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XI - B

Dhanvini Basava

This project entitled “Magnesium-A Research”, is the Project Work in Chemistry (043),
successfully completed by Ms. Dhanvini Basava, student of Class-XI(Sec. B), P. Obul
Reddy Public School, under the guidance of Mr. T Subba Rao sir (HOD Chemistry)
during the academic session 2023-24.

Date: 29th April, 2023


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Chemistry teacher, Mr. T

Subba Rao sir for his able guidance in finishing the project.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Principal ma’am, Ms. Rekha Rao and Vice
Principal ma’am, Ms. K Vinitha, for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

I would also like to thank my parents for their encouragement which persuaded me to
finish the project in time.
Element Information 05

Structure and Electronic Configuration 06

Isotopes of Mg 07

Position, Group & Period on Periodic Table 08

History of Mg 09

Applications of Mg in various fields 10 - 13

Useful Mg Compounds 14 - 16

Extraction of Mg 17

Other info on Mg 18

Images Profile 19 - 20

Bibliography 21

Melting point: 650°C

Atomic number
12 Boiling point: 1091°C

Atomic weight 24.305 u

There are 12 electrons
in a Magnesium Atom
12 protons
PROTON 12 neutrons
There are 12 protons
in a Magnesium Atom

There are 12 neutrons K L M E. C. = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
in a Magnesium Atom 2e 8e 2e = [Ne] 3s2 = 2, 8, 2
Abundances of the Naturally Occurring Isotopes of
Magnesium There are 19 radioisotopes that have
been discovered, ranging from 18 Mg to
Mg-26 40 Mg (except 39 Mg). However, there
11.01% are 3 stable isotopes of Magnesium -
Mg-25 24 Mg, 25 Mg, and 26 Mg.

Isotope Mg-24 Mg-25 Mg-26

78.99% Electron
12 12 12

Protons 12 12 12

Mg-24 Neutrons 12 13 14

Mass no. 24 25 26
● Magnesium belongs to
Group 2 (Alkaline
Earth Metals ) on the
Modern Periodic Table.
● It belongs to Period 3
● It belongs to s-block
Alkaline Earth Metals include
Beryllium (Be), Magnesium
(Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium
(Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium
(Ra). They all have very
similar properties. They have
two electrons on their
outermost shell, which they
lose to gain +2 charge.

In 1618, a farmer at Epsom in England attempted to give his cows water from a well there. The cows refused
to drink because of the water's bitter taste, but the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal scratches
and rashes. The substance became known as Epsom salts and its fame spread. It was eventually recognized
as hydrated magnesium sulfate, MgSO4·7H20

The Scottish chemist Joseph Black recognized it as a separate element in 1755. In 1808, the English chemist
Humphry Davy obtained the impure metal through the electrolysis of a mixture of magnesium oxide (MgO) and
mercuric oxide (HgO). Finally, in 1831 the French pharmacist and chemist Antoine- Alexandre Brutus Bussy
isolated the metal in the pure state.

How it got its name: The name derives from Magnesia, a district in the north-eastern region of Greece called
Thessalia. Humphry Davy in 1808 proposed the name magnium based on the mineral magnesite (MgCO3)
which came from Magnesia in Greece. Eventually, it was called magnesium.
Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element available on earth. It has a low structural density and high strength.
This unique material property has led to an increase in the use of magnesium and its alloys in various applications
such as the industrial sector, automobiles, aerospace, biomedical, etc. It is used in aircraft and missile components,
fuel tanks, housings, bicycles, laptops, TVs, cell phones, printing and textile machinery, and many other things.


Magnesium is a light-weight material. It is used in racing cars and commercial vehicles. Use of Magnesium also led
to reduced environmental issues. It led to fuel efficiency, increased performance and sustainability. Many large
automotive companies like Audi, Ford, Jaguar have already replaced steel and aluminum with magnesium in various
parts of their products. Magnesium is currently being used in gearbox, front end and IP beams, steering column and
driver’s air bag housings as well as in steering wheels, seat frames and fuel tank covers. Magnesium usage on the
front end of a vehicle provides not just a lower overall mass for the car, but also shifts the center of gravity
towards the rear of the car improving handling and turning capabilities. In addition, frequencies that reduce
vibration and overall noise can be done by tuning of magnesium parts. It can replace steel in many parts, increasing
strength and lowering manufacturing cost.
The aerospace industry uses Mg in many applications both
civil and military. Magnesium-Aluminium alloys are light in
When adequate thermal conductivity properties are
mass & it is critical to lower the weight of air and space
required, Magnesium alloys are used instead of plastics.
craft, to decrease emissions and increase fuel efficiency.
Magnesium alloys dissipate heat generated by electrical
These changes will result in a lower operational cost as
circuits in electronic equipment. These alloys are found in
well. Magnesium is an ideal material for use in these
TVs, LCDs, Mobile phones and computer cases. Not only
applications. Due to limited continuing improvements on
these, but Mg have more advantages. Cutting resistance is
aluminum weight reduction, and damage properties of low
lower in Magnesium alloys, making rapid machining easier
density plastics when subjected to extreme temperatures,
and costs for prototypes and production lower. Mg alloys
Mg can replace them. Magnesium can be found in the
are also excellent at shielding electromagnetic
thrust reversers for the Boeing 737, 747, 757, and 767 as
interference (EMI) and are frequently used in mobile phone
well as in jet engine fan frames, and aircraft and helicopter
casings or even avionics. In addition, Magnesium alloys are
transmission casings. Spacecraft and missiles also
easily recyclable, ductile, and have excellent vibration
contain magnesium and its alloys. Magnesium is capable
absorption properties which make them better at dent
of withstanding short wave electromagnetic radiation,
exposure to ozone and the impact of high energy particles
and matter.

Magnesium is strong, stiff, and lightweight. Magnesium is

biocompatible, meaning it does not cause an immune
response when implanted into the body. This makes
magnesium a suitable material for use in biomedical
applications. It is non-toxic and does not cause adverse
reactions when used in the human body. It is used in bone
density scanners and X-ray machines because it absorbs
X-rays. Mg alloys are strong and lightweight, making them
well-suited for medical devices and medical equipment
manufacturing. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it an
ideal metal for medical implants and other devices that
come into contact with the human body. Magnesium
compounds are injected into the veins of heart attack
victims to stabilise their heart rhythms. It is also used to
treat eclampsia.
Magnesium is an essential element in both plant and
animal life. Chlorophyll is the chemical that allows plants
to capture sunlight, and photosynthesis to take place.
Chlorophyll is a magnesium-centred porphyrin complex.
Around one mole of Mg ions are found in a human body
weighing about 70 kgs.

● Magnesium is also used in golf clubs, tennis

rackets, the handles of archery bows and bicycle
frames (since it can absorb vibration).
● Magnesium is also used in flash powders, bulbs,
incendiary bombs, signals, etc. It is also used in
flares, fireworks, sparklers as it ignites easily.

FUN FACT: Spices, nuts, cereals, cocoa and vegetables

are rich sources of magnesium. Green leafy vegetables
such as spinach are also rich in magnesium.
Magnesium Oxide
Mgo - It is a solid that is physically and chemically stable at high temperatures.
Hence, it is used in furnace linings for producing iron, steel, nonferrous metals,
glass, and cement. It is also unimportant fireproofing ingredient in construction
materials. Gas mantles utilize magnesium oxide. Medically, it is used for relief of
heartburn and indigestion. It also has an important place as a commercial plant
fertilizer and as animal feed.

Magnesium Carbonate
MgCO3 - (Magnetise) The primary use of magnesium carbonate is the production of
magnesium oxide by calcining. MgCO3 is also used in flooring, fireproofing, fire
extinguishing compositions, cosmetics, dusting powder, and toothpaste. It has a
low solubility in water. Magnesium carbonate, is also used as a drying agent on
athletes' hands in rock climbing, weightlifting, etc. to get a firm grip. It is used as
a matte white coating for projection screens too.
Magnesium Magnesium
Hydroxide Sulphate
Mg(OH)2, (Milk of Magnesia) is MgSO4, (Epsom Salt) has many
used to treat indigestion or household uses, like bath salts.
acidity. It is also used as a It is also used is in agriculture,
laxative. It is widely used in to correct soils deficient in
wastewater treatment. It is magnesium. It is also used to
also used as a fire retardant. prepare specific cements.
Hydrated Magnesium
Magnesium Silicate - Talc
Mg3Si4O10(OH)2, (talc), when
Phosphate combined with corn starch, is used
as baby powder. It is an ingredient in
Mg3(PO4)2 is used in
ceramics, paints, and roofing
medications and to fireproof
material. It is a main ingredient in
wood used in construction
many cosmetics. It's also used in
paper-making, & as lubricant

Magnesium Sulfite Magnesium Chloride hexafluorosilicate Magnesium fluoride
MgCl2, is used in
MgSO3 is used in the MgF2 - It is transparent,
magnesium metal
manufacture of paper in the MgSiF, is mainly used for tough and polishes well.
production, in the
sulphite process (produces moth-proofing textiles. It Windows, lenses, and
manufacture of a cement for
wood pulp that is almost pure also has many other prisms made of this
heavy-duty flooring, and as
cellulose fibers by treating laboratory and analytical material can be used over
an additive in textile
wood chips with solutions of uses. the entire range of
manufacture. It also plays a
sulfite and bisulfite ions. wavelengths
crucial role in toxicology.
Magnesium is the eighth-most-abundant element in the Earth's crust by mass and tied in seventh place with
iron in molarity. It is found in large deposits of magnesite, dolomite, and other minerals, and in mineral waters,
where magnesium ion is soluble.
The Mg2+ cation is the second-most-abundant cation in seawater (about 1⁄8 the mass of sodium ions in a
given sample), which makes seawater and sea salt attractive commercial sources for Mg. To extract the
magnesium, calcium hydroxide is added to seawater to form magnesium hydroxide precipitate.
MgCl2 + Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + CaCl2
Magnesium hydroxide (brucite) is insoluble in water and can be filtered out and reacted with hydrochloric acid
to produced concentrated magnesium chloride.
Mg(OH)2 + 2 HCl → MgCl2 + 2 H2O
From magnesium chloride, electrolysis produces magnesium.
China is almost completely reliant on the silicothermic Pidgeon process, while n the United States,
magnesium is obtained principally with the Dow process to produce Magnesium.


Magnesium has high-development potential to be used
Magnesium is a reactive metal and
as resorbable implant material (e.g. as stent) for the
hence is more prone to corrosion. he
human body. The contact corrosion behavior is a
presence of iron, nickel, copper, and
decisive advantage when used as an implant material
cobalt strongly activates corrosion.
to be used for a limited period of time, as it would
Hence, appropriate measures need to
dissolve without risk after a certain period of time.
be taken to slow down the process of
This would eliminate the risks and costs of an
operation to remove the implant.
Illumination Source

Products made of magnesium: firestarter and shavings, sharpener,
magnesium ribbon

● Images Credit: Google Images.

End of the project. Thank you.

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