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2018 5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT)

October 30-31, 2018, Surakarta, Indonesia

A Review of Electric Vehicles Charging Standard

Development: Study Case in Indonesia
Wahyudi Sutopo1,2 Budhy Rahmawatie
1IndustrialEngineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering Industrial Engineering Departement
Universitas Sebelas Maret Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret
2National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology
Surakarta, Indonesia
Fakhrina Fahma1,2
Muhammad Nizam1,2 1
Industrial Engineering Departement
Engineering Departement Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Sebelas Maret
2National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology
Universitas Sebelas Maret
2National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology

Abstract— The transportation is a sector that consumes high EV. This article discusses Indonesia's opportunities and
fossil fuels and has a major impact on the environment such as challenges in developing CS standards. The rest of this paper
global warming Electric vehicles are considered an alternative is constructed as follows: First, EV charging technology is
to reducing dependence on fossil fuel consumption and presented in Section 2. The standard comparison of the
minimizing environmental impact. Issues related to the charging system is illustrated in Section 3. The overview of
development of electric vehicles are adequate charging station indonesia progress towards electric vehicle standardization is
(CS) infrastructure. There are three charging methods for presented in Section 4. Result and analysis in Section 5.
electric vehicles, namely conductive, inductive, and battery Finally, the conclusions are drawn in Section 6
exchange. Several international standards have been developed
to accommodate the development needs of the charging stations. II. OVERVIEW OF EV CHARGING TECHNOLOGY
As an initial user of electric vehicles, Indonesia is faced with the
problem of determining the charging system. Indonesia needs to Generally, there are three main ways of charging that is
choose the suitable charging system to have clear guidance on conductive charging, inductive charging and swap battery
CS infrastructure development and maximize the use of electric technology.
vehicles. So it is necessary to develop a standard framework for
A. Conductive Charging
charging stations to support the commercialization of EV in
Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the potential Conductive charging is a charging system where there is
development of electric vehicle charging stations in Indonesia. direct contact between the power supply and the vehicle
Moreover, the result also provides an overview of the standard through the charger [8]. This charging system consists of
requirements for CS. Hence, that it can maximize utilize of rectifier and connector with various power factor correction
charging stations on a wider scale and allow the community to and classified into onboard charging and off-board charging
benefit from the benefits that can be achieved by this rule. [9]. Onboard charger contains rectifier and battery regulation
inside the vehicle, whereas off-board charger has outside [10].
Keywords— Electric Vehicle, Charging System, Charging
Station, Standardization. The charging level is described as the power level of the
charging outlet [8]. The amount of power level determines the
I. INTRODUCTION length of the charging process. There are three levels of
The consumption of fossil fuels in the transport sector is a charging are slow charging, fast charging, and rapid
major cause of the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the recharging [11]. The daily habit of charging using slow
atmosphere. It impacts global climate change and charger at problematic while disremembering charging at
unprecedented local weather changes [1]. The increasing night [10]. The fast and rapid charger may get damaged or
demand for fossil fuels is due to the growth of road vehicles sparked to produce risk at the high-power level of charging
and is expected to continue to increase in the next year. The [10]. TABLE I compares the different level of charging.
electric vehicle (EV) is one of the economic approaches to
reducing the release of CO2 in the atmosphere [2]. In addition to the charging level, conductive charging also
considers the charging mode. The charging mode describes
Currently, Indonesia is developing electric vehicles and the safety communication protocol between the EV and the
targeted to be commercialized by 2020. Indonesia has charging station. The charging mode is adapted to
formulated standards to ensure safety and standardization infrastructure [12] and involves the level of communication
products such as cell [3], [4], module [5], battery pack and between vehicles and charging stations [13], [14]. Mode 1
battery management system (BMS) [6], [7] to tackle this issue. Charging is charging a home from a standard outlet with a
In addition, the development of electric vehicles requires simple extension cord, without any security measures.
charging stations. Although there are international standards Currently, mode 1 has been banned in some countries [12].
for station charging, that is still too general [1] and needs to be This mode uses an EV connection to an AC power supply
mapped out by the Indonesian as an early adopter country of network using a standard socket that does not exceed 16 A and

978-1-5386-9164-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 152

does not exceed 250 V single phase AC or 480 VAC three- B. Inductive Charging
phase [15]. To use mode 1, the electrical installation must
comply with safety regulations and must have a grounding Inductive charging, also known as wireless charging, uses
system, circuit breakers to protect from overload and an electromagnetic field to transfer power to an EV battery.
protection of earth leakage. The socket has a cover to prevent That's charging allows utilizing varying magnetic fields [18]
accidental contact [14]. to transfer power through the air gap between the main
grounding coil (transmitter) and the secondary coil in the
In mode 2, charging vehicles connected to the main power vehicle (receiver) without galvanic connection [19], [20]. It
grid through household outlets. Charging is carried out simplifies the filling process and reduces the risk of harm that
through a single phase or three phase network and grounding can occur when handling electrical equipment [21]. In
cabling [8]. The protection device is built into the cable. Mode addition, This process will in the decrement of battery depth
2 charging cable provides a moderate level of safety and is the of discharge (DOD) which increases battery life and also
minimum standard for EV charging. Some vehicle reducing the size of onboard energy storage systems [22].
manufacturers even make customers sign agreements that
confirm the installation of wall boxes when ordering EV [16]. The wireless charging is divided into three different steps:
The EV charging connection to the AC power supply network Convert power supply, the resonance between coil to power
transfer and finally conversion to charge battery [10], [20].
does not exceed 32 A and does not exceed 250V AC single
phase or 480V AC [8]. Three phases use single phase or three First, the AC supply input is converted into high-frequency
phase outlets and utilize the power and protective conductors AC This is used to drive the transmission coil (primer) through
of the earth along with the controller function and the personal the compensation network. The high-frequency current on the
protection system against electric shock (RCD) between the side of the transmitter coil produces an alternating magnetic
EV and the plug or as part of the cable control box. The inline field that causes AC voltage on the receiver (secondary) coil.
control box shall be placed within 0.3 m from the plug or By resonating with the compensation network at the receiving
EVSE or in the plug [15]. TABLE I shows the comparison of end, power and efficiency are increased [10]. Finally, AC
the different level of charging as follow: power obtained is used to charge the battery, and to improve
the efficiency of the clutch magnetic resonance system [19].
TABLE I. COMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT LEVEL OF CHARGING The DC-DC converter must be used on the receiving side. The
frequency for these systems varies in the range of 20 to 100
Slow Accelerated Fast kHz. During this range, the converter in the system can
Recharge Recharge Recharge operate with efficiency up to 90% [10].
(lv.1) (Lv.2) (Lv.3)
C. Swap Battery Technology
Power 3 kW 7-43 kW 50-250 kW
Swapping batteries is a scheme where users can swap their
Load Time 6-8 hours 1 hour (100%) 25 minutes empty batteries with a fully charged in battery swapping
(100%) 30 minutes (80%) station (BSS). BSS has several benefits, such as long battery
3-4 hours (80%)
life, low usage time, and relatively small cost to manage, given
that batteries are collected and managed in a centralized
Battery Pb-acid, Ni- Ni-MH, Li-Ion location [10]. BSS consists of distribution transformers, AC-
Type MH, Li-ion ZEBRA, Li- DC converters, battery chargers, vehicle batteries, robotic
Ion arms, charging racks, maintenance systems, control systems
Recomme Public Car rental Charging and other equipment involved in swapping and charging [23],
nded parking, company, Station [24]. One of significant benefit is BSS has the ability to
Location open space, Charging conduct bi-directional power flows with the grid. During peak
apartment Station demand, the stored battery will inject electricity into the grid.
Mode 3 Charging is a wired AC charging station, either in The charging process is carried out during peak hours, thus
public or at home, enabling a higher power level than Mode 2. increasing the load curve and resulting in increased efficiency
The security protocol is identical to Mode 2 [16]. This of the local power system [25], [26]. Some of the challenges
charging mode consists of an EV connection to an AC power in battery swap technology are interchangeable, feasible,
supply network using a special EVSE in which the controller's infrastructure, and battery ownership [27], [28]. Different
control function extends to control the equipment at EVSE, manufacturers have their own compatibility, the possibility of
permanently connected to an AC power supply network [15]. getting a battery with the same conditions difficult to find.
Driving behavior will affect if exchange batteries have fewer
Mode 4 Charging (Direct current connection for fast health conditions. It is a huge challenge to replace the battery
charging): The electric vehicle is connected to the main power to design the battery in such a way that it can be easily
grid through an external charger. Control and protection interchangeable and compatible.
functions and vehicle filling cables are installed permanently
at installation [17]. Mode 4 Charging is a DC charging station, III. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR CHARGING STATION
either in public or at home. At a DC charging station, the In June 2000, the European Commission issued a mandate
charger is part of the charging station, not part of the vehicle to the European standardization bodies CEN, CENELEC, and
[16]. This charging mode comprises an EV connection to the ETSI (M/468) concerning the charging of Evs [29]. The
AC supply network utilizing an off-board charger in which the mandate stressed the need for interoperable plugs and charger
controller's function extends to the equipment permanently systems to promote the internal market for EVs and to
connected to the AC supply [15]. discourage the imposition of market barriers. The Focus
Group set up to respond to M/468 delivered a comprehensive
and valuable report [30]–[32]. However, given that the
mandated objective was to achieve interoperability, not the

adoption of a single connector, no recommendation has been Standards for conductive vehicle charging systems have
made with regards to the choice of the AC mains connector been widely developed in the world. The conductive system is
[33]. a charging system is the earliest system found and developed.
Along with the development of technology make electric
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) was the first vehicle charging technology developing and emerging new
organization to promote SAEJ1772 standards on the charging technology that is inductive or wireless charging and
classification of conductive charging systems based on peak battery swap. With the development of these technologies,
charging power [34]. As a matter of fact, this classification has countries such as America, Europe, Japan and China make
been in continuous evolution because new Plug-in electric regulations on charging systems tailored to technological
vehicle (PEV) manufacturers are introducing new standards developments. The standards governing the electric vehicle
on the basis of new charging power levels and country of sale charging system are presented in TABLE II.
[22], [33]–[36]. As reported by the International Energy
Agency (IEA) [35], in North America, all car manufacturers IV. THE OVERVIEW OF INDONESIA PROGRESS TOWARDS
have adopted the above SAE standard. Asia and Europe are ELECTRIC VEHICLE STANDARDIZATION
also trying to harmonize their standards with North America,
but the global standardization challenge is still open due to In Indonesia, standardization is established by the
different energy distribution infrastructures and different government through a national standardization institution,
choices of various car manufacturers. SAEJ1772 represents called BSN [38]. The development of national standards (SNI)
one of the most adopted standards for power converters can be formulated by harmonizing and adopting relevant
devoted to Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) charging international standards. The SNI formulation can be aligned
operations. This standard defines the charging power levels, with existing international standards through two methods,
the output voltage, the location (on/off the board) and the namely identical adoption and adoption of modifications.
connectors with the related communication protocol— However, if there is no reference from the international
between the charging device and the vehicle. standard then the standardization in Indonesia cannot be done
A similar classification of charging systems for PEV has by using the adoption method but using self-development [6].
been also introduced by the International Electrotechnical Currently, Indonesia is developing electric vehicles with
Commission (IEC), with IEC 62196 standards, which defines lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. Development of standard
four PEV conductive charging types and four connection electric vehicles in Indonesia has been done at the cell,
types on the base of voltage levels, charging power and modules, BMS and battery packs [4]–[7]. Standard battery-
charging devices [15], [37]. The rules and modes defined by powered electric vehicles can provide assurance to consumers
both SAE and IEC standards for AC charging operations can that the product complies with performance, safety or
be considered stable and those standards have now adopted by certification of production processes. Although Indonesia has
many vehicle manufacturers [1]. Recognizing that there is a a standard for electric vehicles, until now Indonesia does not
need to offer customers a high-power charging possibility that have a standard for charging stations. This standard needs to
allows them to recharge the EV battery within a limited be formulated to guide the development of the national electric
timeframe, only the high power connection would satisfy this vehicle industry and accelerate the commercialization of
objective. Two technologies are at hand for high-power electric vehicles.
charging: DC off-board charging or AC onboard charging. DC Development of standards in Indonesia must meet the
off-board charging is more common today, due to the concession of stakeholders. The development of new
introduction of the first generation of Japanese electric cars on standards requires a holistic understanding of stakeholder
the European automotive market. Nevertheless, European
requirements [39]. Understanding standards from different
automotive manufacturers have expressed their intention to
perspectives are necessary because it is possible to be
promote EV with an onboard charger, which would be
compatible with a high power range AC supply arrangement. regulated. In addition, the lack of stakeholder requirements
For the DC connection, a Japanese socket (CHAdeMO from different perspectives can lead to standards unacceptable
protocol), with a maximum power level of 50 kW, is currently by consensus [40]. Based on this, the development of standard
the only available product on the market and is thus being charging stations in Indonesia requires a mutual agreement
rolled out in several European countries although it is not between the stakeholders on what type of charging stations
internationally standardized yet [35]. should be developed and prioritized given the availability of
several types of charging systems and many international
However, The European Automotive Industry is standards regarding charging stations.
promoting the combined charging system with the Combo
connector, which features a single inlet for AC and DC
charging on the side of the EV and can potentially deliver The integration of electric car charging in electrical
high-power charging of up to 100 kW in future. The Combo systems is based primarily on the need to regulate the
connector is currently under development and going through electricity demand of these electric cars not to overload the
the IEC standardization process. Various types of standards network, thus avoiding the expenditure that will result from
for EV charging are utilized in different regions of the world. the necessary oversized grid and the flattening of the
SAE developed a new connector for DC rapid charging known electricity demand curve [11]. The successful employment,
as SAE J1772 Combo, which incorporates AC and Direct expansion and appropriate operation of EVs in near future are
Current Fast Charging (DCFC) standards in one unit. This directly linked with the establishment of new international
charging standard can provide a significant solution to the standards and charging codes, suitable infrastructure and
charge anxiety problem and the widespread the deployment of related equipment, and software at public and private locations
EVs. By contrast, CHAdeMO only contains the DC standard. that should be user-friendly [41]. Charging system developed
to meet customer characteristics such as charging time, EVs
mobility or parking pattern, charging approach, type and

number of EVs charging at a given location and current and on the frequency, voltage, electrical grid connection, and
voltage requirements [42]. This has led to many charging standards. In any case, charging time must match with EV's
systems being developed. In addition, there is disagreement battery characteristics in order to guarantee an optimal
regarding charging standards in a country [1]. charging and a long lifetime of EV's battery. This paper also
provides an overview of the standard development for electric
The choice of charging system is adjusted to the power vehicles by looking at the trend of charging systems in the
level used in the country. There is disagreement about the world.
charging system used and the selection of charging power
about station charging standards. This provides an opportunity
for Indonesia in formulating the standard framework of the This paper supported by USAID through Sustainable
vehicle charging system to be used. The flexibility of Higher Education Research Alliances (SHERA) Program -
standards can have an impact on the government as a Centre for Collaborative (CCR) National Center for
stakeholder to develop standards that can benefit domestic Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT) with
energy resilience and develop local industries. The Indonesian Contract No. IIE00000078-ITB-1.
government needs to look at the potentials and challenges of
each charging system mechanism used. Pros and cons REFERENCES
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Charging System Pros

Conductive • Charging can be done slowly, quickly and super fast • The need for standardization of connectors
• Charging can be done at multiple locations • Requires complex charging infrastructure
• High efficiency with direct charging • The existence of access restrictions to the grid system

Inductive • No problems in standardization of connectors • Complexity increases on the location of the transmitter (coil
• The charging process during moving vehicles can be connected to the network) and receiver (coil vehicle)
considered • The cost increases with the use of a connector system
• There is no danger of such wiring on the conductive • The system is still under development (no standards and
charging system development on a commercial scale) Complexity
• Charging can be done in wet, sandy, dusty or snowy increases on the location of the transmitter (coil connected
conditions to the network) and receiver (coil vehicle)
• The cost increases with the use of a connector system

Batterry swap • 100% of battery capacity is restored less than 1 minute • Special charging stations need to be developed at great cost
• Unlimited vehicle mileage with available battery swap • The possibility of monthly battery expenses is greater than
stations the charging of conventional vehicles
• The driver does not need to get off the vehicle (swap • The absence of standardization for the battery model
automatic for car/bus only)
• Users are not responsible for battery maintenance
• Stored batteries in the stations can be used for V2G (Vehicle
to Grid)

Standard Series Scope Conductive Inductive Swap
IEC 61851: conductive IEC 61851-1 Defines cables and plug setups V
charging systems IEC 61851-23 Describes electrical safety, harmonics, grid connection, V
and communication architecture for DCFC
station (DCFCS)
Explains digital communication for DC charging V
IEC 61851-24 control
IEC 62196: Plugs, socket- IEC 62196-1 Explains general requirements for EV connectors V
outlets, vehicle connectors IEC 62196-2 Describes coupler types for different charging modes V
and inlets IEC 62196-3 Defines connectors and inlets for DCFCS V
IEC 60309- Plugs, socket- IEC 60309-1 Explains general requirements for CS V
outlets and couplers
IEC 60309-2 Describes different sizes of plugs and sockets with V
different number of pins based on current supply
and number of phases, also defines color coded
connector based on voltage range and frequency
IEC 60364 Describes about electrical installations for buildings V V
SAE J1772: conductive charging systems Define connectors for AC V
Describes new Combo connector for DCFCS V
SAE J2847: SAE J2847-1 Describes the communication medium and criteria for V V
Communication the EV to connect to the utility for AC Level
1 and AC Level 2 energy transfer
SAE J2847-2 Defines additional messages for DC energy transfer V V
SAE J2293 SAE J2293-1 Describes the total EV energy transfer system and V
allocates requirements to the EV or EVSE for the
various system architectures
SAE J2344 Describes guidelines for electric vehicle safety V V
SAE J2954: inductive charging Under development V
IEC 61980 IEC 61980-1 Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems V
–Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61980-2 specific requirements for communication between V
electric road vehicle (EV) and wireless power
transfer (WPT) systems including general
background and definitions.
IEC 61980-3 specific requirements for electric road vehicle (EV) V
magnetic field wireless power transfer (MF -WPT)
systems including general background and definitions
(e.g. efficiency, electrical safety, EMC, EMF).
IEC TS 62840-1 IEC TS 62840- Electric vehicle battery swap system – Part 1: General V
1 and guidance
SAE J1773 specification is applicable to manually connected V
inductive charging for Levels 1 and 2 power transfer.
SAE J2954 Wireless Power Transfer for Light-Duty Plug- V
In/Electric Vehicles and Alignment Methodology
UL 2202 Electric Vehicle Charging System Equipment V V
GB/T 20234.1-2011 Connection set of conductive charging for electric V
vehicles- Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 20234.2-2011 Connection set of conductive charging for electric V
vehicles- Part2:AC Charging coupler
GB/T 20234.3-2011 s- Connections set of conductive charging for electric V
vehicle Part3:DC charging coupler
GB/T 27930-2011 Communication protocols between off-board V
conductive charger and battery management system for
the electric vehicle
GB/T 28569-2012 Electric energy metering for electric vehicle AC V
charging spot
GB/T 29317-2012 The terminology of electric vehicle charging/battery V
swap infrastructure
GB/T 29318-2012 Electric energy metering for electric vehicle off-board V v
UL 9741 Ed. 1 (2014) Investigation For Bidirectional Electric Vehicle (Ev) V
Charging System Equipment
UL 2251 The standard for Safety for Plugs, Receptacles, and V
Couplers for Electric Vehicles,
UL 2734 Ed. 3 (2015) Connectors And Service Plugs For Use With On-Board V
Electrical Vehicle (Ev) Charging Systems
C601 Plugs and Receptacles for EV Charging V
G105:1993 Connector applicable to quick charging system V
G106:2000 EV Inductive charging system: General Requirement V
G107:2000 EV Inductive charging system : Manual Connection V
G108:2001 EV Inductive charging system: Software Interface V
G108 :2001 EV Inductive charging system: General Requirement V


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