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solu Acidity test

Sample + excess Aluminum hydroxide + Sample + Ethanol + Sodium bicarbonate
Heat in water bath Effervescence
Ammonia odor Carboxylic acid (Phthalic acid or Benzoic acid or
cinnamic acid or salicylic acid)
To differentiate between them

Ferric chloride test

n. Solu + Ferric chloride

+ Ve + Ve
Buff ppt Violet color
Phthalic acid or Benzoic acid or cinnamic acid salicylic acid
To differentiate between them

Phthalein test:
Test tube (M):
sample + resorcinol+ 0.5 ml of Conc.
Sulfuric acid + water bath
3 drops of 30% NaOH + (M)

+ Ve - Ve - Ve
Red color
Phthalic acid Benzoic acid or cinnamic acid Benzoic acid
To differentiate between them

unsaturation test:
2 gm of sample + 5 ml of Sodium carbonate
+ drops of potassium permanganate
+ Ve
The violet color disappears
cinnamic acid T. Hawazin Alotaibi

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