04 - 2021 - CMODLB An Efficient Load Balancing Approach in Cloud Computing Environment

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srt0722, 125 Pa (CMODLB: an efficent load balancing approach in cloud computing environment | SpringerLink a Springer Link Search QB Login Published: 28 January 2021 CMODLB: an efficient load balancing approach in cloud computing environment Sarita Negi = Man Mohan Singh Rauthan, Kunwar Singh. Vaisla & Neelam Panwar The Journal of Supercomputing 77, 8787-8839 (2021) 455 Accesses | 5 Citations | Metrics Abstract Ahybrid of supervised (artificial neural network), unsupervised (clustering) machine learning, and soft computing (interval type 2 fuzzy logic system)-based Joad balancing algorithm, i.e., clustering-based multiple objective dynamic load balancing technique (CMODLB), is introduced to balance the cloud load in the present work. Initially, our previously introduced artificial neural network-based dynamic Joad balancing (ANN-LB) technique is implemented to cluster the virtual machines (VMs) into underloaded and overloaded VMs using Bayesian optimization-based enhanced K-means (BOEK- means) algorithm. In the second stage, the user tasks are scheduled for underloading VMs to improve load balance and resource utilization. Scheduling of tasks is supported by multi-objective-based technique of fil:tHC:/Usors/NHMDosttopiKSVICMODLB_an ffcient lad balancing approach in cloud computing environment_ SpringerLink mtn a. si022, 125 pM {eMODLB: an ficent ad balancing approach n cloud camping envionment |Sptnget nk order preference by similarity to ideal solution with ‘ion (TOPSIS-PSO) particle swarm optimiza algorithm using different cloud criteria. To realize load balancing among PMs, the VM manager makes decisions for VM migration. VM migration decision is done based on the suitable conditions, if a PM is overloaded, and if another PM is minimum loaded. The former condition balances load, while the latter condition minimizes energy consumption in PMs. YM migration is achieved through interval type 2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FS) whose decisions are based on multiple significant parameters. Experimental results show that the CMODLB method takes 31.067% and 71.6% less completion time than TaPRA and BSO, respectively. It has maintained 65.54% and 68.26% less MakeSpan than MaxMin and R.R algorithms, respectively. The proposed method has achieved around 75% of resource utilization, which is highest compared to DHCI and CESCC. The use of novel and innovative hybridization of machine learning, multi-objective, and soft computing methods in the proposed algorithm offers optimum scheduling and migration processes to balance PMs and VMs. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Access options fil:C:/Usors/NHMDosttopiKSVICMODLB_an afcient lad balancing approach in cloud computing environment_ SpringerLink mtn 206 5110722, 125 Pat (CMODLB: an efficent load balancing approach in cloud compuiing environment | Sringertnk Buy article PDF 34,95 € Price includes VAT (India) Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Instant access to the full article PDF. Rent this article via DeepDyve, Learn more about Institutional subscriptions References 1, Sadiku NOM, Musa M, S, D Momoh, O, (2014) Cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. IEEE Potentials 3(1):34-36 2. Diaz M, Martin C, Rubio B (2016) State-of-the-art challenges, and open issues in an integration of internet of things and cloud computing, J Netw Comput Appl 67:99-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2016.01.010 3. 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Author information Affiliations Computer Science and Engineering, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, 248007, Uttarakhand, India Sarita Negi Computer Science and Engineering, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, fil:sC:/Usors/NHMDosttopiKSVICMODLB_an ffcent lad balancing approach in cloud computing environment_ SpringerLink mtn 148 si022, 125 pM {eMODLB: an eficent oad balancing approach in ci ompuing envionment | SpringerLink Garhwal, Srinagar, 249161, Uttarakhand, India Man Mohan Singh Rauthan & Neelam Panwar Computer Science and Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora, 263653, Uttarakhand, India Kunwar Singh Vaisla Corresponding author Correspondence to Sarita Negi. Additional information Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permi ns About this article Cite this article Negi, S.,, Rauthan, M.M.S., Vaisla, K.S. et al CMODLB: an efficient load balancing approach in cloud computing environment. J Supercomput 77, 8787-8839 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03601-7 Accepted Published Issue Date 28 January 2021 August 2021 fil:sC:/Usors/NHMDosttopiKSVICMODLB_an ffcent lad balancing approach in cloud computing environment_ SpringerLink mtn 1518 srt0722, 125 Pa (CMODLB: an efficent load balancing approach in cloud compuiing environment | SpringerLink 24 December 2020 Dol https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03601-7 Keywords Machine learning _ Interval type 2 fuzzy set Load balancing = ANN —_K-mean clustering VM migration Not logged in - 103.116268 Not affiliated & ‘© 2022 Springer Nature Switzerand AG. Part of Springer Nature, fil:sC:/Usors/NHMDosttopiKSVICMODLB_an ffcent lad balancing approach in cloud computing environment_ SpringerLink mtn 1618

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