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The Bodhi Tree

Social Solutions Consulting for


Incubated at

About The Bodhi Tree
The Bodhi Tree plays the role of a social solutions
consultant, to catalyze social impact by aggregating impactful
product and technology enabled social solutions and
innovations from across the globe and facilitating their
deployment in under-served communities through philanthropy
Our Vision
To bring philanthropists, underserved communities and social
solutions, all under one umbrella and facilitate collaborative
social impact

We facilitate collaborative social impact between philanthropists and social solution
We think of ourselves as a “Social Solutions Consultant”, catalyzing the implementation of social solutions

Solution Innovators Philanthropists

We identify philanthropists’ desired causes for social give-back.

We work with innovators to develop and enhance
We map the intent of the philanthropist to suitable social solutions for
product or technology enabled social solutions and
philanthropists to fund.
innovations that can mitigate various social issues.
We further assist the solution innovators in deployment. We ensure solutions are correctly implemented and
impact generated is monitored
Our Social Solutions and Innovations:

We have a diverse range of social solutions under 6 thematic areas: H-E-L-P-E-D (Health, Education, Living with Dignity, Professional skills,
Environment, Disability). We are constantly identifying and adding more solutions to our portfolio.

Some examples of our innovations are as below. Visit our website for a complete list of our solutions and innovations.



Post-chemotherapy Artificial-intelligence- Do-it-yourself bunk Play areas in under-

Virtual Reality enabled
rehabilitation enabled learning beds to enhance vocational skilling served schools made Customized, motorized
innovations for below- solutions for children privacy and safety of from up-cycled tyres wheel chairs for
solutions in ITI colleges
poverty-line cancer in under-served children in orphanages persons with
warriors schools locomotor disability

Space labs and space Picture-based

Sustainable menstrual Makeshift houses in Career assessment and Makeshift bio-toilets to
education for children communication app for
innovations for low- migrant communities guidance in low- prevent open
in government schools children with speech
income women groups and slums income colleges defecation impairment

CSR teams experience these pain points while planning and executing their
philanthropic projects. You may have faced them too.

1. Pre-Implementation 2. Implementation 3. Post-Implementation

When you begin to think of You may identify an NGO and donate, The NGOs may report that they have
contributing to social good… but… used your money well, but..

Not sure how to identify

beneficiary communities Poor communication from Uncertainty of long-term
NGOs you may engage viability of solution
Not sure how your with, on project progress
money will create
sustainable impact Lack of monitoring and
Poor brand visibility to your audits of solution to
organization. monitor impact
Not sure what solution
can really benefit the Poor employee
community engagement in projects
These leave many CSRs with a bad
These make it difficult for CSR taste and they may even choose not
There is no follow up regarding your
teams to get started on their to donate to NGOs and give to
philanthropy projects Government funds like Swach
Bharath instead
We can assist you in achieving your philanthropic goals through projects that generate
high impact, are tangible and could be game changers for the beneficiary.

1. Pre-Implementation 2. Implementation 3. Post-Implementation

1. Pre-Implementation 2. Implementation 3. Post-Implementation

Ensure guarantee of solution

Ensure alignment on causes and Ensure regular communication and
implementation and your
potential solutions available quantification of impact
involvement in the project

We will identify impactful We will act as the project manager to We will follow-up with the beneficiary
product/technology-enabled social facilitate the end-to-end deployment community and the solution
solutions that is relevant to the of the solution in the apt under- innovators to verify the impact
beneficiary group(s) that you have in served community generated and send you regular reports.

We envision that an engagement with us will go through these stages

Introductory call/mail
1 • Introducing you to The Bodhi Tree
First meeting and project proposal
2 •

Understanding your philanthropic needs
Introduction of relevant social solutions and innovations
Subsequent meetings
3 • Agree on type of solution, monetary contribution
and nature of deployment
Project implementation
• Ensure on-time solution deployment
4 •

Monitoring use of funds and project progress
Facilitating volunteering engagements for you, your family
and friends
Post-implementation meeting: weeks
• Delivery of project summary
5 • Verification of data of impact generated
• Social media visibility to your social give back

Post-engagement: Invitations to various round tables and meets that we facilitate for corporate CSR leaders, NGO leaders, and other high
net-worth individuals involved in philanthropy.

Our key strengths lie in end-to-end implementation of credible social solutions

A typical philanthropic process may look like this… Other players in this space help you like this…

CSR Advisors Crowdfunding Typical NGOs The Bodhi Tree
Be Sensitive to the
1 philanthropist’s social-give-back
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Strategize solutions
2 from a large platter of
3 Spearhead implementation ✓ ✓
Support philanthropic
✓ ✓

The Bodhi Tree is heavily project-based, and focusses on credible social innovations with fuss-free implementation (stages 2 and 3):
Philanthropists who work with us, trust that the projects they choose will be put in place to serve their desired community on time and on specification.

Social Innovations under
The Bodhi Tree


1. Sustainable Menstrual kits

What is the Social 52% of young girls in India are forced to follow unhygenic menstrual practices.
Issue we are solving? 23% of the girls drop out of schools when they start menstruating.
20% girls think menstruation is a serious illness
19 billion single use feminine hygiene products are thrown out each year, taking 500 years to decompose.
What is the solution we Menstrual awareness workshops and a personalized sustainable menstrual kit with cloth pads/menstrual cup and usage guides

How is the Solution Creating menstrual awareness and giving each under-served girl a menstrual kit with reusable, bio degradable cloth pads/menstrual cup ensure,
mitigating this social Health: Women stop using unhealthy solutions like rags, coconut fibre, cow dung etc
issue? Environment sustainability: Cloth pads decompose within 6 months and do not add to huge landfills unlike single use pads.
Economical sustainability: The girl/woman can reuse the pads for over a year without having to buy pads each month. The cups could last for even 5 years.
What is the expected Women coming out of myths and superstitions associated with menstruation.
outcome of this Women not losing out anymore on 3-5 days of their productivity each month.
Solution? Girls not missing school for 3-5 days each month.
How is this solution The cloth pads and cups can be repeatedly used for a long time. We also provide support and counsel the girls and women for a reasonable period of time so that they change their mindsets and
sustainable? break myths with respect to periods.


2. Post Chemotherapy rehab kits

What is the Social Many people in India from below-poverty line get free cancer surgeries. However post surgeries, the warriors do not get access to various solutions that are actually imperative for their normal living.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Lymphoderma gloves, jaw separators, breast prosthesis and many more solutions as per the patient’s need.

How is the Solution Lymphoderma gloves prevent fluid collection in limbs, breast prosthesis maintain balance of the body and prevent back ache and also to boost the confidence of the woman, jaw separators prevent
mitigating this social sticking of the jaws. Many other solutions are available on a need basis helping the patient lead a normal life post chemotherapy.
What is the expected These solutions help patients live with dignity, live with confidence, live in a healthy way and be true cancer warriors.
outcome of this
How is this solution Most of these solutions can be used for atleast 3-5 years before wear and tear. This period is good for patients to move back to a normal life.


3. Nutrition games

What is the Social Families from low income backgrounds do not think of nutrition as their highest priority. They think nutrition is for those who can afford it. It is important to make them understand the nutritional needs of
Issue we are solving? infants, children, pregnant women, teenagers, men doing intense physical labor, people in their old age, and members with any specific health condition like anemia etc.

What is the solution we Nutrition board games played with children in slums, government schools, shelter homes etc

How is the Solution Nutrition games help children change their mindset about nutrition.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Families from low-income groups begin to understand what is healthy for them and what is not and how good nutrition can be achieved even at low cost.Further, as they play these games with their
outcome of this family and in their community, they start to spread positive message about nutrition. They also begin to understand about the hazards of substance abuse and its impact on health.
How is this solution The board games can be played with children repeatedly and a structured nutrition awareness program can be structured for children in Government schools. This also becomes a long term employee
sustainable? volunteering opportunity.


4. Clean drinking water in under-served communities

What is the Social 1 in 3 people around the world don’t have access to safe drinking water.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we We set up Reverse-Osmosis plants in under-served communities like villages, government schools, slums etc. Further we also spread awareness in these communities on water conservation.

How is the Solution Water plants provide access to clean drinking water to children and adults thus preventing water-borne diseases. This also has a great impact on education and economic development of the
mitigating this social community.
What is the expected Improved health. Also, communities start to preserve water since they value the water they get.
outcome of this
How is this solution These plants can serve the communities for many years thus ensuring there is always access to clean drinking water.


1. Portable study tables

What is the Social Children in Government schools and low income families do not have a basic study infrastructure like a study table. They put the books on the floor and bend or sleep on the floor and write leading to
Issue we are solving? back problems, handwriting issues, eyesight problems, bad handwriting and most importantly they lack a dignified, personal study space.

What is the solution we School bags which can open up into a light weight yet sturdy study table.

How is the Solution The portable study table provides a private study space for children from low income families both in schools and at home. Children can now sit with their head held high while studying.
mitigating this social

What is the expected Children feel more excited to own their study space. This is bound to increase their interest in reading and writing. They also feel the dignity when they open their personal study table in front of others
outcome of this and get ready to write.
How is this solution Children can use this table for 3-5 years (or more) until they outgrow the table size.


2. Smart classrooms

What is the Social The Covid 19 pandemic has pointed out to us, the huge digital divide in education in India and the learning loss that resulted because of that. While children from privileged schools soon shifted to
Issue we are solving? online schooling, children from many low income families completely lost education during the lock down period and many even dropped out of schools eventually.

What is the solution we Smart classrooms and personal tabs/smart phones with pre-loaded interactive education content.

How is the Solution Digital solutions in schools help with accelerated learning for children. Personal digital equipment like tabs and low-cost laptops, loaded with education material (even in vernacular languages) help
mitigating this social students with self study. The digital learning modules and progress can also be centrally monitored by the teachers. In this day of technology, where it is imperative for children from low income
issue? schools also to cope with technology for better careers and exposure, the digital solutions provide great support in this digital transformation for schools, teachers and children.
What is the expected A level playing field is created for children from all socio-economic backgrounds to learn. This will result in level playing fields in the future in careers and jobs too.
outcome of this
How is this solution The digital solutions can be used by schools for a very long time. The personal digital tabs can be used by the child till they complete education and can then pass it on to the next junior class.


3. Space labs and space education in schools

What is the Social Most children in Government and low-income private schools do not have very high career aspirations. And a very very small percentage even know about the opportunities in space and space allied
Issue we are solving? industries. Many people feel there is no point in introducing space technology and careers in space to children in Government schools because they do not have the potential and opportunities to
aspire for it.
What is the solution we Space labs in Government schools

How is the Solution Space labs contain various space technology equipment and experiments. Children learn to build parachutes, gliders, rockets etc, learn about the position of stars and phases of the moon, thus
mitigating this social developing the curiosity in space technology. They also learn about careers in space and space allied industries. They learn about women in space. This is a stepping stone for children from low
issue? income families to start aspiring for a future in space.

What is the expected Children slowly begin to develop interest in space technology and careers in space related industries. They also understand what courses they can choose in order to land up in these careers. Girl
outcome of this children get motivated by other women in space. Children start following news and online channels related to space and space technology.
How is this solution Space labs in Government schools to provide continued space technology education to the children. These labs can be shared by multiple schools.

#Living with Dignity

1. Trolleys to serve the mid-day meals, with dignity, in government schools

What is the Social The government has mandated that children should no longer stand in queue to be served mid-day meals in schools. This is not dignified. The government mandates that children should sit in rows
Issue we are solving? and columns and the helpers in schools should serve food. However, The vessels used to serve food are huge, and heavy and the food is piping hot. It becomes very difficult for the helpers in schools
to carry these vessels (of rice, sambar, vegetables etc) and navigate among 200+ sitting children. It is a huge physical burden on the helpers leading to them complaining and hence not serving food
cheerfully. Some accidents have also occurred wherein the hot sambar vessels have slipped and fallen down.

What is the solution we Trolleys designed after thorough market survey and end-user survey.

How is the Solution The trolleys make it very easy for helpers to serve food in schools. It also prevents accidents.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Children in government schools have their lunch with dignity.
outcome of this
How is this solution The trolleys are made of stainless steel and last very long.
#Living with Dignity

2. Pre-fabricated, light-weight, modular structures (classrooms, in-patient wards and ICUs, toilets,
houses etc)

What is the Social Many communities do not have dignified houses, toilets, school buildings or even hospitals. The community used materials like tarpaulin, wood, plastic sheets to create these structures. These lead to
Issue we are solving? a lot of health and safety hazard to these under-served communities.

What is the solution we Modular, pre-fabricated structures that are easy to assemble.

How is the Solution These structures provide a safe and dignified environment to the community.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Dignified homes.
outcome of this Safety
Solution? Better health
Better productivity at work
How is this solution The structures are fabricated using sturdy, sustainable materials and are a long term structural solution for low income communities.

#Living with Dignity

3. Bunkbeds in orphanages

What is the Social In most shelter homes, children do not have a private space to call their own. This leads to two issues.
Issue we are solving?
The orphanage building is invariable too small to accommodate the large number of children and yet they also have many new children joining in every now and then. Thus the space utilization in the
shelter homes is not optimized.
In shelter homes with girl children, it becomes all the more imperative to provide the girl children with their own private, secured space to sleep especially after they reach the age of puberty. But the
shelter homes are unable to provide this.

What is the solution we Well designed bunk beds.


How is the Solution The DIY Bunk Beds are built using sustainable materials and usually with the help of the employee volunteers of the sponsoring organization. The bunk beds give the orphanage better utilization of
mitigating this social space and a dignified personal space for each child.

What is the expected Dignified living.

outcome of this Safety and secured feeling, especially for girl children
How is this solution The bunk beds are made of sturdy, sustainable materials and are a long term living solution in orphanages.
#Professional Skilling

1. Alexa-based English teaching solution

What is the Social English language is a far fetched dream for many students coming from government schools and even private schools in tier-2, tier-3 cities and beyond. This poses a huge challenge not just in
Issue we are solving? education but also in professional growth for children coming from these backgrounds.

What is the solution we Alexa-based English teaching application


How is the Solution A cutting-edge innovation in the spoken-English domain, this solution uses expert-created content and voice-enabled technology (like Amazon Alexa) to enable learners to practice and improve their
mitigating this social listening, speaking, reading, and writing (LSRW) skills. The AI based solution provides live conversational practice and immediate feedback on mistakes which makes it a very robust platform for
issue? improving spoken English skills. Suitable for learners of all ages, this solution is aligned to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference to Languages) and enables any school or institution to
achieve international-standard English proficiency.
What is the expected
outcome of this Accelerated English learning owing to
Solution? 1. Blended learning – voice technology + books + activities
2. Personalised learning for every student
3. Individual assessment and scoring
4. Higher student engagement → better results
5. Greater flexibility and increased instruction time

How is this solution This solution can be used as long as needed (subject to validity of the subscription) to gain the proficiency in English.
#Professional Skilling

2. Virtual Reality based skilling solution

What is the Social Students in ITIs receive very little or no practical training required to get into the job market, due to lack of necessary & fundamental training equipment or shortage of resources. On the other hand,
Issue we are solving? Industry requirement for skilled labour is constantly on the rise, and without adequate modern training, the students in ITIs are not equipped with the right kind of skill set that meet industry
What is the solution we Virtual Reality based skilling solution

How is the Solution The Multi-Skill simulator platform helps better quality training at much lower costs for hands-on skills like welding, spray painting, AC repair, solar panel technician, blasting and many more.
mitigating this social These are all skills where the practical component of the training takes a lot of costs to deliver, and this high cost often limits the number of practical hours of training a student gets.

What is the expected Drastic reduction in cost of skilling as compared to traditional methods.
outcome of this Efficient transfer of skills.
Solution? Better evaluation of performance of the learner.
Gender inclusion in trades like welding, painting etc which are predominantly male-dominated.
How is this solution The VR lab once set up can be used for many years (subject to license being active)

1. Playscapes built using up-cycled tyres

What is the Social Article 31 of the UN states play as the right of every child. Unfortunately the grim reality is that today, over 100 million children in India are deprived of play. The All-India School Education Survey, last
Issue we are solving? conducted in 2016, revealed that only 39% of government schools in the country have a playground. Which leaves well over half of all government schools, i.e.62%, without one. On the ecological
front, 1.5 billion+ waste tyres are generated every year worldwide and 6% of those are in India. There is also an absence of a proper mechanism to recycle this waste that is generated and about 70%
of this is dumped in landfills or is burnt.
What is the solution we Play areas built using up-cycled tyres

How is the Solution We build Sustainable interactive playscapes using upcycled tyres, drums and metal playground elements for children that enable their physical and mental well being. While being a safe space for
mitigating this social exploration and interaction, the playgrounds are also environmentally friendly as it increases the lifespan of scrap tyres and promotes upcycling and adaptive reuse.
What is the expected A playground has the power of becoming the identity of a school, locality or even a village. Setting up a playground in slums, shelter homes and government schools has shown an increase in
outcome of this attendance rates, decreased drop-out rates and increased outdoor time for children. Indulging in the different activities of a playground greatly benefits the physical and mental well being of a child.
Solution? Learnings like collaboration, negotiation, conflict resolution are all skills children learn outside a classroom, on the playground.

How is this solution The playscapes are built by upcycling materials like used tyres, metal drums, recycled plastic boards that increase the lifespan of such materials. The process also involves sourcing materials and
sustainable? labour locally which cuts down carbon footprint and supports local economies.


2. Moving towards clean energy – Solar panel set up

What is the Social The world is heavily dependent on non-renewable energy for electricity.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Solar power grids in public spaces and government schools

How is the Solution Drastic reduction in cost of electricity.

mitigating this social One step at a time towards clean energy
What is the expected Drastic reduction in consumption of non-renewable sources of electricity thus reducing carbon foot print.
outcome of this
How is this solution Solar panels work for nearly 20-25 years with very little maintenance.


3. Creating Miyawaki forests, lake restoration, soil restoration

What is the Social With drastic climate changes in the last 10 years, there is a great need to take steps to save our natural resources.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Creating Miyawaki forests, restoring lakes and soil to its original form.

How is the Solution This initiative when done in large scale has a great positive impact on the climate in that region.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Positive impact on climate changes.
outcome of this
How is this solution Highly sustainable if maintained.


4. Setting up waste segregation units and compost unit

What is the Social Vast amounts of resources are used everyday by all of us, but very little is being reused, reclaimed and recycled thus adding to the waste discarded into Earth.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Awareness on waste segregation, setting up waste segregation units, composting waste where possible.

How is the Solution The waste that goes as landfill can be greatly reduced with responsible waste management.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Healthy, clean communities
outcome of this
How is this solution The effort can be sustained if the community takes ownership of waste management.


5. Eco furniture

What is the Social Many public spaces ad government schools do not have proper furniture.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Eco furnitures


How is the Solution We build eco friendly, DIY, light weight, economical furniture for communities like schools, parks, hospitals etc. These furniture are made of up-cycled metal waste, recycled tetra pack boards (eco
mitigating this social boards). The eco boards are fire resistant, water resistant, light weight, corrosion resistant and termite resistant.
What is the expected Reuse of industrial waste to create furniture.
outcome of this Better awareness on waste management and shift towards using eco-friendly materials.
How is this solution The furniture constructed with sturdy, sustainable, eco friendly materials are a long term solution for furniture needs in homes and public spaces


1. Battery operated, customized wheel chairs

What is the Social Movement is a law of nature and life, and mobility is a basic human right.Every year, five lakh wheelchairs are sold in India. 95% of all wheelchairs sold in India are one-size-fits-all. They restrict
Issue we are solving? mobility, damage health, and lower self-confidence. Few wheelchair users can safely and independently transfer into tricycles and modified scooters. Consequently, they are confined indoors.Public
transport and the built environment have posed insurmountable barriers, not only to leaving home, but also to their opportunities for health education, employment and leisure.

What is the solution we Motorized, customized wheel chairs for persons with lower limb disability.

How is the Solution This is a personalized wheelchair designed to enhance health and lifestyle. It’s 18 customizations ensure a perfect fit to the user’s needs. It is efficient to propel. A 30% smaller footprint enhances
mitigating this social accessibility of narrow spaces. It’s cushion is designed to enhance skin care, stability, & ease of transfer. The design conforms to the user’s body, making the user more visible than the wheelchair.
issue? The wheelchair comes with a motor-powered clip-on which converts it into a safe, roadworthy vehicle. It enables wheelchair users to go out into the world, explore life, get employed and have fun! This
arrangement eliminates the need to transfer into other vehicles and can be independently attached by the user. It has a maximum speed of 25 kmph and travels up to 25 km per charge. It can be
safely used on uneven terrains. It will empower wheelchair users with a low-cost mode of outdoor mobility.
The 18 user customizations are arrived at by remotely assessing 6 user measurements and 30 data-points on health and lifestyle. An easy to read prescription is generated by the clinical service and
is approved by the user.
Products with comparable features are available only in the global market and are three times as expensive.
What is the expected The beneficiary wheelchair users are likely to be more independent and happier, reflected through the following indicators: Increase in distance and frequency of travel, Travel for livelihood, Improved
outcome of this savings OR earnings
How is this solution These wheel chairs are highly durable and can be used for a very long time.

2. Motion sensor mouse for persons with upper limb disability

What is the Social Many people are unable to use mouse owing to upper limb disability, accidents, chronic hand pain, fractures, amputations, neurological disorders etc thus causing a digital divide.
Issue we are solving?

What is the solution we Motion sensor mouseware specifically for persons with upper limb disabilities

How is the Solution This is a head-wearable device that enables hands-free operation of Computers & Smartphones with simple head movements.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Digital inclusion of persons with upper limb disabilities thus increasing access to education, employment, better social interaction and daily living.
outcome of this
How is this solution This device is compatible with all digital devices currently available in market. The set up of the device is also very simple.


3. Picture based communication tool for children with speech impairment

What is the Social Children with speech disability and intellectual disabilities are unable to communicate their feelings, opinions, thoughts etc freely owing to speech barrier. This leads to exclusion in the society and
Issue we are solving? gives way to frustration for the child.

What is the solution we A picture based communication system


How is the Solution Children use this device to communicate in schools and in their social circles. They use this to participate in classrooms and thus get better access to education and social life.
mitigating this social
What is the expected Decreases the child’s frustration.
outcome of this Better inclusion in the society
Solution? Reduces behavior issues
Increases self esteem and confidence of the child
Makes the child more independent
Improves social relationships
Improves access to education for the child
Reduces anxiety of parents/ guardians
How is this solution This app can be used by the child as long as the child wants
Our impact in a nutshell
Created social impact in
Supported so far..

5 7000+
Disadvantaged children Disadvantaged communities

15+ 55%

Winner of the Karnataka

Business Awards 2023
under the Best Social
Solution Consultancy
Linkedin post by Tata Communications
CSR appreciating our contribution as
knowledge partners in co-hosting their
annual ed-tech conference Bodh 3.0 in Feb
2024 in Bengaluru
We have received many positive testimonials from various partners and stake holders

LinkedIn post by IIMB about our solution consultancy model

that was featured in YourStory

We have received many positive testimonials from various partners and stake holders

We were featured in 8+ Kannada

newspapers for our work in Davengere
district, Karnataka

Appreciation on Instagram
by popular Kannada
LinkedIn post by Navis CSR rapper and musician All Ok
appreciating our (Alok Babu)
philanthropy advisory and
collaborative impact model

We have been part of their social give-back journey…

Mercedes Benz R&D India

The Bodhi Tree Team
Our Founding Team

Deepti Natarajan Murali Krishnaprasadh

Co-Founder, The Bodhi Tree CEO, The Bodhi Tree
97429 47041 90084 02304

Thank You
+91 98808 61536

Incubated at


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