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Assignment 5

1. The work performance of industrial robot follows Bernoulli process and its success
probability is p.

When this robot repeats same works independently, let X be the number of successes.

It is known that E(X)=18 and Var(X)=1.8.

If this robot performs a given work 5 times, find the probability that there is at least 4
successes. (5 points)

 ∼     

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∴   

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2. In the can coffee manufacturing process, 10,000 can coffees per hour are manufactured.

Out of 10,000 manufactured products, there are 300 defective products due to lack of

30 cans are randomly selected and inspected the amount of coffee.

Let X be the number of defective products.

Find the probability that there are at least 2 products which are determined as
defective. (5 points)

 ∼      

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3. We assume that the number of customers who visit the automobile A/S center follows the

distribution. The average number of visitors in each hour is known to be 6. (2.5 points

 ∼    

(1) Find the probability that 10 customers visit in two hours.

 ∼    ×  

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(2) Find the probability that there is no visitor in 30 minutes after the door is open.

 ∼    ×  

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4. If a product length is within the specification limits(998 mm~1002 mm) then it is accepted.

If it is not within the specification limits then it is called defective.

The manufacturing process follows the normal distribution with mean 1000.7 mm and

standard deviation 1.0 mm.

Find the acceptance rate of this process. (5 points)

 ∼    

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