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Chapter 1 : What is Physics?

Physics → Nature
Physics is the law that explains physical life.
Physical → Physics

Basic principles of Physics:

1. Unification
2. Reductionism

1. Unification :
Study of various phenomenon under a single law or in a collective way.

Exa -
(i) Falling of apple, Revolving of Moon - Law of Gravitation
(i) Lenz Law (Optics), Principle of Caloriemetry (Thermodynamics) - Law of
Conservation of Energy

Maxwell gave four equations to explain :

i. Electrostatics
ii. Electrodynamics
iii. Magnetism
iv. Electromagnetic Waves

2. Reductionism:
Basically, breaking bigger, more complex problems or situations into small, manageable
tasks. (not imp.)

Scope or Types of Physics :

i. Macroscopic or Classical
ii. Microscopic or Quantum
i. Macroscopic:
a. Mechanics
b. Thermodynamics
c. Electro-Mangetism
d. Optics;

i. a. Mechanics
● Car motion
● Friction
● Rocket propulsion
● Floatation

i. b. Thermodynamic
● Laws
● Temperature
● Heat Engine
● Spontaneous

i. c. Electromagnetism
● Charge
● Field
● Current
● AC/ DC

i. d. Optics
● Light
● Wave
● Particle
● Lens

ii. Microscopic
a. Modern Physics
ii. a. Modern Physics
● Atoms
● Electron nature
● X-Rays
● Semi-conductions
● Nuclues

Relationship between Physics, Technology, and Society

i. Tech to Phy :
● Steam Engine → To Increase Efficiency ; → Better Technology; →
Betterment of Society; → New Branch of Physics: Thermodynamics

ii. Phy to Tech :

● Semi-Conductors → Silicon chips → Laptop, TVs, LEDs, etc (better
technology) → betterment of society
● Electro-Magnetic Waves → Communication System

Four Fundamental Forces in Nature

i. Gravitatation
● Long Range
● Weakest Force
● No medium
ii. Electro-Mangetic
● Long Range
● One of the Strongest Force
● No medium
iii. Strong Nuclear Force
● between proton-proton, neutron-nrutron, proton-neutron
● Strongest force in nature
● short range (10 )
iv. Weak Nuclear Force (not applicable at high school level)
● Short range
● Only in Radioactive emissions
Strong Nuclear Foce - 1* > Electro-Magnetic Force - 10 > Weak Magnetic
−13 −38
Force - 10 > Gravitational Force - 10
[Note: The values are approximate, not confirmed.]
[ * Assuming if SNF is 1 then, EMF is 100𝑥 𝑜𝑟 10 and so on.]

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