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Họ và tên: Hoàng Ngô Khải Nghi

MSSV: 2331310126
Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Trần Phạm Minh Đức

I have such good memories of the time I go to the countryside with my cousin in my 13
years old summer.
I love the house of my grands because it looks like the house I have seen at the picture in
the book I have read, it is a lovely house with many trees very cool and it has a big pond
with many different types of fish, I go around and see too many things bring me back my
childhood likes: ”wood burning stove, pantry, paraffin lamp,…”.
My favourite thing about my grands home are I was trying to help cook with wood
burning stove (Oh it has gas stove because I want to have experience of how to use wood
burning stove so I ask my cousin to use it), I start cook rice and the hardest part is prepare
stove and how to keep the wood burning, I have to look after it and also the stove is very
difficult but it is a good experience for me to now my old generation has to suffer
although my face has color black of coal dust and my body smell like smoke.
One thing I always remember is my first time try too fishing it happy but also dangerous,
I go fishing with my 2 cousin. Why I always remember? First, it is happy because I catch
is almost the big fish in the pond, it is in the morning with beautiful sunset I can talk that
a very good weather to go out and has an outside activity, I prepare fish rod and my
cousins prepare bait, we have fishing in 3 hours I chill with my cousins but in 2 hours I
wait and wait no fish eat my bait while my two cousins have catch 4 fish and then when I
think about give up my rod shake and I pull it and it also pulls me to the pond so it's
danger if my cousins don’t help me I can’t think what happen, but it too heavy so it is
lucky because in that day we have a small party so it has many people, so I jell at my
uncle to help us and it took us 15 minutes to bring that catfish on land it heavy about 5kg
and it is very strong I try to carry in my arm but it can’t.
I just back to here few months ago but it has too many change, my grands is also old but
it always give me peace, it is such a special place.
I had a cooking disaster a few weeks ago. Everything was going well with my
flan, except when I attempted to make caramel for the first time. Unfortunately, I
ended up burning my grandmother’s favorite pot in the process. I was so scared,
but my grandmother is so kind that she didn't scold me. This was a big learning
experience for me in the kitchen.

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