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1. The first step in the conflict management process is to create a safe and impartial
environment. This will allow for an honest and open discussion to begin. Stress the
value of productive discussion and make sure everyone feels free to voice their
2. Describe the issue: Start by stating the problem in detail. The issue here is the
underwhelming performance of new product development projects, particularly in
relation to the effectiveness of the project team and human placement.
3. Compile viewpoints: Give the project managers and department heads a chance
to share their insights on the matter. Encourage both parties to communicate their
concerns, experiences, and any supporting information.
4. Active listening and understanding: Throughout the conversation, emphasize the
value of active listening. Encourage participants to engage in uninterrupted,
attentive listening to one another's points of view. To make sure everyone feels
understood, summarize, and validate their concerns.
5. Find common ground: Look for themes or points of agreement between the two
sides. Finding a common ground and mutually beneficial solutions are made
possible by this.
6. Come up with prospective solutions: Lead a brainstorming session to come up
with potential answers to the issue. Encourage participants to consider a wide
range of possibilities and creative solutions, concentrating on ways to enhance
project team output and personnel assignment procedures.
7. Assess each offered solution's viability and potential effects before choosing the
best one. When assessing the solutions, consider the viewpoints and ideas of both
project managers and department heads. Try to come to an agreement on the best
course of action.
8. Put the solution into action: Create a plan of action to put the selected solution
into practice. To ensure that everyone is on the same page and accountable, clearly
identify roles, responsibilities, and timeframes.
9. Track and assess development: Review and evaluate the implementation of the
solution on a regular basis. To make sure the solution is effective and solves the
original problem, solicit feedback from the project managers, department heads,
and members of the project team.
Some Project managers are expected to say things like: "We have no say in
personnel assignment, and it negatively impacts team productivity."
• "Functional department heads are dumping underperformers into our projects,"
• "The members of the assigned team are unmotivated and feel as though they have
been given the death penalty."
• "We need more power to select our team members and assess their performance."


The department heads will likely say something like, "We assign our best available
people when project managers ask."
• "We understand the capabilities of our employees, so we have the final say in
personnel assignment."
• "We reject any policy that would involve dumping troublemakers or incompetents
onto project teams."
The conflict management process can aid in facilitating open communication and
finding a settlement that considers the concerns of both parties by addressing and
managing these comments.

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