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Personal-social guidance is a type of guidance that aims to assist people in acquiring the abilities,

information, and attitudes required to successfully navigate their personal and social life.
Professionals such as school counselors, therapists, and social workers work with people to
develop their emotional and social well-being, form healthy relationships, and accomplish their
own goals frequently provide this type of counseling.
Personal and social difficulties that people may be struggling with, such as anxiety, depression,
social isolation, low self-esteem, and relationship challenges, are frequently identified and
addressed as part of the personal-social guidance process.
These problems may result from several things, including trauma, strained academic
relationships, peer pressure, and other life events.
According to Hopkins, personal guidance is “concerned with the problems of health, emotional
adjustments and social adjustment of an individual. It also includes his recreation and leisure-
time problems

According to Ruth Strang, personal guidance is “the assistance given to an individual to solve
his personal problems, such as emotional and social adjustment, economic and social relationship
and problems connected with his physical as well as mental health.”

According to Wilson, personal guidance seeks “to help the individual in his physical, emotional,
social, moral and spiritual developments and adjustment.”

Crow and Crow also define personal guidance as “the help given to an individual toward a
better adjustment in the development of attitudes and behavior in all areas of life.”

Taking all these definitions into consideration, personal guidance may be said to cover all the
other problems and aspects of the development and adjustment of a person that is not directly
educational or vocational.
Objectives of Personal Guidance
To assist the individual in understanding himself
To make individuals aware of the personal problems of life
To assist individuals in their physical, social, moral, spiritual, and emotional development
To assist the individuals in taking independent decisions and judgments
To assist the students to realize that it is natural to experience periods of turmoil
To assist students to enter into mental activity with renewed interest and vigor as they attain
To help students to overcome the awkward years of physical development
To encourage students to continue the health, safety, and physical education activities
To help students to move gradually from dependence on others to independence of judgment
and action
To help students to work to the limit of their capacity with full knowledge that they may not
be as capable as other pupils
To help students to develop control over their emotions
To assist individuals in solving the problems related to their health
To assist the individual in developing suitable habits, attitudes, interests, etc
To assist the students in developing positive attitudes and real self-concepts
To make students aware of their individual qualities and values
To assist the individual in developing the qualities of loyalty, cooperation, love, sympathy,
tolerance, etc
To help the individual to become a man of sound moral character in future life
To assist the individual to plan his leisure time activities properly
To assist the individual to view the world and the social environment from the right track
To assist the individual in becoming a responsible member of his community
Other aims and objectives of personal and social guidance include:
To assist the individual in developing the qualities of leadership
To assist the individual in making sound adjustments to different problems faced in life.
Personal guidance assists or helps every individual immensely with how to develop an
integrated personality.
Importance of Personal and Social Guidance
The development of self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-esteem in individuals is one of the
main importance of personal-social counseling
Through this process, people can discover their personal values and beliefs, as well as their
strengths and weaknesses, and create a positive self-image This self-awareness empowers people
to make wiser choices and take constructive action to realize their objectives.
Another crucial component of personal-social counseling is assisting people to form positive
interpersonal relationships.
This includes instructing people on how to effectively communicate, resolve conflicts, and create
and maintain healthy relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. Individuals can
strengthen their social networks and improve their general quality of life by developing stronger
social skills.
Another importance of personal-social counseling is to aid people in acquiring emotional
intelligence, which is the capacity to detect, comprehend, and effectively control one’s emotions.
This emotional intelligence helps in managing stress, making wise judgments, and creating
strong bonds with others thereby causing personal and professional success.
Personal-social guidance counselors can assist people in being more emotionally intelligent by
teaching them methods for regulating their emotions and assisting them in growing empathy and
compassion for others.
Last but not least, personal-social guidance frequently entails assisting people in setting and
achieving their own personal objectives.
This can involve achieving one’s academic, professional, and personal objectives, such as raising
one’s GPA, landing a satisfying job, or improving one’s general well-being.

Personal-social advice specialists can assist people in acquiring the abilities and methods
required to accomplish their goals and improve their achievement in all spheres of life by
offering assistance and direction.

Personal Guidance at Different Stages of Education

Personal guidance is a crucial component of education that tries to assist students in gaining the
abilities, understanding, and attitudes required to succeed in life, form positive relationships, and
manage their personal and social concerns.
Depending on the developmental requirements and difficulties that students are facing, the type
of personal supervision may change at various educational levels. Here is the kind of personal
and social guidance that students at the primary, secondary, and postsecondary levels of school
should receive.
Elementary Level
Personal counseling for young children should concentrate on laying the groundwork for their
intellectual and social growth. To thrive academically, students at this level might benefit from
instruction on how to improve their time management, organizing, and study abilities.
Additionally, students at this level might require assistance with the development of social skills
like cooperation, empathy, and communication, which are essential for forming good
relationships with peers and adults.

Individual or group counseling sessions, classroom support, and workshops emphasizing the
development of healthy conduct, character, and conflict-resolution skills may all be used as
personal assistance at this level.

Additionally, in addition to working closely with parents and guardians to address any personal-
social issues that might be affecting students’ academic progress, teachers, school counselors,
and other guidance personnel may offer guidance to students.

Related: 20 Roles and Importance of Guidance Counselors in Schools

Secondary Level

The emphasis on academic achievement and social development should still be present in
personal guidance at the secondary level, but it should also take into account the difficulties and
demands that students are facing during this developmental period.

This category of students may require assistance in making course selections that support their
professional objectives, getting ready for college or vocational school, and handling the pressure
of meeting social and academic expectations.

Individualized counseling sessions, job exploration exercises, workshops on college and career
preparation, and mental health support services can all be part of personal help at this level
Programs that emphasize developing resiliency, coping mechanisms, and healthy habits like
stress reduction, mindfulness, and self-care may also be helpful to students.
Tertiary Level
Personal guidance at the tertiary level should support students in reaching their academic and
career objectives while also preparing them for the opportunities and challenges of adulthood.
Students at this level can want assistance with selecting a major or vocation, learning job search
techniques, and resolving any personal or social difficulties that may come up as they prepare to
enter college or the workforce.
At this level, students may receive personal advice in the form of career counseling, mentorship
programs, internships, and networking opportunities that assist them in developing the
knowledge and contacts required to succeed in their chosen professions.
Students may also gain from financial planning tools, mental health services, and other support
services that target the particular difficulties and demands that young adults confront.
Personal-social guidance is a crucial form of guidance that aims to help individuals develop the
skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to navigate their personal and social lives successfully.
By addressing personal and social issues, building healthy relationships, developing emotional
intelligence, and helping individuals achieve their goals, personal-social guidance professionals
can make a significant impact on individuals’ lives and improve their overall well-being.

Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education

Orientation Service:

The orientation service is provided to the students those who are new comers and those who go
to new class or new course in the school set up. It is a well-known fact that the students those
who join first time. In the school or get promotion for higher classes are heterogeneous in nature
as they are from different family backgrounds, from different socio-economic status, from
different areas, and from different abilities, interests, aptitudes and skills.

So that the orientation service is normally meant for students to enable them to know school
courses, rules, regulations, different facilities given to the students by school and to know the
clear image of the school. On the same line school also keeps record of the students about their
bio-data including identification, socio- economic background, capacities and abilities, interest
for courses etc.
Really the orientation service gives scope to make the students familiar with the unfamiliar
situation of the school. The orientation service is also meant to develop student’s abilities and
scholarships, a sense of responsibility and integrity, abilities for citizenship, social and
vocational skills etc. The orientation service is such a service which develops relationship
between school and students and vice versa and it is organised systematically in the beginning of
the new sessions.
The orientation service is highly needed due to following reasons:

It assists new students to know the information’s about school, its history and traditions, its rules
and regulations, its strength and weaknesses, facilities available for them etc.

It helps students to adjust with school situations and enables students to develop academic
standard, personal qualities, high moral values as well as ethical standards from rich experiences
of the school

It assists students to achieve success in academic life by learning to study carefully, developing
interest in study, taking examinations and notes sincerely and utilizing time properly.

It helps students to know the almost all useful information’s regarding physical plant, library,
hostels, class-rooms, laboratories, workshops, gardens, play grounds, different teaching aids and
other facilities.

It assists students to provide remedial reading, language programme, projects and clubs and
different financial help by schools.

It assists students to develop social adjustment abilities, citizenship education, well adjustment
in different school activities and facilities, with different members of school and finally it assists
to develop an idea and feeling among students that is a self-directed, intellectually oriented

Individual Inventory Service:

Individual inventory service is an important type of guidance service which may be recognized
often as “pupil’s” inventory service. It is very much essential for student as it assists to know the
student “himself” at the time of taking any decisions so far his educational courses and careers
are concerned. Really the student proceeds in his educational set-up as he has made proper
choice regarding concerned subject or courses according to his own abilities, interests, aptitudes,
attitudes and skills. The adequate and accurate data are collected for the same purpose.

Generally student’s information is highly required for the following reasons:

The individual or student’s information is needed to assist the student to know the clear picture
of his abilities, interests, aptitudes, skills, personality characteristics, achievement standard, level
of aspiration and his physical health status as well as his mental capacities

It assists student to know himself from various point of view such as socio-economic-status,
family background, educational status of family, will of parents and students etc.

It helps student to provide a record of the academic standard and status and his progress in this

It enables guidance worker, and teacher to know about student adequately as a result of which
they would be able to suggest for further progress of the students.

Information Service:

Information actually plays a vital role in each and every guidance programme. Because it assists
students to take suitable decisions in case of educational planning and career and vocational
career. At the same time it is helpful to students to adjust well in different social situations
including school situation and occupational situation.

The needs of the information service may be as follows:

Information service helps students to take right decisions when they face multifarious problems
in the context of educational life and vocational life.

The well designed and up-to-date information service motivates and stimulates the students to
appraise their idea and ideologies, critically for the purpose of deriving maximum satisfaction
and achieving self-realization.

Information service assists students to be self-dependent, self-cautious and self-regulatory with

full confidence and satisfaction in this competitive and complex world in taking matured
decisions in different spheres of life.
Information service enables students to correlate and compare his decisions with his abilities,
interests, aptitudes, strength and limitations as a result of which the correctness of the decisions
can be smoothly known by the students.

Information service assists students to explore new possible areas to place themselves well by
which they would be free from all tensions and frustrations.

Counseling Service:

As an integral part of guidance programme, counseling service is not a recent idea and service
having wide applications in different social set up such as family, school, medical, other
counseling centers etc. counseling service may be provided by parents to children in the family,
by teachers to students in school, by doctors to patients in medical and so on to overcome the
problems what generally occur in their lives. In day to day life thousands of problems create
hindrances in the development and prosperity of I lie individual as these are educational,
occupational and personal-social in nature.

In the ever changing society, as an professional activity, the need of counselling service is highly
felt to find out the solutions towards innumerable problems such as change of disliking subjects,
problem of study habits, preparing for examination, inadequate participation in school curricular
and co-curricular activities, free studentship, and scholarship and stipend, planning for future
vocation, making and keeping relation with friends, co-operating with teachers and mates,
adjusting with family members and parents, dealing love affairs, developing inferiority complex,
behavioral problems, health problems, economic problems, problem of dealings, manners and
morals, problems in the context of utilization of leisure hours, problems relating to under
achievement, absence and dropping out of school college and other related educational or
training center, material problems etc.

To attain this goal counseling service is initiated by counselor for the purpose solving the
problems of counselee. Thus counseling service is basically meant for the betterment and welfare
of the students so called counselee and the service is offered by the counselor which cites a
picture of their better relationship between them. In other words counseling service is considered
as the relationship between two individuals in which one helps the other to help himself. To
make the concept clear about the meaning of counseling several definitions are cited here.

the following purposes of student counseling:

1. To give the student information on matters important to his success.

2. To get information about student which will be of help in solving his problem

3. To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between student and teacher.

4. To help student work out a plan for solving his difficulties.

5. To help the student know himself better-his interests, abilities, aptitudes and opportunities.
6. To encourage and develop special abilities and right attitudes.

7. To inspire successful endeavour towards attainment.

8. To assist the student in planning for educational and vocational choices

Placement Service:

Like other guidance services, placement service is a kind of guidance service which is especially
carried on by teachers on guidance workers to assist students to find out his own place in the
educational setting on occupational world considering his abilities, interests, skills, aptitudes and

It is obvious that the individual goes to the temple of education with certain occupational and
vocational goals. Thus educational and vocational guidance enable student to have a right choice
in case of educational courses, vocational courses and trainings. Both type of guidance assist
student in the placement of good job and meant to provide maximum satisfaction out of his

According to H.B. English and A.C. English the term placement refers to “the assigning of a
worker to the job for which he is judged best fitted.” Further same has been stressed that in
terms of placement “fitness includes the individual’s satisfaction as well as his ability in
relation to the job.”

From this opinion it has been derived that two things are most important to remember in
the placement service such as:

(i) Fitness for the job which implies the ability, skills, interests, aptitude and capacity of the
individual on student in the context of his job placement.

(ii) Satisfaction of the individual which implies the student’s placement in a job should be better
selected and meant for the purpose of deriving maximum satisfaction out of the job.
Aims of the Placement Service:

The aims of placement service are as follows:

(i) The placement service is a process which is meant to help the individual or student to place
him in the occupational world to survive on the basis of his abilities, skills, interests and innate

(ii) The placement service is meant for the student which helps him to adjust better in the job
sphere and achieve progress in the job for his development and welfare.
Types of Placement Service:

The placement service mainly is of two types namely:

1. Educational Placement

2. Vocational Placement

1. Educational Placement:

Educational placement is meant to aim at placing the student in educational situations or

institutions with suitable courses which best suits him according to his own abilities, skills,
interests, aptitudes. Thus the educational goals regarding student’s achievement and progress
become easier to achieve.

Educational placement also not limited to some of regular courses, rather it includes varieties of
curricular and co-curricular activity which goes inside school. Thus it is pertinent to say that
educational placement service is not limited to few and it should be offered to all the students of
all grades those who are in the school settings.

Purposes of Educational Placement Service:

The educational placement service is really intended to:

(i) Help the student in selection of school subjects and courses.

(ii) Help the student for his preparation in next new course.

(iii) Help the student in his transfer from one grade to another grade or from one school to
another new school.

(iv) Help the student for participation in various curricular and co-curricular activities.

(v) Help the student to co-operate in community service.

(vi) help the student to find part time employment.

(vii) Help the student to utilize leisure hour properly.

(viii) Help the student to enter into various vocational schools or trainings.

(ix) Help the student to enter into college for higher studies.

(x) Help the student in getting employment after completion of educational courses.

2. Vocational Placement Service:

Vocational placement service is meant for the students to enable them for the suitable placement
in a liking job taking abilities, interests, attitudes, skills into consideration. Therefore the students
should be guided properly by teachers and guidance workers to locate and secure employment
after completion of the educational career. The vocational placement is meant to provide
optimum satisfaction and occupational satisfaction to the students out of full time appointment or
part time employment.
Purposes of Vocational Placement Service:

The vocational placement service is intended to:

(i) Help the student to get suitable job so far various occupational choices are concerned.

(ii) Help the student to adjust him to the new occupational setting and environment.

(iii) Help the student informing necessary information about the vacancies available in both
public and private sectors.

(iv) Help student as it collects necessary information about him in the context of occupation.

(v) Help employers-as it gives information about trained and qualified personnel according to
their requirement and demands.

(vi) Help students’ providing different occupational information’s from several mass media such
as news paper, hand book containing job information, audio visual-aids, special bulletin and
Phases of Placement Service:

The placement service can be completed through the following phases:

1. In the first phase of placement service, the general character of occupational life is explained
to the student and he is provided necessary education for the same purpose.

2. Then student is oriented towards some occupational field for which he has pre-requisite
qualification, experience and interest.

3. In the third phase of placement service the student is enabled to understand and study his own
abilities, interests, aptitudes in the context his favourite occupation for which he is interested.

4. The fourth phase of placement service is an important phase of placement service. The student
needs skilful guidance and counselling in choosing a job for himself according to his abilities,
interests, aptitudes and skills. The guidance workers or teachers employ different guidance
techniques and tests to know all about the student at this stage.

5. The student takes up the job and begins his work for the purpose of his job.

6. The sixth and final phase of placement service includes the follow-up of the job for which the
placement service is accepted.
. Referral Service:

The referral service is meant for the students those who are not subject to be guided and
counselled by the teachers or guidance workers in a normal group. This referral service is
arranged for the purpose of specialized help. In this special cases student is advised by teachers
and counsellors to go for taking special help from specialized person or agency. Because the
student needs specialized help and much care to overcome the problems.

The teacher and guidance worker recommend and refer the student to go for better guidance
service through specialized person or agency taking student’s development into account. But it is
not only business of teacher or guidance worker to refer student but also to follow-up him to
know about his progress and prosperity so far the purpose of referring is concerned.

Therefore it is natural that the teacher or guidance worker keeps good relationship with the
referral student and referral agencies as a’ result of which the main aim of referring service can
be fulfilled.

Remedial Service:

Like referral service, the remedial service is a kind of specialized service which is meant for
exceptional children such as student having speech defects, hard of hearing, incapable of reading
and developing study habits etc. These exceptional children are not normal children those who
will read, think and act properly. So that they need special treatment to overcome these

For this reason teachers and counsellors make arrangement for the remedial help for these
exceptional children. It is generally offered in the school with much care. That is why almost all
students get benefit by certain training like training meant for developing study skill.

More over remedial service is a special arrangement for the exceptional children. In case of
speech articulation the arrangement may be made for tape-recorder which is instrument of low
cost. In this way the special helps and efforts should be made for children having hearing
problem and readily handicaps to solve their problems smoothly.

Extra and hearty efforts should be taken by teachers and counsellors for the welfare and well
being of the needy children as result of which the main purpose of remedial service can be
achieved easily.

Follow-Up Service:

Follow-up service is considered as an important guidance service which is intended to evaluate

and ascertain the student’s progress and performance in the context of educational career and
activities and progress in the job placement. It is not only the main task of teacher and guidance
worker to provide educational placement and job placement through placement service but also it
is most important concern is to evaluate the performance and success in the respective field.
The following questions may be answered by follow-up service in order to know progress
and performance of student and employee in their respective field of work:

(i) Whether guidance in general satisfies needs and demands of students.

(ii) To what extent the students have been able to achieve the goal in relation to their abilities,
interests and aptitudes.

(iii) Whether curricular and co-curricular choices have been wise for concerned student.

(iv) To what extent the students have been co-operative in taking part in curricular activities and
co-curricular activities to derive maximum gain.

(v) Whether job choices of student have been wise after completion of the educational ladder or
training courses.

(vi) To what extent the students have been able to adjust in his part time or full time job.

(vii) Whether provided guidance service meant for students have been sufficient so far their
success and activities are concerned.
Characteristics of Follow-Up Service:

A good follow-up service has following characteristics:

1. Follow-up service is a welfare attempt and a continuous process.

2. Follow-up service needs careful evaluation by the expert teachers and guidance workers.

3. During schooling each class is follow-up for at least five years.

4. Follow-up service is helpful and meant for all students of the school.

5. Follow-up service serves the goals and purposes of students and school in, a systematic way.

6. Follow-up service assists guidance workers to know how far a particular educational
institution has been successful and systematic in offering educational experiences to its pupils.

7. Follow-up service is helpful for the students to know how far they made right choices in
educational and vocational placement.

8. Follow-up service is helpful for the student to know how far he is able to get benefit from the
educational and vocational opportunities.

9. Follow-up service gives hints whether the student needs further guidance service or not.
10. Follow-up service even if is conducted for former students for the purpose of interaction and
collection of information.
Objectives of Follow-Up Services:

The main objectives of follow-up services in school are as follows:

(i) It helps the institutions or personnel or agencies those who are engaged in educational and
vocational placement services in achieving educational, vocational or personal adjustment of the

(ii) It helps the school to keep relationship with its students for the collection of needed

(iii) It helps the students and teachers in realizing the aims and objectives of education as well as
guidance in education and occupation.

(iv) It helps teachers and guidance workers in inviting required changes in the school programme
on the basis of information’s collected from former students so far their present educational and
vocational career is concerned.

(v) It helps teachers and guidance workers to study the number of causes of drop outs in different

(vi) It helps the teachers and guidance workers to take essential steps to check the wastage and
stagnation in the field of education.

(vii) It helps the teachers and guidance worker to bring certain changes in curriculum as the
student and present society needs.

(viii) It helps the students to know their correctness in selecting certain educational career and
occupational career.

(ix) It helps students to know about available educational and vocational opportunities and to
proceed accordingly.

(x) It helps teachers and guidance workers to evaluate the success and achievement in
educational career and vocational career of the student.

(xi) It helps students in providing occupational statistics as a result of which they are able to
adjust in the occupational placement.

(xii) It helps students in providing encouragement and giving inspiration to them as they are not
benefited and encouraged by placement.
Planning the Follow-Up Service:

It is quite well known that no purposeful activity and goal oriented service can be successful and
fruitful without proper planning and organisation. That is why the purpose and aims of follow-up
service should be kept in the mind before planning the follow-up service.

The teacher and guidance worker should proceed to plan for the follow-up service keeping
following major points in the mind:

(i) The school guidance personnel should collect useful and desirable information’s from former
students to know about educational and vocational opportunities available to them.

(ii) The school guidance personnel should carry systematic evaluation to study the effectiveness
of the offered follow-up service meant for students.

(iii) The school guidance personnel should utilize the information collected by follow-up service
for developmental purpose of the student of school.
Organisation of Follow-Up Service:

For the purpose of organizing follow-up service, the teacher or guidance worker should keep
close content with the former students by certain techniques like questionnaire method,
telephone communication, organisation of old boy’s association, interview or post card survey to
study about the educational and occupational opportunities.

In-spite of certain limitations in the aforesaid techniques like validity of information, time
consuming and money consuming aspect of information collection, the guidance personnel
should use any advantageous technique for purpose of collecting information from former

With this task a plan should be chalked out with certain aims and objectives before entering into
follow-up services meant for the school students. Then the assessment work is started on the
basis of previous collected information’s. It is important to remember that the data collected
from the former student should be reliable and satisfactory. Otherwise no benefit of follow-up
service can lie available and entire efforts will go without any effective result.

Thus in order to remove this difficulty certain training should be offered to the former students
for the same while they are in the school. At the same time the co-operation of parents, teachers
and former students is required to continue the follow-up service in the school. The follow-up
service is meant for all those who need it.

With these precautions the guidance personnel should be active in starting follow up service in
the school. Besides this the guidance personnel should take all the concerned initiatives with due
emphasis and proper care as a result of which the follow-up service can be made effective and

Guidance Service # 9. Research Service:

Research service occupies an important place in guidance service which is needed highly in
the guidance process for the following reasons:

(i) The research service helps guidance personnel for the purpose of a better understanding of
students, his school activities and his difficulties.

(ii) The research service gives chance to know about available school resources.

(iii) The research service helps guidance personnel to evaluate the achievement of the students in
the context of their goals.

(iv) The research service helps guidance personnel to enrich the curriculum on the basis of
findings of the studies.

(v) The research service helps guidance personnel to redirect and re-orient the various other
services which are already provided.

(vi) The research service is meant to examine and study the personnel those who are involved in
the school guidance programme.

(vii) The research service is meant to examine the techniques of guidance programme which are
used by guidance personnel to accelerate the guidance service.

(viii) The research service provides a basis for guidance development programme in the school.

(ix) The research service helps guidance personnel to develop new methods and techniques of

Research service is not a one dose panacea. It is a continuous process and carried on in school
from time to time.In this service various methods like survey and experimental methods may be
employed to ascertain the effectiveness of different guidance services. It should be systematic
and planned by which its goal can be achieved.

. Evaluation Service:

The evaluation process is an essential part of the process of guidance which is continuous in
nature and done from time to time. Because it completes the entire process of guidance provided
in the school.

It is needed to evaluate following considerations such as:

(i) Use and application of collected information’s to continue activities to find its effectiveness.

(ii) How far guidance services satisfy the needs and the student’s efficiency.

(iii) To what extent the time consumed for guidance service is right.
(iv) To what extent the money spent for guidance service is right.

(v) How far guidance personnel involved in the guidance programme have done their work.

To answer above concerned questions, the evaluation service should be employed to find
out the following consideration such as:

(i) The number and proportion of students with educational and vocational plans.

(ii) To know the degree of relationship between educational and vocational achievements and the
student’s capacity.

(iii) Degree of harmony between subjects or coursers preferred by students and the requirements
of the college or university in this regard.

(iv) Extent of succession in work of college or university and its examination.

(v) To observe the number and proportion of students ‘with vocational choices and to study the
number of students those who are shifting in vocational choices.

(vi) Observing the amount of maladjustment among students and success in provided treatment
to the student in this regard.

(vii) Information’s about the degree of accuracy of student’s self ratings.

(viii) Extent of interest and participation in co-curricular activities which is carried on inside

(ix) how far students have used various information’s given by guidance service for the purpose
of educational and vocational choice.

(x) How far students are satisfied and benefited by the guidance programme sponsored by

Much and close attention should be paid by guidance personnel to manage and organize the
school guidance service as a result of which the goals of the guidance service can be achieved
without any obstacles. A successful evaluation process helps students as well as teachers and
society to facilitate good teaching and learning, to develop academic achievement, to check
wastage and stagnation, to improve student performance, to improve class attendance, to create
favourable faculty opinion, to check indiscipline and unrest in school campus and outside and to
create familiar and open organisational climate in the school.

Owing to the above facilities, merits and gains of evaluation service, necessary attempts and
activities concerning it should be taken carefully and cautiously by the school teacher and
guidance personnel in the school by which the aims and objectives of guidance service as well as
evaluation service can be availed and achieved without any obstruction
How To Organize An Effective School Guidance And Counseling Program

1. Conduct needs assessment

This is the first stage of any successful school guidance program. What you do here basically is
to identify what needs to be addressed in the school.

What issues are prevalent among students and teachers? What negative trends are rising? And
even, what is working that needs to be strengthened further?

For effective need assessment, you can administer questionnaires to the demography you want to
focus on, assessing how prevalent issues you perceive to be needing attention and then prioritize
based on which needs the most focus.

2. Formulate goals and objectives

After identifying the issues that should be addressed during the school guidance program, the
next step is to determine the outcome you would like to achieve.

For instance, from your needs assessment, you found out that poor academic performance among
science students is the most pressing need of the school. Your goals should be around the level of
performance improvement the school would like to see.

Ensure you employ your knowledge of setting goals and objectives as a teacher here. Your goals
should be SMART— specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bou

3. Draft guidance program strategy or plan

This is the purpose of setting goals and objectives— to define the steps that must be taken to
achieve that goal.

For our example of improving academic performance, the next step will be to come up with
strategies that can help the science student with the basic components of good academic
performance— understanding, retention, study habits, exam writing, time management, and so

Your strategy draft should not just be a highlight of things to do. It should contain the exact steps
to be taken, the personnel that will do it, the time allotted to achieving each, the venue that will
be used, and the resources that will be needed among others.

They should be detailed enough that the school guidance program can be implemented by
another person in case of your absence.

4. Consult and sensitize other school guidance partners

The school guidance program cannot be effective without the support of other guidance partners.
The guidance partners include the school administrators and teachers, and the parents (through
PTA meetings).

Firstly, as the counselor, you should present your findings to them in a convincing manner.
Explain to them the needs you have discovered and the effect it is having on the school, then
show them the strategy you have drafted.

This is why I called it a draft because it is not final yet. Other guidance partners should correct
and approve what you have come up with. You will be surprised at the number of grey areas you
didn’t pay attention to when you bring it before others.

5. Establish the school guidance program committee

As much as the effectiveness of the school guidance program is a collective effort of everyone,
everyone cannot be in charge of decision-making and implementation. Setting up the guidance
committee is therefore paramount.

These are the people in charge of implementing the finalized plan and making adjustments as
occasion demands. The guidance program committee should have representations from the
administrators, teachers, parents, non-academic staff, and even student prefects.

Possible committees that will be necessary include the resources committee, counseling
committee, consultation committee, orientation committee, and evaluation committee among ot

6. Implement strategy

This is the main part of all we have been doing so far. This is where the venue is set, the students
are gathered together or split depending on the strategy, the personnel that will talk to them are
brought together, and many others.

It is easy to get caught up with frivolous activities and forget the main reason why everything
started (the needs assessed) but you must ensure you stick with your plan and continue to remind
all other personnel of the goals.

7. Effectively manage resources

Management is the effective use of resources for the purpose it was intended. The resources you
possess during the school guidance program include personnel, physical structures, money, and

As a good manager, just like I said while explaining implementation, you must ensure that you
don’t get caught up in doing other important things that are not the main thing you are to do.

While having the most exotic hall for a career day program is great, you can make do with a
neatly dressed hall if there is a need to bring onboard external counselors with that money.
When external counselors come also, the time should be spent counseling students not greeting
other staff members they haven’t seen for a while.

8. Supervision

If implementation and management must happen, it will happen through adequate supervision.

Although you must have acquainted all personnel on board with their roles and responsibilities,
you still need to check on them from time to time to see how well they are faring and possible
challenges that may have come up in the course of implementation.

To say things will always go exactly as planned is to deceive yourself but through effective
supervision you can always keep things in check.

9. Evaluation

This is the last phase of the school guidance program that gives direction to what will be done
next. Evaluation is simply assessing how well the goals and objectives that were set in step two
have been achieved.

You should evaluate the effectiveness of the guidance program, the program’s response to the
need, the strengths and limitations of the program, the students’ satisfaction with the program,
and the effective use of resources, among others.

From the findings of the evaluation, if the program was successful, you continue to follow up on
the issue to monitor how it progresses. If it wasn’t successful, the reason should be identified and
plans should be made for further intervention.

It should be done by the evaluation committee set up in step 5.

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