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Lx] Cc ae! 8 > @ this constitution, and the laws of the ABZGO ited states which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made or which shall be made, under the authority of the united states, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary, notwithstanding. re: misrepresented instrument : Bill of Attainer — [CLAIM : 240253037-2] 16" Dhul Aldah 1444 [May 24, 2024] Res Judicata hagans v lavine 415 u.s. 533, there is no discretione to ignore lack of jurisdiction. joyce v u.s. 474 2d 215; the law provides that once state and federale jurisdictione have been challenged, it must be proven. main v thiboutot 100. s. ct 2501 (1980); "jurisdictione can be challenged at any time " and "jurisdictione, once challenged, cannot be assumed and must be decided". basso v utah power and light co. 495 £.2d 906, 910 stare Decisis lato "a court cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding valid, it is clear and well-established law that a void order can be challenged in any court. “. see old wayne mut. | assoc. ¥ medonough, 204 ws, 8,27 s.a236 (1907) for the record, i am dawud bilal ibn yusef el abdullah bey, the chief consul and the el law giver of choctaaw territory land ov flowers Ex: Rel: MISSISSIPPI with superior jurisdiction at the moroccan empire.i am al moroccan, natural persons, in full life, in propria persona, sui juris. our nationality / citizenship is moroccan of nothwest amexem, being aboriginal and indigenous sovereign nationals and heirs of the moroccan empire, and foreign national inhabitants at the corporate fiction (Columbus, ‘Mississippi, union state republic]. i come now making special appearance to stand with my sister with children, doris ann willis in islam as a moor Satet Maji El, who is under duress as by the corporate agents claiming the devine being is the authorized representative, ex rel. the Artificial Corporate Batts, Doris » Ann / BATTS, DORIS , ANN and i hereby challenge your jurisdiction via quo warranto on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction and improper venue by [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] [KAYLA COBBLE] [ KIA MOTOR CORPORATION] [RUDY GIL] [MICHAEL VANCE) furthermore this court of record takes judicial notice of the mandatory removal of all Corporation's Public Office/Servant “personal immunity” and authority to continue pretending to act as Roman Curia, by Ecclesiastical order of the Vatican’s Pope Francis [exhibit B] circa July 2013, jurisdiction and venue ihereby invoke my treaty rights to consular jurisdiction under articles 20 and 21 of the treaty of peace and friendship of 1836 between the united states for north america and moroccan empire: article 20. if'a citizen of the united states, or any persons under their protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the consul shall decide between the parties, and whenever the consul shall i id or assistance from our government, to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately article 21. if.a citizen of the united states should kill or wound a moor, or, on the contrary, if a moor shall kill or wound a citizen of the united states, the law of the country shall take place, an equal justice shall be rendered, the consul assisting at the trial; and if any delinquent shall make his escape, the consul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever see kolovrat v. oregon, 366 u.s. 187, 194, 81 s ct.922 (1961) ("a state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid international agreements may possibly not work 2 averment of jurisdiction —quo warranto~ mandamus IKAYLA COBBLE] [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] aboriginal and indigenous peoples” documents: northwest amexem northwest affea month america / the north gate Yen ‘mexemvsourthwest aexetn adjoining and ameriana islands - the moroccan empse- continental nied sass, “empleo te moon end sun / ‘url sland’: no = mesic, non-resident, non ~subje~ moors mur being he right heits nd pimogeniture bhi inheritors of the land, ok < AS empire state ob morocco united states for northe america choctaatw territory, lanbe ob flowers moorishe nationale republic feberalee governmente ‘> ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ »- moorishe bibine and nationale movement of the world northwest amexem / northtwest africa / 'the north gate' adjoining atlantis and ‘moroccan islands & ~is.Lam ~ & & aberment of jurisdiction - quo warranto international document for the record, to be read into the record notice to agent is notice to principal — notice to principal is notice to agent. 16" Dhul al dah 1444 [May 24, 2024] Exhibit a : Encompass Home and Auto Insurance Company Estimate of Record [CLAIM : 240253037-2] Exhibit b : Ecclesiastical order of the Vatican’s Pope Francis re: men+24+chotcause+999+99+0222 Encompass Home and Auto Insurance Company Office of The Claims Adjuster Subject: Rudy Gil doing business as Adjuster Post Box 1623 ‘Winston Salem, North Carolina 27102 all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artikle ii moorishe al moroccan kourte acctione. i am the sovereign justice dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminuto nolo in red letters and mi free choosen nationale title is dawud bi abdullah bey in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in propri heredes. exercising all of my divine rights at this time, and at all times as an anci indigenous divine natural living being. i, dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminuto nolo in red letters and all moorishe nationales of morocco, are the executors, administrators, kreditores, klaimants, and beneficiaries of our own estate, we the ‘moorishe nationales at northwest africa are exercising all of our rights at this time as “one sovereign nation” on our own land. no UNITED STATES CORPORATION or CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZEN or any other foreigner, has personam jurisdiction over me or any other moorishe nationale. iam the law, and i am the government. my body, all land and all of my personal property are the jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited moorishe estate at this time and at all times. i am the creditoree to your CORPORATION/Company, doing business here in “northwest amexem/ africa, morocco” and the “world.” all U.S. Citizens, Foreign Agents and American Citizens are subjects to the moorishe nationales here in northwest amexem/ africa, morocco. see: constitution for the united states for north america, article 6, clause 2: ‘Laverment of uriaiition — quo warranto mandamus IKAYLA COBBLE] [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY], shoiginal and indigenous peoples documents: nonhwes amexem / northwest fic north americ the noth gate ental amexem/sourtiwest smexemyadjining and americana islands the moroomanempie - continental united tes, “emple of tne moon an “ture land non ~ domests, on resident aoa ~subjet- moors miss being the right hers an primogeitre bight nh the Ian, sof ix] Cc one @ > ® ASS completely tothe satisfaction of state authorities. under the supremacy clause of the united states constitution art vi, clause 2, state policies [...] must give way to overriding federal treaties and conflicting arrangements. ") quo twarranto you are hereby commanded to produce the following for the record as proof and evidence of your lawful jurisdiction and judicial authorization: by a certified copy of the delegation of authority order from congress per article iii section 1 and 2 of the constitution for the united states for north america as evidence of [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] [KAYLA COBBLE] [ KIA MOTOR CORPORATION] [RUDY GIL] [MICHAEL VANCE] the by. having been lawfully conferred judicial authorization and jurisdiction to affecting the treaty rights of moorishe al moroccan nationals, and permission to administer over their individual land estates. 2. a copy of the alleged valid and verifiable contract or commercial agreement mutually made between any natural person (regina tyshonda willis) authorized representative, agent, personnel, etc of the by [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] [KAYLA COBBLE] [ KIA MOTOR CORPORATION] [RUDY GIL] [MICHAEL VANCE}which obliges us to any Foreign Corporate Statute, rule, etc., or to any other specific performance by our free and fully informed consent. Including full disclosure of usefruct access to estate name and resources via social security umber, was provided in advance. 3. the name, address, and telephone number of the public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy number of the bond, and if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of the specific job performance of you (plural) and all other third party natural persons associated with this matter acting as officers / employees / contractors / ‘agents / representatives of the by [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] [KAYLA COBBLE] [ KIA MOTOR CORPORATION] [RUDY GIL] [MICHAEL VANCE] being, associated with misrepresented instrament — Foreign Bill Of Exchange / Bill Of Attainder. disguised as [CLAIM : 240253037-2] Ann Willis in accordance with the 4, proof that lawful service of process was made upon De prerequisites of Doris Ann Willis “due process rights”. PUBLIC HAZARD BONDING OF CORPORATE AGENTS all officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and ‘malpractice bonding company and the policy number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance. you have three business days to provide the information failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (Title 15 United States Code ) and is prim a facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personally,to secure their public oath and service of office. Each of the three accounts stated above have been commercially lien by court action and allodial living affidavit. (18 United States Code 912).8quot; whoever, having taken an oathe before a competent tribunale, officer, or person, in ‘any case in which a law of the united states authorizes an oathe to be administered, willfully and contrary to such oathe states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury and shall be fined no more than $2,000.00 or imprisoned not more than five years or both." 18 United States Code . §1621. allodial fee schedule the following. damages are being claimed against you by [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] [KAYLA COBBLE] [ KIA MOTOR CORPORATION] [RUDY GIL] [MICHAEL VANCE] doing business as on our vast estate damage cost L.conspiracy against rights (18 use 241) $5,000,000.00 2.deprivation of treaty rights under color of law (18 use 242) '$5,000,000.00 3 averment of jrisdietion —quo warranto~ mandamus {KAYLA COBBLE] [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] sboriginl an indigenous peoples’ documens: norhwestamexer /noethwest ae north america the north ate’ fental smexenvsourthwestamexervagjoining and americana lands = the moroccan empire - continental nied ses temple of te moon and sun" ‘une island”: non ~ domestic non = resident, non = subject—moors mur - bein the righfl hers and primogenitire bright - inheritors of the land i) Cc casi 8 > ® ASO 3.trespass via unwanted use of my appellation/name or likeness $65,000.00 ‘$10,000 units per letter, 13 letters 4.denationalization under christian black codes $5,000 ,000.00 S.inducement to fraud $ 5,000,000,00 6.trespass via forced or compelled presentment of natural lawful documentation (by mail) — 5,500.00 (five-thousand five hundred) units per document, (6) documents $33,000.00 ‘T.trespass via threating of my natural body $250,000 units $250,000.00 8.trespass of natural travel 250,000 (one hundred thousand) units per hour (1265) $,317,000,000.00 9. trespass of natural property and effects — 100,000 (one+hundred thousand) units per hour, in accordance 1265 hrs/ day for 53 days '$126,000,000.00 10. trespass of natural body— 1,500,000 (one million and five + hundred $1,500,000.00 thousand units per violation, in aceordance with (operation) 11. Failure to stand down cease and desist from unlawful escheatment the estates of american estates by order of Pope Francis (AKA Vatican) July 13, 2013, Motu Proprio (attached Exhibit By '$50,000,000.00 total: $ 518,848,000.00 payable in lawful money of .9999 fine silver bullion coins and/or bars. All trespass is in accordance with article i section 10 paragraph 1 from the united states constitution 1791 and 3 years in Military Police Custody at Guantanamo Bay Prison in Quba [ Cuba]-Each debtor must pay the total sum and serve time at Guantanamo Bay. Each debtor has 3 days of grace to answer from your receipt of this affidavit of fact; writ of quo warranto to answer and produce the above evidence for the record. this proceeding is not_valid and cannot proceed until jurisdiction is proved to exist! otherwise, the misrepresented instrument- foreign bill of exchange / bill of attainder, must be dismissed with prejudice for lack of jurisdiction. see melo v. united states, 505 £2d 1026 (“once Jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action.") failure to answer and produce the above evidence constitutes default and serves as your admission by silence to lack of jurisdiction and fraud; and to the misrepresented instrument-foreign bill of exchange/bill of attainder. elliot v. peirsol, 26 u.s. 328,340 (1828) ("if a court acts without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullifies. they are not voidable, but simply void; and form no bar to a remedy sought in opposition to them, even prior to a reversal. they constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in executing such judgments, or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers. "); also, see united states v. throckmorton, 98 u.s. 61 ("fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments. '9 4 avermentofjurisdition— quo warranto mandamus [KAYLA COBBLE] [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] sboriginl an indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest afc /north america the north gate’ fental amexenvsouthwestamexem/aijoining and americana islands - the moroccan empire -cominenal ied states "empleo the moon and sun! “re island’ non «domestic. non - Fesigent, non ~ subject moors / muus- being the rightful heirs and pimogenitie bight inheritors of the land bx) Cc @ > ® AS affidavit we declare and affirm by virtue of divine law, under the zodiac constitution, and upon the ‘united states republic constitution of 1791, and upon the honor of our foremothers and forefathers that the above writ of quo warranto and affidi true and correct. executed this 24 th day of May 2024 nothing in this document is consented to be in any jurisdiction other than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate upon my inherited status, i dawud bilal abdullah bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as — al moroccan ~ moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the “five points of light’ — tave, tuith, peace, freedom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intendé presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. dawud bilal abdullah bey shai omnia iura reservantis omnia iura reservantis ‘email: 71 ani yun wiya territory, lande of flowers, northwest, amexem S averment of uriiietion - quo warranto— mandamus IKAYLA COBBLE] [ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] shorginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa north america / the north gates ‘smexemy/southwestamexem/aoinng and americana islands the moroccan empire - continental united ses; “empleo the moon ands “re lan: non = domestic, non - resident, non — subjet- moors / mau - being erg hers and primogsniture birthright inheritors of the land, affidavit of fact choctaaw territory lande ov flowers receipt certificate of service 1, dawud bilal abdullah bey, hereby certify that on this 24 day of May 2024 All facts and supporting evidence, Quo Warranto, exhibit a by certified post [7020 2450 0002 2784 4171] and epost. — Dawud bh abbedip Notifications Miller, Duane OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTE MARSHAL GENERAL 2800 Army Pentagon [Washington, DC 20310-2800] Michael A. Hughes, Director of Interpol Washington U.S. National Central Bureau Washington, District of Columbia 20530-0001 Commander 290" Military Police Brigade c/o 3598 Bell Road, Nashville, Tennessee 37214 THE KOURT OV RECEIVED JUDGE'S MAILROOM 0542442024 CHOCTAW TERRITORY, 4% Mame tn thee % [KAYLA COBBLE] PASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY] shorginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest afc north americ the noth gate cata mexemsourthwestemexemv/adjoining and american isads =the morocan empie continental united stats, temple of the moon and su url islnd' non - domestic, non-resident, non ~subject- moors mus - beng the ih hes and primogeniture init - ners the and, eal of uvisdiction - quo warranto— mandamus ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY ENCOMPASS HOME AND AUTO I VIRTUAL CLAIMS OFFICE ‘SUPPLEMENTS ** Refer to Disclaimer Below for Instructions ** PO Box 1623 WINSTON SALEM, NC 27102 coe 2aorsses72 Phone: (800) 468-3466 Werke 1: 80c1532 Estimate of Record \Writen By: MICHAEL VANCE, 4/5/2024 9:34:48 AM Adjuster: GIL, RUDY, (678) 325-7560 Business Insure: KAYLA COBBLE. Ouner Policy #: aim #: 240253037-2 Type of Loss: ——_Uabilty Date of Loss: 04/01/2024 04:20 AM Days to Repair: 7 Point of Impact: 17 Left & Right Side Deductible Owner (Claimant): Inspection Location: ‘Appraiser Information: Repair Facility: DORIS BATTS 760 STARKVILLE RD est@ngic:com owners choice 760 STARKVILLE RD CRAWFORD, MS 39743-9417 (629) 216-0163 (CRAWFORD, MS 39743-9817 Virtual (662) 242-2550 Evening (€62) 242-2550 Day (662) 242-2550 Cellular batts1103@qmaiLcom VEHICLE 2019 KIA Soul + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.01 Gasoline Gasoline Direct Injection Light brow gray ww: KovD3P3A51K7659245 Production Date: 102018 Interior Color: Block Lense: LTH 2589 ‘Odometer: 70888 Exterior Color Light brown gray State: ms Condition: ‘TRANSMISSION ‘CONVENIENCE FM Radio Cloth Seats ‘Automatic Transmission ‘Air Condtioning stereo Bucket Seats POWER Intermittent Wipers SearchySeek Recning/Lounge Seats Power Steering Tie Whee! ‘Ausiiary Audio Connection WHEELS Power Brakes ‘Cruise Contr! Satelite Redo ‘Auminumy/Aloy Wheels Power Windows Rear Defogger SAFETY PAINT Power Locks Keyless erty Drivers Side Air Bag ‘Clear Coat aint Power Mirors ‘Steering Whee! Touch Controls Passenger Alr Bag OTHER Heated Mirrors ear Window Wiper ‘Ant Lock Brakes (4) Fog Lamps DECOR “Telescopic Whee! 4 Wheel Dise Brakes ‘Traction Contr! ul Mirors imate Control, Front Side Impact air Bags Stabilty Control Privacy Glass Backup Camera Head/Curtain Air Bags Console/Storage RADIO Hands Free Device Overhead Console ‘AM Radio SEATS. Exhibit A 141141 | 1..04.09070 Page 1 Claim 4: 240253087-2 Workfie 1D: 480c1532 Estimate of Record 2019 KIA Sou! + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.0L Gasoline Gasoline Dect Infection Light brown gray Line Oper Description PartNumber Qty Extended Labor Price $ 1 FRONT BUMPER 2 RAI R&I bumper cover 19651182500 13 3. FRONT LAMPS 4 RAI LT Headlamp assy 9210182270 03 5 FENDER 6 Repl LKQ.LT fender assy +25% yowzt5.00 12 18 7 ‘Ad for Clear Coat o7 8 Ref edges os: 8 RM LT Fender liner w/o EV fom 19681162500 03 o6y16/2014 10 RAI LT Trim moiding w/o EV w/o 8777182100 02 repeater lamps 11 WHEELS 2 * Subl_ LT/Front Whe, alloy 5291082170 75.00 Xm NOTE: bu & posh alloy wee! 13 PILLARS, ROCKER & FLOOR “ot Repl LKQ LT Rocker molaing w/o sport pas72 a 75.00 a4 ig +2596 15. FRONT DOOR ee Repl LKQLT door assy +25% sawest 1375.00 14 3.0 ” Overiap Major Ad}, Panel 04 18 ‘Add for Clear Coat os 19 R&I LT Bett molding 8221082000 03 2» R&T Miror assy w/o signal lamps 8761082510 03 wheat a RAI LT Handle, outside w/o smart key 8265162010, 04 primed 2 ROX LT RAI trim panel 8230782030071 04 23 REAR DOOR ae Repl LKQ LT door assy +25% ooo = 1250.00 10 30 25 veri Major Adj. Panel 04 6 ‘Add for Gear Coat os 2 RAI LT Belt molding 321082000 03 8 R&I LT Handle, outside primed 3365162010 04 2 RAI LT RBI trim panel 8330782020071 04 30 QUARTER PANEL af Ror LT Quarter pol assy w/o root rack 701008261 30 18 32 Overiap Major Adj. Pane! 04 3 ‘Ad for Clear Coat 03 MF Ref Base Coat Reduction 03 35 RE Fuel door 6951082000 03 36 Bind Fuel door 16351082000 02 7 RAI LT Wheelhouse liner 9682162500 03 45/2024 9:35:40 AM watu4t | Page 2 aim #: 240253037-2 Worle 1D: 8001532 Estimate of Record 2019 KIA Soul + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.0L Gasoline Gasoline Direct Injection Light brown gray Bo Ror LT Quarter glass KIA 8781082020 oa NOTE: rope/mask glass 39° REAR LAMPS 40 RAI LT Tail lamp assy 240162010 03 41 REAR BUMPER 2 RAI R&I bumper assy 3661162500 10 43. VEHICLE DIAGNOSTICS “oe Pre-Scan 1 os as # Post Scan 1 os 46 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS ao ‘AIM Corrosion Protection 1 10.00 02 aon NIM Cover Car 1 5.00 02 oe Subl_Hazardous Waste 1 3.00 SUBTOTALS 1,008.00 15.2 10.8 ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Cost $ Pans 933.00 Body Labor 142m @ = $52.00/r 738.40 Paint Labor 108s @ $52.00 561.60 Mechanical Labor ons —@ — $65.00 mr 65.00 Paint Supplies 108s @ $40.00 for 432.00 Miscellaneous 75.00 Subtotal 2,805.00) Sales Tax $2,73000_ @ 7.000% 391.10 ‘otal Cost of Repairs 2,996.10 Total Adjustments 0.00 [Net Cost of Repairs 2,996.10 NOTE TO VEHICLE OWNER - National General Insurance does business with collision repair shops in your area and has developed a preferred network of shops with proven, high standards, We recognize that you, the vehicle owner, have the right to select the repair facility of your choice and are under no obligation to use any of the shops on the list. We will pay the amount we determine payable under the policy regardless of the repair facility chosen, We will attempt to get an agreed cost of repairs with the shop of your choice. If this is not possible, we will extend a fair and reasonable offer to repair the loss related damage to your vehicle based on industry repair standards and prevailing market rates. If there are loss related damages that were not visible at the time of the intial estimate, or damages ‘Rot included in the original estimate, the additional damage will be considered for a supplemental repair estimate. 45/2024 9:35:40 104 141141 | 19.04.9070 Page 3 Claim # 240253037-2 Workfle ID: 480c1532 Estimate of Record 2019 KIA Soul + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.0L Gasoline Gasoline Direct Injection Light brown gray ‘8 THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO REPAIR. VEHICLE OWNER MUST GIVE PERMISSION FOR REPAIRS TO BEGIN. == ‘SUPPLEMENT PROCESS INSTRUCTIONS: Please be aware that any additional damage must be inspected by a National General representative while the vehicle 's at the shop and tom down (when reasonably appropriate), prior to the repairs being completed. If National General 's not informed of supplemental damage, it may not be covered under the claim. In addition, all invoices will be requested and reviewed, 1. VIRTUAL ASSIST: Please follow the Virtual Assist App process for future supplement requests. The Virtual Assist ‘App can be downloaded at no charge by visiting the Apple App store or the Google Play store. Search, download and install: National General / Encompass. available in all states except MA and RI* 2. For repair shops using CCC One Estimating, supplement requests can be submitted using Estimate Share. The Claim number and work file Id located at the top of this document will be needed to proceed. Instructions for using Estimate Share can be found at https://help.cccis.comy/static/ccc_one/training/EstimateShare/RequestingEstimateShareStaffRF.pdf * Photos and supporting documents should accompany submitted supplemental estimate considerations, 3. For all other repair shops: Send your supplement request with supporting photos and documents to, THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF AFTERMARKET CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A ‘SOURCE OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE, THE AFTERMARKET CRASH PARTS USED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS ESTIMATE ARE WARRANTED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF SUCH PARTS RATHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR VEHICLE. 4/5/2024 9:35:40 AM 41141 | 1.9.04,09070 Pages Claim 240253037-2 Workfie 1D: 480ci532 Estimate of Record 2019 KIA Soul + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.0L Gasoline Gasoline Direc Inection ight brown gray Estimate based on MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE and potentially other third party sources of data. Unless otherwise noted, (a) all items are derived from the Guide ARY2457, CCC Data Date 03/15/2024, and potentially other third party sources of data; and (b) the parts presented are OEM-parts. OEM parts are manufactured by or for the vehicle's Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) according to OEM's specifications for U.S. distribution, OEM parts are available at OE/Vehicle dealerships or the specified supplier. OPT OEM (Optional OEM) or ALT OEM (Alternative OEM) parts are OEM parts that may be provided by or through alternate sources other than the OEM vehicle dealerships with discounted pricing. _ Asterisk (*) or Double Asterisk (**) indicates that the parts and/or labor data Provided by third party sources of data may have been modified or may have come from an alternate data source. Tilde sign (~) items indicate MOTOR Not-Included Labor operations. The symbol (<>) indicates the refinish operation WILL NOT be performed as a separate procedure from the other panels in the estimate, Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer aftermarket parts are described as Non OEM, A/M or NAGS. Used parts are described as LKQ, RCY, or USED. Reconditioned parts are described as Recond. Recored parts are described as Recore. NAGS Part Numbers and Benchmark Prices are provided by National Auto Glass Specifications. Labor operation times listed on the line with the NAGS information are MOTOR suggested labor operation times. NAGS labor operation times are not included. Pound sign (+) items indicate manual entries. Some 2024 vehicles contain minor changes from the previous year. For those vehicles, prior to receiving updated data from the vehicle manufacturer, labor and parts data from the previous year may be used. The CCC ONE estimator has a lst of applicable vehicles, Parts numbers and prices should be confirmed with the local dealership, The following Isa list of additional abbreviations or symbols that may be used to describe work to be done or parts to be repaired or replaced: ‘SYMBOLS FOLLOWING PART PRICE: m=MOTOR Mechanical component. s=MOTOR Structural component. iscellaneous Non-Taxed charge category. SYMBOLS FOLLOWING LABOR: D=Diagnostic labor category. M=Mechanical labor category. S=Structural labor category. (numbers) 1 through OTHER SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS: Adjacent. Algn.=Align. ALU=Aluminum. A/M=Aftermarket part. Bind=Blend. BOR=Boron steel CAPA=Certified Automotive Parts Association. D8&d tegory. F=Frame labor category. G=Glass labor category. User Defined Labor Categories. Non-Adj ‘Overhaul. Qty=Quantity. Refn=Refinish. Repl=Replace, R&d=Remove and Install. R&R=Remove and Replace. Rpr=Repair. RT=Right. SAS=Sandwiched Steel. Sect=Section. Subl=Sublet. UHS=Ultra High Strength Steel. N=Note(s) associated with the estimate line. CCC ONE Estimating - A product of CCC Intelligent Services Inc. ‘The following is a list of abbreviations that may be used in CCC ONE Estimating that are not part of the MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE: BAR=Bureau of Automotive Repair. EPA=Environmental Protection Agency. NHTSA= National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration. PDR=Paintless Dent Repair. VIN=Vehicle Identification Number. 4/5/2024 9:35:40 AM 141141 | Page 5 Claim a: 240253037-2 Workfte 1: 480c1532 Estimate of Record 2019 KIA Soul + Automatic 4D WGN 4-2.01 Gasoline Gasoline Direct Infection Light brown gray ALTERNATE PARTS SUPPLIERS Line Supplier Description Price 6 LxQ Birmingham A082 $172.00 3055 35th Avenue {KQLT fender assy +2596 ‘Birmingham AL 35207 UL, S#9A0842 -L 4 LKQ Birmingham #035972 $60.00 3055 35th Avenue LXQ LT Rocker molding w/o sport pka +25% Bimingham AL 35207 ‘BASE,ADR R, +, BASE, EX, LX MODEL, RH #035972 - NO INTCHG-YEAR/MAKE/MODEL MATCH ONLY 18 LKQ Birmingham “#SHWEEL $300.00 3055 35th Avenue UKQLLT door assy +25% Brmingham AL. 35207 LHELECTRIC),L,, W/SOLAR GLASS S#sHW861 - (SOLAR GLASS), L "24 Lambert Auto Savage 00223440 $200.00 Kerry Lambert LKQ LT door assy +25% 2412'S Second st LET SIDE DOOR-000,PLUS,WHI,PRY, DR, BLK PW,PLLNRM ~ (PRIVACY TINT GLASS), L. ‘Booneville MS 38829 (652) 728-0409 45/2024 9:35:40 AM 141141 | Page 6

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