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Imprisonment Destierro

 Putting the offender in prison for the  The penalty of banishing a person from the

purpose of protecting the public against place where he committed a crime,

criminal activities and at the same time prohibiting him to get near or enter the 25-

rehabilitating the prisoners by inquiring kilometer perimeter.

them to undergo institutional treatment.

Mosaic code

 Only punishment that is largely based on

 A conditional release of a prisoner after
the bible.
serving part of his/her sentence in prison
 Carried restitution because it allows
for the purpose of gradually re-introducing
offender and the victim to come to a
him/her to free life under the guidance and
settlement and to have such settlements
supervision of a parole officer
before a legal authority.
Probation  Allowed extreme punishments such as
flogging or burning alive.
 A disposition whereby a defendant after  However, accused are entitled to freedom
conviction of an offense, the penalty of from torture and admission of guilt is
which does not exceed six years admissible only when there is confirmatory
imprisonment, is released subject to the testimony from another witness.
conditions imposed by the releasing court  Most of american and european civil and
and under the supervision of a probation criminal justice system is based on the
officer. mosaic law.


 An amount given as a compensation for a

criminal act
Restorative justice Galleys

 This may include a payment of money given  Ships used for transportation to penal

from the offender to the victim, apologies colonies

and other amends, and other actions to

compensate those affected and to prevent

the offender from causing future harm.  A term for house of correction which were
used for locking up, whipping beggars,
•opposite of retributive justice which focuses
prostitutes. The institution was built around
more on the punishment of crime. the acceptance of value of work and
formulation of habits of industry. Also
Greek code of draco known as the england’s first house of
 A harsh code that provides the same
punishment for both the citizen and slave as
it incorporates primitive concepts.
 Was enforced in ancient greece in the 7th
century. Sing2x prison

 Became infamous all over the world and

Gaol was the plot of many movies of the sing sing
 Is the word for jail in england during the old  The shower bath was a gadget so
times. constructed as to drop a volume of water
on the head of locked naked offender. The
Hulks force of icy cold water hitting the head
caused so much pain and shock that
 Were abandoned or unusable ships which prisoners immediately sank into comas.
were converted into prisons as a means of
 The bath became frequent when flogging
relieving prison congestion when
transportation of prison was abandoned in was declared illegal.
england. Known as “floating hells”
Elmira reformatory Sweat box

 Considered as the forerunner of modern •prisoners were put into a steel box in the hot
penology because it had all the elements of
sun were used as punishment.
a modern system.
 Started parole in the u.s. in 1876. After a •in the philippines it is locally called “plantsa”
12-month record of good conduct, a
prisoner is already eligible for parole at
Treatment oriented prison

Classification  Main goal is prison security and the

prevention of escapes and riots.

 A method by which diagnosis, treatment,
 Prisoners are punished by confining them
planning and execution of treatment
programs are decided in individual cases. only to their cells and isolating them from

 Assigning the appropriate programs the rest of society.

according to the needs and existing
 At present, this approach in super
maximum and maximum facilities where
the occupants are hardened criminals who

 Deals with the separation of pdl/inmate are likely to escape when given a little
according to age, sex, medical condition,
freedom of movement.
and degree of custody. (asid)
 The bad side of this approach is many

prisoners become bored, irritable and

excitable. In this type of prison, riots

generally occur.
Custody oriented prison  Restitution

 Main goal is prison security and the

prevention of escapes and riots. What are the legal period of divisible

 Prisoners are punished by confining them penalties

only to their cells and isolating them from
 The legal period of duration of divisible
the rest of society.
penalties shall be considered as divided into
 At present, this approach in super three parts, forming three periods, the

maximum and maximum facilities where minimum, the medium, and the maximum
in the manner shown in the following table:
the occupants are hardened criminals who

are likely to escape when given a little

Reclusion temporal:
freedom of movement.
 Included in the penalty in its entirety: from
 The bad side of this approach is many
12 years and 1 day to 20 years
prisoners become bored, irritable, and
 Included in its minimum period: from 12
excitable. In this type of prison, riots
years and 1 day to 14 years and 8 months
generally occur.
 Included in its medium period: from 14

years, 8 months and 1 day to 17 years and 4

What are the different punishment months

 Included in its maximum: from 17 years, 4

and their purposes
months and 1 day to 20 years
 Specific and general deterence

 General deterence

 Incapacitation

 Rehabilitation
Prision mayor, absolute disqualification and Arresto mayor:

special temporary disqualification:

 Included in the penalty in its entirety: from

 Included in the penalty in its entirety: from 1 month and 1 day to months

6 years and 1 day to 12 years  Included in its minimum period: from 1 to 2

 Included in its minimum period: from 6 months

years and 1 day to 8 years  Included in its medium period: from 2

 Included in its medium period: from 8 years months and 1 day to 4 months

and 1 day to 10 years  Included in its maximum: from 4 months

 Included in its maximum: from 10 years and and 1 day to 6 months

1 day to 12 years

Prision correccional, suspension and destierro:

Arresto menor:

 Included in the penalty in its entirety: from

 Included in the penalty in its entirety: from
6 months and 1 day to 6 years
1 to 30 days
 Included in its minimum period: from 6
 Included in its minimum period: from 1 to
months and 1 day to 2 years and 4
10 days
 Months
 Included in its medium period: from 11 to
 Included in its medium period: from 2 years,
20 days
4 months and 1 day to 4 years and 2
 Included in its maximum: from 21 to 30
 Included in its maximum: from 4 years, 2

months and 1 day to 6 years

What is correction and its concept depending on the length of sentence

 Branch of the criminal justice system in

charge with the responsibility of custody,

supervision and rehabilitation of the

What are the types of jail or prison
convicted offender.

 Operates as the society’s primary formal  Lockup – houses detainees for 48 hours at

dispenser of punishment. the most or those awaiting investigation.

 It encompasses the broad category of  Municipal – pdl serving sentence of 1 day to

activities ranging from incarceration of 6 months.

offenders to preparing them for their  City – pdl serving sentence of 1 day to 3

eventual re-integration to society. years.

 Provincial – serving sentence of 6 months to

3 years.

 Corrections takes over after a criminal is  Insular/national – prisoners serving more

convicted/found guilty. He can apply for than sentences of 3years

probation or be turned over to a non-

institutional or institutional agency to serve

What are the three (3) kinds of
his sentence. escape as defined under the rpc.
 The offender could also avail the benefits of 1. Evasion of service of sentence ( art. 157)

parole and executive clemency after he has 2. Evasion of service of sentence on the
occasion of disorder, conflagrations,
served the minimum period of his sentence.
earthquakes, or other calamities. (art. 158)
 When the penalty is imprisonment, the
3. Violation of conditional pardon (art. 159)
sentence is served in either the municipal,

provincial or national penitentiary

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