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This test gives an idea to the Psychologist regarding how deep the candidate has knowledge about him,

he knows his Qualities and Shortcomings or not.
In this test the candidate is required to write 5 paragraphs in 15 minutes on
 What his Parents, Teacher/Employer, Classmates/Friends,
 Candidate’s own opinion about himself
 What qualities he would like to develop for the future
How to write good in self description test in SSB
 Positive and negative opinion about you.
 Your Personal Interview will be based on your Self-Description. The interviewing officer will read this
before you enter into the interview room. He/she will cross check your Self description by triggering
various types of question based on it. So be careful what you write in it.
 Avoid negative points like hyper tension, drinking smoking, temper etc. instead negative traits such as less-
participation skills, public-shy, introvert, weak communication skills etc are better examples of negative
 Be true & Never try to bluff about any of your qualities as the psychologist will easily find it out.
 Never copy a Self description from a book or from the internet as you might fail to remember the same
during personal interview.
Tips on Self description test
 Listen to the instructions given by the Psychologist carefully.
 Emphasise on your personality traits.
 Be strict on what you have write, don’t contradict your self description during personal interview.
 Mention your positive personal traits such as enthusiastic, hardworking, and diligent.
 Talk briefly about where you grew up and your family.
 Mention any accomplishments in short sentences.
 Use appropriate language and grammar.
 Avoid sharing irrelevant negative points.
 On personal opinion use points such as – I want to improve my physical stamina, general awareness,
communication skills, performance in studies/sports/extra co-curricular etc. and achieve my goal.
Examples for Self description test
Generally candidates are required to write Self description test based on
 What do you think of yourself?
 What your parents think of you?
 What your friends think of you?4
 What your teachers think of you?
 What sort of a person you want to become in life?
Below given are some sample examples on Self description test:
Friend’s opinion: My friends say, I am practical person as I put forward my points freely. They always take my
advice in important issues. We share ideas with each other and motivate to achieve our life goals. They feel
happy around me even some of my friends call me brother. We make each other life fun and interesting.
Parent’s Opinion: My parents think that I am a responsible child, they have given me freedom to take
important life decision by myself of-course they make sure that I have the proper guidance. My parents are my
good friends too we always find reasons for having fun together. Though they are not satisfied with my
academics, they think that I can put in sustained efforts to achieve my goals. They say I always put 100 % when
I am determined on any task.
Teacher’s opinion: My teachers will say that I am above average student with good communication skills.
They noticed that I am an active participant of activities whether it is curricular/ extracurricular or non-
curricular. Some teachers considers me as an attentive student and some as non-attentive, it depend on the
Self opinion: I think that I have not done justice to my potential in academics but I have this habit of taking
part in extra activities too. I can say I am an average student with potential beyond my core. I consider myself
responsible and confident with a tad bit laziness here and there because I have noticed people around me
reminding to complete my work.
Parent’s Opinion- My parents think that I am a responsible child, they always give important work to me. They
consider my opinion before taking any important step My parents love my and always try to motivate me to do
well. Though they are not satisfied with my academics, they think that I can put in sustained efforts to achieve
my goals. Sometimes we do have difference of opinion but we discuss it out and find an amicable solution. I am
blessed to have such understanding loving and caring parents.
Teacher’s Opinion-My Teachers think that I excel in y practical but has to do some work on my theory. They
motivate me to do better in studies. They have given me responsibilities like school house captain, arranging
plays, etc. In college I was nominated as the head of the cultural society which holds function in college. My
teachers are very understanding and help me when needed.
Friend’s Opinion-My Friends think that I am very lively. They always take my advice in important issues. We
always discuss about our futures and plans what we would do in life. They motivate me that I can achieve
whatever I want. They always give me a responsibility in important family functions. Sometimes there are
differences but we talk and come out with positive results. I have good bond with my friends.
Self Opinion- I think that I have not done justice to my potential in academics. I try to peace my parents at any
cost. I think I am a good friend and try to help them In whatever way I can. I try to take the responsibilities
given to me effectively and do the best. I always try to help my brother and sister whenever they need me.
Qualities I like to Improve-
 I think I can do better in academics.
 I am a bit short tempered and want to do away with it.
 I am a bit overweight and trying to lose weight.
Questions to be asked in self description
1. Write about your strength and weaknesses?
 Should have a good introspection of his/her personality to know and understand your strength and
weakness much better.
 mention all the strengths which you think is most comparable to officer like qualities.
 Coming to your weakness, mention the weakness on which you are working on. If you have some
weakness that you think can be an impediment in your selection, work on it.
 Try to talk & find out more about your weaknesses and your strengths.
What your friends say about you?
 Write the positive traits of your personality. To elaborate more, you can give examples – How they
helped in winning your battles of personal failures to convert them into success? Why do you like
them? How you help them in achieving their aims.
 Give examples how you help during their problem, during their ups and downs.

 Divide the time to answer each and every questions correctly.

 Do not try to hide your weaknesses, if you do so you will never come out of it.
 Cleverly mention you strong points which shows some OLQs.
 Do not contradict with the matter written in your PIQ form, be careful.
 For example if you say in self description that, you want to learn swimming and on the other hand
you write a story in TAT in which your hero is swimming across a river, you will be contradicting
your own statment then and it will leads to bad personality .
 Effective Intelligence
 Reasoning Ability
 Power of Expression
 Self Confidence
 Determination
 Organizing Ability
 Initiative
 Courage
 Cooperation
 Sense of Responsibility
 Stamina
 Group Influencing Ability
 Liveliness
 Social Adaptability
 Speed of Decision

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