City Ordinance No. SP-2766, S

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Republic ef the Fhitippines | QUEZON CITY COUNCIL ueren City 20° City Connell PO2OCC.0E7 75" Regular Session 768 oroiwance no. sp 2158. s20re AN ORDINANCE MANDATING RESTAURANT ESTABLISHMENTS TO GRANT TWENTY PERCENT (20%) DISCOUNT EVERY FIRST AND LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH TQ RECISTERED QUBZOV CITY SOLO PARENTS. Introcieed by Councitor RAQUEE S. MALANGRN Co-imiroduces! hy Councilors Ant ter D. Crisolugo, Lena Marie P Juicu, 2 AL Dewwmente, Victor ¥. Ferrer. ir. Olisierc 7 re, Alexis R. Herren. Precious Hipuitts Casteia, Voltaire Godofreds 4. Libai Ml, Ramen P. Medaila, Marulfa Z. Ludovioa, Hsiralla C. Vabnovine, Roderick M. Paulate, Allan Benedict S. Reyes, Gian Carlo G, Sonu, Kate Abigacl G. Coseteng, Franz S. Punuren, Bufemie C. Lagumbay, Manin ©, Ril. kena R. ielmonte, hy Xenia L. Leaman, Marra C. Suntay, fiero Clarence M. Bautista, Jose A. Visayd, Kari Rogar C. Castelu, Julienne Aly Rae Vo Meduila. Godofrede T Lden i Andres Jose G. Yana, Jr, Allan Buick T. Marivic Cp Pilar, Melencio “Bobby? T. Castel. qeliy “Royer* Suan. Diorilla Maria G. Sotto. Danni. C. Motias, Rete Z. Medins, Aijredo S. Roxas and Noe Lorenz: B. Dela Pracerte Ih WHEREAS, pursuant to Republic Act Nu. 8972 otterwise known the Solo Parenis Welfare Aci of Jd00, ese single parents who ng to the marginalized sector wis safer eeonamic difficulties are entitled 10 disenunts provided they ure .pualified & receive such Lenefits under the herein mentioned loi WHEREAS, 10 scike u hulance beaceen prufitolitity and social responsibility, establishments that ure Ieousnted Pas families, sul purenis incaded, are herehy mandate.’ fe yeant wz ‘wenty percent (20%) discoumt on the iotal dill of the so'o parent and tus/her children in establishments vevered by this Ordincstee ¢ 1 ye o> 73% Regular Session opines Ord, No. SP 27 0 s2018 Page -2- POZOCC 097 WHEREAS, sola parents. being « hybrid kind of family, possess the sole burden of rearing their children, may be given tire to bard yeith their childvon as Filginos cre known to be closely Kntiled manifested by the usual time spent together gow out to enjoy themselves; WHEREAS, to yive incentive te the participazing restaurants and other establishments, the sued disccunt granted to the registered solo parent shall be wiowed as tax duduction on the puyment of ther annual business ta. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TUE CITY COUNCIL OF QUBZON CITY IN REGULAR SESSION 4 SLED: SECTION 7, A taenty percent i2G% discount av. the total bi! of the solo parent dining together uth aiséher registered number of children shall be granied by restaurants and other eating establishments to registered Quezon Cfiy solo parents every first and last Sunday of each month. Tn no case stall the prnisiots of this Ordinance apply to bills exceeding Two Thawsand Pesos (P2 006.00} for single or accumulated receipts made within the sume establishment within the same day. SECTION 2. WHO MAY AVAIL ~ Selo Parents who apts to avail the discount provided for in this Ordinance must be a duly “Registerert Solo Parent” and iust prasont a valid Sole Parent ID issued by the Quezon City Sova? Senices Development Department {OC SSDD SECTION 3, LSRINITION OF TERMS — Pursuant to Republic Act No, 8972 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and Quezon City Ordinance Nos, SE-2ul4, S261 and SP-92, S-1993 os umended, the folloutng terms shall mean us fullous as used in Ordinance fa) Solo Parent any individual whe fails under any of the follouting c:tegories. i) A woman who gives lath as a result of rape and other crimes against ciurstity even without a final conviction 9f the officer: Provided, that the mether sand rises the cit Mo fees the child © * ay io 73 Reqular Sess: ord. wo. sp BTS Page S- 12 (3) (5) 5) (7 a (oH £20) Hs 2018 POROCE. 97, Pures left solo or clone with the responsibitizy of parenthood due to death of spouses Parent lef sete or atone with the responsibilia of arenthood while tie ssouse is detained or is serving sentence for it crimbin conmetion for of leust one {1} eri, Parent left selo or alune with the vesponsibitity of Parenthood due to physical and/or mental incapacity YY spouse as certified by a sublic medic! Practitioner Parent lefi sule or alone with the responsibititu of parenthood due ig legal separation or de fai Sepuration om spouse for at least one (I) year, us long us her she is entrusiee sith the custody of th: children; Harent left soto or afane with the responsibility of nthood chee to declaration af auitity or annulment af mariage as deomed hy ot court oF by a church Gs fong us he/she ie entrusted with the custody of the chikiren: Parc left solo or alene with the responsibility x enthowet due te abandonment of spouse for at TNE 12! Geary Unmarried muther/ father who has preferred to keep and rear hetthis chit; children instead of having Sthers care for them or give them up to a welfare insnitution, BN onier person who solviy provides purental care anal supper te a child er ohdidran: anc uy family member who assumes the responsibility af head of family as a resalt uf the death vibandonmert, discppearance or proionged absence ef thie parents or sulo pareny A change in the stan. or cueumsiance of the parent claiming benefits snder this Act. such that lef she is no longer left alowe with the responsibility of parenthood, Shall terminate sis. her eligibility far these pen efits, je SN Regular Se: 2 ~ FIRB cus. BB) Childress — refer to those living with une dependent upon the solo parent for support who ase unmarried, unemployed and not more than eightesn 28 yeurs of age, or even over eighteen 118) years ini are incopuble of self-suppurt because «f mentcl ondsor physical defect/ disability, fc) Restaurants and otner Dating Establishments ~ located within the verritorial parisduction uf Quezun City shall mean to inefude ~ but not tinaited 1 ~ cufes, cafeterias, ice cream or refreshment parlors. carinderias, fast food centers, snack centers iad ihe like, waldly operating and issuing an offiekit receipt ECHION 9, PEUAL CLAUSE: fa} Anu person who chuses the priviieyes granted herein sheil be fined of nat tess inan One Thousand Fosas (PL, 000 Li), but not muse Oui Five Thousaril Fesos (25, 300,00}, and! or punished with imprisonment cf not less thas six (6) month up to one {') year, cr bait al the diserevion of the court. By If the molatn! entity, the of therefor ¢ sorporstion. orgunizetion or any similar dials thereof directly wolved shal be lable Gpon Sing of on eppropriaiwe complaint :oith me S800 the wialuors may be fined’ sanctioned wath, a. DIRST OFFENSE - Written: Warn anal for BPLO 7 from SSDD b, SECOND OH £P2,000. 01% MSE. Fine of Twu Tiousund Pesos THIRD CEPBUS me of Five Thousand Pesos (P2,090.09} and also couse the cancellation or reveration of business permit, pernli to operate. franchisee and other similar priviteves granted to tiny business eniity that Jatis 19 abide by the Provisions of this Ordivamce. x as He B & 156 Regular Session Se 1). s2018 POBICEURT * Ora ito. sp._2 Page SECTION S. IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (IRR) ~ The Quezon City Social Senvicas De velopinent Department (OC SSUD) fogether with ihe Offfee of the City Treasurer shall promulgate {12 necessary implementing Rules and Regsletions to carry out the nevessary provisions of tis Ordinance. Specifically. with regurtd 1 the amount and estert of the aforementioned tax incentive that will be given to the restaurants and other simiiar «stabhshments that grunts the discounts to the sulo parents. SECTION 6, SSPARABILITY CLAUSE ~ If jor ony reason, eny Section oF pravision of “his Ordinance is “decked legal ap unconstihutonal other sections or provisions hereu! which are not cffected herehy shor! contraue te be in full Jarce cand effect SECTION 7. EESECIIVISY — This upon its approval Ordinance shall take effect ENACTED: Octover 1, 2 MA. JOSEt ke BELMONTE. City Viee Mayer Presiting Ofticer ATTESTED: a ey ent) Atty, Je ain PNR > hy Beérctary) APPROVED: GET M. BAUTISTA, Se City Mayor foe qebaticanon This 18 10 cerify that chis Ordiicnice was APPROVD by the Cty Council on Second Rearing on October 1, 2018 and uxts PASSED on Phird/ Final Reading an October 15, 2079 ot cep Vises gi a ncacle cab oy. JORT EOS i % Pity Secretary:

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