Part A The Constitution of India

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26 /os. /2022 The fons titution 6) Judia Initiatty in coutihteut aateubly thee wine $29 moebus but Offer ie were 29 mmemberc 26 Noveruber (149 , 284 Dewbis wee piaewt uso Hqued tw coumbtaheus dn sty'dh shee were tigut Acrualer | Covstitution day- 26 Novenibu 949 “ >| Arvbide 344 — Gu 26 Noveruber tases 194 few citide coue ta force w | Avice 5.6.9 8 05 () | Autite Go (| Mudide 394, 366,364,399, 880.388, 34) 242,393 => | 26 Jousauy (150 _- Ressalusiug Caue {ute force. § | wuy Hemaduiud Courre duko foyer ou Lb jousary (4509 Because Ou 26 lan [1939 , Funua Swvesey war decared %* | Woten Combhrent anreubhy war walle Were soue hue duper Of people | herds Meshes Of Bsiitich Judia — 196 members > | Meniba oj gatcaty State _93 membew v v =| Prewiouily dudia was divided ito four ype of sles — be bm Pr 7 w. ww 8) Pollowdug eps were Souportaud Rute conuiitter — De Rajendra Proved Sromdieg qoute — Br: BR: Mewbedksur Co-ordivation cowmuiijes- Dr: Rajendra Prasad 19 | Provincial cous bation coumiilee- Sardar Vatlebhblal Rated <5) | Reco mmendotion Coumsittee ~Sardav Vatlebh bhai Patel Oo Das couuithe = TB. Gd plant > w 2) a) wy ws) w @ Draftivg comuithes was a Seren fessorsiug wrembeis Dow B.A Ausbedkay ( Cueformeans), N Gopatos wit Ayyaug et A Karisansiswoamey Tyu Br Ke Me Manabe N Madaw Roo (He replaced Bb Mitber) (fier rweiguuotiend (M915 sae Muhammed Saadubesy TT. Kstishnamachart (He veptaced DP Ehoiton) Lager Death) Foltousiveg Female woe wewbe sf coulilued otewbty (2) Durgubed Dehrauth Rajramont Reooit Kourr == Uduak & Vole Awenduuent® (25 Jaros dor) , Wor special provision to Ngo udans hor been cented from 2S Jon 2.020 (Rafa Artie 259 ad SA)LSelst — Ruavabion for ko year 4104 4 Ureeut= 80 ip) extourion} Whot & 105% Awendurent? U5 baptendoa Nugust 3.021) New sod ally aud Sducatienaly borkoord chaser unather shall decided tbat State govemuseed Gee government slotl deenguice (Refer Article 242 33889 | 346) WG-09 -d02j2- watfied iu oflidal gazette: There war 8 droftivg couusittee, Of constitution ato silt ofa, Committees ce Se ec a e e e a @ q ' A Hansa Mehtet 4 ‘ Be gen Rizaz Rorut a a a S) @ ® o ey oo wy 3) Wy sy | Nenmy Suomi nation Sucheba Koipterd Datshyaui Veto udtron Remulen Rou Later ou tre Uist fuceared to 6G membas Leeka, Sanojiut Naidy Matati Choudhury Purnia Bauueajee | Vijaubabshooui Padi Konic Meacavene, Kamla, Chasichtiony “Thee were 14 people i w (a v | Tiree pasteu_fiovs Ro origin bust fous GHier tater (443s 19) Nasieuch fp fin | dk was adapted on Bt July “Rae are 24 Spiker Oa “hey uslicl denoher Hive aod devetopurerd s) Nakioual Awblen Four Gaus — Astok Chottra - Hose — Shout Speed Bul — shown powe, [National emblem adapted gu 26 josuary 1450 WW adopted rout Sannedte Bstsktd Shetenbh The word Salwginess dese wat faker from Mandop Upnishad uy Dewnaged Sept >| National Mudtien {Sarre Gove Wana) | Adopted au 26 Josusos 1950 T writen ly - Rabiudea Natt Tegore 3 Naticuat Soug (aude Mabran) _ Token fom Aad Wat Write by - Baulkion Chardre Chatters S| Nahoual Coteuder Sake Gra — Firth Moult ~ Chaiha — 99 March (asa PreautSe Bates Nill Mi esq iWinel Shukta Saptuut Samvead 2006 Vikvewit . 3 | NokoualAuimtal- Royal Beugos Tae — WaucHesa Tiguis) >| Nekeuat Rivd- Peacock (Pao Coistatus) Natoud Move Lota (Nelumbs Nucla) [Seat ~ wstiies wor used by Couitucut aneubty dt had symbod + Leplout iso! 1 Ags. ~ By Roo Legal duisor of cauatitueut Miembly 6.90 > Must mead cquibitubion ~ 04, November 144g > [Second yeodicy 0) Courklution (5, Novembe laus 3 Abia zeaddiug of courtitubion {4-26 November ,l449 Crerreraf suet Uthat the sewer work POUOA pret peclder ober the jot _meliug and atu than peseu shall bt olected > | Sackimanand Simla — Pitt Chatman Unceordiug to seutors Lisp) Aprer hiv Dy Rajenda Parad wat chaiemanl pada pp Courkibueut @ conmtles: LL ' ' — L___> | Two deputy Charman oto , ty | HC. Mukhertec | ; OY { ALT. Kauishnanwastley | L , > [Drafted ly cheelf mau s GN. Mukheyee } | Rul co gas by Nandtal Rate r Rar maha Sine b : 2 _pitindi Bantlatiou of Cousktubion war deus by Vatauk kauishna Vaid t Beaubi}cat!ou ly — Nandatal Rare } 1 \ 2 [dt War ruentytuo parts aud Lucdye scuedules | A : | Nome 6f Couuhy- dndia that ii Bharat - ‘ => (Ttat Hue taken for rnadlog 8} coustituWiou- 2 year Ul moniter Wedeus t Total conyentous 2 tt * ; t > a eo ple A Aan u i wo FT Kotishnavnachors > cy |Hivatat Suara : 12) | Raj Bahaday > S) | Batwouk Sivgt Mehta Yo Ly ok Apt Date Sing > Ww Joinosoyoun Naat ’ 8) |0-S Venkata chat ’ 131| Gokul Lol Asaus ' g i w jonwas & Sivgta b Alay Ks Ms Ponikkay U > | Ramdandra Y Upadbusay : W | Mukut Bihauw (Past - \- wa) ftide 1-518) unieent | cisbuat x Fa . ibs tpuadtooy _Uide 5-1 Ktguts Relat pte Dubey Opxide 4) (PaRt-T) Cogiite 12-95) Uferise 36 51) Unatde S18) (Pret. 1) | (agri) \Pegt= ww) (eer vA) | Phat -& ( PART- 5-10) (Apticle 52 - 244A) frie Ratt Soci el $215) DU3- 2430 DWBP- 742ZG4 Arne. bie, Phery PACE (Repeats) 039-242 _PART= 1x PART _ 2482M=guazT fee eney-vy Parvin PART ER. Prtite gma — = 2 Ee Patz & « es UPratt\t-32) Little [aus 3 £ v . “i phe | Oykca) — Emeuah Mitlang Ke provisten vi Prey shen (eo | ah en (rice ~ | adeaten |e ART RE _. lUmide. Beit ada) a 7 | B4B- 351) [352 366) . so Baohy we fot F s 2 Schredute J! Soa bealiobous: gt TH pass { ce Au euduter) Sehedute ®t |P = Powdaayat (213 Aueuduscut) Schedule S| = Maudcipotilies t 3 Aiseuduseut) Scuepute one union torsriloriet. 4 —pesi8ttn- 20s jams -dashnulr—aisd[sahtih- art — $a a. pass A Kas ssangaulsak Frek = ths fact wnat exsberceck fective 2 SN x — Patt Dd |Supre Cou ; ¢ Pagy — Ni fe 4 Gover 2:5 Lakh Rone Niwister 16 CTT = _2-Bdlath Ss igus Gout » , ea Co itor = LORTH AND! AEPIR MATION. (Wud See forall) Secvee Cuts takes oath ef protection s ourrttubion) : [fovety Scuenure : i ‘ = _3\ membesr (UP) : State wily wiuiwiier member = lt member flow wauy members frou fatto = 10 members SCHEDULED ARCA | Recent Amendaent= 101 Awendarcait Eloqum SeMeDULE > |(s1* Ameudurent) | Konkoud Massipasal _ _Nepali _ Ct pweudurent) ivdiai _ _ ok te ad “Oriya” wor dictated as “Odia’ NINTH ScHepute [Tent senepore Pe ln ee rr ee ~ : ) ow 0 | Bicoseiotisos (tuo Wourer) Engdand ; ; ‘ «)| Siuate Citize , | Rate of tous ’ i bat jou aw ; 2)| Cobiuet Syston Furcouseutet Matate jens Jeli tuuited Chet Sf Peroent a Smpenctanient Of president | budilel 7 | Buuction of idout oud alco prides ) | Removal of Supreme Court and stig Court lusty er t +) Nowiuated Member of Rajya Seeloy i Deckion, Bf prudent a | JO Of Coucar - Aeabcil ti We) | “Trade cowimerce 4 J <0] \oisa sitting of toss owes a (1 wt) | Burges, pouisto peuriou o) f mas ‘s- ir * TE ot sustatl outs Auica B Ab) i 4 A ech ou sf Menuber St bojuc Sortabos Wort} Sjuatity Uibaty aud Protemiby | Brea (by Repubtic tem) | Pundewmental Due cs \ ies ( udian'e, polit col A ni - = ay] Concpt of provedure cobabtisued buy be Japs os 4] Apost row ir Govenaset of dndia fet \aas ths bo - & dic Qurbtuhow wuniteus on Pederol? - | Uustouy Com Beda) Coa » «major powa it ust ho dn deal Mee ar 40 govemmnels Coshe Heat UL unibous foum ey B Cone c~ (b) Stovte Ic} Wudteuy powes: _ fo) Federa, juduade lApeoivbueut of Government W Seventy Sched, al oy Ewieeg muy © Supremacy ef couttitution wy Siugte Gikie ouslaip (3) Whither corub bation, w) | Cleator 6} nes Stele by couhe WwW dIndependente of jidiclay ¥ ve T ) _ 51 | Audit crcouuts aud Btedion b. 8) de is rigid except amends 4 : | pus commtulon | " i Cecunshantel - q Jmoke Law i state los abs A) ~ As en HIE ik au fale _ Sivie ty dudian Coustitution pal eleureuke are found aud more pootionia deaalive & ww ‘ 5 Coderal« aT OO ee ee = Wat Bo sal tfs Quon ml > Fedaal Syste 4 Ma Sout sf dudiou uitubion > ; . . * F 5 “The word “ Quasi Fedut” wor coived by Prokeror © C- wWhears : ; Dr 8. Rawedkor said," Andius Corbtahou os {det but during , . t » ex & : ; meagan 4p decomer wuileoy Pasenaiel , F WE The Qeooie ne Win. hoaiay salesoaly acaoiied Se : ° 2 | a in 4 Soveeens So ‘ Democantic Repyarte aud to Secave bo alt ‘th clMzeuse > ; Wstice LOUD UL iHeod 5 Lia — 2, expevion betiel fois and worsluip 2 2 LEQuautY of stan oad Of pppentuihyy 2 > > ipuihy 0} tas Dudiuiduod cura tie sausihy cus infeprity ef the ___ 2 ‘ Natiou: ; ou * | a AN oul St MY dah eh - Jqus T QURSEWWes THIS CONS TYTUTION. skier en WRT oh gaara that ae et coat ain te Sharan IPRTEsy Sat hy TA aS ATT T | Yt 4 SAN rey ely | Rar aes fim en | BN Saat aT oes at aaa Aaa oA aaa ST a ear Naa AT itaq at art depart Se eater cag sat se Sfieis aay A Sra ae TAT T8495 f a a = faa ui ae eater a ‘ ‘ 30/05/2022 L ’ ; Painchpces \s)_ Ob) Cer Cay ; Soveavcus = Svsrice_ , — Soapust —_Ligerty ; = SECULAR = €@uawty . F — DEMo cratic PRRSTERNATY ‘ : t \e state Gbout tie sowre “WE, “THE People OF dunn” eee x8 Hak sit es Mu _sout @f courtitabos Q | ustretter Here Cou be aAmeudureedt Ur Preamble? ut . | a! | Socinuet SECULAR. (WTeeeity \ ws « Q Wshetuer preauble a fort el coubiiution? nye: Ceumbaui Union 2 Sucave Care [TLi_wot_posk of couithuton. hf ; 33 SC . adh aud por basic Shachne, dey post_of couutibul ou por_et hwdzpeutilote bast hah PRiNeves w_|So = India w uot bu co forks clecisicm — 4 com Make “Us usu derision 5 = i soutealt's Akad aol have oh Ancome a Core 1D. S Nakora hs Mule ential gt fhe Cou ivalisabtou 6] E i bo s fudusbyiey Cou lot privatised | Seeman. Wherever rere it seeutaisur th Of bsp Sayed 4) State dou rercoguise ary religion ( Clina) ¢ {2} Siete veapquicse ali tu veligiou Unda + ea /aa/ semen (novel seleuee books Wc canbe Chapter sclated to Godand odewe 2 ikve impock er mi: sie olla “U lutphed to imbi i [eae SB uta uly bt uernal Wheuwer pable 10 igh i che “ik cou | be remroved + oy uc +“ Dewos" - Peopt [kanye Goverment | eu = Whisk menus in Andi . choi : MA Elves \ | ; deuncrac. ' : 8) = rect 1 iu cou vader aun pawou ——"4 ow outeiche Fova obTects tw [Tustice — Sonat - (Prtids 4,15 eked | Srpuoudc ferrite 43 34 ete) Potitcal hobiche 326 266) sar ineety Hogi (tat che 18) expreiion (tis 26) Getiel | forielr 25,26) Pasty Undide 96,93) Wersldp (Roti. 25) Pret XXW Wgricte 343 — 395) SHORT TITLE COMMENCEMENT AUTHORITATIVE _ ZTEXLIM HINDI AND REPEALS RUC a8 The dJudian dudepeadeuu heb 1449 The Gourmand of dudig Act 1935 (usitl Omendivg aud Supleuenting Ads) (Bus dor uatrepeal Ate Motion of Privy Coss lasinetion ha i9u4 Dskiebe 23] “Th couKiatou way be ealed a1 The couuitulou Sf Andia furide aad] asl ees reed Gu 96 Noveruber 1449 | Mette 56 38 4 Potile G0 frtide Sou, B66 264 949 380, 355 Bal gar 24) id reed Db aso Rewaiuivg was euforeed on jasmust Lefatsd nen) fracas 29uh Autioyitative os of, combhou shat be i Hid Beausib ication our by Naudetot Bare — PART 1 (ARTICLE — 1-4) The union Mup _\Ts “Termtory Ww ARTICLE Tndia, thot in Buorat ix union of Shaker Cduiew's wore 20) jesfut 01 | die tessscioues — Piva Schedule w Teustitory Of Judia shell Sucude La) Tesuditory 8] Stites Gor Teausibo ry of Uuou besadtoring ) giver tevutowies wuld Were acquired | a lug waune heasitory iy gequired 60)) By utiguiug Quy Oren (by Ra really es By combact da] By Acerction LoT@Z) LLand| So perostt) : hence a] Liters O new Stats (hor to be established or aduitted Sen Postiouueut Slodl wake Lays Evbablidied-Uthraktaud (divided foro Uttor adel) Keauutthed — Nepol Anes -3 w Q) a) Wherevet poillourert w satisfied Ahan tk cou woke loo +o make anew state (ay towbiuiug tuo o more Stake e¢ by partition S| skate, \ncreate tle cuca of steite Dhuduish Hee area of slate Uy | Auer Ma boundaries S}-the < “| iter Hi mouse of guy chads w 8) a ) Procedure. WW Hig recomendations Of pretident bul cou be pro dssced. iw any | Wowie ME rather Pestoin to aay shat Wren Ut shall be Seut fo Had gtab cubso Then tha. be aime pied fos state to give epiuion dion ba. gain us povlinwens and en loi Simple Rey iro onl ; sts only : Geuaatty © woudl givante state for opivious Opiwion t not blodi Heat wreast spivion to bbe accepted ex ust accep bed dé Werener rere "t rowudouy Aispute rex goiament Abself Sj Compdleut ta _AyWde 3 bee om Spluion of, Stoll. required No need of amend went Gautuslere Lure: Behe tuiom | Exdaues Gue) Joo Hurendurent = Bargadeatr bordet mother [hence] UWererrer uy act dour i Aree 2,2 tren an soledule Land 4 ul Guppleuscotal iucideubel and cougequential amendment Shalt tke place There ameudurentr Shalt nat be coutidered oimendiment Uy Aatile 264 2 /os. /20%2. so zensuie Arid 5-1 w WwWibuy ik ik Important? Fea }urdanieuter suiquis ave ouly 8 i sho cit ye de Is 16 14) uibetleer Courpauy con be CHzen ev aturel pacar required? Ouly Uaberall Pawan tou be citizens , wot Lagat Peeuau Core~ State, tradiug corpenation uf Conmecial tax olen I Boil N ig ol Sats Jie Si Companies aye vot citizens c= RC Cooper uft Wion of tua | Core Benet ColBmais ls Atuiou of dui | Cencral Sule Ether there Shot be We) Wo KiRug S| corporate ueil Tkueaur “Ub gual wot be seen uso Ww ivectig cowpauiy aud Usa Gust chose slick wien coupons Noy th Suse axishoute oul iw exceptional cirermutoues i shatl_be Seou wo ly tha sharchaldor oud director Sf copays malas] Hine ie Ae Doviidile tu dudia ond Out Ol Har Fotlouriug Hen he shat be cousidered Wize of dndig _—_/_--— cae 0: = eu ( ~ Microsk us Sate 61 Boast | Mee tucsidene icleut eve Subensti ons LRarson bar parveloued Propedy or wok “uk shalt atro bt seen) = t 7 «Prada ‘gin uh Udo 0} dudial ; sep _fosn Of uss x ey Shae i siugte Glizes, patuou cau perlde acyustre wy 4 dndia ‘ c [ Jn euery pauor prisouey it alto \ucuded _t | [ Tava. 6 Deu peo wali os utigwated on deatier Pakistan to ducia he ‘ [euott alo comidead 1 cifizes ol Jusio, P w [Ie either of Ux _paraaks os qraud pascal wseeyin India actording | to Goveuurerit of Judia Act 1935 bom ‘ wy |e pewicst lot couse Wr Gndiq before 19" Aqug i p if qffes Hi dale LoL yraliass) Yoon he ar to apply sill enlflente Mua he “y vaidivg bu dadia for six wyouble befor. making : [astise-3] Waeronee owuy pected had goue fous dndia to Paickau afer Hex date (i mares 104) audle corer back before 11s Puby NHS Such pesuou dai abo be cousldeed udian circu, byt tabe out rekuon ¢ | appli cation ; + _ 4 ‘ ( \ [tat | Wieerser any Pecan du} dig out of {ndio aud he i_oh. Andion origin, | 19) By Lis finds ta dud By Lis parents OF grand poreut Oe bom in dudia Hho we cou Sagishes Wausnelp andian citizen, by Diplomatic of _contulay dprareubetive he cou appl. ([rvise-9 | WWilrereuet Gua} peeuon otutarily yoke citi zevilp Gf ota country jen he shall Wot be comidued os Gndion citizen [avatar tol Soory Puuow who u GHen cs qudia , he shalt Coutiuue tobe Ghizen of dustin except pasture woke tow: [saree - u Poiourent Cou wake Cau yegardiug ctizenthip: L Requisition temminotiar gtler wratters) Be sites oe ty Ausile 5 Dousi Fines foam ia dni Before commentunenk wade for not ler than be year t Audide 6 — Pakistan —> India Agile 4 ~ Tuo date, Avide 8 — Other county Avtide 9 — Volrutariiy Artide 10 — Coutiuncusce ~ Aide It = Pes\icupnent Mate loro [otiet “Whe Cilizeustap “het 955 Ret wumber ct SOL I955. Snfoltousiig ways citizen ship U_ Acquired | v v y Section 3 Section 4 Seckon § Section 6 Seckion-3 Buy discent By registration By _noburatisal’ on Swamps 24 sh _ [Sudiou -8] By bist ‘ ‘ Ruy pecs wes bern beore ov on 26 January (950 : Ay Of paves are dndion ou July (985 _ er Ofer \ Jub last ; Arneuduient 2003). Now Kelly ‘Me routs Should be Indio er one Indian | wou Wegal wsigrest ne uy By descent : if Pesuou bom. aut of Indio. Mien he cou abo doiur difizenship om basis of | descent fay Poder wor citizen of Amaia ou 10/12 |1442)- wow open Gumendimend 2003 cago, | Hoe pavcuts Suck pusou shoutd be registered Galtls (ncion couucll witli Cue. Year BL bids Seckiou -§] By sespistration For Maia Here ie Lorenatity Fi yewt — tr Peopte of diluent cousibier Kare different yeast. Cqear for Indien duldeds andy) LBehore appiicolfon 2 woul conpeceory suideute [Sesion -] By Usturaldsatton Pox Hitt ouby “ist PouwoU Cour Apply wlio is wwajor aud Adopted [ndian cushise for application eligibitity Cultedia i iu S74 schedutes Section a] by ‘usorporabion Aremeitony wluuewer dudia kor acquired cuuy femitory Wea ere of, tat ouuhy shall alio berwe dice gf dain | Serionaa | ——__0 | Suc p citizen shot hae all Vgut except Ao right of employment U4 Potide 16 > a Hite “e_uo eligible for me 2 Rreldent Wi ident eke 1) | He cannot vote Wye Woy sabiciion in Repareutotion Qf Peopte fet £5) He camnat bueme High Cot [Supreae comak judge Rut ene are few bewtfih 4a) Howe boay Ww [Education (Acuittiodf Gy luuthstiout) Sesion xe] Suck pusow tau rtuouue He ciKrewhip otto F Seeiou a] Sus pusen's regictrabion Gow abo be comelled Seen 8 Setter 10 [Seaion 8 Ruy puto wile U wojor com reMource tne _ditizeruhip ay Low v v v ection tA. Sechin 38, Seeticm ac. Section ¥D. t | =, Sechion-9 Routiounent sliott Woks law Hate to Huse So Moh ciHzeutip of, that Peon way be tewtuted uho ane uo wine citizens of Indic ox eugaged in audi uations Kate a) w&) te) id) [Sesion vol Apply to tore cihzen Ste ouly uso sere segisherea or vatvyabised as citizen Fete stabeareedt giver Preused AMegat Ae | was cgadutt Inctia. Diatogal H cuore Kor any Objetioy teu cution-Is Reuisiod aud o bu Setfion 5A usitlin so daye te by ceathal govemmerd $ Citienstaip (Rerend useut ) fhe 2019 Ret number = Act 44 Bf 2019 nadeakaaaar FLUTE ELE du Hey ceenducent Whe Aefivation ot Wlegat Wigreusts voat clams uta Wanna un Sung | Qrdleali Nanoin tls Stofe of UP [cane - State of Gufarat is Shi henbica Mill Jq_both cous ta doetiue Of eclipte war fotloued | Usot do undesteuad by dodint of Waiver) Lveuy Pawo bos given fusdoanedal sxigtdy whic he dont Wwalve ‘itaue) 5 5 , ans lft... ——_ a e- Barhethor Mali ule Comps biones Of Income bax ; Gaye- Wor Siuah Pal ult Usior of Jradio r Pundautentet suigute counot be woived > 4 ihe 13. i itutlonal biticrenee Mere ik Quy fow wicte i before commucucenmentt Sf constitution shew a tous iw force wtdeb U \wooual bent sits couttitullon fe fhe exteut of {uqoutiskousy shatt_be void Wo elas Roricke S42) ~ Wrereuer tere UW cry Lars Usbicls 0 before Coutution then it shall eoukiuue to be in bore usith th Some Prouivion aud came name Uubert csmaperout islekuve | ceuupalens Qusttuovi hy alent ‘repeals oe cumends. [ek shat unt wate oxy too us auch aan Ulead, War uous eal Sg wade prouided io Has _povt Uf skote nee suels lows Men Bron such tans SLOW oe Void fo thot extet Coxceprion Niut Sctredute) | [Rasiere ae] Lous juckadel 5 Ordincucee legislative powe of execuli oy (Aubele 123, 218) Urempon) Qrda- Bye laws YUP TTT Ppa eee see esl Ruse - [Delegated [subordiuats teqitlation Hegulsion : Nokiicatiou \ ) | Carron, por some Cage tg treats = tates} $$ dT Rule ~ Ruy satlesuste la to govern Tukemal abbalie of any Organdsakion UL priuly elaberaliou of Reb ash he Age > Novi} ation. AL A primaily public _qotifisation ts Mes peoplt by tshidh ay hay cout fo uae about chomgss 3 Reg Jakien-U iL palmoully given biy execves bow application Sf ac-They ove, seppleusest fo yulet -Haay que more bludiug 2 Ordes- Uv palsunally gis fo day to dau acti uitier or Ha internal Ofrairs by executive: 2 | Low taforee = Ai suid ous Stites user panied by Legislation ox competeut auttority Inefore commencement of conbihsien aud iki uch repeated - 3h Yudtuder Cause: Quote lous wubich oppty today even) = Noun. Those (aust shih ore made for geste | smaller cvgurisebion Whebler Auerdurerd ave Lous? - (Repis) Radiol 868 “ Cousti trent Fousee"” e- Stouts fiat Prasad xls Usdou ol tnaid In bows anrendurent UW uot Sucluded dalanaaal i? jv Cose=Sajjan Siugts utr State Coupirmu ae suing o} B Shaukeri Prasad us Uuiow of Indic J quad stated Padiarient cos amend Mu law 4 Cox 7 ‘ I e VC Gyotatiiotls 4s Shab. 4g Bunge] du tow auenduent U Yucluded Biter Mut amendaut 2% voor ous Ofer Prtide (314) aud Aytide 36802) Came inko Lance: U, Louise iste] Notuiug Ga Aatiete 13 Applia tv Arittte Amendment iA Polide S68. fjvts Wit Ju Aweuduteut war elatleused TILL L Ls etl dl lebdeleee [care Kerrovianond Bharat uje Stat offence 124g] - Amendment wot lou + 244 Amendment U. Comed: Now judiclasy | oud legishalive have concurserd wher: Nmendment t abt bars ae £2 /o6 /t099. Mow wuiverciby state witeverrer Stele dou suelk ack wali are | w7 co a eu “Ub shout coutidered Slate + Shoots city Board UW shake | Wea: Suites oj agen) 1 ___{ Ossie] tre ae state Toe Sen Gata unis gaa] Bloat Peboleum iu state —/ i Say | Witrettar -Wrere “uy caudal Steaks is) | Wstrod WY He objet Qf suc componesion! Cove R.9 Shetty uty WWexnatiquas Mopar udtunrity (ara)} | Ansluerenet euny Authority U to be declared as cherks hess {tad Shai be seen : Shore bs Corporation wii wlio! ustiether “th YW ousued by stete? 2) Uber eee iy vou poly ailvo : Miueltyer bs get “4 Juuckioul Udit Ret Sf goverment” AAAAHAAAAAAKAL LE skate Leg NACO - Natieuol ADS Coubol Orgauiration)[Use- Univusily Grant cowulttion) (€st@- Counsh, sf Scientific Gud Jucuatriol Rerearels) Sodding cau aio be si a ealn [ea e- Pradeep Eusar Biswur uls dudian quate 8} Crenseal Biskoge MWe above 6 vuler et Rp swetty Oud Nay Moria are wot Haid Cot foo above sule Shell alic cee cloug with tat how 4 ‘ oT Mace Vuberefrs ou: ud \ shu SOL govern , + | Gouik schealt are alo dudig, - SPL ufc . Dar Ste Auttonity also slate _ ~ Sorder Asroniati s PQs Bae! Pubtic Bauks awe alo Shety Moy Beet i _uok stat beeaure “tk in vot ateoted buy Sreite ene BC s Beet Bees buat stom Tes 2s tien Was tate ge witrerenes Hee it exenative ovdu @ for amy dea usteiot & out Sh. qudia but ude Couhel Of _governusend Ween agaiwit {hat also g ordea Con be give: Coxe= Indio wig RC Join Sul stance rarer Mromed wis D to ute Wuuiou. of dean] | Watlorel Sg alcuthare eorporetion Ua seeqiskered Sogety, u 7 + pact agaiust Suatror'ty Duly stem you Las a_sepeate Aegal \udia _iy_a_stote, othioush Axttrouges if iy government couspousd: “Theu atio it & stole - “» = Centos diated Water trosuspert tenpradion el Jadin ul 8:8 Gangata) Core Chondre Molo Kboung afs NeeeT aaa), Neeer Ui usta shate Core rere Mover & be] e- i Comuelplou Wuiou teubte Sete ALU comldered stote herawe Loldius oh Govermment a miore Han Stl Chondigen Thon seloolr uso ore otded oy Government Shall be coundet T | Miverity iwitution sto aie 6 usalded fo 90 hott Wits agouty Ue Slate , valet web ls cove Lau} Mase. Satine Shang uly G) Paul Sy. Serta Saecet| ymewk are fot —/_hL_ a. Usbetier cpudistany a slab? Littrereue: ~ urather i of fushiony ue rary to See whic od EU dalug fucdis'al fret Lrxcoruvive/Aduiuishative fet {a | 1 Not Ghat Sto. unit mau Lied Leq: voug ans Wer key RIG we) : 7 []Coe- Nore ufs Stub of Weksvastes l Case- Ajai Mugh uf: Skate of Passes [Gore Kehoyonounda Srorali els Stet of Kerala, | tL meer PHA AANAAnsttte eS atheetay Rigut to Squatity (aadide 14-18) J I to l Il Apkidery Agate 15 Astidele Asaticte Radice (® > | ; Before 9 = ot ct - titles : = {lou __disesbutiuation ppsohanity unboudkatiliher = $6 ground of tn rnentbeg ; aeligion. race __0}_ public Corbe , Sex ov , Sex ov __ employment flare oitis — | , | snes | : [Untouduability A aboligud and wow th pracia ta aay fom is forbidden ’ No jou iglis 5 . f i it 6 moult fuspric ourmrend i I Aericue -i) Sto Skat uot cakes cue w tile exept up| Milita dis Kuckou [aie Balaji Rogtiuion ls Uniou of snais | Rioiat Rotua in uot He tk a © yeoguitiou. Go ik cous be uted before. Youre * ) ) y , I ’ | Acadeuie Aishuskion ) p : ) ) ) . | de Quy puruou ser cuy Ete before hit name: Ubueliere there UW toh rent > No _panisharent it ig ouby divestow uy citizen Qual val atecpt any He from cousteys 123 Duy pesto uso it uot eile obtuse ut in addin he helt |-Siee puofth o1 tusut of stots then be shall bate ite frou borg 03/06 /2ona_ Coumby oily User praidest jove Contes Were uy paso ( citizen of dndiaf eudtizen) if effi of — | Quokit ox Aut under Slath’ then saitiout Mie cousceut of prericleuk Sratt uot accept fattouing Ruy pacieut= on fuss Cmrolurent or; Si iee Q. |usmot wudustend i the a yw Lien pete steed te Be a ________ Th Shai wot deny to au wolity fo oe ah 2 ¢ sms Bo A Win taken |uou Grgtand wy Ste “Aatcess anu Uh LWU% Aenend mest) ; fue debiuitign wuts ' a. aoe | ie: (out supreme. Squat Louse . ee heg- 200 = © ssspeesl Indinu) L8 200 for _ [Motel watt Beugal wis Ruwiey Mi == Botts He lous cue uot coubadiddry to each other they couspti vneaiany Ae cack otter Second iy dedved {tom first ouliy Equality belore low w ak u evi comer fous the Dicy'e book “ase ef lauo" at tos whi Ottri barber No puss y above lous Cosutitur ou L_supreme jee Wo Paso cau tater Sebiivanig action ustieeet audit Ww Coubituliny KW to be douse Ub conmoat quibitiary. “the Batic Struchure coushitatl Los impaiived De vreau. Oth Peeuou cue equak uuder ou fut ty reder vale has exteph on fattouslug botide 14 dot . Noe coud wore dd i ideuk oy ovemor Of dudia (Refer Autele 36%} | | | The fuewst Gf skste | cupreuse, [stole iuberat > paveuiateral | Pubtie suvauk Con dove. spuial Sights | Spucink costebier Cow bone Mat Sh ule. AM fdouseata aigtte cou be suspended oxcept Ruble 20,21 Relat bude 359) tat te ed borers, diluent Louse: [There cou be differetst lavse ) anmuted persounel. Lhviicte $3) ecorug fo fukematoual law jw people. cou lat axerapred leg Aenibowtadory Cone- Sooujoen Coke Manufacturing eo. as Buu Coxiug Coal Ud (t) i) Not appticd to Arviele 210) j for enforcement of divetive privelpler Not applied fo folide 218 - Saalug Of contain laut UStat cou |-Geuive_propuby) Squad pio! usterenset uu load iL wade and tatif that lows Suberebere’ sushi faudaustutel wighl Mien Hee nuk be reateuolatiy, for sinuilar people Huee cou be came low tet means here coum be clout feat st beau oe: Usrasgit lal uls Wuiow of dail Thue com be loud for sivete postion alio but Shae nuk be yearorrebsle Hosallestion, 2 Lsuereog vialter 9} reatoualte dani lfeation pre tout tee fottonstuy \ . Sartre 4 wy ——_— uy y) 8) fase — Bi fb» ls Pin Balsoog Core = RK indin | . es a Tce os eu Gore RK Bad {ee SR Tendiail bow Mosi\ieation wat be yenrousble at com be bor slugs 5 peron abo [Wie aboot be prestinption tual state doer yealorabl ast ‘Ue burden a Pusan uso states Maat lao iy wowwugly w) UWuewer lassi} cakiou W_doue Were car be veubout cuiterion fh ushith | Auaie com ht caste place , gender eke Gare €.% Royappa uf Siete of “lousil Nad n ju tar core fieut Rove “Mabibor wen word usar Used and Ee was gheuted thot oe of equolity' U_ bored oy fottoutus Buse of Lass en otal, ih || Core — $-G Toisiughaut ult uion of dnd tu Hein core Hur wou stated flat Shiente of cubibirany povsar u Siue quo vow st we ot haso- Botiche WY Aime fo Hue aud Geate ew di meurtory Core- Wh i ule Uuiow of Indio, Wheres there & any shorisicabion Awe U nuit be recrouable 2 app to al a-tslietticr_ Legislative: oF executive, “ sd Se “ al hg , 4 (TCore- Miter ws Stale ef funjod] Section Zo IPC th ancoukhaoral beeause there Ue reasonable Glan) fication i i Care- Nv India ax Nawgeth Meerzal) “The job 8 Kix Rosters counot be fomduated on Her ground ot Pasquowncuy aba, Sevice period. c= Vishakka ule Stes o Bajassuau] Ween matter asexual harmrnet at to rkplace then comes shallbe made fer protekion of woes Core- Mew Row uls Stabe o4 Baja] | There cau be Ca pareance, bekweenr degree. older and diploma Naldow Cre - foru Vatlouuation wht duiau of Sua Woo Ioiskiay wows alo Was Sante vig ix TRA Lin section 10 TPA) Gs CHL Uno roue Core Shy &. A Nuored 25 GPC ih Secwlay apply to all wouren, Core- Loved ols Stott of Maryaua) Hisquatibistion Of more Proutus cWidwn is coved Rhee C | 2 Cauilication cou lae ia fattowsiug mouner alto ws ical : 2 Bi Is State jeu! Ary Shot Coun ba divided uate saw ports sa) | Ts? (b) | NowTs? 2) | Coser Sodicly Cou be divided ilo Variour davies aud Mere canbe Monopole oie Reebieainmamamaa ao o e. i ve Thete cau be wouspely of Staite rere L x dix Gae- Indian Sepress {6 un of Andi There cau be. i perence between util news tar and Local vematul er Neusipapes sax . Ww ICore - Stats of Bihor ufc lo+2 Teacher Astociadion There cour tos ci}preute behseen traiued and Usdraived teaches (5) |Specicd Count Thee cou be follows Utlore procedure canbe dy beg Npes cout Reverse Burden on : Bf Poel) — Genera vate it He __Burdeu of pasot iv Ou Prosecution but there Ou cecured . Neste siete of Bm Puri ule Orijrhwar Stugl Chahall . | sags | Bisssien| Ciuidetoin to appoiut govomment Kavecote doabbhdialekddalakadamadalal ahd. [Tere Wastes oh dodia wit Rajasttinn High Cou] There cou be. Juistiog Lseoreli) ef Rajoution that Covst on ___| Kirport Ts Care-_Hivod Ps Harora vfs Kuru Hor, Now i dowatic uiolerwe woman it gle beable: Cone Kutuciuder Pot Sits als Grote of Rusjab | | Wherenar Cauy puson A eves sgstly_appabted ue by toiely Ny Lis removal olor peso dou Shtain Bail vitals [Gore- Nosste} Sivals Vabir ute Mion of Sai Seckon S84 UW Pauley weroved Appttea for Same quired geador wot acmoved for auip anime) _ SWue ols Uuiew of odig Section 43% Rechutbeus & wucoutl abional Case Kk: Puttucwanus ls Wien of India (Wedhor Cord) Riga to privoey vj + Core- \ndependout troughs Ls Union ef Sndiq Mage O usife dd below (8 Men Wurbaad Shatt he Yabte tn Seon B75 1PC eo Shrcyg Vidyarti ws Ashok Wdyartht Wow woo tan olio be “Karta” of foal Now add atlak viet U glo ‘da disalallity List She usill olla ———[ pai a | oe mt | ,/-,— Thon. NALSAA Gls Unions = [Now Wied guider ale “us [fore ddan Young lawyer Quodation fs Sate of Keres ‘Shabsiemala (aie [Core- Lok Maha vfs S) Matter pesoin to Kner of CM Lee ox CMS) Core~ AX WL yy Peutiousr Msrodetion ufs State of Mow | There commot be dicscduduatin Ur peukouois [eee eee State of Ruwjeb | 1 There cou be difpen seperaly. pootision o fev Srchigiour & hibition | Cone Himachal RTC ufs ReKred Squplouee Wien | Wiererser thete UW Gld peution seme fox Wuah Hiere cour ‘be Seperate cufol} date » Person tos to ebect chest by that date [eave Uuiou of dndia ult fusie agro | | Now wowien alto have parmaneat Comnistion tn armed Forces e- DY cera) fees dls Wagie Cok of Desh Het departmedal pro ceed t wrecallt cow a = exautt , expatteuct OL year or advocate," mutt be | cowinous « Thod judge a wok eligible aslie had expedenta 84 yeooe Yuen becouse ADT. ; ga), (Reverse Countiung couceps) Care -“Swormatattia ufs Kote [Merely ou Har ground trot Peson u not eluded ty will . Be Connadt Tbe chatleng du Ptdele WW sole diccuttion ol ill Making Peak [pesos to uns fe dade sui 06 /o6 froze Niche - Rele — 16! Lt Geascat Parte tn Bate tulatiug to cciployusoad ¢ ib \ clades ella Mig alto | ' : _ ta) Reeraiturent : |) Prowotoy, __ , ©) Supa anruration | Odirenent) ; UW) Seniority wy | dt iy for state [eitipan Chott, Y dt Guat st ty wor L ied to Private 1__ty Thee that uot be dieiuiuatiou | Thete cuatl uot be disuiusuabon — | i ‘ 5 ou ch + La) Religion (2) Rebigou L | tb) Rote sb) Rack, : | ce Coste | ©) Corte ; | td) Sex td) Sex ' (2) Place e) Plas. of Qisty , (iu of the obrove) i) Besceue ) i ig) Reriderve, Thauiete su] The_stale shail uot disaiuiuate susp cen G4 folloudig gcud r 1 ’ : 19). Retigion + Wb), Rote Le te)! Cosh ) tO! Sex ja Dla of Bi , | ’ Date _15e | : fost = = Cities : ~ Wome | Children Bei. egclcus 15) ews (CSiupte _—_11 | Mey wy w @ we “3 Thanos ey Alo _civizen shail dicaiuduoe Oy foltowsig grounds | Region Rate Coute Box Place of Biot No disablly , liahility , suthidtou condéHou ou cuy persou —ta_| To atectt _ouy shop , public ratawmaut hotel aud place of wo cu vt bold fauke bathiug ltts, roadt aud place A parblic aot sth Ub valuotty. ee poubley saalubeducs by Ausicle 1518) - 1516) ate exephious te above sule Curenur urban there Cow be discinmivatou Rosbicte 1) J Sate tau urakt spaial provision fev wouen and caildren |[oesiete (5 C4) Weaue by Nrak Rurerctureut 195) Ie e — Choupakan Somirejau ule Gale dadse du ttt cue eeyvation wat eoutdet te be tovoug $0 Dobie \stW) came tubo exicteuce Notulug tw Wit cuticle 1514) wor dy AvHele 94 (2) shall preset hate “pow woliug Spuioh prouiston fox advenceuent Socially end Dracbios Saucatiou nity Backward Chores Seve) Schediled Corte (se) | Setreetuted Wibe Ls) ahh [Soredube Cote | Aide Suolr) bile 204 CPratdeafianty naked) | Scheduted Tie Hubile Bee (rs rhatile 342 LPretichauticathay wali TOTO FP re ros Sovalty oud Eduraionally Badavord Carrer * Matilde 366(26 1) Astle 842.0 Craideut| Governor lull make Let) | (th ostever wotter a tat Hei, publle uakijication shatt bs. Offer comvithaton of we 934 Amenditact (2005 ) i ukereer sate, Meu wotaiug ia flu Notice oe todd 4 -0(g) shail Wot _prewout shots hous woklug Spudal | prowisdan for Sepe Sel St for odusinion to RdutoKouad WuWhution We asl pivate iducahioual fusbttubion are Yucluded belie aided or anoided by _qovemueut iuouky, wal Quikitubbont ase ust Tududed Lptde 200s) Rott i Cdueation 35 a I PS SSE PSS Ty me ey ee ey ee eee a) tb) [wise sual 10379 Auerdurent, 2014 Netter thit Qutide nor hottte 14 {1} Gq) Shall prevent Shete from oe frou miole(ug Sprelol prouiou f in Croc usleeiny weoleat surhout 9 oi Hreu Lewes) “Thete eau ie SpUlal prouiston foe euss fore cdusisst oun sis Eclucakioual tuibtubion da due pasta Susbihult ou axe luchudest whaler aided or unaided lay ‘skates Aad exclude valuplby educatioual Tuabhutioy | Aud tol to ta orisug Jerurvelion carhe proulded addi fon ’ : a [ State government sloth: walk bay Muse te Hue Cou deo Hweoure of Jasily cud oftar indicator te _Comidad WAS ate uctaded ik ue Akalana ad «we = | Core~ State g} Madras ue Chuampatkam Poreiyal du tit cuteuakiou Uat cialterged dud after ttt hatte 15t4) |ofisad ourend went Caue cute sexichoce 4 Rease- State Sf Rudra Pradea us B.LRas| Coure it uot Hu sale factor _[Qore- State Dread Ti mn “hee cou be discdutuation tn Hilly aud Nou Wily aieac hi i Steite of Meaty Prades u)s Wivedite faial Cutaly Sf Se-ST cou toe Leu Cate. ab PatiSciaas ah Sah Quad Pradests| Lsberever water UOf sp supa speciality thee ls uo retuvetions sone — Dw: Neelivia ufc Dean pt Pi i 22 Coll 13 Prades [du uy igh eter Coats gint four ote cart bey hea uo bemelit st mrevakion (Rub ilden coun gu) Ce Caleutation, ecu Lalu ot (sth sal) sano v00ggadganaAAmAnAan Gare Prsuuili Ctucatious) J} Cainnat Beat ube, Uuian of daacal ? —_|\Care~ Dewalt bs: M Pred Iw bok corer tt was held Rat retowetion Opely fo pave Swatituflon abe Ube ie 25il, comet) i Akh s. Ahhh A Aad [SW Ada There h uo beuefir sh veravahou to cedny layer student ahh Care-_\ncdepars att tuougd ule Walon ef fndi State con wake Special Prowler for \upmen WA Prticte iste) There can bag Speeied pro ama tow citizen Of fo fekbater Noo out Judie. [Leet axe equat to otuer citizen | 1 [Core- rele ps Sete Eaten There con bi vuewrahou th Medical Cotege. fox Se] st [eoue- Rajat Kaas Qupla fs State of Uderfeadean] There sep cau be SepeFe vedervahen at welll on Separate, cotbeas for wowan oa /og i092. af : =16 i rhanity in wratters ic ow cut 2d Prtitle 16) No disaiuination for uployment by stele ‘ } Audide ib 2) No discduimation for empleyuieu on Tt basis ; 4 Je 16 « {Son of coil cauepl) CResidene) 4 = foside 6 Veeyvation for backored closer — ‘ 3 a Hunioud? 22 (Ccomrequoubial seetionty) (Rough ou | & 4 Arise 16 (48) Backlog C81 Areudured), ; = Prlite 16(5) Not appty to religion (No hevesvalionor religious (wttubion | 4 AL fied xewution 10h in each catego: vy EI los mendment) | 4 ( a Irunate esl : a Sheite ‘ -!6(2)| 4 No citizen shall be disafuduoled iu cup Hoywer! ou bast of. : basoulug sa] Retigiou ' Wy} Race ‘ er | Corte (4) | Sex @) | Deseemt (| Plate of Bist (g)| Retidene | Prous lela} fo \e(6) aie the exieptius to above (160-169) Assiae (ou | fotioonent coum nioke tows ta regard to at avy clo ov cower for enmploynent or appouduert wn “see Sh gavemmod ox fox Local —LL_ | a otho auttiority oud there Cau be vequirenend of raideue {Sou of Soil concept) Autiste 1etiol Nottiug i thie abide shall prevens state {hot is prouide foe saaveliou for appoutwed oy pot to favour 8} aay backward hous 9\ dizer, Pty ae uct adequately peprereuted ish sevuleer wade fur state Raine 16 Land] Ak come by FY Auenduiend 1895 aud the word “ courequential Seuiouty” come ia Hin Rutile by $5" Amenduies 200) Uheeve tet sabisficd er Wativg Su Mia Grice Shall proved “eat ik _prouide reesvation ‘ua _pousttoy ws _concequantiad Seudosty “iy fou of sels Cision t2 28] (generat Lo8e equal ua paowakou J2-t oud 28:1 for sefsx) [heaiue 16(4)| tt come from 81" Auendusead 2000 Nottitag iu Hay aukele Shall Preweeit Aerat Stake Hook “tk Couider nikal ect vaccueier S| ruerued cabegorier yw Such Vacances Shall be filled up tw Succeeding yor ov years Mud sud vatouciel Stat uot be cowidered bv ~caliug Hud Sf ort \Backtog) Vecauey 3 So-} AUurcrerved + Bol Reraved +t Backlog ol Wat cabedory Aswite 16 (51) Noting in fur aolicle shall efeet eli gion o7 denowi nat orci iuitiutou Moy OA QUAY gavel Peas of Governing body abil: i_of Guat posieatay religion gy beluag toa Postiewlou deuouduatiou [Not apply bo palighous @ Wiulldedion) [Route tele) By toa"? Aurendurent 2019 Notuiug iu thir owtide shail prevent the chat from reeweehion foe appsiubueut ox post for cuy erouousitatly oeak er seckion oy GNzeu (ews) Aud Mere yetexvakion shall be Wy addion bat rol mus, lol an_cackk tategowys Kee wk Balaji vfs State Of Hugsre] Merely corte it wot tt cofe 4 Mere con be otvey qrourds Quis at Saupe yurcast oy pecpia, poverty ete. dL odaletaaniganaaaesaa dau ups ate a) Orvise, “These con be paper s. ‘iugloul Lous arog: w kay Ag) Tease Indra Saustuey ols Uuiou of dndig Aukitle 16(W) wor aualyced and Mur {ke report Sf Mandal Commision dppiy te 08: dn Indig laghone Rai rLewvaton wor Sula to se|sr The basie a Ante 16 19) uot ule be carte + The bas stall abe sosial aud eeowoude losis Thue shatt be wo %etewalian oh erououte gerund ayy forte 16) it wot eexplou of Aebue 160) taut tt ih o_clauifieatien. du_ wie. Balaji Wy cowidered a4 exept ou. du fekite 16) batkurord chow of tae May cue dif pera fertile oly) Seac. du Bato Care bot were gouridered game “uibieh W wrong ¢s)) dh oec Creamy layer Shall ust have beushs of. wetenvection (6) Backword class Cou be - furttan cloasified Th winre backusord clout Reyepwotion statl wet be wore hau So =], Gore Indra Sausiney uals Unler of 4 aw | “Mer dereyvalou jor wouran Con be pho 33 "he F Core Souvan Yadav vfs State of UP (2021 Supreme Court] |Whercuet ateewnation i given af Shot be giver by 2 manner ta) | Veuterl vereation- Seats com be divided “uite Reterved aud Lnberewved category (Rererved Se [et lowe) W)| uit thee it Sud wother Men candidal cau migrate fom yaiexued to _Utrcienved « wy Whuyener Heeeit sucht wrather Hee Hue. seod_of werewed cabeaony Wali thatthe filed by member 2 Akos category. 1) Rpt fous A Hie iy Watdzoukdd yaewwalion aio Ute winahe, Gsabled , Sporgpetsau che - Ubhervtss Hare d cud seervation ia hen’ah Calculation shall be | alouguits Yeukeal merervatou [The Swe ix thot of oss they vuut be adjusted di meuit seats Loud apie _-that seats of horizontal Cadegorics as to be {ised boy wick GW ened hat Mane uw Social qoute Case - Post Graduate imaktute sf Medical mk huke ue Ls Novsimhan |[Gore- KR dnoblas uls State of Jammu \ Koswuiv (2019) Wbbereuee Suge pout due uo rrequation Coxe Union of Sadia uty Vinal iugtl saaate i _w9at_shoted thal ia fytiele lo WR) pauou drow viewed Cabeyory Shott be qiveu Seulouhy wes quuetat & eabegouy Peuoa en Aust _auerdnend ook place Cose- M Noga us Union of dudia ¥ Core- 2 K Agensal ls Stake of Pusih ols Los ok Ue Ni lus: jr dre Cows foticle 16 (4A) , 1 lua) wat chatlerrgedd » Supreme tf if cout Weld they cre coves? + SC/ST sbatt be giver rctenvation “i promotion uisreever port “a ali thon 8 post Mate “L" shape voarker shal be uted aud if clatt be eusured Mead Sclst hos supbicieut adequate yeprerentakion Cure Mit 8i s State of Punjab By ttin ” Catch up" sulle came ude exichenw Af goutioh Cokeqony puso come equalte prowoted ye eyved Candidate Hien he shed gat seuiorly Aiter g64s fwendmentd h came to au end fose- slick Thekuy us Union of Indice 1Core- State of Maborerha fe Vijay f Glsogene (201) Thee U_wo creamy layer in “gelst ore RowaSivgi ujs Unser of dudie aaaaic a dankdadaradaandaas “Toot Rereyvatton” cau be tn lew orca: ov Care- Die Siugr us Delhi Jal Board [if selst fous cHur slat Wen he ceatlbe cowidered au usc: 7 Core. UP Pouser Conporation Ud ofs Raijeal Kumar Stote com noke Lows for servation ty orticte te (4) HAD, Le luel Aud for Mot Hutte cau be Vatousr aitterta + Staite Chall obtain hata pegardiug Xpreietation of S¢|¢T “Wy Vortow _paih cSt v Gor B.€ fastha we Uuion of J aval Whee water Ww Sh yetevvok on Un provision then qiviug his vatvonate fat 'd” shall effect efficteary in weenk wrong, UStraever SclST i wot aulequately aepocrenked Aware tay shall be growoted out Skeatl bic cured Of cers cy uot adversely opted: amaeaaaanasaaooonaora ( 1 1 —LL_ [oes Suk yaaa ae eg Aotide lo Wo cLassi}icatton ob Ketlete 14 Quits + Sotkot Here iw eqbaSity i Sodety ie sp [Cate - fovistui Laxmanran Pal) ule State of Maharcuha (2021) ln Artide \4 aud 16 oly prouicte equally, (Maratha renal onCote) kL discetion St Stake ater Conducting Suveey uot Ur taleu welfare sxemnures + There ou be jusidal yeni Hot who to be giver benefit b] rerenrahiou and usc were nat euttted for Tut ae shad see fas reports Bf coumaiseloun ddidWd eare- C: Leste Pratad Reo ule State of Padre wu wroug 4 gives Joo seats for Npacktog boyy —_ i aut chuckure ‘uw cajecrad [dathoyed «At Ru time “ advertisment Ur should be eusured Met _iuberet of OW ceckion of Sociely be considered | Qoo:l turemved seat ool bettie Uther ‘ku touusoraty necesta rg’) [Prod Rute wat be sound vaouste (bra see) | Core - fount Siugh ale Lackhori Noten Guatal wy) ku 7 preaogotivs sf state_| compeitive authorities hous sight feemarcet fod “Ut eon stuch owen ual ual See Te veprreutakion “O4 ge| ST and ou ascoretivg to ual bass Moy give prowelien to _selst Cabegerys N t for Hui shale shatl fake date om, all_ department | du sefer Here te uo coucept Sf creo Layer nN w ER EN NATH NHN H SHAE RHEE EE ad dd dld “rey 08 /08 fovea. z < Rutite 19. 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