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AI Health Agents: Pathway2vec, ReflectE, Category Theory, and Longevity

Melanie Swan1, Takashi Kido2, Eric Roland3, Renato P. dos Santos4

DIYgenomics and University College London
Teikyo University
RedBud AI, LLC
Lutheran University of Brazil,,,

Abstract cation tool for human-AI collaborative access to the other

Health Agents are introduced as the concept of a personal tiers of the vast range of knowledge and computational
AI health steward – a new entry in human-AI collaboration power now available.
and intelligence amplification. The Health Agent is envi- ANNs. The first neural network architecture to deliver
sioned as an interface to both qualitative knowledge and the
genAI at scale is transformers (GPTs, generative pretrained
growing intensity of formal methods in the AI infrastruc-
ture. As an AI health interface, the agent facilitates the man- transformer neural networks), Large Language Models
agement of precision medicine as a service, particularly (LLMs) which use attention as the mechanism to process
longevity medicine, by linking longevity physicians, deep all connections in a dataset simultaneously to perform next
learning networks, and digital twin systems. Health Agents word (any token) prediction (OpenAI 2023). LLMs treat a
would interact with humans through natural language, and
data corpus as a language, with syntax, semantics, and
the AI infrastructure through formal language, generically
outputting qualitative recommendations and descriptive grammar, whether natural language, mathematics, comput-
mathematics. Health Agents need attunement to the “for- er code, or proteins. These kinds of Foundation Models are
malization turn” of beyond-Euclidean space-time (complex trained on broad internet-scale data for application to a
numbers, hyperbolic space, quantum embedding, category wide range of use cases. Transformers are so-called be-
theory) implementations in the AI stack to address the com-
cause they “transform” vector-based data representations
plexity, dynamism, and emergence of biology. Healthy lon-
gevity is a global priority as a “senior tsunami” of 20% of during the learning phase (using linear algebra methods).
the world’s population is expected to be over 60 in 2050. Transformer architectures are being extended with state-
Aging is seen as a pathology with a slate of interventions to of-the-art LLMs released for multimodal VLMs (vision-
slow and reverse aging. Health Agents are a digital biology language models) (Gemini 2023), larger context windows
solution incorporating the genAI stack and blockchains
(e.g. genome-scale training, 1 million base pair size con-
(digital-biological twins), using pathway2vec and other ap-
proaches, towards the realization of precision longevity text window (HyenaDNA, Nguyen et al. 2023)), and long-
medicine for global well-being. er sequential data processing with various convolutional
and other methods such as SSMs (structured state space
models (Mamba, Gu and Dao, 2023)) and model grafting
The AI Longevity Mindset (hybrid network architectures evolving during training,
StripedHyena-7b (7 billion parameters (learned weights be-
The AI Mindset tween data elements), Poli et al. 2023).
The AI Stack. The AI infrastructure is evolving rapidly, GPTs to GNNs: 2D to 3D+. An advance in digital biolo-
particularly with genAI (generative AI which creates new gy is GNNs (graph neural networks, technically a form of
data based on what it has learned from a training dataset). transformer) to process 3D data such as molecules (Bron-
Activity can be ordered in the four tiers of human-interface stein et al. 2021) with attention or message-passing. The
AI assistants, reinforcement learning (RL) agents (self- early success of GPTs is credited to the “traditional” ma-
driving, robotics), knowledge graphs, and artificial neural chine learning recipe (Halevy et al. 2009) of a small set of
network architectures (ANNs). AI assistants and RL agents algorithms operating on a very large dataset, with substan-
(embodied through prompting) are an intelligence amplifi- tial computational power. GNNs require a more extensive
implementation of physics to treat 3D environments. The
transformations of data representations in GNNs are more
Copyright © 2024, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelli-
gence ( All rights reserved.
closely tied to the three main symmetry transformations in
physics: translation (displacement), rotation, and reflection,
and the notions of invariance (output unchanged per trans- appropriate mathematics for treating the systems, states,
formation) and equivariance (output changes consistently and processes of biology by focusing on dynamic relation-
with transformation). For example, AlphaFold2’s Invariant ships and interactions (Rosen 1991).
Point Attention models the displacement and rotation of Math Agents. Math Agents are a type of AI system de-
amino acids as triangles in space to identify pairwise com- signed to solve mathematical problems and perform math-
binations based on angle and torsional force (Jumper et al. ematical tasks in pure (automated theorem proving) and
2021). Also used in GNNs is beyond-Euclidean hyperbolic applied (model-fit assessment) mathematics (Swan et al.
space to efficiently represent large datasets, for example 2023). One implication is that math agent systems can
hierarchical tree-structured data in protein-protein interac- write the mathematics of the underlying knowledge graphs
tions (Zhou et al. 2022). “for free” as part of their output. Not only is the content-
Knowledge Graph Embedding. Knowledge Graph vector level prediction obtained (e.g. folded protein structure), but
Embedding (KGE) methods also employ a full range of also its mathematical description. AI is a method for inter-
hyperbolic space and symmetry transformations, with acting with reality at the level of math (shifting from “big
founding algorithms TransE (translation embedding) (Bor- data” to “big math”). Math is conducive to AI alignment in
des et al. 2013), RotatE (rotation embedding) (Sun et al. providing a trustable format that can be easily validated,
2019), and ReflectE (reflection embedding) (Zhang et al. and a compact and efficient generalization. The mathemat-
2022). More capacious number systems are also in use, ex- ical description of a system provides a structure and meth-
panding from the everyday real numbers (1D numbers) to od of solving for unknowns such as disease pathology
2D complex numbers with ComplEx (Trouillon et al. resolution in precision health programs. The benefit of
2016) and 4D quaternion numbers with QuatE (Zhang et math agent systems is the possibility of obtaining results at
al. 2019). Quantum formulations are in development, e.g. both the level of data and math; human-readable data and
quantum embedding (Li et al. 2023a) and baqprop (quan- AI-usable math. AI writes the best code (Karpathy 2017)
tum backpropagation of errors) (Verdon et al. 2019). Tem- and may also generate the best mathematical description.
poral KGEs are a discovery domain with temporal sym- Health Agents. Health Agents are envisioned as a per-
metry, antisymmetry, and inversion deployed via Lorentz sonal AI system to deliver precision health using all tiers
transformation (LorenTzE, Li et al. 2023b) and tensor fac- and methods of the AI stack, both qualitative and quantita-
torization (TSimplE, He et al. 2023). Finally, KGE efforts tive (e.g. category theory or other relevant formalizations).
are abstracted to mathematical formalism with geometric Health Agents have two audiences: human and AI ain gen-
algebras (GeomE, Xu et al. 2020), group-theoretic semi- erating the content-level of personalized health and longev-
groups (SemE, Yang et al. 2022), and Riemannian optimi- ity interventions together with the formal-level of mathe-
zation (OrthogonalE, Zhu and Shimodaira, 2024). matics describing homeostatic health. Health agent systems
The Formalization Turn. ANNs and KGE methods high- could operate by wearable apps from underlying block-
light the implementation of mathematical physics in the AI chain-based healthcare digital-biological twin platforms.
infrastructure, notably quantum-classical-relativistic mod- Digital Biology. DeepMind cofounder Demis Hassabis
els, real-complex-quaternionic (1D-2D-4D) numbers, and suggests that just as math is the language of physics, AI is
beyond-Euclidean space (spherical, hyperbolic) and time the language of biology. This could be because the mathe-
(Lorentz invariance, imaginary (complex-valued) time, and matics of biology is complex enough to have been mainly
time reversal symmetry). A second aspect of the “formali- beyond human reach. It has not yet been possible to write
zation turn” continues the project of integrating discipli- the robust mathematics of biology as formalizations ex-
nary fields by finding mathematical structure underlying plaining pathology and homeostasis. Tools such as Health
them (Wigner 1960). For example, combinatoric and geo- Agents systems could offer a way to realize these goals.
metric structure in particle scattering amplitudes (Arkani- Agile Mindset. The AI mindset suggests a constant first-
Hamed et al. 2024), a category-theoretic account of dou- principles thinking stance to stay flexible operating with
ble-entry bookkeeping (Katis et al. 2008), and the formal the new AI affordances in the era of science as a third
axioms of blockchains (Goncharov and Nechesov 2023). phase of digitization (following dot-com news, media, and
Category theory is the “mathematics of mathematics” entertainment, and then banking, finance, social media, and
investigating the structure and relationships between dif- transportation). The central dogma in molecular biology of
ferent types of mathematical objects (e.g. sets, groups, vec- the DNA-RNA-protein synthesis chain is being reversed
tor spaces) using the concept of categories and functions from top-down to also include bottom-up from protein
between them, composing their relations, now seen in the structure back up to DNA e.g. in AlphaMissense (Cheng et
AI infrastructure (de Haan et al. 2020), information theory al. 2023). Drug design is replacing drug discovery in the
(Katsumata et al. 2023) and genomics (Wu 2023). Since idea of simply designing molecules with needed properties
category theory can generalize formal connections between instead of performing trial-and-error drug searches (Stokes
seemingly diverse domains, it has been hypothesized as an
et al. 2020). Treating the pathway not the condition is a sources towards the maintenance of proteostasis (protein
new ethos in systems biology (Gschwind et al. 2023). homeostasis) (Wolff et al. 2020).
Semaglutide Boom. Adding to aging clocks and aging
The Longevity Mindset biomarkers as actionable approaches to longevity is the
Another mindset shift is considering aging as a treatable surprise that 3% of Americans may already be taking an
disease instead of a natural and inevitable condition of life. anti-aging drug without knowing it. Named Science’s 2023
The World Health Organization updated its International breakthrough of the year, semaglutide weight loss drugs
Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in 2022 for a diagnos- (GLP-1 agonists such as Wegovy, Ozempic) may also have
tic category of “ageing associated decline in intrinsic ca- cardiac benefits and an anti-inflammatory role in the brain-
pacity” (Rabheru et al. 2022). Reducing suffering through gut axis (Wong et al. 2023). Semaglutide is a medication
longevity therapies could be a worldwide priority given the which mimics the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) hor-
“senior tsunami” of 20% of the world’s population esti- mone released in the gut to help the body feel full, produc-
mated to be 60 or older in 2050 (United Nations 2017). ing insulin and reducing blood sugar (glucose). The digital
Longevity is a high-quality healthy lifespan of vitality, en- health divide is a pressing concern as on the one hand,
ergy, and wellness, contra aging as the exponential decline Wall Street analysts estimate that worldwide spending on
in homeostatic capabilities leading to age-related diseases semaglutide, mostly not covered by insurance, could reach
and death. Phased population-level interventions may be $100 billion by 2035 (Adegbesan 2023). On the other
required to slow and stop aging, reverse accumulated ag- hand, over a billion people worldwide (one in eight) cannot
ing, and maintain homeostasis (stable equilibrium). afford basic healthcare (WHO 2023). Implementing lon-
Longevity Clocks. The tool for measuring age and inter- gevity protocols to extend healthy lifespan could become
vention impact is aging clocks which compare biological an ethical imperative and a matter of equity, access, equiv-
age to chronological age. Aging clocks include epigenetic, alency, and novel business models.
transcriptomic, glycan, metabolomic, and telomere length Longevity – There’s an app for that~! The longevity
clocks at the organism and organ level. Blood tests meas- revolution could be by app – implemented with Health
ure these factors, for example, the plasma protein signature Agent wearables, sensors, patches, apps, and 3D printers,
for eleven organ-specific aging clocks (brain, muscle, ar- monitored by longevity physicians, with digital twin part-
tery, heart, lung, immune, liver, kidney, pancreas, adipose, ners (virtual patient simulations). Wearables capturing
intestine) to find 20% of 5,676 adults with accelerated ag- temperature, sleep quality, and heart rate variability pro-
ing in at least one organ (Oh et al. 2023). Epigenetic clocks vide addressable early-warning signs for various patholo-
confirmed the rejuvenation of six tissues getting younger gies (Alavi et al. 2022), for example sleep quality predict-
as measured by DNA methylation values (in an animal ing type 2 diabetes onset by ten years (Komine et al. 2016).
parabiosis model) (Horvath et al. 2024). Technology-savvy populations suggest an uberized (wide-
Aging clocks may be used in concert with biomarkers of spread accessible via mobile technology) approach to
aging (Moqri et al. 2023; Science China Life Sciences healthcare and longevity therapy delivery, as Deloitte con-
2023) and ageotypes (phenotypic age-typing by metabolic, firms 90% worldwide mobile phone penetration in 2017
immune, liver, and kidney health) (Ahadi et al. 2020) in (80% worldwide smartphone penetration; 81% in emerging
targeted longevity interventions. The aim is turning the bi- markets) (Wigginton et al. 2017).
ological clock back in 10-year periods (e.g. a 70–80-year- Forward-looking countries are targeting longevity as a
old having the muscle health of a 60–70-year-old), and government policy initiative with goals for healthy citizen-
then possibly maintaining all persons at a desired biologi- ry with +5-year healthspans in Singapore (the sixth “Blue
cal age which may be 20-40 (Bischof et al. 2023). Zone” country) and Arab states (Kalin 2023). Health is
Longevity Interventions. The experimental evidence for emerging as a competitive currency and basic human right
longevity interventions continues to grow (Orr et al. 2024; for human potentiality (Nussbaum 2003). The XPRIZE
Blagosklonny 2023; Barzilai et al. 2016; Matysek et al. Longevity Prize was announced in November 2023 for a
2023; Soh et al. 2023; Fahy et al. 2019). Suggested gero- therapeutic intervention to restore muscle, cognitive, and
protective medications and supplements include rapamy- immune function 10-20 years in 65–80-year-old popula-
cin, metformin, senolytics, acarbose, spermidine, tions within one year. Longevity venture capital, although
NR/NAD+ enhancers, NSAIDs, lithium, glucosamine, gly- down from 2021 peaks, reported 101 deals and USD $1.1
cine, and alpha-ketoglutarate (Partridge et al. 2020; billion for the first three quarters of 2023, sector tracker
Gyanwali et al. 2022). The two leading interventions with Longevity.Technology reported (Newman and Belleza
demonstrable results are rapamycin and metformin, in 2023) and eleven dedicated Longevity venture funds were
combination activating AMPK and decreasing mTORC1 profiled by Forbes (Predin 2023). AI for social good could
signaling which may optimize the allocation of energy re- improve health outcomes and shift the stance of modern
healthcare from reactive “sick care” to proactive wellness ic missense mutations (of 71 million human mutations,
maintenance (Tomasav et al. 2020). 32% are pathogenic) (Cheng et al. 2023). Missense muta-
tions comprise about 58% of all human mutations, fol-
lowed by nonsense (10%), frameshift (8%), splice (6%),
Generative AI and Biology insertion-deletion (5%), and other (13%).
Natural language is the first area of demonstrable genAI
progress, however, biology may be orders of magnitude
Digital Twins and Biology
more complex including because the “ruleset” is unknown.
Whereas one of the largest open-source foundation models, A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical ob-
LLaMA, has 65 billion parameters (learnable weights be- ject, person, or process, estimated by McKinsey to be a
tween entities) (MetaAI 2023), state-of-the-art protein $48.2 billion industry in 2026 (Borden 2023). Digital twins
models have 100 billion parameters (Chen et al. 2023), and are used to model manufacturing operations and infrastruc-
genome language models may require even more. An ef- ture. Singapore completed the first digital twin of an entire
fort could be made to formalize biological computational country (Virtual Singapore) in 2022. In healthcare, virtual
complexity classes (protein structure, protein-protein inter- patient models are used for procedure simulation, medical
actions, genomes, pathways) from earlier graph visualiza- education, clinical research, and drug development. Clini-
tion starting points (Cirillo et al. 2018; Kugler et al. 2010). cal trial simulations of millions of genAI-created virtual
Protein Language Models. Life science AI foundation patients might be routine in the future.
models include BioMap’s xTrimoPGLM (cross-modal in- On the one hand, a long-term vision supports the idea of
teractome and multiomics transformer) with 100 billion pa- there being biomedical digital twins for the world’s 8.1 bil-
rameters as mentioned (Chen et al. 2023) and MetaAI’s lion humans. Each person has an ID number, a MAC ad-
ESM-2(15B) (evolutionary stochastic model) with 15 bil- dress (phone), and a digital twin, immediately implicating
lion parameters (Lin et al. 2022). They represent the pro- new levels of data privacy. On the other hand, healthcare
tein language internally as opposed to beginning with evo- digital twins are not an immediate possibility given the
lutionary MSA (multiple sequence alignment) reads as in complexity of biological systems, the need for large-scale,
AlphaFold2 and RoseTTAFold. Digital biology platforms high-quality data, and the potential for model inaccuracies.
such as NVDIA’s BioNeMo (biological neural modeling) GenAI Digital Patient. One project proposes a genAI
offer pretrained drug discovery models as a cloud service. digital patient platform using two neural networks (Barbi-
Genome Language Models. AI foundation models are ero et al. 2023). A GNN forecasts clinically relevant end-
being developed in genomics for sequencing and analysis. points (e.g. blood pressure) and a GAN (generative adver-
In sequencing, DeepVariant is a Stanford-led transformer sarial network) critically examines these endpoints with
project that holds the Guiness Book of World Records for patient omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, prote-
the fastest human genome sequenced (5 hours 2 min, on 16 omics). The method was tested on the pathological effects
Mar 2021, still unbeaten as of February 2024). The Deep- of overexpressing ACE2 in cardiovascular function across
Consensus project uses a gap-aware sequence transformer different signaling pathways. Another project proposes pa-
to reduce read errors by 42% as compared with hidden tient2vec as a longitudinal EHR systems, treating EHR
Markov models as the traditional sequence-reading method systems at the level of math instead of data for expedient
(Baid et al. 2023). DNAGPT is s transformer performing analysis and interoperability (Zhang et al. 2018). A block-
sequence classification through numerical regression and a chain-based system for healthcare digital twins has also
comprehensive token language (Zhang et al. 2023). been outlined (Akash and Ferdous 2022).
In genome analysis, there are various projects focused Longevity Twins. Homeostatic health could be Turing-
on building genome-scale language models such as Hye- complete (a format running on any platform, biological or
naDNA, training on whole-genome datasets to model indi- machine; digital twin or biological counterpart). Digital
vidual mutations (Nguyen et al. 2023). The idea is to be twins started for longevity medicine could extend to future
able to prompt ChatGPT with an entire human genome to BCI (brain-computer interface) and connectome projects.
identify mutational profile risks and interventions (e.g.
which aging clocks to start with in precision health pro-
grams). Other projects include DNABERT for making pre- Blockchains
dictions about transcription factor binding sites, scBERT Blockchains are secure distributed ledger systems provid-
trained on scRNA-Seq (single cell RNA sequencing) data ing a database for resource allocation and an immutable
to predict gene-gene interactions, and Enformer for making record of event histories. Cryptocurrencies is one applica-
predictions about long-range interactions in the genome. tion of blockchains but there are others. Blockchain sys-
AlphaMissense uses protein structures to predict pathogen- tems are a foundational information technology with dif-
ferent implied levels, one for monetary exchange (spot- tists can have more control over research agendas, IP own-
market transactions and over-time contracts), and another ership, rights licensing, remuneration, and fundraising.
for large-scale system design using economic principles to Science is a public goods interest and DeSci could help ac-
produce non-economic outcomes, e.g. health (Swan 2015). celerate scientific discovery, particularly in the urgency to
The general concept of blockchain design is using al- develop worldwide personalized longevity interventions.
ways-on global decentralized networks as the basis for Example projects include LabDAO (an open science col-
peer-provided infrastructure to supply and maintain public laboration community) and VitaDAO (specific to longevity
goods such as an economic system, file storage, IP man- research). (A DAO is a distributed autonomous organiza-
agement, and longevity twins. Notably, blockchains are the tion, an entity formed with blockchain-based smart con-
first example of planetary scale democracy as a decentral- tracts, with some level of automated administration.)
ized multiagent system of voting and governance coordi-
nating millions of participants via consensus algorithms. Blockchain Healthcare Digital Twins
Economics is a language with its own syntax of value The healthcare delivery system of the future could be one
creation, discovery, preference, and exchange. Blockchain orchestrated by health agents and healthcare digital twins,
development methods consider resource-aware program- as physicians oversee the smart health ecosystem by app
ming languages (resource typed languages) and economic (e.g. Virtusan), assessing data collected with wearables and
markup language (EML). Digital currencies have rich fea- pre-processed by health agents. More sophisticated moni-
tures that can be exploited in design. One is demurrage toring over time could include on-skin patches, smart-toilet
currencies which expire, forcing users to spend and not analytics, and automated smoothie dispensers. Longevity
hoard the token. This applies to budgets and HSA (health trackers could leverage the positive reinforcement success
savings) accounts, and also health which can be conceived of fitness trackers “You helped extend your healthspan!”
as a “use it or lose it” currency that must spent or lost. Blockchains are suggested as a platform for healthcare
digital twins for several reasons. First is the usual notion of
Blockchains in Biology blockchains for secure multi-party access to a single un-
Blockchains are used in health and biology for secure data changeable event history. Second is proof attestation to
transfer, supply chain logistics, chain-of-custody tracing, track the efficacy of interventions (insurance companies
and clinical trials. MediLedger is a global pharmaceutical are already considering using aging clocks in actuarial ta-
supply chain blockchain (led by Pfizer, Amgen, and Gile- bles). Third is an interoperable overlay for integrating mul-
ad) completing a pilot program with the U.S. FDA in 2023 tiple omics data streams and EHRs. Fourth is blockchain
towards the 2023 Drug Supply Chain Security Act. Triall is design principles for modeling non-economic aspects such
a clinical trials blockchain platform conducting a two-year as homeostasis as its own “bioeconomy.” Fifth is the abil-
multi-center pulmonary arterial hypertension clinical trial ity to add genAI technologies to the secure health stack
with the Mayo Clinic. BloodChain is a blood donation with Health Agents as the “user” of the blockchain
network managed with blockchains. healthcare digital twin; blockchains both track and facili-
Genome Blockchains. The scale of contemporary sci- tate the deployment of AI agents. Health Agents could help
ence (million-patient studies involving 30 GB whole- the digital twin learn its own longevity protocol.
human genome files from sixteen sites (Bellenguez et al. Blockchain Healthcare Digital Twins for Longevity. The
2022)) implies new models for its conduct. Biology sci- complexity of pathways and processes in the human body
ence labs must consider genome sequencing, storage, can be modeled in the blockchain healthcare digital twin as
transfer, and analysis; together with ownership, access, and a multiscalar homeostatic economy of wellness and dis-
privacy concerns. In response, a Toshiba-Tohoku Universi- ease. A blockchain system can instantiate the body, label-
ty project transmitted whole-human genomes for 24 people ing entities as wallet addresses, giving them relevant bio-
in real-time secured with quantum cryptography (Tohoku currency balances, and modeling their activity with smart
University 2020). The direct-to-consumer whole-human contract transactions. The schema allows any level of drill-
genome sequencing company Nebula Genomics mints an down and roll-up for views of the system per the hashing
NFT for a sequenced genome (with structure (e.g. organ, tissue, cellular level). One top-level
DeSci and Longevity DAOs. Blockchain efforts are fur- Merkle root can call the entirety of the body. One lowest-
ther used in DeSci (decentralized science) models for car- level transaction could record the amount of insulin-
rying out internet-scale bioinformatics. Public databases facilitated glucose release into a cell. The complex path-
and network-based code and AI analysis tools suggest a ways of the systems biology of aging (Furber 2019) and
larger scale for the conduct of science. Such “web labs” are their related interventions could be modeled with a block-
accessible to anyone and complement traditional corporate chain smart contract system. As Virtual Singapore’s first
and university-based “wet labs.” In DeSci models, scien- digital twin of a country, the first full digital twin of the
human can be imagined. The eleven-organ aging clocks the homocysteine pathway include B vitamins in various
could have avatorial representation sitting around “the con- forms. The smart contract can test and manage the different
ference table of the body” as the user interface, genAI stat- forms and timing of B vitamin interventions through the
ing their agenda based on real-life biomarker levels. A sim- interactive multi-currency biowallet. The payment channel
ilar idea is forest and ocean avatar representations at the orchestrates the folate balance acting on the homocysteine
UN, with accurately AI-voiced concerns per aggregated pathway to reduce the homocysteine balance. Homocyste-
biosensor-collected data (e.g. VOCs and plankton load). ineCoin and FolateCoin are readily convertible to meta-
Longevity State Machine. A smart contract system is tokens LongevityCoin and BioCoin.
implicated to automate blockchain healthcare digital twins. Bioconsensus. Health Agents can finetune the different
This could be via Ethereum or Polkadot, “world computer” biocurrencies with payment channel smart contracts to
smart contract platforms. These state machines provide learn the optimal personalized longevity protocol. Ideally
“block space as a service,” namely secure computation and the system can self-learn its homeostasis. Smart contract
event-recording. Proof-of-stake (randomized participant- coordinated biowallets could be rewarded by Health Agent
based) mining systems provide a greener alternative to reinforcement learning mechanisms to reach their own bio-
costly Bitcoin proof-of-work mining. consensus as to the truth state constituting optimal longevi-
Smart contract state machines update wallet balances per ty. The biowallet is a useful binary mechanism to target
transactions. Wallets may contain any cargo such as cryp- positive and negative behavior, for example reversing dis-
tocurrencies, NFTs (digital assets), computer memory, ease as “bad player behavior” by assigning negative wallet
identity documents (digital passport), or biocurrencies used balances to missense mutations and transposon activations
by Health Agents to manage longevity programs in that are targeted by the “good actor behavior” of epigenetic
healthcare digital twins. Independent observers (oracles) methylation to earn token and pay down negative wallet
take readings (e.g. from wearables, blood tests, patches, balances. Health Agent blockchain longevity twins could
toilets, and apps), sending attested measurements to the be tested with Lightning Network payment channels.
smart contract system. Aging Clocks Registered at Birth. As biological pro-
Biocurrency Transactions. In a biosystem, there are cesses peak and decline at various stages, some even be-
many different “biocurrencies” circulating to conduct ho- fore birth, a full life-cycle longevity program could be used
meostatic activities. The longevity twin has wallet address- to register aging clocks as wallets at birth. As life proceeds,
es for hundreds of blood biomarkers (e.g. glucose, insulin, balances can be updated to compare biological and chrono-
homocysteine, HS-CRP, Hb1ac, lymphocytes); everything logical age and apply interventions. Blockchain healthcare
seen on a blood test. For example, a homocysteine wallet digital twins are further suggested as the suite of patches
might have an initial balance of 9.0, which is too high, as and in-body electronics may become more extensive with
the desired level of the biomarker may be 5.0. The target subdural implants, Neuralink-type BCIs (brain-computer
protocol is written as a smart contract with logic about the interfaces), and medical nanorobots. Security is crucial as 5
course of action. The intervention to reduce homocysteine million people have implanted pacemakers, some internet-
is folate. Each intervention, supplement, or prescription connected for real-time remote monitoring, automated pac-
drug could likewise have a wallet address and balance that ing therapies, and software updates.
is managed with smart contracts. Given the homocysteine
wallet balance of 9.0, the instruction is for a daily regimen
of 500 mg of folate to start. The folate wallet is activated Health Agents
with a transaction to dispense 500 mg into the smart Health Agents are the concept of an AI system tasked with
smoothie, decrementing the overall monthly balance of precision human health and longevity. Such a personalized
50,000 to 49,500. Wallet entities may have their own bio- health system app-tool entails dialogue and data capture at
currencies (e.g. homocysteine, folate), all of which can be the human-AI interface level and agent-based activity at
converted to BioCoin or some universal currency. the AI infrastructure level to access information, model
Biowallets and Longevity Payment Channels. Health health, and orchestrate intervention. Health Agents are
Agent smart contracts could manage longevity interven- qualitative and quantitative, interacting at both the human-
tions in off-chain payment channels (contractual interac- consumable content-level of personalized health and lon-
tion sequences) for daily interactions settled to the main gevity intervention, and the AI-usable formal-level of
health chain on a weekly or monthly basis. In the payment mathematics describing homeostatic health (possibly in-
channel structure, the homocysteine pathway is a wallet. volving category theory and other formalisms). A digital
Homocysteine is a measurable biocurrency and folate is an twin system is implicated as a virtual model of individual
intervention-currency. Smart contracts obtain measures of health, secured by blockchain smart contracts, user-
pathway biocurrencies from connected sensors and distrib- permissioned for agents to learn by sharing federated data
ute intervention-currencies as a result. The biocurrencies in
(as in vehicular blockchains of self-driving networks) and real-life implementation as there are many important con-
for health care plan or societal level aggregation. For preci- cerns at the foundations of traditional ideas of health, life,
sion longevity, the aim is to have a formal statement of and care, along with R&D and regulatory hurdles and
health (homeostasis) which can be learned by AI Health healthcare system adoption constraints. The use of genAI
Agent systems. The results could be connected to aging for data analysis in biology and medicine is a further sub-
clock, biometrics, and tracking data for a longevity physi- stantial risk with issues related to data quality, interpreta-
cian to review at regular intervals in the Longevity App. bility, and ethical considerations (e.g. hallucinations and
bias), needing attention before Health Agents are deployed.

Aging clocks research has identified pathways not tradi-
tionally targeted by longevity interventions (Oh et al. The build-out of the AI infrastructure is proceeding quick-
2023), hence a first line of investigation for Health Agents ly, both internally and in application to other science areas,
could be implementing aging clocks in a pathway2vec pro- notably biology. Biocomplexity poses a formidable chal-
gram. Pathway2vec is representing biological pathways as lenge, but AI methods have encouraging results in the third
vectors for input to ANNs, in a precedence of approaches wave of digitization. The goal is to harness the new tools
beginning with word2vec (Mikolov et al. 2013), and in- of digital biology to access a larger scope of investigation
cluding math2vec (vector representations of equations), with synthesis between areas and actionable steps. This
gene2vec, SNP2vec, mut2vec, and disease2vec. Related work introduces the concept of Health Agents (personal AI
“cancer2vec” approaches use cluster embedding to identify health stewards realized with blockchain digital health
individual cancer risk (Choy et al. 2019) and patient- twins) as a new idea in human-AI collaboration and intelli-
specific molecular patterns of cancer (Pfeifer et al. 2022), gence amplification. Health Agents provide an interface for
which could likewise model personalized aging-clock tar- not only qualitative knowledge access, but more important-
gets in longevity intervention. One existing pathway2vec ly “non math speaker” access to the growing intensity of
project defines a vector to represent the pathway relation- formal methods in the computational infrastructure. The
ship for pairs of drugs and genes that belong to the same immediate application of Health Agents is healthy longevi-
pathway (Yamagiwa et al. 2023). Another pathway2vec ty, starting to be conceived as a technology, readily im-
project implements a phenotype-driven (instead of target- plementable and optimizable like any other.
driven) approach for identifying compounds to counteract Healthy Longevity and Society. Longevity medicine
disease effects (Gonzalez et al. 2024). aims to extend the healthy lifespan of humans by prevent-
ing and treating age-related diseases and has many poten-
tial benefits for society. First is improving the quality of
Longevity Protocol Testing life and well-being of older adults and families by reducing
The next steps in the realization of precision longevity the burden of chronic diseases, disability, and dependency
medicine could be testing and tailoring proposed protocols (Fried et al. 2022). Second is enhancing the productivity
for personalized intervention (e.g. Partridge et al. 2020, p. and contribution of older adults to the economy, society,
516; Houston 2018 pp. 86-87; Sinclair 2019, p. 304; John- and innovation, by enabling people to work longer, volun-
son 2023, p.1). This entails blood biomarker tests to assess teer, mentor, and participate in civic activities (Accius et
an individual’s ageotype profile of accelerated aging using al. 2022). Third is reducing the healthcare costs associated
eleven-organ system aging clocks (Oh et al. 2023) and oth- with aging, by shifting the focus from treating diseases to
er aging clocks (e.g. epigenetic) (Horvath et al. 2024). promoting health and preventing disease (OECD 2019).
Fourth is creating new opportunities and markets for vari-
ous industries, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals,
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