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Freeboard Computation C S MARAM


(As per the Annex I,Regulations for Determining Load lines,ILLC,1966 )

Length of Vessel (96% AT 0.85D) = 114.62 m

Breadth = 16.60 m
Depth = 8.10 m
Scantling Draft = 6.885 m
= 0.839 m

Hydrostatics Particulars
Reference for LCB & LCF : FR 0
Draft at
(m) (MT) (m) (m) (m) (MT/cm) (MT-m/cm)

6.885 11277.68 59.05 3.685 60.355 19.09 185.1

(m) (m)

184.595 7.367

Volume at 6.885m draft = 10990.520 m3

Displacement 6.885m draft = 11265.350 MT
Waterplane Area 6.885m draft = 1862.502 m2

Tabular Freeboard, (Regulation 28) = 1578.71 mm

Length Correction, (Regulation 29) for Type "B" only 24< L<100

Length L > 100 Hence , Length Correction = 0.000 mm

Freeboard after length correction = 1578.71 mm

Block Coefficient Correction, (Regulation 30)

Freeboard after block Coef. Correction = 1763.275 mm

Correction for Depth, (Regulation 31)

D = 8.100 m
L/15 = 7.642 m
R = 238.798 mm
Correction = 109.480 mm

Freeboard Computation C S MARAM

Length of Superstructure for followin decks (Regulation 34)

Bridge Deck = 16245.00 mm
3rd Deck = 23360.00 mm
2nd Deck = 28896.00 mm
1st Deck = 44150.00 mm
Upper Deck = 87500.00 mm
Forcastle Deck = 13465.00 mm
Poop Deck = 1330.00 mm

Length of Superstructure S = 30.707 m

Deduction for superstructure, (Regulation 37)

Percentage of deduction from 0.268L for 114.623 m = 16.977

Freeboard reduction for 114.623 m = 1028.131
Total deduction = 174.548 mm

Correction for Sheer, (Regulation 38) = 371.417 mm

Station Ordinate (std) (actual) Factor Deficiency
AP 1205.19 0 1
1/6 L from AP 535.11 0 3
After Half 401.93
1/3 L from AP 134.98 0 3
Amidships 0 0 1
Amidships 0 0 1
1/3 L from FP 269.96 0 3
Fwd Half 803.86
1/6 L from FP 1070.21 0 3
FP 2410.38 0 1
Total 602.897

Hence, Minimum Freeboard required (As per ILLC,1966)

= 2070 mm

Depth = 8100 mm

Max.Draft = 6030 mm

Summer Freeboard, (Regulation 40)

= Depth (mld) - Fully Loaded Summer Draft (mld)
= 2070 mm

Tropical Freeboard = Summer Fbd - (1/48) x Summer Draft

= 1944 mm

Winter Freeboard = Summer Fbd + (1/48) x Summer Draft

= 2196 mm

Winter North Atlantic Freeboard

= Winter Freeboard + 50 mm
= 2246 mm

Fresh Water Freeboard Salt water Freeborad-Displacement/(40xtpc)

= = 1942 mm

Freeboard Computation C S MARAM


(As per the Annex I,Regulations for Determining Load lines,ILLC,1966 )

Length of Vessel (96% AT 0.85D) = 114.62 m

Breadth = 16.60 m
Depth = 8.10 m
Scantling Draft = 6.885 m
= 0.839 m

Hydrostatics Particulars
Reference for LCB & LCF : FR 0
Draft at
(m) (MT) (m) (m) (m) (MT/cm) (MT-m/cm)

6.885 11265.35 58.947a 3.688 60.354a 19.091 190.715

(m) (m)

184.799 7.375

Volume at 6.885m draft = 10990.520 m3

Displacement 6.885m draft = 11265.350 MT
Waterplane Area 6.885m draft = 1862.502 m2

Tabular Freeboard, (Regulation 28) = 1578.71 mm

Length Correction, (Regulation 29) for Type "B" only 24< L<100

Length of Superstructure for followin decks (Regulation 35)

Bridge Deck = 16245.00 mm
3rd Deck = 23360.00 mm
2nd Deck = 28896.00 mm
1st Deck = 44150.00 mm
Upper Deck = 87500.00 mm
Forcastle Deck = 13465.00 mm
Poop Deck = 1330.00 mm

Note: In case of super structure of standard height is set in from sides of ship as permitted in
regulation 3(10),the effective length shall be modified by ratio: =b/Bs
b breadth of superstructure at the middle of its length = 13.604 m
Bs breadth of ship at middle length of superstructure =16.60 m
b/Bs = 0.820

Effective Length for 1st Deck = (b/Bs)* Length of superstructure

36181.72 mm

Effective Length of SS = 29.568 m

Hence , Length Correction = 0.000 mm

Freeboard after length correction = 1578.71 mm

Freeboard Computation C S MARAM

Block Coefficient Correction, (Regulation 30)

Freeboard after block Coef. Correction = 1763.275 mm

Correction for Depth, (Regulation 31)

D = 8.100 m
L/15 = 7.642 m
R = 238.798 mm
Correction = 109.480 mm

Correction for Sheer, (Regulation 38) = 374.411 mm

Station Ordinate (std) (actual) Factor Deficiency
AP 1205.19 0 1
1/6 L from AP 535.11 0 3
After Half 401.93
1/3 L from AP 134.98 0 3
Amidships 0 0 1
Amidships 0 0 1
1/3 L from FP 269.96 0 3
Fwd Half 803.86
1/6 L from FP 1070.21 0 3
FP 2410.38 0 1
Total 602.897

Deduction for superstructure, (Regulation 37)

Percentage of deduction from 0.296L for 114.623 m = 16.352

Freeboard reduction for 114.623 m = 1028.131
Total deduction = 168.115 mm

Hence, Minimum Freeboard required (As per ILLC,1966)

= 2079 mm
Depth = 8100 mm

Max.Draft = 6021 mm

Summer Freeboard, (Regulation 40)

= Depth (mld) - Fully Loaded Summer Draft (mld)
= 2079 mm

Tropical Freeboard
= Summer Fbd - (1/48) x Summer Draft
= 1954 mm

Winter Freeboard
= Summer Fbd + (1/48) x Summer Draft
= 2204 mm

Winter North Atlantic Freeboard

= Winter Freeboard + 50 mm
= 2254 mm

Fresh Water Freeboard

= Salt water Freeborad-Displacement/(40xtpc)
= 2066 mm



(As per the Annex 3, Regulations for Determining Load lines,ILLC,1966 )

Length of Vessel (96%L AT 0.85D) = 105.37 m

Breadth = 36.58 m
Depth = 6.10 m
0.85D Draft = 5.182 m

= 0.91
Cwf = 1.000
Hydrostatics Particulars
Reference for LCB & LCF : FR 0

Draft at 54.846f Displ LCB VCB LCF

(m) (MT) (m) (m) (m)

5.182 19352.74 54.912 2.702 54.768


(m) (m) (MT-m/cm) (MT/cm)

213.923 25.63 40.7

Volume at 5.185m draft = 18880.7 m3

Displacement5.182m draft = 19352.7 MT
Waterplane Area 5.182m draft (Fwd of midhsip) = 4013.4 m2

Tabular Freeboard, (Regulation 28) = 1386 mm

Length Correction, (Regulation 29)

for Type "B" only 24< L<100
Length L > 100 Hence , Length Correction = 0.000 mm
Freeboard after length correction = 1386 mm

Block Coefficient Correction, (Regulation 30)

Freeboard after block Coef. Correction = 1618 mm

Correction for Depth, (Regulation 31)

D = 6.096 m
L/15 = 7.025 m
R = 0.000 mm
Correction = 0 mm

Length of Superstructure for following decks (Regulation 34)

Bridge Deck = 7200.00 mm
2nd Deck = 0.00 mm
Poop Deck = 0.00 mm
1st Deck = 31093.00 mm
Forecastle Deck = 0.00 mm
Main Deck = 40429.00 mm

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Length of Superstructure S = 78.722 m

The volume between upper deck and 1st deck is buoyant hence the Length of the buoyant
portion of the 1st deck is also taken into consideration

Deduction for superstructure, (Regulation 37)

Freeboard deduction for 85m length of ship = 860.00 mm

Freeboard deduction for 122m length of ship = 1070.00 mm
Total deduction of 109.728m length of ship is = 975.61 mm

Correction for Sheer, (Regulation 38) = 212.44

Station Ordinate Ordinate Factor Deficiency

AP 1128.08 0 1
1/6 L from AP 500.87 0 3
1/3 L from AP 126.34 0 3 376.21
Amidships 0 0 1
Amidships 0 0 1
1/3 L from FP 252.69 0 3
1/6 L from FP 1001.74 0 3 752.43
FP 2256.16 0 1
Total 564.322
Required Freeboard after applying corrections
= 855 mm

Correction for recess in Freeboard Deck ( Regulation 32-1)

Volume of recess (L x B x D) = 40.878 m3

Total Waterplane area 0.85 D = 4013.400 m2
Correction to be added to freeboard = 10 mm

Minimum Freeboard required

(As per ILLC,1966) = 865.000 mm

Max permissible draught as per Freeboard calculations = 5231 mm

Max permissible Summer draught of the ship = 5231.000 mm

Summer Freeboard, (Regulation 40)

Depth (mld) - Fully Loaded SummerDraft (mld)
= 865 mm

Tropical freeboard Summer Fbd - (1/48) x Summer Draft

= 756 mm

Tropical fresh water freeboard Tropical Salt water Freeboard - Displacement/(40xtpc)

= 623 mm

Winter Freeboard Summer Fbd + (1/48) x Summer Draft

= 974 mm

Winter North Atlantic Freeboard Winter Freeboard + 50 mm

(for length more than 100m) = 1024 mm

Fresh Water Freeboard Summer Salt water Freeboard - Displacement/(40xtpc)

= 732 mm

NOTE: Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards other than timber = 103mm

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