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Read the text, then answer the questions below!

Salt Merchant and His Donkey

There was a salt merchant in a village. He used to buy salt
from a nearby town. He had a donkey to carry the salt load. There
were many streams that must be passed to get to the city.
One day, the salt merchant returned after making a
purchase. The donkey was full of salt bags. As they crossed the
river, the donkey slipped and fell into the river. As the donkey
rose, the salt load became very light.
From that day on, whenever the salt merchant came back
from the town after buying salt, the donkey began to drop himself
halfway across a river. The salt merchant became suspicious.
Once, the seller bought several bales of cotton and loaded
them onto his donkey. The donkey felt the load was very light. The
donkey thought “Today, I’m going to drop myself and this load will
be much lighter”.
On the way home, as usual, the donkey pretended to fall into
the river. But, when the donkey tried to get up, the weight of the
load even made the donkey fell again. The cotton had absorbed
water and became heavier. The salt merchant gave hard beatings to
make the donkey get up and walk. From that moment on, the
donkey never dropped himself into the river.

Task 1. Match the word with their meaning

No Word meaning
1 merchant A. river
2 stream B. purchase
3 absorbed C. distrustful
4 buy D. trader
5 suspicious E. Sucked up
Task 2. Answer the questions based on the text that you’ve read
1. What does the text tell us about?
2. The problem in the story is….
3. How did the character of the story solve the problem?
4. What made the donkey get punishment?
5. What can you learn from the story?

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