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How will the world end

I bet most of you have contemplated how will the world end and when? It
might end tomorrow or billions of years later. Let me tell you, what I feel are
the top three catastrophic ways the world could end.

1. The sun exploding: The sun is like a star so like every other star it has an
expiry date. When that day comes, around 5-6 billion years later, the sun
will expand into a red giant devouring everything in its path even the

2. A black hole: Another tragic way is a black hole. Two things you should
know about black hole is one that they are massive and two you do not
want earth to end up in one. Because of the black hole’s gravity, it would
stetch our earth and us like spaghetti and we would be squished
becoming one with our devourer.

3. A gamma ray burst: Now you all would want to sit up straight to listen to
the last one. A gamma ray burst is the most violent way life on earth
could end. A gamma ray burst also known as GRB is when two neutron
stars combine to form a black hole. A gamma ray burst could burn the
earth in just one second with one blast only making our ozone layer go
POOF. We all would be drowned in a lethal dose of radiation making it a
mass extinction. Now even though the earth would absorb most of the
radiation the most dangerous thing would be the satellites and airplanes
falling on us. So, we might have a three percent chance of living.

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