1 Query result level, here is “T” (Full results)

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

5.1.3.QRF - Query Filter

The meaning of QRF segment is query filter, QRY message can be selected, if the request sent QRF
segment, the receiver should return the QRF segment as initial status. QRF segment of the Autobio-HL7
interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Where subject filter, here is instrument
1# Where Subject Filter 20
identification, for instance: AutoLumo A2000Plus

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Record the start date/time, used as the start of the

When Data Start sample receiving time when querying. Here is the
2 26
Date/Time system date and the time 00:00:00. The format is
Record the end date/time, used as the end of the
When Data End sample receiving time when querying. Here is the
3 26
Date/Time system date and the time. The format is
Target type, here is RCT (Specimen receipt
Which Date/Time
6 12 date/time, receipt of specimen in filling ancillary
Which Date/Time Target status, here is COR (Corrected only (no
7 12
Status Qualifier final with corrections))
Date/Time Selection Date/Time Selection Qualifier, here is ALL (All
8 12
Qualifier values within the range)

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the ordinal number

5.1.4.DSC - Continuation Pointer

The DSC segment is used to indicate whether the response message is the last data message. The DSC
segment is not currently used in the Autobio-HL7 interface message.

5.1.5.MSA - Query Filter

The MSA message segment is used to query responses and acknowledgements. It can appear in the
DSR^Q01 and ACK^R01 message. Field 4 and field 6 use integer data type; the rest of the fields use string
data type. MSA segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Acknowledgment code. “AA” for acceptance and
1# Acknowledgment Code 2
“AE” for error
Message control ID. Same as the sender MSH-10
segment, used as a command word, please refer
2# Message Control ID 20
to the note description of the 5.1.1MSH segment
for detailed command word information
Text message, when occurring error or rejection, a
3 Text Message 80 text description of an event. Corresponds to
segment 6. Used to write to the error log.※2

Expected Sequence
4 15 Expected S/N※3
Error condition (status code), used as error code,
6 Error Condition 100
0 for success or else for error

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

※2: When sending test result response message in ACK^R01, the method of sending test result is
different, and the value of field is also different. The mode of sending test results is determined by the
command word field (MSH-10) in the MSH segment of the sender message. Please refer to the 5.1.1MSH
section remarks and descriptions for detailed command word information. Specific settings are as follows:

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

(1) When sending test result response according to the test (command word: 5): here is [sample
bar code, patient No., test item No.], for instance: 1, zhangsan,113.

 Sample bar codes can be obtained from the OBR segment sent by the requester, as described
in 5.1.10 OBR.

 Patient No. can be obtained from the PID segment sent by the requester, as described in
5.1.9 PID.

(2) When sending test result response according to the sample (command word: 7): here is
[sample bar code, patient No.], for instance: 1, zhangsan.

 Sample bar codes can be obtained from the OBR segment sent by the requester, as described
in 5.1.10 OBR.

 Patient No. can be obtained from the PID segment sent by the requester, or, if there is no
PID segment, set null. Specific setting should refer to descriptions in 5.1.9 PID.

※3: When sending test result response message in ACK^R01, the method of sending test result is
different, and the value of field is also different. The mode of sending test results is determined by the
command word field (MSH-10) in the MSH segment of the sender message. Please refer to the 5.1.1MSH
section remarks and descriptions for detailed command word information. Specific settings are as follows:

(1) When sending a test result response by test (command word: 5): read the test request ID set
by the requester in the OBX segment of the sending test results request ORU^R01 message.

(2) when sending the test result response by sample (command word: 7): read the sample bar
code set by the requester in the OBR segment of the sending test result request ORU^R01

5.1.6.ERR - Error
The ERR segment is used to add an error description to the confirmation message, which is used in the
DSR^Q01 message in the Autobio-HL7 interface. The message segment has only one field, using integer
data type. The ERR segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Error code and location, used as error
1# Error Code and Location 80
code, 0 for success or else for error

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

5.1.7.QAK - Query Acknowledgment

The QAK segment contains information that follows the query response, which appears in the
DSR^Q01 message. All fields use string data types. QAK segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the
following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Query tag, here is SR (samples request
1 Query Tag 32

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Query response status. OK means found data

and no error; NF found no data, no error; AE
2 Query Response Status 2
means program error; AR means program

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

5.1.8. DSP - Display Data

The DSP segment is used by LIS system to return the sample request information and patient
information obtained from the query to the requester. The DSP message segment can be repeated, and the
message segment will appear in the DSR^Q01 message. The 1st field uses integer data types. Other fields
use string data types. The MSA segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

1 Set ID - DSP 4 Confirm different DSP segment ※2
3# Data Line 300 Data line, contents queried ※3

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

※2, ※3: When used in DSR^Q01 to get the response message of the test request, the method of
obtaining the test is different, and the value of the [1] segment is different from that of the [3#] segment.
The mode of the test request is determined by the command word field (MSH-10) in the MSH segment of
the sender message. Please refer to the 5.1.1 for detailed command word information. Remarks for MHS
segment. Specific settings are as follows:

Numbers DSP value

Get test Command
of DSP Set ID -
mode word Data Line
segment DSP
1 Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)
2 For ordinary or emergency sample, 0: Ordinary sample; 1:
Emergency sample
Get the 3 Patient No.
detailed 4 Last name
test 5 First name
data for 6 Gender, 0: Female; 1: Male
1 2*n+15 7 Age
sample 8 Department
No. and 9 Inpatient area
specified 10 Bed No.
patient 11 Submitting physicians
12 Submitting date (YYYY/MM/DD)
13 Inspector
14 Notes

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

15 Quantity of test items (how many test items are performed

for the sample)
16 Number of the 1st test item
17 Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)
18 Number of the 2nd test item
19 Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)
… …
2*n+14 Number of the nth test item
2*n+15 Dilution ratio of the nst test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)

Get the 1 Count of test samples allocated to the instrument (n)

test of all 2 Number of the 1st test sample
allocated 3 Patient No. for the 1st test sample
to the 4 Number of the 2nd test sample
specified 3 2*n+1
instrument 5 Patient No. for the 2nd test sample
(protocol … …
is not
currently 2*n Number of the nth test sample
in use) 2*n+1 Patient No. for the nth test sample
1 Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)
For ordinary or emergency sample, 0: Ordinary sample; 1:
Emergency sample
Sample type
The 0: Serum, 1: Urine, 2: Plasma, 3: BALF, 4: CSF, 5:
response 3 Sputum, 6: Saliva, 7: SwabEluate, 8: SwabTreat. If the
quickly Analyzer cannot recognize it, it defaults to the default
obtain the sample type in the item table
detailed 4 Patient No.
test Quantity of test items (how many test items are performed
request 5
for the sample)
data for 9 2*n+5
the 6 Number of the 1st test item
specified Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside the machine
sample 7
must be within the support range of this test item)
No. and
the 8 Number of the 2nd test item
Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside the machine
patient 9
must be within the support range of this test item)
… …
2*n+4 Number of the nth test item
Dilution ratio of the nst test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)

Get the 1 For sample or not, 1: Sample; 0: No sample

15 2*n+7
test 2 Sample No.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

request 3 Dilution factor: (multiple of diluted sample)

data by
the For ordinary or emergency sample, 0: Ordinary sample; 1:
specified Emergency sample
sample 5 Patient No.
barcode Sample type
quickly 0: Serum, 1: Urine, 2: Plasma, 3: BALF, 4: CSF, 5:
6 Sputum, 6: Saliva, 7: SwabEluate, 8: SwabTreat. If the
Analyzer cannot recognize it, it defaults to the default
sample type in the item table

Quantity of test items (how many test items are performed

for the sample)
8 Number of the 1st test item
Dilution ratio of the 1st test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)
10 Number of the 2nd test item
Dilution ratio of the 2nd test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)
… …
2*n+6 Number of the nth test item
Dilution ratio of the nst test (dilution inside the machine
must be within the support range of this test item)

5.1.9. PID - Patient Identification

The PID segment is mainly used to transmit the patient information. This message will appear in the
ORU^R01 message. When the patient No. switch in the Analyzer is turned on, the Autobio-HL7 interface
uses this segment to send the test sample patient No. information to LIS server. After receiving the test
results, LIS server returns the patient case number in the MSA segment of the response message in the
specified format. The PID segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Lengt Description

3# Patient Identifier List 20 Patient No.
5# Patient Name 48 Patient name, reserved, set null

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number (S/N).

5.1.10. OBR - Patient Identification

The OBR segment is used to transmit information about the doctor's advice related to the test report.
This message will appear in the ORU ^ R01 message. The Autobio-HL7 interface uses this segment to send
the test sample bar code, sample ID and other information to LIS server. After receiving the test results,
LIS server returns the patient sample bar code in the MSA segment of the response message in the
specified format. The OBR segment of the Autobio-HL7 interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Determine different OBR segments and take 1 as
1 Set ID – OBR 10

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

2 Placer Order Number 22 Placer Order Number, used as sample barcode

3 Filler Order Number 22 Filler Order Number, used as the sample ID
Universal Service ID, here is instrument
4# Universal Service ID 200 identification, for instance: AutoLumo

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

5.1.11. OBX - Patient Identification

OBX is primarily used to transmit observation information in a report message. The message appears
in the ORU ^ R01 message, which is used by the Autobio-HL7 interface to send the test result information
to LIS server. A patient sample may have multiple OBX, interfaces that do not provide reproducibility
testing for test data, which will be verified by LIS systems. The OBX segment of the Autobio-HL7
interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Name Length Description

Determine different OBX segments and use them
1 Set ID – OBX 10 as test request ID when sending results
according to test; others set null.
2 Value Type 3 Value Type, take CE as fixed
3# Observation Identifier 590 Observation Identifier, used as test item number
4# Observation Sub-ID 20 Observation Sub-ID, used as test item number
Observation Value, used as [RLU]^
5 Observation Value 65536
[Concentration value or S/CO value]
Observe result status, here is F which means final
11# Observe Result Status 1
Date/Time of the Date/Time of the Observation, used as test
14 28
Observation completion time

※1: The field that must be included in the HL7 segment with the symbol "#" in the serial number

5.1.12.NTE - Patient Identification

The NET is primarily used to transmit comments or explain some information in a report message.
The message appears in the ORU ^ R01 message, which is used by the Autobio-HL7 interface to send the
lot No. information of the reagents used in test to LIS server. The NTE segment of the Autobio-HL7
interface uses the following fields:

Ordinal (※1) Segment Length Description

Comment/description: used as Lot No. of reagent used in test,
3# Comment 65536 flag, reagent name, number of the item used for the reagent,
expiry date of reagent, sample rack No. and sample position

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Autobio HL7 communication process and message examples

Communicatio Comman Message

Sample message
n type d word direction
MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
Send QRD|20170306120325|R|D|120325982|||RD|14081916|OT
QRF|AutoLumo A2000

QRF|AutoLumo A2000
Get the sample Plus|20170306000000|20170306120325|||RCT|COR|ALL
detailed test DSP|1||1
request data for
the specified 1 DSP|2||0
sample No. and DSP|3||0
the specified DSP|4||Zhang
patient No. DSP|5||San
Response DSP|6||0
DSP|9||Ward I
DSP|10||Bed I
DSP|11||Director Wang
DSP|13||Li Li

Get the test of Send

all patients
allocated to the
specified 3
instrument Response
(protocol is not
currently in

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
Send (general PID|||BL20140226
condition) OBR|1|2017062703|211|AutoLumo A2000 Plus
OBX|387|CE|121|121|14^0.1~||||||F|||2017/06/28 15:30:05
Respond MSH|^~\&|Autobio|LIS|||20170628153007||ACK|5|P|2.3.1|
(general 170628153005419
Send the test
result to LIS by 5 condition) MSA|AA|5|2017062703,BL20140226,121|387||0
test MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
Send (Interferon) PID|||BL20181106
OBR|1|180920307|11391|AutoLumo A2000 Plus
OBX|23303|CE|489|489|0~/N||||||F|||2018/09/20 09:26:30
Respond 181106190856300
MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
OBR|1|2017062701|341|AutoLumo A2000 Plus
Send the test OBX||CE|153||9^0||||||F
result to LIS by 7 OBX||CE|154||0^0||||||F
sample OBX||CE|155||12^0||||||F
Response 170629165510846
MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
The response
quickly obtain
the sample
detailed test Send QRD|20170629143426|R|D|143426340|||RD|2017062725|
request data for 9 OTH|||T
the specified QRF|AutoLumo A2000
sample No. and Plus|20170629000000|20170629143426|||RCT|COR|ALL
the specified
patient No. MSH|^~\&|Autobio|LIS|||20170629143343||DSR^Q01|9|P|

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

QRF|AutoLumo A2000
MSH|^~\&|Autobio|AutoLumo A2000
Send QRD|20161207100639|R|D|100639802|||RD|DA56|OTH|1||
QRF|AutoLumo A2000
Get the test QAK|SR|OK
request data by QRD|20161207100639|R|D|100639802|||RD|DA56|OTH|1||
the specified T
sample rack QRF|AutoLumo A2000
quickly Plus|20161207000000|20161207100639|||RCT|COR|ALL
Response DSP|2||14081901

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Part IV Autobio ASTM Communication

This protocol is provided to those who are engaged in the development of the laboratory information
system (LIS) and those who need to know about Autobio ASTM interface and is used to guide LIS
developer to develop LIS interface that makes LIS is able to communicate with the Autobio full automatic
immunoluminescence analyzer and complete the data transmission. Developers need to have a certain
knowledge of LIS and ASTM standards and the capability of programming skills of network or serial port.
It is suggested that applying including, but not limited to, Visual C++ and other development tools for the
interface development based on Windows platform.

This interface document is the ASTM protocol document of Autobio full automatic
immunoluminescence analyzer, and will mainly introduce the relevant contents of Autobio ASTM interface
protocol. It includes the following two parts:

(1) Autobio ASTM communication protocol description.

(2) Autobio ASTM communication process and message examples.

Autobio ASTM communication protocol description

ASTM is an electronic data exchange standard for inpatient care. It has been adopted by many
countries and originally defined by the United States. Autobio interface is defined based on ASTM. For
more information, please refer to ASTME1394-97. Autobio ASTM interface is the software configurable
item of full automatic immunoluminescence analyzer system. It can adopt TCP/IP or RS232 serial port to
realize LIS communication. The Analyzer requests LIS system for the sample application information by
scanning the sample bar code in real time. And the test results are reported to LIS server by real-time and
batch transmission while the sample tests are completed.

Only few message types, segment types, and other data specified in the ASTM are adopted in this
interface protocol because of the small demand of Autobio ASTM interface.

1. ASTM lower-layer Protocol: ASTM E1381-95

ASTM is a kind of simple communication with one sending and one receiving mode. The two
communicating sides are in one of the neutral mode, sending mode, or receiving mode. The communication
process is divided into establishing communication, data transmission, and ending communication.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Establishing communication
Neutral mode
Neutral mode

Receiving mode
Sending mode

Data transmission
Sender Receiver
Ending communication

Neutral mode Neutral mode

The data Frame is divided into two types: intermediate frame and end frame, and the format is shown

 Intermediate frame: <STX> FN text <ETB> C1 C2 <CR> <LF>

 End frame: <STX> FN text <ETX> C1 C2 <CR> <LF>


1) FN is a value from 0 to 7 and starts at 1

2) C1 and C2 together represent checksum, which is the cumulative sum of [<STX>...< ETX>] or

3) C1 and C2 together represent checksum. When checksum is 0x5E, C1 is 0x35, and C2 is 0x5.

4) (4) <STX>=0x02, <ETB>=0x17, <ETX>=0x03, <CR>=0x0D, <LF>=0x0A.

5) Text consists of message records, which are split by <CR>. Test has a maximum length of 240

6) User can choose the encoding method of text, such as utf-8; the text segment is the encoded byte

2. Protocol Introduction

In ASTM communication protocol, the Message is the basic unit of data exchange between systems,
and each message has its own message types. A message consists of multiple segments with names that
define its content or function. A segment is composed of multiple data fields. The first segment of a
message is always a Head Record, which indicates the program name, message type, and a unique message
ID No. to be sent and received. The composition of the next segment is determined by the type of message.

The message records used by Antobio are as follows:

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

 Message Header Record

 Patient Information Record

 Test Order Record

 Result Record

 Request Information Record

 Message Terminator Record

The delimiters used by Antobio are as follows:

 Field delimiter: |

 Repeated delimiter: \

 Component delimiter: ^

 Escape character: &

3. Introduction to Antobio ASTM Records

(1) Message Header Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, value: H
Delimiters (Field, Repeated, Component, Escape), value:
2 Delimiter Definition 4
5 Sender Name or ID 128 Sender device ID, value: e.g., A2000 Plus Autolumo
Used as error code, always 0 when sending REQN
7 Reserved Field 8
12 Processing ID 8 Message control ID, used to command words
13 Version Number 7 Protocol version, take fixed value:1394-97
14 Message Date Time 14 Message time, format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

For example:

 H|\^&|||A2000 Plus Autolumo||0|||||REQ1|1394-97|20190412132052

 H|\^&|||A2000 Plus Autolumo||ErrCode|||||RSP1|1394-97|20190412132213


(1) Value range of Processing ID: REQ1, REQ5, REQ7, REQ9, REQ15, RSP1, RSP5, RSP7,
RSP9, RSP15.

(2) The command words used in the Autobio ASTM protocol are as follows:

Command Sender Receiver Description

Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample
REQ1 Analyzer LIS
No. and the specified patient No.

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Respond to getting the detailed sample test request data by the

RSP1 LIS Analyzer
specified sample No. and the specified patient No.
REQ5 Analyzer LIS Send the test result to LIS by test
RSP5 LIS Analyzer Respond to sending the test result to LIS by test
REQ7 Analyzer LIS Send the test result to LIS by sample
RSP7 LIS Analyzer Respond to sending the test result to LIS by sample
The response quickly obtain the sample detailed test request data
REQ9 Analyzer LIS
for the specified sample No. and the specified patient No.
The response quickly gets the sample detail test request data for
RSP9 LIS Analyzer
the specified sample No. and the specified patient No.
Get the test request data by the specified sample rack barcode
REQ15 Analyzer LIS
Respond to quickly getting the test request data by the specified
RSP15 LIS Analyzer
sample rack barcode

(2) Patient Information Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, value: P
2 Sequence Number 2 The sequence of the message record in the
4 Laboratory Assigned Patient ID 32 Used as patient No.
Patient Name Patient name information
6 Family Name 32 Family name
Given Name 32 Given name
8 Birth date 4 Used as patient age
9 Patient Sex 1 Patient gender, value range: M/F/U
Location Patient position
Department 32 Department
His Area 32 Inpatient area
Bed 8 Bed No.

For example:



(3) Request Information Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, value: Q
The sequence of the message record in
2 Sequence Number 2
the message
Starting Range ID Number Used as sample information
Sample ID 32 Sample ID

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

Sample Num 32 Sample No.

Rack Num 32 Sample No.
Sample Pos 4 Position of the sample on sample rack
Request message status code, take a fixed
13 Request Information Status Codes 1
value: O (letter O, not the digit 0)

For example:


(4) Test Order Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, take value: 0
The sequence of the message record in the
2 Sequence Number 2
Instrument Specimen ID Used as sample information
Sample ID 32 Sample ID
4 Sample Num 32 Sample No.
Rack Num 32 Sample No.
Sample Pos 4 Position of the sample on sample rack
Universal Service ID Used as test information, repeatable
Test ID 32 Test ID
Porject Num 32 Item No.
Dilution 8 Dilution factor of the test
Used as emergency treatment or not: value
6 Priority 1
range: A/R
Submitting time, format:
15 Specimen Received Date Time In Lab 14
As a sample type
16 Specimen Descriptor 1 0: Serum; 1: Urine; 2: Plasma; 3: BALF; 4:
CSF; 5: Sputum
Ordering Physician Ordering physicians
17 Family Name 32 Family name
Given Name 32 Given name
19 User Field 1 8 Used as sample dilution factor
20 User Field 2 64 Used as comment
Laboratory Field1 Used as inspector
21 Family Name 32 Family name
Given Name 32 Given name
Whether the sample is empty, value range:
22 Laboratory Field 2 1

For example:

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.



(1) Priority value range: A/R, where A: emergency treatment, and R: non-emergency treatment

(2) Laboratory Field 2 value range: E/F, where E: empty, F: non-empty

(5) Result Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, value: R
The sequence of the message record in the
2 Sequence Number 2
Universal Service ID Used as test information, repeatable
Test ID 32 Test ID
Porject Num 32 Item No.
Dilution 8 Dilution factor of the test
Measurement Value Test result
RLU 16 Relative light unit of the test result

4 Density 16 Concentration value or S/CO value

Negative and positive results of r-interferon
TBI 8 (submit null character strings for
non-interferon items)
Reference Range Used as reagent information
Reagent Name 32 Name of kit
Reagent Project 32 Item number of the reagent used in the test
Product Lot 32 Lot No. of reagents used
Reagent Expiration 32 Validity of kit
7 Result Abnormal Flag 64 Exception flag
9 Result Status Resulting state, taking a fixed value: F
Test completion time, format:
13 Test Completed Date Time 14

For example:


(6) Message Terminator Record

S/N Segment Name Length Description

1 Record Type ID 1 Record type ID, take value: L
2 Sequence Number 2 The sequence of the message record in the

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

3 Termination Code 1 Termination code, take a fixed value: N

For example:


Autobio ASTM communication process and message examples

Note: The length limit is not considered in the sample message, and framing may be required during
actual transmission

Communication Message Message sample

type direction
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
Q|1|^ Sample No. ^^||||||||||0
Get the sample
detailed test L|1|N
request data for H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
the specified Autolumo||Errcode|||||RSP1|1394-97|20190412132356
sample No. and
the specified P|1||Patient No.||Zhang^San||80|M|||||||||||||||||Gynecology^No. 1
patient No. LIS-->Analyzer inpatient area^No. 1 Bed|||||||||
O|1||^Item No.^^|^ItemA^10\^Item B^20\^Item
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
The response Analyzer-->LIS
quickly obtain Q|1|^Sample No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample position||||||||||0
the sample L|1|N
detailed test
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
request data for
the specified Autolumo||ErrCode|||||RSP9|1394-97|20190412132356
sample No. and P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the specified LIS-->Analyzer
0|1||^Sample No.^^|^Item A^10\^Item B^20\^Item
patient No.
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
Q|1|^^Sample rack barcode^Sample position||||||||||0
Get the test L|1|N
request data by
the specified H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
sample rack Autolumo||ErrCode|||||RSP15|1394-97|20190412132356
barcode quickly P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0|1||^Sample No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample position|^Item
B^20\^Item C^30|R||||||||||Plasma|||100|||F|||||||||

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
0|1||SampleID^Sample No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample
Analyzer-->LIS position|^Item A^\^Item B^\^Item C^||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Send the test R|1|^Item A^|100^0.01^|||||F|||||
result to LIS by R|2|^Item B^|200^0.02^|||||F|||||
sample R|3|^Item C^|300^0.03^|||||F|||||
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||0|1||SampleID^Sample
H|\^&|||A2000 Plus
P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Send the test 0|1||^Samlple No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample position|Test ID^
result to LIS by Analyzer-->LIS Item No.^||||||||||||||||||||||||||
test R|1|Test ID^Item No.^|RLU^Concentratin^TBI||Reagent
name^Reagent item No.^Reagent
356P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||0|1||^Sample No.^^|Test ID^Item
LIS-->Analyzer No.^||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Encoding example (UTF-8 encoding is used)

(1) Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample No. and the
specified patient No.
Message sample

H|\^&|||A2000 Plus Autolumo||0|||||REQ1|1394-97|20190412132858

Q|1|^ Sample No. ^^||||||||||0


Encoded data stream: (107 bytes)

02 31 48 7C 5C 5E 26 7C 7C 7C

41 32 30 30 30 20 50 6C 75 73

20 41 75 74 6F 6C 75 6D 6F 7C

7C 30 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 52 45 51

31 7C 31 33 39 34 2D 39 37 7C

32 30 31 39 30 34 31 32 31 33

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

32 38 35 38 0D 51 7C 31 7C 5E

E6 A0 B7 E6 9C AC E7 BC 96 E5

8F B7 5E 5E 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 4F 0D 4C 7C 31 7C

4E 0D 03 44 45 0D 0A

(2) Get the sample detailed test request data for the specified sample No. and the
specified patient No.
Message sample

H|\^&|||A2000 Plus Autolumo||0|||||REQ5|1394-97|20190412133033

P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

O|1||^Samlple No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample position|Test ID^ Item No.^||||||||||||||||||||||||||

R|1|Test ID^Item No.^|RLU^Concentration^TBI||Reagent name^Reagent Item No.^Reagent





Frame 1:

H|\^&|||A2000 Plus Autolumo||0|||||REQ5|1394-97|20190412133033

P|1||Patient No.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

O|1||^Samlple No.^Sample rack barcode^Sample position|Test ID^ Item No.^||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Frame 1 data stream: (213 bytes)

02 31 48 7C 5C 5E 26 7C 7C 7C

41 32 30 30 30 20 50 6C 75 73

20 41 75 74 6F 6C 75 6D 6F 7C

7C 30 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 52 45 51

35 7C 31 33 39 34 2D 39 37 7C

32 30 31 39 30 34 31 32 31 33

33 30 33 33 0D 50 7C 31 7C 7C

E7 97 85 E5 8E 86 E5 8F B7 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

Autobio Laboratory Instrument (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.

0D 4F 7C 31 7C 7C 5E E6 A0 B7

E6 9C AC E7 BC 96 E5 8F B7 5E

E6 A0 B7 E6 9C AC E6 9E B6 E7

BC 96 E5 8F B7 5E E6 A0 B7 E6

9C AC E4 BD 8D E7 BD AE 7C E6

B5 8B E8 AF 95 49 44 5E E9 A1

B9 E7 9B AE E7 BC 96 E5 8F B7

5E 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C

7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 0D 17 31

32 0D 0A

Frame 2

R|1|Test ID^Item No.^|RLU^Concentration^TBI||Reagent name^Reagent Item No.^Reagent




Frame 2 data stream: (137 bytes)

02 32 52 7C 31 7C E6 B5 8B E8

AF 95 49 44 5E E9 A1 B9 E7 9B

AE E7 BC 96 E5 8F B7 5E 7C 52

4C 55 5E E6 B5 93 E5 BA A6 5E

54 42 49 7C 7C E8 AF 95 E5 89

82 E5 90 8D 5E E8 AF 95 E5 89

82 E9 A1 B9 E7 9B AE E7 BC 96

E5 8F B7 5E E8 AF 95 E5 89 82

E6 89 B9 E6 AC A1 5E 32 30 33

30 2D 31 30 2D 31 7C E6 97 97

E6 A0 87 7C 7C 46 7C 7C 7C 7C

31 39 39 38 31 30 31 35 32 33

31 30 35 36 7C 0D 4C 7C 31 7C

4E 0D 03 45 31 0D 0A


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