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1. Memory loss
2. Language and communication problems
3. General confusion, disorientation in time and/or place
4. Difficulty with abstract thinking/ lapses in judgment
5. Difficulty performing familiar activity
Misplacing objects
6. Behavior and personality changes
Sudden mood swings
7. Loss of initiative/ apathy


Cholinesterase inhibitors. These medicines work by boosting levels of a chemical

messenger involved in memory and judgment.
* Although primarily used to treat Alzheimer's disease, these medicines also might be
prescribed for other dementias. They might be prescribed for people with vascular
dementia, Parkinson's disease dementia and Lewy body dementia.
* Memantine. Memantine (Namenda) works by regulating the activity of glutamate.
Glutamate is another chemical messenger involved in brain functions such as learning
and memory. Memantine is sometimes prescribed with a cholinesterase inhibitor
* Other medicines. You might take other medicines to treat symptoms or other
conditions. You may need treatment for depression, sleep problems, hallucinations,
parkinsonism or agitation.

Non-Modifiable Factors: Modifiable Factors:

 Age (Particularly after 65 years  Cardiovascular Health
old)  Physical activity
 Genetics (genetic factors  Diet
carrying APOE ε4 allele)  Smoking and Alcohol
 Family History  Mental Stimulation
 Down Syndrome (triplication of  Education and Cognitive
the amyloid precursor protein Reserve
(APP) gene on chromosome 21)  Social Engagement
 Gender (Women, due to their
longer lifespan)

Damage to cerebral Global cardiogenic

vasculature hypoperfusion

Large vessels Small Vessel Cerebral

disease disease hemorrhage

Hypoperfusion, and

Alzheimer’s disease,
Oxidative stress, inflammation,
amyloid deposition,
and cholinergic deficit
ageing, and atherosclerosis

Cognitive and memory


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