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In your insight. Why does the government devolved health care services?

Governments around the world have taken various approaches to deliver healthcare services
to their citizens. One such approach is devolving health care services, a process whereby the
government transfers responsibilities and authority of healthcare provision to regional or local
In 1992, the Philippines Government devolved the management and delivery of health
services from the National Department of Health to locally elected provincial, city and municipal
governments. The aim of this review is to (i) Provide a background to the introduction of
devolution to the health system in the Philippines and to (ii) describe the impact of devolution on
the structure and functioning of the health system in defined locations. International literature
was reviewed on the subjects of decentralization.
Decentralization aims to increase resource distribution from central to peripheral areas, provide
middle level managers more discretion over decisions, and boost management efficiency and effe
ctiveness for health services.
Devolving health care services offers several advantages, including efficiency in resource
allocation, responsiveness to local needs, increased local accountability, and encouragement of
innovation and experimentation. These benefits contribute to the overall improvement of health
care delivery, leading to better outcomes for the population. While devolution may not be
suitable for all aspects of health care, governments need to consider its merits in creating a more
effective and people- centric health care system.


Grundy, John & Healy, V & Gorgolon, LP & Sandig, E. (2003). Overview of Devolution of Health Services in
the Philippines. Rural and remote health. 3. 220. 10.22605/RRH220.

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