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His written concurrence was required before the

enemy, but to destroy their naval stores. The troops of the

concessions of Spain came too late. In commerce it had to

when Richard Coeur-de-Lion married his sister Joan to Raymund

characters of one group of fungi to those of certain algae

The process is carried out either in hand-wrought furnaces, or

plants just named, we may observe, are ``cushion-plants.''

chosen to draw up these Acta, which were kept in the imperial

period. Columbian, or 15th-century material, still exists

\ OC2H5 \OC2H5

of which, the Casiquiare, forms an open communication between

their timidity, their jealousies and their ambition. The

home, and of the 18th century in general, on which they were

from 1680. Like his brother Isaac, Jacob Abendana had

the second he shall loose his meale, for the third offence he

Age of Bronze; (3) the Age of Iron. He thus anticipated the

in sections, was put together and launched. On the 1st of

from Flanders in the 16th century ale was the name exclusively

so named by A. F. Fourcroy, from its resemblance to both fat and

completion of the first railway to Albuquerque in 1880.

REFERENCES.--T. Boveri, ``Die Nierencanalchen des

to Rome conveying the English alms to the pope were fairly

quickly in full ascendancy. In May and June the sun shines

Botsford v. Wallace, 72 Connecticut Reports, 195.

fiat outlines of the Elburz to the south of Mazar-itsharif,

observed in a small percentage of adult human subjects has not

earthenware and soap. There are numerous oil mills and brandy

out a thoroughly aseptic operation cannot be forthcoming,

a circle of men eminent in literature and philosophy. To these

REPERENCES. -- See, for Baltic amber, P. Dahms, ``Ueber

the Kenites. When the Israelites were journeying from Egypt

with the higher departments of scientific research. His work

77 deg. 34' E., about 60 m. N. of St Paul Island, and nearly midway

and administrator of Holstein-Kiel during the minority of Duke

ukaz. It contained very complicated problems affecting

gained a decisive victory over the Caledonians under Galgacus

consequently all support of the child falls upon the mother;

into an alphabet of consonants, which was quickly transmitted

Shirvan. In reality the Albani inhabited also the mountain

Hutcheson, he divides beauty into intrinsic and relative,

It is now in the museum of Madrid. He also modelled a few

(2) the Academie des inscriptions et medailles, founded

labour the average quantity of all leading crops produced by

&c. Ova-Mpo

once, as their partial solution would greatly endanger

convention to evacuate the country had been signed, the British

of improvised ironclads and gunboats the rival "Stars and

filaments pervading its substance, which might conceivably

The earliest agrarian measures of which we have any record are

excluded. This measure finally settled the question of

reflexes, i.e. an operation may be performed without

and was succeeded by his eldest son, Nicholas II. (D. M. W.)

and a force of 600 troops was sent, who traversed the Abor

two. But all such bodies appear to lose their distinctive

prepared by reducing trimethylene cyanide in ether solution by

vinifera (bamboo-palm), not found, generally speaking, in

can hardly be included in the list of adulterations. In the

and immediately at the foot of this range lie the alluvial

brothers Charles and Robert Colling obtained from the useful

above the sea, and consist of rugged coral rock and limestone,

of concentric compartments (C1), (C2), (C3), and

or apparent impossibility, of acclimatizing the Red Indian

TABLE XV.--Quantities of Dead Meat Imported into the United

Col de la Goletta (Va Id'Isere to the Rhemes Valley), snow (C) . . 10,237

fact, he spoke of ``Le Geant'' as ``the last balloon.'' He

the Gulf of Saros; Imbros and Lemnos, in prolongation of the

light and air, sanitary conveniences and marvellously modern

disease first appeared about 1840, having been introduced,

The dress of the Abyssinians is much like that of the

is navigable for small steamers from this town to its mouth,

in the dictionary is very often not the form which it takes

on Materia Medica were published posthumously in 1770.

Mineral Wealth.

or Khen-min, in Coptic Shmin, known to the Greeks as Chemmis

are ultimately composed. The nature of this element is a

further confirmation when he caused himself--or allowed


often wanting in precision, and it has no index. (W. A. P.)

400 to 1800 ft. In the remainder of this region, the S.

west.3 The last three were governed by beys dependent upon

forms a fan, the folds on the eastern side leaning towards

Jack is scored by the player who finally has it among his

and American law are in respect of public control over

and 8% respectively, receives some compensation when oats and

character. The shipper must be prepared, without notice from

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