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Frank 02 April 2024

Unraveling the Mortgage: Understanding the Spiritual and Legal Dimensions

Delve into the deeper layers of mortgage agreements beyond the mere financial aspect. Explore the
spiritual and legal implications of mortgages, birth certificates, and contracts, shedding light on
hidden knowledge and revealing the connections to broader societal structures. Discuss the concept
of being a spiritual being inhabiting a physical vessel, the implications of birth certificates and
contracts in relation to individual sovereignty, and the role of institutions like the Vatican and legal
systems in shaping our understanding of ownership and property. Examine the idea of mortgages as
"death pledges" and the perpetual state of tenancy under certain legal frameworks. Gain insights
into how awareness of these hidden aspects can empower individuals to navigate financial and legal
systems with greater clarity and autonomy.

I want to make it very clear to you guys about this mortgage. This is the part I want you to
understand. We are a spiritual being. We are a soul living inside this vessel, this body. Okay? I do
not live in a physical address. I am never in a building. I am always in my vessel. Okay? So when
they're asking for legal names, I don't own these legal names.
It's crown copyrighted. Okay? So when the Vatican, when we were born and they created a contract.
They took the print of the soles of our feet, which is our soul, yeah, soles of our feet, same thing.
They created a serial number, which is a bond from the World Stock Exchange. They took the blood
from the heel prick test, you know, took the blood from your sole of your feet, took the blood from
your sole, which then becomes the blood contract, and then that placenta that was left over the
human remains, a straw man was created, a decadent estate. Decadent means dying dead and dead,
because these Roman Vatican is all in into the business of death and the creator is into life yeah and
biology and DNA. Biology is law okay so when they make this soul contract and all of this
information is hidden in archives miles and miles of it hidden in the Vatican and it's it's good that
we start to learn some hidden knowledge because the how do I want to say the than the fact of what
we know. Yeah, so when they made this contract, this sole contract, and it's an express trust called
Unum Sanctum 1302, where the Pope declared that he owns minerals all the rocks uh including the
minerals in your body your blood everything yeah it's very scary and so all of this information is uh
in the Vatican so they've trapped your soul they've captured a soul and your body is where you live,
okay? It's where it houses your soul. And because they made claims, your body is a maritime
product, and they own it. So, they're saying that if you want to live in your vessel, which we own,
you have to pay for it. It's your mortgage, the death pledge, the mortgage for your house. Yeah, for
the rest of your life. Yeah, so we have to, so not only that, not only do you have to follow their
terms and conditions. They are the New Testament. They are the insurance company. Stinky claims
is that even once you finish paying the mortgage off, you don't own that property.You are a tenant.
So everyone has a mortgage.
Do you understand what I'm saying?As long as you've got a birth certificate, you're in the registries,
it's the book of the dead. Everything you register, your car, your house, your home, your children,
your email, your phone numbers, your gym memberships, everything is all on the World Stock
Exchange. It belongs to the crown. You surrendered it unknowingly. But the thing Exchange. It
belongs to the crown. You surrendered it unknowingly. But the thing is, once we have knowledge,
because the World Wide Birth Certificate fraud has been revealed.

How much value hold our birth certificate?

Now, let me just say that the value of the birth certificate is based upon credit offsets and
discharges. In other words, you're able to discharge your debts that you can't pay utilising your birth
certificate bond. Now, the birth certificate bond, you have to create. You would create that bond
based upon your birth certificate, and it would be in the second part of the two-part process that
becomes secured party credit. At the end of the day, the birth certificate bond is an indemnity bond.
In other words, it's an insurance policy. It allows you to get out of debts that you can no longer pay.
It's really under the law of necessity. You know, you need something and so you're able to get out of
it based upon this insurance policy, if you will. Now, this insurance policy is better known as H.J.R.
192 or House Joint Resolution 192, which was passed in June 5th, 1933 by the 73rd Congress. It
became law or public policy under public law 7310.
Now, your versatile gift was originally valued when the Final Records Act was passed in the 50s. It
was originally valued at around $1 million. Since then, based upon inflation, deflation of currency,
all the other manipulating factors and things like that from the Federal Reserve System, it's believed
to be more like a hundred million now. Now ultimately the bond is unlimited because it's based
upon the full credit of the American people as HCR 119 indicates.
In other words, all the money that's created, all of the currencies that are generated by the Congress
are all done so based upon our backs. That is to say, we're the source of the funding. They're saying,
Congress being they, are saying that they need money created, laundered, fabricated, fraudulently
created by the Federal Reserve System based upon our own credit. So having said that, we are the
creditor. We are the funders of everything.

Without us, there is no money to be created. There's no gold, there's no silver backing, anything. So
that's where we're at today. So with the bond being unlimited, the value that you put on it, being that
100 billion, is ultimately just an estimate. You're letting them know that you're valuing the bond at
least that amount, but on your bond, it's also going to stay unlimited, so that it can go even above
and beyond 100 billion. If we are the source of every dollar that's manufactured by the Booth-Daisy
privately held Federal Reserve System, then we have unlimited credit. So the bond is unlimited.
You're not going to be able to get any FRNs from it, as far as you're not going to be able to cash it. I
know there's some accounts out there that will say you can cash in your birth certificate for money.
That's simply not true. You're not going to be able to prove that because it's just not happening. On
the other hand, you can use your bond for this, for discharging debt. And that is proof. At the end of
the day, you're going to utilise promissory notes or bills of exchange to offset and discharge debts
based upon the bond that you will create executed upon the value of your birth certificate. So, the
long and short answer of that is that your bond is estimated to be worth about a hundred million
dollars based upon, again, the value of the birth certificate.

How you utilise it is going to be for credit offsets and discharges of debt. You can, however,
monetise the bond utilising the fiduciary capacities of banks. The bank will work with you.
Generally, you have to do something like give them some incentive to work for you. So let's say,
just to give you a real life example that I've used myself you take say a hundred thousand dollars to
earn as money given to the bank and you say I need to be able to draw upon this million from the
SESTA-Gate Trust account you're gonna utilise this bond and this promissory note they're gonna
monetise the promissory note for the million they're gonna keep the hundred thousand. All they're
doing is giving you what's already yours so they don't get paid. You're not willing to give them
something in the exchange. They're not going to do it. Why would they? They don't have to.
So you have to make it worth their while. Generally, the way to utilise bondage, you're going to
have to come with cash first. Not come to them with a bondage and say, I need this amount of
money. You have to have it. It never works like that. Not if you're buying property.In order to really
even be able to be under contract and to really get serious about purchasing property, you have to
have earnest money. You have to have ready money. That's meaning you put down money.
Depending on the value of the house, it could be anywhere from $500 to $5,000. It could be more
than that, obviously. If you're purchasing big dollar houses, it could be far more than that. But
generally, anywhere in the couple hundred thousand range, you're going to be looking at anywhere
from $500 to $5,000, depending on where you're at in America.
So think about that. It doesn't matter if you've got all the money. It doesn't matter if you can get all
the money what matters is you put down ready money earnest money real money I realise FRNs
[Federal Reserve Note] aren't real money of gold and silver but I'm saying in the context of the
conversation we're having then you have to have ready money to put in their hands before they'll
even sign a deal with you. That's how it works. It's gonna work like that with banks and everybody
else in this type of contracting world of the Dutch voice. So, hopefully that was informative,
hopefully that answered your question sufficiently.

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