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Url structure :

It is the process of renaming or rewriting the url of the

web page

Use only “–“ hyphen symbol to separate the words in the


Do not use special characters like ?,_,! e.t.c to separate

the words in url

Do not use lengthy url structures

Before renaming any existing url structures, take the

backup of old url structures
Status codes :
404 page not found
301 permanent redirection
500 internal server error
302 temporary redirection
200 OK (working urls )

301 Redirection methods : ( It is the process of permanent

Old Domain to New domain
Old url to new url
Old Directory to New Directory (Folder)
Non WWW to WWW(Url canonicalization)

Procedure :
Go to 301 redirection tag generator tools
Enter old domain , new domain
Generate the code, copy the code in the notepad and save the
file as .htaccess
Upload the .htaccess file in the root folder of the old domain
Note : .htacess will be applicable for only html sites with
apache server
Different file extensions and different codes will be there for
different sites (Ex : .php, .aspx, javascript e.t.c)

Custom 404 Error Page Creation :

1) Giving link back to the home page or internal pages for all
the incoming wrong url structures like Ex :

Bread Crumb Navigation :

It is the path for the user to navigate front and back
webpages/ categories
Increases the internal linking strength of the website
<a href="">Home</a>
<a href="">Mobiles</a>

Output : Home >>> Mobiles

Web content optimization :

Minimum 300 words for every webpage
1% keyword density (for 100 words >>> 1 targeted
keyword )
Write the content with 0% plagarism
Duplicate content checker tools or plagiarism tools >>>>
Content spinning tool :
New content creation tool : (paid)
Content title generation tool : hubspot blog topic

Internal Links :
These are the links which are present with in the
Give 2 hyperlinks for 2 targeted keywords in web
content in each webpage
1 hyperlink to home page and 1 hyperlink to same page
Benefit : it will increase the internal strength of the

External links : These are the links which goes outside

from our website (also called as outbound links)
Example : social media sites , thirdparty sites

Footer links : These are the links which are present in

the common footer of the website
Implement the footer linking for the targeted keywords
Benefit : User will spend more time in our website by
clicking footer links , strong internal linking with in the
It is created for search engine crawlers
(search engine robots) to understand the
pages present in our site
 Benefit : Faster indexation of our website
pages in search engines
Go to (up to 500 urls this tool is
free) ( for more than 500 urls)
Enter the home page of the website
Click start >>>> Download the sitemap.xml file
Upload in the server
Check in the front end by typing
Html or php sitemap will be created for the users
to navigate the important pages present in any site
It will increase the internal strength of the website
and easy navigation for the user

Robots.txt :
It is a command for the search engine crawlers to
allow or disallow the site
Create the code in notepad , save the file as
robots.txt and upload in the root folder of the
For more info refer
Allow all search engines to crawl the entire site

User – agent : *
allow : /

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