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TEST 02 10 26) 3H 40 5H 6A) 7 8 96 0A ne RO BA HO BA we 78 BO BO mG Aw 20 28) WS 28) 7) BA mA MB 10) 2D 8G 4A BO 6m 7 86) BH 4 4116) 20 86 4@ 60 £0 76 80 0@ OB sO 20 36 #0) 50 60 70 8A 2H OM SA 2 aA) HO OSA) 68D) or 8B) 701N aaa 18 20 BA me 75H 780) 78) 7) 70) 20e) 18) 826) BO) BSH BA 870) BO BH sO 10) 28) 930) MK) 951) 96,0) 97) 98(C)99(¢) 100) PART 1 2.11 ous () He is standing baside a sof, (©) Ho is turning on a TV. (©) He is wiping some furniture, (0) He is hanging @ mirror. co enep an 8 zt mum vera Omppias aaa. Ouprae aaa hanging 2 Loft Itumcn 29: woe! 22m (A) People are entering a building, hang BIC ie 3 TPRAE Rae Sas eel 2Het (OPFOR, lng) SH (6) Btls turning on) 2c) Ais gau (©) People are climbing some stairs. (©) Peopie are planting some trees. (©) People ave taking a picture. (oaieso! ager sorta a, @aregoines 223 ot (Oismoryes az 2c, umole aa ae, ile LB SO/OIAGS cnn ee Seg BNSI AAI ert EBON ®) BNlare entering) 28. (C] SAKere planting) 2 () BAtare taking (a pictured 28h Toft Lente oP cio me, ge pictus AS CY pint AG) take 3. Som + AtBra Ab a5e (A) Some people are seated in a circle. (B)A bookshelf is being assembled. (CVA floor i being swept with a broom, (0) Thoro isa planted pot beside the window, (A) SE IRBO aso eof, (@asorr zea 2c. (Quist wren ora 2 (ose gaaeol a | ad 91 WBEO| AOE oF A See BME DIR AD AEE orc. (8) 84 bolog czar Mantes pon 2, OF Jin acicte WEES bookshot SEO, 3 ascembia Zech susep 3Ct broom AHR planted pot SE 28, (9 BAe bang event 258 0) a sees ae aus (0) The woman is putting some fruits into a basket, (©) the woman is hanaling @ bag to & customer. (©) Backets of fruits are on display. (0)A shopping cat is loaded with some merchandise. oom teeeptanaie date, (eons ora wa 22 2 (Qafietzuge1 e820) 2¢. Degmras esos ane, 4a | opt ect ag wisuisal ret So steer ON >t -agort (4) Bs putting ~ into) SE (8) BANS handing) £3 (0) BaF (eropning ea) 2 ofa Teaskot 2 hand 2FECh URE be on espley SEI 3 bo loaded wih 2 S.snone 98 (2) one othe men is gastuning towards an audience. (©) A group of poopie are facing each other (© One of the men ie posting a memo on « boar resto: 25, (0) They are distributing some documents. Quns se go gee rasta se on ease Meo Eze Cesta 2 2 eer eot 2s coi2 2c, OREO NABER Oc, Lai [9018 orl ase ween some eas woe ARI APHROE (@ Stare cing each ott Se. (© Bits posta) Se. 0) At (we dsrouing) 22. Of gesture ANE RICE auefence HB 8 face each comer 9 ONRS6 post EME ER) EOE AAC) Dow NEE Sstbte MERI, LO} 6. A Ara aay (@) Some raitways run alongside a building. (B) Passengers are wating ata platform, (©) Suitcases are on a checkin counter (0) Some workers are inspecting an engine part. (a) ta t= 218 ot mo ct @ sage maa Gee. (Oat oi a4 NC. (sa Rerisolsta eee seer Vea | E71 28 Sd wel me Sag ameeL BARE CEA orc ) witPassongors 26 (c) Bsutoasce 25 (0) AYerear) ofa rabway 22-8 run (H-BODWAEE OMIT aongsice "HOE cutcaso ORME chosen counter +4712 Inepoct A ‘ic eich PART 7 sees Did you buy this jacket ata discount? (4) They're in the men’s depariment. (©) Awinter ek vacation. (C) Yes, twas half off ora arena 22M aL Boke @reai72, (0s, 50% waloizo12, Hate ie weep aon a 25H seaoy Tec SES ‘eeg seoite ze Cpr auort (a2 oPiachet mers ceperiment) 35.) eat RH Oe, eHet Fats sscount BERL nt Som WoL. gusus 26 PENEN Ae MON 8. Who 88 usar ‘Who left the laptop in the break room? {A No. It keeo working (8) Me. Rose aid. (€) You can borrow mine. JorpisL sam ansa sanu87 (a)one, mia 28 718 (©) Rose 7-012. (Ome wea +2019, Lagi 1521-52 60 St Who SIE, RAEN OR, Rose SoM ue NRE Bare NV RU (aYeunio uel ou.) Ban) 9a Bet og, Toft Leas9 95.7} reakro0m 74a! borow wet 9, Where 182 ‘Where can I pick up luggage from fight 5217 (9) To take a business trp. ()It depart in half an hour. {€) At baggage carousel 2. eee srml He F/R 8 OF NRE + 24827 wase7Piseuts. musa gues. (0) $448 ego} ix seen. 12 ofc sera RS + KE Be Whore SHO, A LEH eH A ose tm EMO HE MII Be FE CPE orc (®t oebigre nuoreas ti) 25 1 te etna dena) 28. OF k.ggage S91 take business rp BBE 7IC depart IC baggage carousel ct 49} gauss 10. When 188 ger-au When wl the viee president eaturs from the boerd meeting? (A) Cheok with his assistant. {) Yes, we made alot of decisions. (ln Conference Room B. parol owe mop gat olen? (2st sora ae 242, 4, Note BEE AOID josaawonie. ee eo ego St Winen ESOL Bo} Ah A 215 1.88 AON | SHE Bet Fe AT EOE Beno BSE OBIE MeCeeE EH OT. OF vce president #518, EIR retum tem “0M BOIS oad meeting MII} assistants, make.adecson ‘BABI conference room Mkt 11 Howes How can prepare forthe intorviow? (a) There's a great view from here. (@)By researching the company. (©) She thinks she got the jo. EB On EARNS” (01 ol a0} Bao, @2aME Eales, (Que wos aM eee ERS, obit | Ofer cera Ze How eee wR Ler Tera lgelot MB zee tom Bereta Bek PH aEoct RA eBirnarviow vou) 8.10 SY Ofirtontan jo) SE aman 2, 9Fe prepare SHE} vow 2B aR rosoarch AOL SIC aauus 12, why se ‘Why cant | use the parking ot? (A) Sure, except for holidays. (©) No, I 200k the bus. (©) Because tis now being repaved. SEES OBE + uh aia? yaa, nastics, ois, Xe HAE IOS. (Qaagan giao, Laie 191-8 OBR 2 BN Be Why 820, og LEE “2A Because OfO| EEBOHR 21 HOPED Bete (CDW orc (Aro BE! 28 (a VoumNo Si 2 Of parking lot 5H exc or “AUAEAT ote recave AEE outs 13, Bemis ‘Aca you tres 20 cover my shit on Friday? (4) Ibe out of town. (Who was it? (©) The daily specia's, please. Bader ea Beat g AOI AOATIS? (aie ANON 22 72, oursaua? Om sios n4e, ome et m0 20 es] Be BoE leo ap] 2s 20) aie mu Bear 8+ Se PSIOS 224 = APPAREL (wea aTe Be 22 4 Be Frag cay St 19FA [be too 30126, BOIL) cover one's sit eH BRSICh be out oto MA 2% (8S BOE) SAIS gusau 14, What stat aerus |Whats your opinion on the new Web site design’? (0) Thanks for visiting it {)No, trea tin the newspaper. {C) Ike its modern took. IE OIE CBO ae el oes fea? gem aan zee, ois, He a2i9 steal oie. (eae CstgOL EOE ZOIe. | | 4 220 of] Wat SBOE EB BeBe CPHEROFE (9) ee ofetteeting) 2 1) YeeNo BE 2. Fo Lopinion 221,291 modo BEER! 15.308 “The ight in the corridor is stil broken (9 We'd better inform maintenance again. (B)thasn't been decided yet. (©) Yes, we need to change our marketing strategy. SE BEOOME ay eaSeMS (a) Seftotctl sels ects, orl was enoie. (OU, Steps BNE BT 208, (abi [3 eel ore ag uae ure Hae Bate BAA, 2a ie te Dotaner Hote Bah eS Ee APY ore (a) RE eae Be 25! ee OForckan change 2b LOISLight 2 concer ME. incom BeICE decise BEET matktng eratogy PTW E> gusen 16. oes ee ‘Could | get a few extra tckets for the technology worishop? () An expertin the fete (8) Sony, butit’s sold out (© The portermance was amazing, Dig aa Re he a aL Pe RD wy az0|seI8. (eee HEELS, CO2ameurmoe Vota otal cote 7 22s Se REMHN SeEa, oR -FORROI SIRES Be EMER lar + ew we Fe GF BECRL (0) toftecnnoioay workanop-oxcet SE () Oca porermanee) 2, Hofe ecra 2181 0m} expen 874 seks OF be old ost eset eusus = 17, When S88 ‘When will our banners be ready to pick up? gauer esta: 27 (@) Atleast twenty-five dollars. () Lots call the print shop to ask. (©)0h, is that what he said? ‘selseme oot slg uP ana? sole ager. (eae zor BONE aE (or Draw uM? Lat | 204 e488 201g ZeP1 ge wt When SIEBOT Pk a sir BOLI MEI BP HAIOK, (92 REHow menoeD Geos. (uEN FRE EES ToFRlTbamor Be pick ROLE atleset PIE print ene a 18-Ee “This washing machina has a water-saving cycle, right? (A) ve been watehing # (@) Atthe appliance store in the mall. (©) No, you're thinking of the other one. O17 a HOISO| 2052, ea? Usp Hea xP HOI. @2A88 pole PH OHNO. (one, re 2 oem Ha ek, [ata [apr olye org tas eer Be HTB BTR Tho] Be ABC ARIE we He CPFEBON. (6) 84) 82ringenaching) SE, ( BHF OFRwasting machine appliance] 92 of wasting machine MEI) watesaing B42), 88 820K spptenoe 7 10, Bam sics ‘Would you ks a sample of our store's newest perfume? (@) That's a shame. (©) lt haen* boon roleaced yo (©) Thanks, I'l give ita try. Relpreisiiee ae SNS? wanazoras. (©) 22 OF BAe RIB, CQ 2NRUCH, BH ES Vaid ae Sen Be se ene es wt cE BHO OM BOL (oy EHF Ee Se (ee OfPeet leseee 28 TOF porare te srame BLAZES rlase EAIC) geek ry me ajay rete 20. When st \When should we discuss the business loan application? (A) nun @ smal eatering business, (8) She would ha a great aweot to us, (C) How about meeting atter tunch? 2B BUTE Het scoot pal yeh cig ae eo eer? (uN a7e Sa aa eas exa.o. awe eee = aI a7. (Oza supmoLat aomta? tata oo eer9e: See Wren Stes) Rome AOR BLAH spot ich (OPFOR (92 8H o1tevainace since) #2 Be OFRlanoteaton ret escet 252 ofa | discuss EI loan IS appleston 4,318 nn BBB SF caioerg business BEDI asset Xt oe 2. saree auus Could you give me a hand preparing this presentation slides? (A) Ihave to leave early today. (B) Someone needs to be present there. (OVA bith frm my eeu ous scioies suche SASH + a8? (A) tm HOt eo. (Fal EABION NID, (OAseo Rae Haas, (ai [es Suis Soe + sion Be wreY SHEN gH NIBH HCE SIS Gad BESS + oe WEES PaRIOR Bele (APT azo (B) Bt wetlorocortaion-preson) 2. We O1Moresenaton: Dera gt =u of presenaten HS presort te HAIRY cousin NE 22. sa see asr-au ‘Should | put these necklaces inthe elaplay case or hang ‘them by the counter? (9) It ooks lovely on you. © She's a jowetry designer, (©) They should be under glass. 1 Role we Pl area, oh et eet ol ama? oo suepiue goigen2. sue ws COKE (O2age RalctIe yoKE AD, emt | 0s as et tor arI7:Re| el OOH BH] BAH | ‘SRor Faloil ser Nei ete Sey Gor eOOI NE FATHER BO, Beier (a) We olsnschaces-ooke lovely) 2.) R4 Osnecidaone level 2. off Inscitace 8201 dispay caso RBZ hang HCl lovey ARRAS ely 2H BR 23. vino sie eauus ‘Whois organizing the carpool for he staf retreat?” (A) Didrit you see Mis. Lee's memo? ©) hope we goto a resort (©) Yes, | feo ke | eared aot. soisieiorasia marae Baia 2192 Gy teeth ns 0122 @sarassa 7a e202. (Ox mesos 2 HOR lig erg waa nen Be Wro BEL OLDE oA ER sue amenimen se9 eenente se umrecoR, RA shavestreson) 2 (Yee Re Set Hot raenze Bai HC coco! HEGBA Het) reat 6, 2 CE 24, BNE bonus ''m surprised by the prices ofthis store's furniture (A) Handmade goods are always expensive. (8) ke to have it deivered. (©) Toke a seat anywhere. Hie olay 7} 7714 7 esH01S. (ysmee seme. (@atgo| aioe sz012 ooeagene Teta | i997 tee aet@ Wet EO, NSS SCS [a8 OTERO ee APT BOE (ety O1tumtuo-delered) 25 (CE FRO 28, oft Tbe suprised by OL 24Ch fire 7+ hancmede bal vor ESIC taka oat BEL ECE 25, What 22 What kinds of lawn mowers does your business sel? (4) We only ront out our machines. (©) It ook ike now again (©) Atthe back ofthe store. FWD O BASIC Th ENA? (a) Male 7 oH Eee te, cL Aer zor won, corr ago. Iai ont amar 21 ais OCH Be wre EEO BORE opt capierencen sete (a aor Oy RaR RAE EH 98 Be Fe ushass ice 2b OH ee ERE 708 rk CAC 28. How SH geRUS How did the inspection ofthe production floor go? (A manufacturing fcity (©) Thats for sure. (©) navert soon the rests jag sraegat ate ogre? le AE ARI. 18 axe nae. (OnE 2 gag oN eRe, oat 12301 fe =ms671 Sis How sia ee I Re BORN SRE ae ORE Bei (CYRIL (2) 2 onrerccucton Heormanusctrng fcy) SE BES aereton 0} linepecton 88 BAF production oor IRE for sue ‘Saal SR) eaun Bat = 27. 3sBE aus-er Did't Nicole want to see the final daft before it got sent ‘or publieation? (A) Yes, let's see if she's in her office. (B) You can find one in the best-seller section. (©) The crafts coming fram the window. ‘gg 94 SUP] Zor Nicolol 3 ABeNR SIR a eI? (4) 4, up aon tex Asset 70m You 4 2euC, (Osgolgeoere gion 208 Ii Indcoeo aterm rig ot isin stu = a Si IBLIR of # Ncole SC hes Wo ARAM i rE AF antaort (oo opiputcaton besten 2) $3 franca se Lol met roh 8% 28822 pubtccton UNL St craft 28, 2s 23. seen see gusus It the post office i closed, can | send the package tomorrow? (A) That shouldn't be a problem. (@ Usually on Sundays. (0) The aduiess is clearly labeled 2:5} puRO) so} eloe, AU Uf sas seta? Waa e9sr a8 748. w@arsizw2. (OA RAE MAHL AHHOL Ho} OID, Vliet | 2g up aus arte Saye Simeon AS UE ‘a8 200 CGH Testo Mo} TPE SH BB ARIE HAI correo ©) Fe 1B SIWihen 21 EI OE: (C) BH OIeipostcftce- adcrass) 28 Toit post once 243 package + adcrass #2 clamry Sat sre: 29 ‘SPL MOSH obol 2a to =e 29, Hepat ee saver ‘Would you like to joln me atthe international conference? {A) Do I have time to renew my passport? {B)A fow of the salespoople. (©)No, the last day ofthe month. Se eh ROIS? (nmojae gum Azo ueR=? onaaE ez02. (Ooju2, onze wots, aged | ot cora goin Bee mY SION BH ‘2201 fet ofa ee 20] 85 IB OIC (GE sie RMRo ES) EY OF (0 CIE AIEBWen SE) ME =e 1018 Lnteratons 481 SAIL conerance He} ronow Beh ©) aeacert Oe = 30. BE | don't think these colors complement each otter very wl, (A) ve only met her a few times. (8) Don’t worry, we're still deciding. (©) That's very kind of you. of aeSor Ai of RoIRe IT yma sue ae Bite BOK. (@) Aaa OD, eel OF Ba BOMLS, cosue swam, | a eso ong a nme 2 Be API he AE oy 2 We Fs el SOU wa 4 Ce PT ort (8) 28 Olan otherrnt her a fw mes) 25 (8 Ofer weno, 19 Leompiemont SEF St.agmeces ausus \Why don't you include cur landlord on the guest ist? (@) [had trouble fading the entrance. @ Please RSVP to my secretary (€) He's already been added. ‘Pal apcie erm aot xerete a oma? WOXe BERR oleROl gOS, (@AupePL TE SapluLE, (010147101 NoID, | sid | EERO BEtOl Sue 21 ONLI AE /UE IAEA, Inner EA Hat BOF Of] 2715 BR Bot PF ERIOL (yen 728 6 28 eta ofsigueee- AVA oer 30. BEI esa oooa tc oft nctue BCC} lcd WEE ABE quest st tA ave true ing ~OHELGIEARO| IC} orranco BF RSVP RDS APISIUCE szeretay PART 3 ‘Questions 22-24 refer tothe following conversation, gus-ee IM: Hi, Bo-kyung, I know our store's annual summer ale is coming up soon. How are the preparations going? W: Last year, people were crowded around the sale zeme, and it was really hectic. This year, "well ‘temporaniy alow customers to reserve items in advance through our Web sits, We'll have a special ‘area where they can exchange thelr claim fori for the items on the event day. IM: That wil work well. Are we advertising this now ‘option? W: Yos, but employees should also tell customers ‘about ft: *'l hang up @ notice in the break room ‘now explaining the plan, S2ScH SIE SSS. \¥: etebta, Bo-lyung, “el 2p4s! eH OS ATO = cpjon He 22m ofbel Sue of OPM a=? of sual, Heol AW BS SeIOL BHM, By BelzO! wistgola, Sets, “aa Ro] Say BAIS Be el SER oie 2B WHOS sigsi22 ae. Bt Gua TEs, 25018 BEoe aely + ob Ne se oie ame, SOF mapHeintis ol ee we Ee-aTR 2187 OF IN BBE a1 2 SABO Hal Hort. APE ia Slat 2 Asia EOS BNE BOI AU, Toft annus 2291 prparston =. crowded Bi: BE hectic SARC Ierporarly HHMISE, BA reeene ESIC in advance el ercrenge Aor 6 AB RE ZEEE cam fom 8744 werk S215 sdierae #234} cpten SEAS hang up BLT notoe break oom SPIE expisn Sait 32. aa anES PROLa OMPIEI AL wane wasaae ana eer omit | 7012212910 eH is ROI BepIoR ge Zoe eI (now our sees annual summer solos cork uy wun elo Be Url WoL OME Rt ClA SNE Sw WO, ag oon 2223 ee DIK 19F8 | ounsrctip a8 93, ee SAASOH WOR 08 7 e0r7 Ae g2e0R fee zeog @prseg gare oases OmEas | ad 1 S290) opr aetEo| 92) Holes Hf le SE cote AS GAMO wigeie eez0e tempera all customers tensive tems in advance though ou Web se) MOO BEE (C) ore OF Lveward ett tne MY cesarean Pt 34, ot oniecigol Pais BE (A) SAB AREA @zazami amen a (onagaa ue x aseaene” ata | Se¥OL OPE oN 2 tml aan a OHS OL 2a hang up a patie Inthe break room now eine the lan) soos wee (ort of oe 70), BIC supper SERA review BEAICY verteomane | RRLEANOF | hangup Pos ‘Questions 35-37 refer to the folowing conversation aver [M: Good morning. “Im quest in Reom $28, *1 ‘wanted to use your exerige room this merring, but ‘the door was locke, so | couldnt gat in. WE aputayize for tha lacowaaice, Oe Fd ‘water leak in that area, s0 it Is temporarily of limits M: Well, the hotel's Web site advertised that 2s an ‘amenity. was planning on working out while was ere, W: We've made special arrangements with the gym across the street. "can give you a complimentary pass for that gym. ‘M:°"That’s great. didnt want to spenc more ‘because of this problem, Thanks. S537 cR ANS BERS ‘ettuswie “ee used genes, “eno asus cfg See 013 Dol Bore +7} BELO, Of Sete Se) EBLE, 2 2 39M 4 BOM eA ‘ado axergeatie. #8, “euo Hie eSue we) ae emi, Hoo] aie Sat agsiaIT NapID Ie. OF MADE a AHO Ie ARS ROE BED, 9 BAR saute ce eau. 2 7EmUS. ol Baden Be Mo UNE BeEe. ayBUCt Lope Leaccise 2E feck BI} getin HOPICE wat oak Sh ae 75 of iia HB BEL amercy BOL work ‘ed BENE} make spec arangemonts wth 218k SIC} gm BAR.ARRY complimentary 21 35. BA oc Noten BE LEE apa amo coogi wasnt Lav teen esp arse 5402120 a guest in Room 225) 27 etn 241g Aleme nawrs veo swag CER AS Es -2y RSaReha! Sele) OPH OFFORe HIG + OER AE or 36. St ‘puree ol eopiammcin were x2 Seen UO Me ete wsnuaaea OmpEsagiE 2 Oars sop 2 Vata | senor ert om ojgal eee m2 ete, 2011 2014 Soe 42+ BRCIAD want to use your exercise room tis ‘moming, but he door was aces, so | covet get hl OER 200K 10¥8t | pang soot $248) ccoose BOPIEL O|BSIct Re4A401 | oxere8 0M > footy ot Roveeng 87, ong/atet eRbs oneDRS soistoP (ae s@orm + gc, Aan ee +2. (sz agen BoE Bc. (oy=o gets BE 2, | sti Lovo ont me Nera 2 BAKO PROBES w+ OF! can ge yous complimentary ose for Ut gm) ORF EAT reste 31 Se | Bem SM Of Be SH ER GAD Ate RC cnt want spend mere because of Wis peblam) E22 BS CHK OI nn FEE MEFS teak BIE. 31 aot aratana WHER ECE promote BCE ‘Questions 38-40 refer to the ellowing conversation eaves M: Good afternoon, i'm repainting my kitehen this ‘weekend. But, since some areas could be exposed toile, | want a paint that can withstand cleanin. W. There are quite a few specialty paints designed specifically for the kitchen, In my opinion, “Scio is the best brand. And we'e seling it at a very good price right now because “tne store wil discontinue Thin usta fow weeks. [M: That sounds good to me. Uo you have someting in bright yellow? 1W: “How about | give you one of our catalogs? ‘Then you ean sae al ofthe color eptions for Soto. soso aes BahAlS. otgeime. “ols Swot at see chy eee stew, Red 2 391 PEO MES + O71 mi, BAKES SS emIER eT Loe, o: sego2 Awol aoe Ge ETM IeAS. A Sib, "Sort er RE HELO. 12PDHE EFA 7 gle See 20PH BH EPL OF Be 7}zO1 sauce W:XODie ge 2 deste. ye ewe 201297 of: Sat Am sia = ILI Sale 9 OWNS? Seiet Soo8|48 SHB SEES IES ofA Irecart A act oxpose LBABIEY gpl RR wiht ZEC} leaning 82 spaclaty Gh, at spectealy $61 cprien 22 8 scortnue Het) 320K, SAFI beghe Re 38, AIS eADH of aor sate ae OM RSL EEE rere @asquaace (orient where pee pais 1 ot | amteot aor ove pRON AH Pa CAL Natt CEN m sepaiing my Ktchen this weekend) OER 32 BCH OIE 2AEt instal AND epplence 7H reper s27C} ELeoIe | nenen > room 32 BEN SN aw coon 29. 83 Cte Soto t=O a EA SIH Wass 200. (@7reweauerermec. (pets ao soi 2 2. (SSE YENIEA IC. 1 ot | gtes01 Ot Sonzt 2H Se SeEEAEDISOIO I the best brand) 2%, 22D} S&S sol a3] aes we OHNE Sore will Ecortinue nus a ow weeks) WAUGHF SE7EO1 EO sageinsou ae (Ort Vo¥e | xvii BOISE: SESACE harms Fa? chemion a a ‘comawen -ol2) 25) wawrany BE SEN LIEA4018 [injust sfew wosie P2000 40. 9/28 OnpIWataPl ack ete ae RS seas jase commas za ean ati | seo yyy BOIL SAH MOH MPIoW abot ive you one four cataog) ARIBOE HIE (IL of | souener 28, = Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation with three speakers. Qususau W: Good morning, everyone, and * welcome to the Bridgeport Sank team. This morning you'l learn all about your job responsibilities as toler, and “after func Youll receive your work unifes. Furswe any questions as we go along, Mi: Excuse me, I have one. How often isthe work ‘schedule posted? W: Every two weeks, on the Staff section of cur Web site. So, that’s why vacation requests must be at least three weeks in advance. Ma: And um. Saem tha cate shen hat paiy available online? LW: Ss outlined in your employes manual M2: Thanks. ara3chg MgO NS aE=AKIS. of greets, oft, Tardoepor Hank Hol Sai 3s ater ch 2 S20 SENOEA oiteS| Ago Ba Se ae 20m, "aa SA POL oles BR RUBE BAS aS, 320} aera Beta} Se Seo 2 Se AEC, wi aria, geo ou eae. oe wae eo 9 270ic 221 BHtOISS| ex SME, aH Azt te ROIs 37 201 oa PROVO aC U2 2a. gO. ga Be Ae ee ecto BS us Of 9-12 oat sal SION ALI e-aaeuc. {OFF responleity #9 recive et tale SIS gw ‘song BPEL UOPICE post ANH, 261 vacaton #2+ ‘sence Outing SACL manual Bi, aoe AAI 4.38 SBE oceLte Ze (ay 212 AKgoF masz (asa yz son Le4it | 24901 FPF Bridgeport Bank Bol # 2B wae (vslcome tothe regener Bank tear) eh, Si 920) Ie, 4 8 oN EN SIE He ORENTHs meming you tae 2 shout you jb esponaites a airs) 21248 BH 28, 4B 72 ousc1RORIn ge IE B+ 1058 BEE HK TRRBIEAIOZ | Bank > Srancl titon 42 ae UNEObI SE 2He4 920] SOR AOR co atgerasa jawete urea Ona suE I | aero Ombre AAI OL oaks niE wE RL 2134 20etater ure youl raceve you work unerms) BOO ae PR, [of Leorrec sb ienscnion sao 43.0 OG, HIM a ih OS + IEP somos @uzwrony (aa axon (oan [tat 90k ont 7 gor en ciao RH mt 271 2B 1 BR A ASD BEIOHIOL W .DUSKlare the deal aot st olny sable oral 259, 1 OP} 2212 OMAP ASI 2 mis xtned in your ene ans HOE OOH oft packer eve ‘Questions 44-46 refer to the folowing conversation enue | i W: Good moming. *'m caling to hire someone to redecorate a section of my business, “own a shop ‘nat eels women’s appara, ane! | want to update the Sting room ar. M; We can contaly help you with that, ma'am. The test stp would be to nave one of cur calgners visit your store to take measurements and aouse the project detail. Would Wednesday moming work foryou? Wi Actual, “I don have time to meet anyone this ‘eek. Several of my employees are on vacation, 30 1m busy covering ther response, How aeae cro cista azo o: gma. “Al ag #798 CA) BB BT -Bgveia auEaS, Ye OLS Eeleie HE AES Stee, ote Fag BAL OS, Bie muy euol 59} oN + LSU, 2m. 24 wot Ba AA COLE & Bol Weis ae HEH! AF AES RAMEE UMS EOTE 201 W BHD, $03 BUT wueuna? 88, A OM Hote STE he RII Be +8 91 B91 B} SOIOIM, "7 IBA BEB AEE oa. aCe & BaROL ete 212 of8>Ha? Lotro BC) resect HI RAICE oun ARI separ IF, feng oom 8h eran SL S51 Aen EN Inara meseteert BE! intel th) come ait 44, 255 seals sen (a) Sug golset gente yaa MMAR ote (0-FBB pant eco 2 Weapuea | at | aera onp: mo] ane eal tt Pa CHI BA rer | Sele AIAKIOI cating 0 Are someone to racecrate a _s0cton of my busca) HORS HSI NOE A= (HOI 98 Lirqute BRI recrutmert ive IE *B BSU EBS mating it PB P1BS 45 seve Offs ee UNS Ati aH oy seraut eae usta 33 osm copes an 1a | aeeenl opr ose tie 2718 AsR0iT CE ON & ‘hop hat te womens appara est ae CE Tots tacunty 2 laucry 8 Iatetzat01 | ppare> citing 46. 19/222 often ofe a1 IO SHI wesiaeewe ze (6 249) wat 28 8 2010. ame sesame, (Oa SaBet we a Oe 148 | snot oe ote mote 2S a Af20| eta dons havatma to moot ayone hs wee #3 OFRE IE & OP BOI 97) BOI oS Walaa MRED Bucy covering toi respaesbites) 1988 BE DIOR oFet | undergo Ct Ac inspection BA go out ottonm HBS. sisamunet REIEAIOLL | covering nos respon woreng ener cataaguee job ‘Questions 47-49 refer tothe following conversation with three speakers. QaU-US-ER M1: Great news, Luca! “Last weak, our frm fale the lease agreement for the floor above us. M2: Thats fantastic! We have been so cramped ue tothe growing number of staf members. guess we won't have fo go fo another buitdng for Mit: That's right. “There are four conference rooms ‘on that foo, so iti be realy convenient. rm not ‘eure hovr to regarve them, though, \M2: Heather should know about that. Let's ak her ‘Mi: “Hather, Luce ena | wanted to know wnat the procedure fer reserving the new meeting rooms wll |W: We're launching @ eign-up aystem on the ‘company Web site within the next few days. 47-69 0 AHS eS HIS, tr Be Atoms, Lucal “NUT 721 Subt-e2|sisoH aE ee -RRORERIOIO. 22: En getaa! we Bridie Na Se oN Ug HEE Store, “0 of ste st HE 2B 2 BOIS WA a, 34 BEI eue eI ne WE gore. “2 got slaido. 24 GON, BE BATE Le, See aS OR IFC] Bez Hz Heanor} ol 24 a 872 WPA BOW ME Preather,Lucaet ef Mt amttte BITE OE auemgede. oF SA OLSON ens ALAS AE 7. L0¥8 fem 314 tatze FZEICE lose agreement BEE cramped EG groweg B70 convenient HEI resene IRIEL procedure WHEE eunch TICE ARKDICE on. was 47 ES RBS ashe ARTA ea OR enor, @rrereesa set. aa ansecct (Nee ase 28a | oat | eyed url Be amen LR 921 BL S21 iB HR! BO OHREFIEITIL at weak, our fer rained the lease agreement ter te feos shove ss) HEH LE (OL Of reiocate OFC hecqunrtes At ecu BE, 2 I metstter | sqrorrant> contact 48, AS ‘algal 36H: wtelomte FIR (ai weir ase ao. (33) 8201 401-48 20K (samolet se st a 22 (0) sete a MTA Ie | rae 2948 oe of es NCH mE 15 8 3 ZOE queee we went nave to 99 0 archer bln fr restngs anymore) 251 WON = = BO tA OH EM 1B BERR 20 UD(THe are four cortrance rooms on that loc, so be only convenient) OO a2 OIC oft |eeputton BE BA Improve HISCE on ato ISIN oF ao 49, 8A rae ome of ee eI (Sam OE yorersat (onaiea asa (a | every loo 2 LF RIE eee PT OFEDE {351 9m a eILuca ard | wartad io know wht the preeacas tr ‘sang he ne mesing rooms ui ba) HOB AE OI ofa | coscne fe 2 agenen es uP [RRIEENOTS | proces. or reserving > ess-vaon process Questions 50-52 reer to the following comumrsation, aauus [Me Hello, 'm Marcalo from the HR department. I'm ‘sure you're busy, but Inged your attention regarding iy computer problem. “Yesterday, | wes out of the office for a meeting at the Johnsonvile branch, \When | returned late in the afternoon and turned ‘my computer on, some of ry personnel les hac disappeared, W: Some ofthe employees in your department reported similar suas. So"! assigned Kyie, one: of my 1F technicians, to visit their office and take ‘are of them thi morning. M: Pvelbeen at my @esk all day. “How soon do you thinle you aoul fellow up on thio? SO-S2cS HE BzOHD. UES, A e1l Marcelogles, 23} afar, 7M BHE| EHOL 2A AB 714 SHORT Hts. MAL OM Be AIMOLM MEI7} LOM AA UIMOLS, OF eA BOE AL RSS Ug mie mato erm. of a MAS SH aNgol Mize Sw LawolS. ets) SSiga\ T 7IgA8 5 2 BO! Klos] Sm OBO BO 4 PAI ‘gaau1semiss saz, ob REBAR IMEMIA! PaO ze MLA Es augas +o 2207 OFA tendon 241758 rogarcing ~A12IO} ot BOIS porsennel RI aeaonoar ARPET report SHO, BERT assign WIC fechician 718% take core of BAINES ates) BE four on A TS =H ee 50, aan wakon sas abR cena ze @sxem a. (O28 asc. aeauR react Lane | ashen tort Be EDI OP) ON Aa HRCI (esterday, | was out fhe ola fora meting at he Jhon branen) BOGE ARE BOK OBI Loco supply HER 51. 9/08 Oris Oba Se 2122870 wae ere owt or oti | seeat om} 283s & we Kol St OFLO| 30) RAS EAD 2] eftACENN sgeigned Ke, one of my IT tocrrictans ta vat he ofc ae tae care of hem ts ming] (8 2004 OT ASSO TAP RC AE + HOR e220 52. aot i et Se ee ee ood ()2e ue nee wertsIE. @aEser ose, (anes ares ENE Ae sASS Ie BEE BAC. 4a | nf) S32 ir 7988 & 0 BE! Keo Ste ONE BEL ‘NNGIB RSE ARISE MERIC assign Kyle, one of my ‘cans, 0 vst he ction ana tke cae ot nam this moira) 2 8oLde 22 op BOL-EE OME Es KEE Soe 212820 soon do YoU think you could flow up on is 2S EeLo}SOL BE APHIS SP DIT ISPHOISE eA Bot sewn eTES e+ aimeH gee DOR, Loft Lascitant i 2% poetpone B7ICet assonment (ree) 2, 9H reso IY ‘Questions 53-85 refer tothe following conversation dusus W: Rani, we need to leave fr the sales pitch to Meloy Distribution 200. it’ lust going tobe the two of us. M: Mateo ienitjoining ui? |W. No, he's not. Unfortunately, he hed to add another day to his business tri. IM: That could be a problem. | haven't had much time to prepare fr the presentation because “the sales crector needed me to write @ proposal atthe last minute W. tbe allright. “Ihave @ list ofthe figures you ‘ised Il print you @ copy 60 you can refer to them t necessary, SS-SSHBCME AES. OF Rani, 291 AH HO 221 B Maloy Dstibutionoe LOE ee 1 MerereNESrEmOR UR? usr 35, 1 AO Bolo. SUAWAS, BUMe RC ee DIES. of sete Sort a $= gute “as Yee! son sa MOLE Azim 044] BARELOHIS UG ARIOL BHI I 2. OF Haw 712. 7471 Hell Hot F gHS 7 ote. dadle uss Aas UERMe SEL ofa |vose St SHEN sales teh 2H we, 221 FE AAR edo 470} snes rector AHA propanal eK) at hata inde EL GEIRE 70) Soure AA refer to“B amet 153. Sx 21s mat ‘Al Morcoot Sos ayaa WORT @oouopL ater et FEMS S2OH Gt (COsBe Sera ey ESR UE FOE [ea | os not 22 Fale LOH oe =e 221 SER Pimps jst gag t beth two of us) 2 UCI BEER Marco pom HER AM =e RC Bed EO AHL sae Sete zug FIL ERH EE OR, 10} | nctonize RO1 ask for -BE RENE replacement HEA, OM Seprse NEI exes UMIEL ete) 54, 208 olny, PS] BAB OPI (yee gu7INEE as aE. (@Fegols sxe wo (Ose ee vaue ens wet (TESS vse! REALE aie | at | Seton PH Maroo7) gmt Be 20] BPE FS B98 yo, Lovee Be IROL Son eH AEE BPI sR eas ‘Sect needed me owt proposal a he ast rine) e4Y 19 eu Azio| ea gmc wooR BEE ONE 10¥8 equipment 41 mattnetonng MCLE REA BE, EAI shiomest 25,51 Inconsct MERE, 2M R= urgent Zt 55.0 OPH oem asta 572 ao aeratoiay asi 2 (a) meat eS at (COusmES Nie 2 (©) 2ROPH wets x (anat | 2etpot om uxpraiaee 10 ss 20 BEI have 3 Isto ne tgure you ose) BORE Tas e+ = BY BH 36 RENAE oma se RCH pct you acopy -) #998 BEE CORE Lola trovow 2821+ | tea90r [etch Howse > seme data ‘Questions 55-58 refer to the follawing conversation. rau W: Hi "you're the new stefal media manager, right? | know al ofthe instructors here at our gym, but | {don’t know much about what goes on behind the ‘scenes. I ddn' even know we had a social media page. [Me think that’s why the owner hired me as aful- time manager. A strong social media presence can help attract new customers, so “my first goals to {et more people sionad up as members, W, Great! Du you have any specific plans in mind? [M: Well, | want to provide detailed descriptions of ‘our group classes. Actually, you have any photos ‘om your classes, could yeu e-mail them to me? 56-58 crime aH 2, Of Shgee, 9] Hes 2 ofco| Aetniokze, 8? AE op] $2) $AS9 BER SF Om kel, EON BOE ol Rha Bere. Se A Cok ORI ENS guoi2 : 2eU Aga Ae SN aes Tes 2 WIS, et Aad nicony oe a AMES slot A EGOI H+ s1SH, “a] a1 Ba SEE o| Be NYSS ses SACRO aa. of BcHe) 2zI0ID ae SB AOI UES? We Fla Wea mer oe aS Bea eae. ae, gia, BOUM Ne AHO u8R, ES OlmER SH ES wens? Lofetnsructor Bit gym BAB.ABE! botind tha scones IFO, SFO cuner A strong SHE presence 2} stvact RFI, BOIEOH goal SE. san vo ‘ERO ARI? spocto MED, RE havain mad ete SELON desctaten Se 56. E/E emEEO SRI eoAe=R ()a01 eM) j@zsa (OnE Ans RARER Leni | eteat om emer Mee 28 COI eMEIpouTe tne new social media manage OU BE F017 92] BABS] BshBRS $92 2Fem krow af tho lrewuctr here a ox ayn HEH, At ie NOBICRNRIS H 4 91008 BEE (OIE OI evelopment a Farawere sore BOER pblaher EME [RR =AIOPE | ayn ross tity 57. eS Ore Son Ata? eave wom (BS AMAR ECE A or eatag on 2 Ose ass et | evo apr at wo SE cj Be ARREO| HOR BEA ‘55 oft 20leiy frat goal isto get mere people sgred up as rember) 4222 Be (}0Ct OFA | edice SOC} operating axpense 2M expand SIC EBIC cusiomer base 34 7 58, a2 cop em oarme te ster (oye ti 2 ousgesae ame SAPS | as | son wx omoPt Gale zo we AYO toe = 2S OE HH Bp LAD You Nave ary poioa from your classes, coudyou eal them fone SSIES BEE AID 01 Iprovce BEF contact ACH oonauion IE [akepet0r I pncies photgrapns ‘emt Provide ‘Questions 59-61 refer tothe following conversation. Gaver (Mz Chasfotte, 1 was absent from the moming meeting because | was busy visting @ cllent's office. "What id Mr Reyes talk about? W: He demonstrated the pretotypa for our ‘company’s new emart speaker Since is golng to hit the market in August, he wanted us to learn about the main features, [M: What a shame that | missed it W: "I recorded a video during the entire session. send you the part that includes the demonstration. Ss-61 ig ae ACH IS. ee eee ‘SEAL. Reyes zy FOL Bel HL? Of pal aioe ae se AmtES Ame. =) 86 BAG 2071 GEO I= PEPE Fa sol ek ARIE, ago. opis ea geome. OF AT BA HI] AF-S VIIOR HaB ole. 3 AEE uci ag Sul in. | 9¥ be cbsont om of RHIC AIC demonatete eB prety ADIEa he marks AOE BAEC featre 2h share REALE mss WALL MBI record “SAIC ene AML ince ECE 59, aA ane S201 et gomLI (yaaa ee ee (@) snot 300 fs conran7ines en sve amol waste 1 | wo) ws} 9 BE SAITO was cbeant Hom "moming masting) Reyes WHE EFS hst co Mr. Rayos tak apourn 91008 HE I ofa ever CF vouroor e+ 60. cet sgagia wo oa Ae 92e0F (aye OMIA 20 (ey amo iaaet ere 20 (Ooaupi sin awaet ait 20%. (0) Aro AE 20. |g | eo Reyes WPT Suto A Aj Amro A A ‘hag 8-70 aL EA AOIEIR'SHce ie gong to Nt Pr market bn August BEER BEE OIE oft tpoca members ONS) lect OKC) awards caremony ASH partipatin at 22. 1 EOF | nie mart >be tauncned 61. 4898 i) SIN SI Ae 218 29 wees ovgrees (Oosszaa OsRaa eat | 3201 oF eM OAR? Be MISE AIEEE ‘recorded ideo dung the entee session) NEB ERE HES. 234 ACEI cana you he art hat metas to demonreion) mos age WER, 1 0Fa | rgistaon eon vere 37 ‘Quostions 62:64 rotor tothe following conversation and chart ausav |W: Hi, Prem. Have you been following the regional ‘basketball tournament? [M: Yes. It's exciting that our basketball team is doing 30 well We Right. “We may not have the top spot on the feacerhoard, ht the place fs stil pretty good. ‘We're not that far behind Canterbury. [M: Tomorrow's game will be broadcast on the local ‘7V station. How about seting up a soteen inthe ‘conference room s0 people in the office ean watch IRtogether? W: Perfect “The company could pay for dinner. order something to be delivered. IM: OK, but “con't forget that you have to fil out ‘an expense form after making @ purchase on the sempany card 62-64 de meES BasHLe, of toh, Prom, Ee SHOEI A ZI 8427 PHL $2171 OFF Bom QOH. OF sate. Sain RO tt EIS AIR SIN BIE, 39S. cain) BOF A, Canterburyal 7A BOL AE aeons, Atte ge Al TV wesoly wae yale ee SOL SS SUE alaeok ATES HOH ime? of @ Sqao! apr me Auta AEE 2 ame. =P wean a8 a B18 ri Te MeL 71E2 FUR DOT AS BANS REICH ACH Ageia, Kee? RHE awe | sees ima 8 Canterbury " Timberbrock 2 1918 Noon A 30826) regional Ae] spot 1 leaderboard 221 M81 He S128 2 ter bens att RR bomdcast BANC) cst up~BUASICE Mout-B SBOE eoeres HS. MB 38 BE eae sooo NAc 62. AeA al Apr wie sige oF Bela (a Alma (Canterbury (© Mountaiviow (Dy Timberbrook eae] of ops Bo HEH ae a 2 a1 BOBNOU WIPE ABP ae RIS SRE OE “ate opie may not hav the top spot on the ecerbomd, but ‘hid place is il prety geod) M21 AHO 3A A BE Mowrteinion OSIE2 BE CTE 63. R/S px sch rei 2 98077 aaa seat (@eisctere 2 (gauss (osc oe Fea | grmetecn ony sor) ud Make ate 2 EDITS company et pay france) MRE, FRO H HESEITI cx someting tobe deleted) BOS BB (NO 04 leaner: tation are 64. wee ‘erpropepl isa 27 API Ze ste? yr mag comin maesoumie2 ogasaenes co) as ear 2 lai |eevoruxpr entice see pot ng Bee ae 2A@ HOI Beton forget at you have to out en expense erm _ster making purchase onthe comeany ca) $2 2 (OOH 19f8tcomset 4 tmreizat0(8 | cut>Conpice ‘Questions 65-67 refer tothe following conversation and map, fusus ‘M: Excuse me. Are you a mall employes? Wi: Yes, I work inthe food court. Gan | hip you with something? Mz 'e tnjing to find the hareware store. bought some replacement parts for my electie dil online, but they'e the wrong size, 20 "alike to exchenge them, WOK. Ifyou look at this dhectory, “youl se that you're here, right by Siverson's. You just have to ‘walk straight, past the marble statue. You'll see the hardware store on your laf, right aeross from the ‘security offic. IM: Thanks a fot. W- Aloo, the mal is offering special deals throughout the day, 20 "listen for those announcements, IM: Thanks. I didn't know that. ss-67 AS NEES B=NHIS, b 2aIBURE alg aRD|ADIO? Of, REREONH gate. Eat EMA? ob sae doa ae. "=p| exeien a7 SS aA ofS B AEN, BRE Moineys "aae}= aoUNe, (01 PASSE Al, M02! Svaeonz ste ZAIN AB Or Hels. Gee RU BB 7A CI Ie we MP ualefS Stee RSA MO MOI! sea ati of me, ago 28m 57 aR MSNA WOU geeu gowae Weaver ae asia : | “re cune eet Kota ee |. ane serous Loft |reiacomars 3 decreed 21H exchange BROKE decry OMS. sroght BH MUS warble statue HEH security #2 epoca cea! 714% leten or “BB cL AB 7;@0c1 65, ues ‘explapreicia woke we RR ayaes zeae cower 2 co mayss arti! (O)S2BC17PHB OE Vave 200 wp} azo 2) cue 24 WES @ ac bought some aplacemant zat formy etc dl ans) EEA imal 2a BeIONTS te te cichengs them REE BE OH woengsse aE Wert {HREIBAIOLS [replacement parts > marchancsa 66, 424 ARR WA Rte Ch OFS OI ETI? (a) herons @acre ome (©) Thecube {i | 2501 OnDF RISE Ht Ob] steonso i= BON HE 9.514 BEetyoul 00 iat youre nero, not by Sberso's a SUB TE BE EVou pot hare te well ah pest the rie AAO es SHER AN BRON He 20: IIVOUT sats (pect cron ese gs Pe ner eee fico) BNET, Ae ARO OF BCLS BRA The Cubes He! sta. 2 OC ‘satve) 67. 20831 opie ap eet set wer omen 240. @mplees es 20% (Qauesolts aor, ORY 7PPHENEe Zeem 2, te | eelvot np} aslgouy ene! Spree ABeD 20117 wae 2 RoI for tose anrourcemerts) 2A Fe 8 5]. Huot aaron weOILS ERE s wOSR SECO 104 Houta cata 74 ‘Questions 68-70 refer io the folowing conversation and chart fuser 1M: Ccotia, I've just tnioned loodng ver tne questionnaires we gave our cusiomers last month W: Did you find cut anything interesting? ME Yes. Accoring tothe responses, “ince! of our business comes from customers whe have alreacy stayed at our hotel before. Once they try us, they keep coming back. W: That's a good sign. 'M: | thought s0, too, But | also discovered that some of our advertising is ineffective. Lets drop the ‘company with the lowest performance. if you call them, “1 call the ona withthe highest performance to ask them to increase our aavertieing. W: Okay. can do that right now. seve as mee Bei 2 Ceca, “Hi7} oF SLO} $2) ANCE Sete ase eB He, reste 39 of mene xaxauer $B. uot ge, "951 el al gee BOO} #2 Zao Wale Aare Ga ane, we 991 ORE mA a CAL BOISE 2h, opi ge uss. Exe SUA smoIs. ae oes & aeor aso ‘Beltlie AE Weteo|e. 2) 7B Me SUE IR. BO, Sop Sake, He Ae et Se al oH Se IT stzoa agen, Of gaol. ae ro Le, Wort Magazine ————. oe 4 Le tral Tee us 45% Hotels & Holey 2% Lois over -B-2SEIC questonnate MHS tt OR-@WOLMIC response SE Le stay at 8C CIRC! aon BS decor Babict soveriana Bt netectve SA201 22 dep S76. 862 08, 02s nest exeoe ween (aya rim oe wre (@) 2a ME =A use A (amma oa meta (AEE eum Ae = (fat | aereol upton mee 21 mao sae ue ast |= 28 BCI uate lookna ovr the qusstionnares we gna cu customer at mortn) BOE SR (BOI 10) Lnsance wi EPIC survy 2.) attrac LRIEIHEIOFE I ooking over the queatonries > Revowing rd 69. siz rie oon ae seen aster? yet son ce Re TAB BE. (ogo pee gis 2, cy st3 8801 Sc Vea | exon eot wes azo a, 921g ae ane! 40. ee ea oct ne $21 Ret oll Sei TaENE| 27 SETIMoct ef our business yea at our hotel before) HOSE ABH Re THRO) eM w+ NOLO Be @Or. Toft Leoneriot ttt steady PRSL AMER have a geod reputation SE aBS Bact ‘mse tram customers who nave sescy 70, set es ot APE IRE uALe it olS enon se eI (A) Travel Max (Givotes a Hotdays (© sourneys (©) Word Magasin Lie Leo war opoPL aap 7Ie 28 el ON At 1718 8 20 Re cal the or win he ghost pertoence) 22g ma goin GueINCIA 2 ARENSON Aap eB BE “SN ANE Travel Mas BRIER BUR ARE PART 4 ‘Questions 71-73 refer to the following introduction. anu M: Hello, and "welcome to the Tatum Fashion Design Stulo. My name is Nino Toscanl | workin the HA department here, and | wil be your contact ‘person throughout this three-month internship, [As you know, Tatum has strong reputation intemationally. “it was established in Canada ten years ago but recently moved abroad, hereto the UK Teaay youl fai ail about the history of our business and your job responsiilties. "Now, please ‘turn your attention to my fellow HR officer, Halley Kemmer. he will explain to you the business's THANE ANB BEOHIS. 12: END, "Tatum Fashion Design Studiool O41 ‘SAWLICE A OBE Nino ToseaniBic. Mic OLE QLAIEOEA, ‘oto, oe ae ee ole et ERAT ARI, Ope Tatume SAO BAO] SEUICE. "HOH BOL ALCO SISA, 2A oak OF BASE OMICS 22 ees FoI WMI NAIs OIRO AHO AeA BE MEAL #2 AUG, "01M, 4 SR LY BETH Haley Kemmertta BONG 7180} BAP WRU, ary oma etal ula ‘sisi ace O46 contact person SESE teratnaly ISR fesablon HEAIC) abroad SBE tun one's atenion to = FOR-ETR} folow BS oxpian wee? Tes smBeoicRLIP wane ae mace ARs @aneaot @)27PI01 (état | 232501 Tun Fashion Oasign Sudicot 24 28 waBCID {elcome to the Tatu Fation Dutign Stas) 228 Sa IES Bi Crt AREIon ck a 8 eI aE EE Toe Leasory Roe apr eel patie sae? oye geo REO a @zuOHIIE AZO. (Qa aes (Osmene was [ae | e901 ere ae 1 BE LIOR SRN! 22M OY ‘8901 AR OW METI was estabianed in Cara ten years 220 tracery moved abroad, hae tothe UK) O22 42 COE oye |Yesure 52 ACF marty RIEL AHS, ound eC veraens 81201 I mtanoja | ceanienes > tosndee 73. 084 Higa re ge 1a 2eDR ainsi gan woe a0, (@amprame Ala Zor CO arg0. 9171 4ew ae 20 (O BempramE Foie Zo, aa | stot ozo Ge Hin Kemer AR BOI EeIzINow, plas tum your atenon to my fal HR fet, Haley Kerner) 81 SH S01 Re & AORTISHo wil ‘expla to you the busheos's vision) HOSE BEE (OR NOfR Ire tak BOI, COPIES parereore AR A datute Loo ch RACE | MEEAHO I fosow > colooaue eee ES AIS ‘Questions 74 76 refer the fellowing ‘announeement. us W: Good morning, everyone. “This is Megan Sione from the maintenance team. Ae many of you know, we are adding an outdoor patio and garden to cur ‘commercial bulaing. The work wil stan today, 0 don't be surprised if you 608 lt of crew members (on site. Now, some ofthe digging equipment wil be very noiy. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about that. clo have earplugs you want them. Just come ask me. Thank you for your understanding. mee CE Esto. : eruhita, ofa. “i ieee Megen SloneBLIC te Ouo) giz 0), "Fale ae OF HeLAS aE hea Teas. 1 Eel Se AS AO, es ES Ne BSS SACI Ber] DANE Op, BSN SHPO Aimais (MS. FRRABIAS, 87} ON eH We 20) UN AUC. "Aes at9et mp; seria 7am usu, ob £148 284 SHS. oe MOI RISBUET, | 9¥8 1a 2718+ eutdoor paso ol set gardon 31 commercl 22251 onsite 291 iging exuement 2 Bel nosy Ame sept FMM 74, UR REIL HEN RBIS az sacl ose wore Ie | aor Site Magan Sone OPCS Magen Stone ‘rom tha martrance tam) ¢) 2014 26s RAAIRL WEIS 491208 ade Bont OIE ncnce 0R,2RS.scinistraion 2 =a 75. 4A soit Sy Sto Atl oma Wee? se aae oes cousiaat Ome ag | aetvol eal ses ao os deta we Sa OH ‘ve are aking an outdoor pao and garden to cu commercial ‘len, 2 8 Se Xe! oleate werk wt eter Yo) BS vere 4 22 wee Aor, oft lencsoaring £3 seourty 2" ropa #2] RR IEAIOPS I acheg on cutcor pti nd gucen > landscaping pret 76. o1¢/12 BARE MEHL OPTI usin mae at (712 23007 Be arene waa7ise (OOH 21 1 ata L ReeHot wt ao <0] OTE HI OUI do have serps you want them) S14 RAR? A eta wst come ak me) gesn gue mort OFA |e ot 1,21 workstation Questions 77-79 rater t the fallowing tale ous 1M: Hello, my name is Scott Beasley, your instructor. "Throughout this workshop today, youl earn all 2bout how to prepare your tances for ratitement. By investing in the right areas, you'll have a comfortable lifestyle. Te help incvicuals track their aseots, released o new software program last ‘month. You can download the tral version for fro from my Web site. Now, forthe frst part ofthis workshop, "you'l be divided into small goups. ‘You each have @ number printed on your name tag. "You should look for the people with the same umber as you. Tce YeS BANK'S. ‘er ere, A O/B Scot Beasteyarn, ofeee! BALI. "oie 0) FRG U4, oe SSIS HH Clete IS OIE Saol aol OF RAS ES. aa EO SIRS, ‘HOPI Bae + 28 ABU. TO] Me As SAE 2g 271 fe, "97 go ARS Ameo) BRIS SXstacie. HBOS Ae He sae BBS + DAG Ob, of singel uit YEE “oles ages OF! EIU. OR 254 LO ON BANE WIETE te, Hale, "ofsie) 2m Be wag 7) BO sora, 1 OFRtNinseuctor 28) propre SUlkct reterent 251 Launched = 79. ot nse cadsxewzdern warawes @aaguries sea (onus aB zuneE tea OsNgziRete (oni | esr so) 2 omy we aig A 25o= Lote OI be ded into sll groups) # SB WSEAS BSB slojor ezNeou should ook forthe poopie wit ho same umber as you 24 FLOR BEE PE TofeLTinerverenas 2589) recor 7IREICE Rowe $2 Ime LEAOI Hoke Fr ‘Questions 80-82 refer tothe followina excerst from ‘an Interview, au 1M: It @ pleasure to meet you, Ma. Hudson. Thank you for taking the time to Interview forthe role of ‘cijnistratve assistant. As I sald on the phone, \We"d keto fl this position as quickly as possible. In tis kina ot fast-paced envronment. "is important that yout stay veeyarpaninn Sa, fet et lke you to tel me about your sls in that area. Also, ityou have specie questions about the company, there willbe tine te share those atthe ead ofthe inrorviow. so-szcis eu was a= ‘Bete auc, nodsona Sate Ol eS SS SPOMA ENBLCL MAIZE WaERZO), Mae Sere ‘gel ollie Beka aU, ora eee AMEN, "HOPE Geis) AIA 2S FAlske Ol Sees. aA eo 2 Bool 20) asi] Sal aa Bebe FON LICL =e, Syapol ae Se BEDI ISM Be, SH Bol ES SAT ato is ee ofa | acrinsvatve assistant BME m-BOSIO, SSE fat ced BMD FRESH irorment orgaized SRE! kil 58, 71 space RUE: FAIA! share B01 80. aA fo sto of! a 2H wzseem ores (omae vient seemu | a 1 ot act ol Rs 2 era eH EAtCEETRaN you fe taking he time to interview forthe role of edna sitar.) 0 Se, | OS ON YH suas 4 9038 ee ORD 10¥8 pubic relations 8 seror 86 accountant SAL = a eae le BPH SEM al OMP IEP IS AE wae wmases ommase owen | ot | Bey arPt Ie soveel gee Anti WO] BeMOCe Important bat you sty very ongarens) 2743 WOH BOF ARIA of RO 4 F810 CIS, ete YoU tl me aba your sits in that oa) OER BEE OIC. JI coucatontbackoround 4, 84 profenion! B21 cferonce $8! 0 ae BHIOINIS, =P} wa BON 4 ae we RARER (ae SBOE aE (ey aot marmolaehe (c) 3a ead este a mrseugana | oa L-ewor enfr aon Sater BOI SE we, eS BOL ‘2 Sew ARO] az OREM you nave specie questions about ‘ho company, there Wil be time to chao those a the end tthe eran ORE FEE (OE O18 Nrocce AIC tke tour SH ICS ‘Quostions 82-88 refer to the following news repor. en (W: And in local naws, "the town of Arlington wil hold its fst-ever community singing contest this ‘Saturday at 7 PM. atthe Petunia Hotel. The event {not requied. “To view the rules pertaining to the Contest, vist the Events section ofthe town's Web ste. A panel of fve judges will rate the contestants. ‘The Idantity ofthe spacial quest judge remains a mystery, but producer Eleaiior McCarty was Seen leaving the Petunia Hotel this morning. 83-8508 eA MER EAD. Of zia a £402, SEE AT} fe ERY SF 7A Puno Motetoat S151 Io Aa] zl 3 cls OTE Bie 26 wee SOBA 2a ga, i Be BFA Baue. "ee Gast Aes gee Bae, N BASED ga; aus SES. see) 2) SlaeOl DRIES WI 2a, “RM aia as Sale| arte Sem wOE gine, Sat Bearior Mecanypr 2 Sat Petunia Hote Le Saisie {08 communty 8481 angng corns ek 4H) resort #21 breograten NEIES pecans -2t ‘SES pone mglaaiy=| SAK) 2-82 20-991 62 Be ude AL rate BTIICL contestant 2PRP leary ZH, A proccer HEE leave LIC) 29. StL Se Soa aS weetne wert ogra osen Uta | esson wre Py none 01a ge cn BORD ‘contooh Bs a eel Te TAO Greta Yous ae (20r, esr 43, Lol Lezcton £1 competion Al 281 | sletaf07 I singag cortet > music erosion 84. olg/aret wisea wiles uRER AISI assess sReri ae (mama reEcen ae (omueweiaig 47164 (yas Het aid 1 seison amt cacy ee Ga wae A OLSON {8 NEMA cw the rica Penang to he caro, vie he Evers uct ft ons Web site] B20 BE DF Loe stare BACT poet aP=1 85, HI 1s set ‘BBD ARAL lennor Mecary7t 289 24 Petunia Homi UH 3 olgasmeuerea ag eK Ae 951007 (8) Eleanor Mecary? 410 048 $= BEE (©) Seenor MecaryreNIE SIAR 2a! + 2. (© esnor Mecary7}28 ALAM BEC, (O)Beanor Mecary} Its Me AICIS BEARER 201. [aia ney 222 a a pl Ae PITS HoH (Te certy of ne spec coast cg arin a mystery) ES ‘Bel REA out FPL REED OE, AH} coorar MoCeRyrH HABA? Petunia ote ie 01 SAA: = HY 701 APIA ABH + CWE BR AOE OF pariconten 1 HIRI PISCE lsappointa wth OI AUSICE radio stator AS HA ‘Questions 86-88 refer to the following excerpt from fs workstio, aus |W: Good motning, everyone, Sie don’ hold 1werkshops for cur bakery’s staff very often, but we're introducing some new technology that | think you'l find useful. Our business has recently ‘experianced an increase in demand. To helo you keep up, “we're inataling @ emart oven thet responds to voice commands, and il show you how to operate it today. "I hope tie change wl help you to save time and got mere things done because You won't have to stop one activity and wash your hands ust to turn on the even. 4g Bee we scoot nic se-socie aaa wunE Bathe. of otyea, oe. "Sn at eee ae SOB eH Te meiemis St, eat feel Szeto > Be S701 aes SubeER BU. P21 BH ZO Ae Se AEM Mido. ofa IAS OPI," 54 SEA esis Anis Ses atcha a, ari oe sale ABA ‘ee 20] 2 EILIC. Molar ey oittes AI OVID S| Se 29 ACIGES SIS MLS, TH OHS 771 FOL ISL waesmeg sages Saune, 1 of ieduce Seo, ASH) west 282 comand 28 keep up HERE, GLACE etal SIE roepond to -OLRIESICL BBEIC) voice command SH operate AIGOIEL SEO acvty BOL WH tum on “BAC 6. aR/Re SIRS ORNL BOK yaaa ssa amen (e204 eget | 2erpo) 221 wal Sem BI ses TCH A EL Fis scene cont hola workshans fr our bakery staf very coon 2 EEN 37H TION ae NE a.OSR BLE wort, co) 87. eA Sie SxSOP PHS OBES eM AON wanaasal @Be Amen a238 commas esas) Lot | see 2g OB ete Ane ong aK ga, OB 2 2B SAPS WS WF S AORIDIvere inataing a smart oven tat eeperd 0 oie commands, are ahow you Now vo eparaxo veoay) OS see DIOR TOI Ietectone Bel look HBA) voice acted BAL NEL sae | RREE22I0(3 | emer oven tet eeponde oles commande > 8, AIA I SUE OFS FR CHASE. erties ame ¢ 2 mage as gm 20, (0 atts song 2010. Om7mom S700, te | eo Oe MPH ARIB OIG we xe MEIC BIE, ‘Nee rope this change wl hep you to save me and get more things dora) toon 88 CC Ot Laster BAP pecuetvty WAH. Secty 271 ‘Questions 29-91 reer to the folowing teleohone message. aus (M: Hollo, im trying to reach the owner of the Bethell Avenus Convenience Store. My name is Alex Lucero, and"! have developed my own aco-sncly clearing products, They're ready to hit the market, and think we could help each other I'm sure your ‘uetemore wil appreciate the quality and variety of this product ne. So, 'm curous to know ... um row large is: your cleaning section? "i am happy te elop by anytime this week to demonstrate the Impressive results you can get fromn these products. It you are interested, please give mo a call at 585- aso. 9-91 Hf IS AHI. HE PIYsHG, "Sethe Avenue Convenience Sores FEIOPE ofa SHA Af OBS Alex Lucero9}, 7} eI} ‘legal BABES WHEL Eo sol SNS SPE sid, AAD} SE SS # Seem MIMD Hoel BAEO| O| ‘4B alo Wala clay chal eka tank a aE 2 Bae lg HumRa| ape ME ALTO? "OM! BOE 2100] @4 Bala 0] ABS|Ne E>] Gel cla 3 AR elz HEGLe Bao OA sss~4asoHOR opt al 8. Loft reacn 518% I ovo meray RBI BEI ithe matt ARICLEASEE. approcane @H6K, hc ualty 83 vere FH cuncus BHO} S7AO1 NE stop by SE! demonstrate BIC) Inevessive IME! vest =o 89. sie aR 3 asia uses rts (masa ae Doria as tt | Aten auth Aueruo Convenience Stores FOP EE ‘212 BIRO tying ta reach tho owner af he Bethel Avene Conerisnce Sor) 228 28 BOK LO cy ofc AL BEM executive Bt 90. S191 15 5 SHH A ng: a FAO] Bote DHE Ve EH ee RoR (iy seo ARON CE son 71 EC. ae uzot ae e2iec (AE sol we man eC waesueae [Mas | steed let aebane! Basse mEAN nave eid my cw eco-tienely tearing products. 2501 04 2Ag Supt Sem ME Sg + 28 MAID SEITE ready to Inthe mick, ar tiniwe coulshelp each ober $2238 ‘es OL OR | Be Be EL AE HIN a sa Moone 228 B+ 2E1.e)N ZEB AIOE 1018 tote BX} De concemed abcur-1 HH FEET bo ata wen “12ST recommendation 28 li 91. mse eee WuxuEe sees wana @osg Rea ounmaasen2 (osha anes 1 enon np oo me) 2 AN ROR 204 ue! BAS AI Fa ACER am nappy to stop by aytine thie wook io domensvare he mpresiereautsyoucan gat rom these products] HOES BEE [OME Tole rai #3822 28) wave BoBC e401 | cemensate > Gee a dorenstration ‘Quostions 92-04 rfer to the folowing excerpt fom ‘a mesting ten W. Thanks for coming, "I wanted to meet with you to announce that Jef Carter, our team manager, has been promoted to marketing director His leadership has been a great asset to the team, anc ‘to our company, as a whole. "I thnk it would be a ioe gesture to buy a git to congratulate him, Ifyou have any ideas of what wa should get, pleage share them wrth me. Now, “Wi. Carter's repiacemant vl bbe Robera Simms. She's completely new to our compeny, but shai Was'almanager ata prominent! aka esto 45; s2ssce seuss acs Of: SF G4] APMC, Mojeiee@ aU Sei wa! Jett Carters urns vis ecsiage Bela 2a. 151 aicile | 12]a amon 221 sor res som “as 50/71 9 UES AE Zl BS BvOl BA BAC gar #23 Nor Gaol Het O18 ofolcionr Nee, ABE AL BRA FHS. OFF, “Carter sHS| SOE: Robart Simm 2c THe 92 Soke BEN USE OIE, EEO sulsiaienteul Lom Ipeenntn GHAI meee HH saautoe PARSE HROE geeiro HEH) che BRAC! splacorent SEER ARE comet BEA prominent ABEL FE 92, ol¢/atet aniesisiolgasasior oozes aia SHH et (5291 S58 1171071 HL omowe satis Oyas EeaLE sg O11 get ated | een ote ee 921 Se et CarteotOpNS OWS ‘BSASS BEI? HACER) werted to meet ulh yours announce hat Jatt Carr, our team manager hss been promote to merkting ‘Groton 2 8, Sal SEB Mela 20] 27810) feng e208 age moR LOI Ipseperefor BEMENGL closes CREE colvoone St promotion 2EL EE releoaton vote on ~ cet RACE [ IENAIO}E | ur team manager hos boen promted > coleagie'premation 93. eo sRSdsICS oaee Ae RRP (acl Byala 2 aBsaHe me a (uname aaate 2 (0) 8B ofoiciois aotere 2 1 MAE | BwHOL AB! BRD Soop! HE MES HE 201 ge BOL 21 CAI tink would be nie geatre to buy a gto ngratlat him] 8% $24 RS HOF BLE OF OFICIOD ‘gm eM WeaM you hae any ideas of what wo ehoutd 24 locos cher them wih me) SEAAS EE OF 84a 15 nt 222 Caner Mol 8D Roberta Sirens? 201 ‘ne Carrs raptcerent wl be Roberta Sirens) Ite $2] a} ok B08 oetaISNaD Comal now 19 ou COTS) sae Halts olgel 9 Ue, HOPE aia et (BEAR 201 RE BONE Welt ABR OMAN ore, TOS comect BE BBSICE assstance SE, reassure RMP! falar with -01 8101 ‘Questions 95-97 refer tothe following ‘announcement and doll lst. bus 1M: Attention, all Graystone Supermarket shoppers. "November 7 marks twenty years in business or ‘our store, 20 we're hing @ special promotion to celeorate this special eccasion. Wo're ofenng reduced prices en many of eur products throughout the store, co pick up a bargain wile you can—" these fantastic desis wil only last unt the end of the weekend. We've also expanded our dell section to give you even more choices for cheese, siced meat, sandwiches, anc salads. Inthe del, “you ean gt fety percent sf al ealacle ring tha permatinn We hope you take advantage of those great offers! 95-97 cs mul wel RBS BRAND, 12: Greystone Supermarket AB Oe 2 Set FAte, Sua 7a Hal 1s 8 20548 7EeIO%, of Seo AE seep] A SY BEWE G2 zellCh oy EA TE AS ABS BOS AAA Mas OU, Aww mL TES Sei Sia “ol ate! MEIN THO) SU a Nes QUE. WA, feo 31a, a1 AD, HEA, LCL Hie ce dee Aeb| San ll ees RAL, ROW, "EOE $2 2E ICE 402 BUN FES tlc of eat Wel oI ear otc pe 2S “HERA sees spas | Pastas ee TOFPLT otunteer IES ahit a 2% cant HEI, MAIC) = 04, st at sat swial Beopia mlolaeaeUCrem BTR WM oRRMER?I a8 (orig 2219771 get COaaiee we RH (oymo1 S200 27158 46 BEI AT eT 1A mare 28% HS: calc ESIC occasion SGA reduced HUE treugnet x01 bergen =H, 2 ferent IS 2 et 74,1 last FASE ‘expanc SIE} ices BP Mt take achertage ot ose watch 95. o1g/aa sage se zecus oH (nase amen et (omg seorie (7RgUS Sap Ht (Aga wate wm) Het (ate | aee90t ne 7a ae wets 709 OE ORS 718 BRENIG GO EDNeMbe 7 mars twenty years In busines fer our store, eo wate hotng 2 spacial promot to cekoate thie special occasion) BOER BEB COM [oF areesary is I ewH2t0F I twenty years eushess, encil eocasion > cannery 96, a Baga cid ecb" oEeea eve | es of eh BEA FRI BE MP Ag! ZRF _Bineoefantacte dele wl ony lst url te ent ofthe weeks ‘292 OL OPC ON re PP RCE Ime tANOFR I tne ena ot ne weekend > Sunday evening 97. Ar eo ABLAER BAS. oft RIOR AS 40% Wolo} on BE oP (ase j2aiee (oaase area | | 4on wea ewyO] Beoe pros MAIC a BoE ‘ASU = 2eEmIoU can get fry pacar ea seas ounna ne Promoter) 2, At OW HeIo7} Mie 32 4 FIRE IER ga oor ‘Questions 98-100 refer to the following talc and map, aus 'W: Now that we've completed the last session of the day for this company retreat, you'l have ome fre time for most of the afternoon. I you's Intorosted in hiking, suggest visking Ster Cit, hich has a spectacular view ofthe vally below. “Just make sure you are Back here by four o'clock, as one ofthe park rangers wll ove a talk about rare ‘life at this ste. Also, before you leave, “please 80 me here up st the Front and lot me know which of the set menus you Would lke for dinner. I need to {98 the final count tothe dining hal 98-100 sate IEE BexBHAo. OF OFA Of oy tat OFS Ot IEE AAO] ESL, 291 RE A Aer APL a ets store wale, LONEIR, fon RAS RSI Sal AHS BS BE "Star ire Seow aI APRS. "Se BENS wet EMA oF Si 31 ofa tot 2H OOFIo al AOIU

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