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On April 24, 2023, this is the first day of our deployment in MSWD Magsaysay. First
thing that we can do is we're going to log-in in a blue book which it can record our in and out.
After we log-in to a blue book there's someone called us to enter to their office while waiting our
first client that they will be given to us. The first client that the social worker gave us is in the
place of Santa Teresa. And after we were given a client , we waited inside in the MSWD office to
see if there something to do. Also around 11:45 we decided to have lunch in food court of
Magsaysay. After that lunch we're going back to office and wait for the time when MSWD
workers time out.

On April 25, 2023, it is the second day of our deployment in MSWD Magsaysay. This is
the day going in Sitio Garza with social worker and with our instructor Ma'am Rosemarie
Pidenes. In there, we're going to interview the people lived there for validation with their
children is involved in child labor. But before that happened, we enjoy travelled going to Alibog
and cross the sea going to Sitio Garza. That day it was full of enjoying and new experience
because of nervous while crossing the sea to a place of Sitio Garza. On the same day, we also had
a second client where our first interview was already given to us by Ma'am Rosemarie Pidenes to
be our client. Moreover, after our validation we had lunch first, after we ate lunch we rested a
little and we went to our second client to their respective houses for home visitation. And then,
after we home visit our clients we said to them that we will call them for follow up question.

On April 29, 2023, this the day that we conduct a home visiting for our first client in
Santa Teresa. We borrowed the chariot on the Barangay Captain of Magsaysay so that we can
use it for home visitation to our client in Santa Teresa. On that same day, we expected that our
client houses are closed to each other but it turns out that they are so far apart that we had a hard
time in finding their respective houses. After we found out the house's of our respective clients. I
and my partner Miss Nelia Mae Empleo, where she's the one who is taking a picture of mine.
Also, on that day we felt tired, dehydrated, and hunger but we don't want to give up because it is
just the beginning of our journey in college.
On April 30, 2023, this is the day when we're going to second day of home visitation to
our client in Sitio Garza, Alibog Magsaysay Occidental Mindoro. On that same day were just
four of us including my classmates who have a client there. It was enjoying to conduct a home
visitation in Sitio Garza because the people there are so approachable and sociable. It was
terrifying to cross the sea going to Sitio Garza because on the first day when we're going to Sitio
Garza I would say that was so terrifying and amazing that we arrived alive at the place we we're

On May 1, 2023, this is the day that I planned to make my journal and photo
documentation of April 24, 2023 so that I don't get overwhelmed by activities. And then I can
get start my other activities in the other subjects that need to finished. While making journal and
photo documentation we expected that there's have made some mistakes, sometimes the lay-
outing of the pictures is not good then needs to fix it correctly. Despite all of that struggles in
making journals and photo documentation I didn't stop because my goal is I need to do one of it
each day. So that I have a finish one and even if it is hard to think or how to construct an english
words I still do it to finish one throughout the day.

On May 2,2023, this is the first and the second week of deployment in MSWD
Magsaysay. We log-in to a blue book before we entered to the office of MSWD . We we're just
sitting there on their sofa while waiting the third client that to be given of Ma'am Jaya (social
worker) of MSWD Magsaysay. At the same, section 2B is also waiting for their search client just
like the eight (8) of us section 2A. While waiting the third client one of my classmates
(Jessamine Encado) is given a second client which it is the medical assistance. Also I am the one
who is taking pictures of my classmates as a documentation on her case study. On the top of
that, Ma'am Jaya came up to us and gave us the paper we gave earlier with our names written on
it, and how many clients we needed. She gave to us the yellow paper with the names of the
clients written on it and we just choose who and what place we want to home visit. After we
choose a client we gave it to a section 2B and it was up to them to choose their clients.

On May 3, 2023, this is the day that I will do the second journal and photo documentation
of April 30,2023 so I can have finish one in a day that's why I'm doing my journal and photo
documentation little by little so that I don't have a hard time in doing it. In making journals and
photo documentation I have a difficulties while making it, you will be annoyed with yourself
because your are doing the same thing over and over again but its still have makes a mistakes.
On May 4, 2023, this is the day that I have planned to do my third journal and photo
documentation on home visiting of April 29, 2023. I was early to walk up to do some other
activities of other subject before I’m going to make my journal and photo documentation. It was
a tough day on that time because we have some activities and exam that we need to take and
make it. Therefore, how when i finish the half of my other activities in other subject I just started
to do my journals and photo documentation so that i can finish it on that day.

On May 5,2023, this is the day that I planned to do my fourth journal and photo
documentation of April 30,2023. On that before I make my journal and photo documentation. I
went to the church and worshipped first with my mother, father, and may niece because they
said" forget everything except the God who created us". After I worshipped to God I started to
make my journal and photo documentation in order to finished it by that day.

On May 6, 2023, this the day that I plan to do some checking my all journals and photo
documentation from April 24 to April 30 to know if there's have need to change it and have a
mistake and misspelled words or if there's have a wrong to my works that need to remake it
again. To the photo documentation I just have some editing because of the lay-out of the pictures.
There's have a different sizes in lay-outing the pictures so it's important to check it.

On May 7, 2023, this is the last day of our home visitation and also the deployment.
Which are you that we borrowed Last Time is the author to use it again for our last home visiting
to our third client. The eight of us have a different places that where is the client are. But even if
we have a client in a different places we never thought that we will be apart because you think
the best method that wouldn't being apart the eight of us. I and my partner with Miss Nelia Mae
Empleo, our client is in the Nicholas, Magsaysay Occidental Mindoro which it is both a senior
citizen. The first place that we're going in a place of Tilaga and Caguray and the second is
Nicholas and the last one is Laste and Toong. It was enjoying and amazing experience that I
gained on the last day of our home visiting.
On May 8, 2023, this is the day that I have planned to contacting my first client to have a
some question or follow-up question that needed to make case study. It's around 8:00 a.m. that I
started two contact my client. I have sent a message that I called them for some question. After
that I haven't receive any response about to my messages about my messages. It's almost 12:00 in
the afternoon that I have received a call from my first client. Actually my first client is the BP2P.
I call them back and asking a some question about to my client and explaining that it is needed to
my case study.

On May 9, 2023, this is the day that I am going to contacting my second client. Before I
call my client I sent a messages to them to inform them that I am going to call them on their
phone numbers . After that around 2:30 p.m. I have received a message from my client that I
need to call them on their own numbers. After that I called them and asked them a some question
to get some information.

On May 10, 2023, I am going to do my fifths journal and photo documentation of May
7,2023. On that day is Sunday so before I'm going to finish my journal and photo documentation.
I have first went to the church to worshipped to God . After that I make some of work in the
house I lived for, and then I proceed to do my journal and photo documentation and finished it

On May 11, 2023, this is the first day making my first case study for my first client. It
was so difficult to do a case study especially you don't know where to start. It was the first case
study but it takes whole day in making the case study because it is my first time to do this in
making assessment to real people problems. Although I've never experienced to do this but I try
my best to give the best I can do.

On May 12, 2023, this is the day that I’m going to have a checking and scanning the first
case study I’ve done. I need to check it and read it before I print because it is the case of the
people who need an assistance so that I need to double check if there’s have to change it or
mistake so in case to have a mistakes I just edit it and change the mistake I have done.
On May 13,2023, this is the day that I decided to do my second case study of my second
client. I started to make my case study around 8:00 a.m. and I finished it almost 9:00 in the
evening. It is so difficult in making the case study but I keep going. All of the hardships I
experienced there's have an exchange the good life after I graduated to the course I've chosen.

On May 14,2023, this is the day that I am going to checking and scanning the second case
study that I have done. I checked if I have a misspelled words, have an mistakes. I also checked
the grammar if it's okay or not. Its important to checked all the case study your doing because it
is for your client sake.

On May 15, 2023, it is the day that I'm going to checked all the journals and photo
documentation I have done. I checked it all if I have a missing something information. I checked
the all photos if it's good the lay-outing the photos. And all of that was good so I decided in the
next day I must need to contact my third client for some informations.

On May 16, 2023, it is the day that I am going to contact my client to have a follow-up
question for my case study. Actually my third client is hard to contact so I decided to message in
case they read it and response to my messages. It wasn't until the afternoon that I have received a
response from my client. And I get some information about him

On May 17,2023, this is the day that I have to checked all the requirements that need to
accomplish such as the case study, logbook, journals, photo documentation, reflection, and work
plan. So that I need to do it all in order to finished it and having a peace of mind.

On May 18,2023, this is the day that I have planned to make the journal from May 1 to
May 5 to finished it and proceed to the other activities that I need to accomplish. Actually in
making my journals it was so hard especially when while doing the journals there's have a time
that you were distracted by the noise or by the people around you. But after all of that I've been
passed it and finished all the journals.

On May 19,2023, this is the day we’re I am going to make the case study of my last
client. Although I’ve finished the two of my case study on my first and second client it was
difficult to make a case study especially it was a different problems that needed to make an
assessment and intervention. But it was good to do it because it can enhanced your knowledge in
making case study and developed your skills in giving intervention to the client.

On May 20,2023, this is the day the I am going to checked my case study of my last client
I have done. I double checked it if there's something wrong or mistakes and something that need
to change it. In making case study you need to double checked it to avoid mistakes.

On May 21, 2023, this is the day that I am going to do a reflection in exposing to agency
of MSWD Magsaysay Office. On that reflection you need to put on that what is your experience,
insight, and learning you've gained during off-campus learning activities on that agency you
where in.

On May 22,2023, this is the day that I am going to record for my case study report. I
need to make a video presentation for my case study that I am going to present. It actually have
no face-to-face case defense for our client handling cases. So our instructor said that we're going
to make a videos presentation of our case study.

On May 23,2023, this is the day that I am going to make my work plan and schedule of
activities so that I know what I am going to do. And to this work plan it can list and records all
the activities, expected Output that your going to do. This all the schedules you have done in a
whole week.

On May 24, 2023, this is the day that I am going to DSWD San Jose Office for checking
the case study by our instructor. After checking our case study of our instructor there's have need
to change on our case study such as the size, spacing, need to change into a caps lock letter and
she said that be specific to the giving intervention. So after that I already follow the advice and
suggest of our instructor.

On May 25, 2023, this is the day that we went to the MSWD Magsaysay Office to have a
signature of the Municipal Link of MSWD Magsaysay. It needs the signature of agency
supervisor in our case study. So that we went to MSWD Magsaysay including my classmates to
have a signature of Ma'am Maxima M. Obligar the Registered Social Work.

On May 26,2023, this is the day I finalized all the requirements that must be
accomplished by our instructor. and also this is the day we will pass our requirements such as
case study, journals, photo documentations, logbook, reflection, and work plan. It's just fun
because we went through a lot of hardships but now we can pass everything we worked for.

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