If You Were Only Mine

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If you were only mine

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/30613757.

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball
Relationship: Akashi Seijuurou/Furihata Kouki
Characters: Akashi Seijuurou, Furihata Kouki, Mibuchi Reo, Nebuya Eikichi,
Hayama Kotarou, Mayuzumi Chihiro, Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagami Taiga,
Akashi Masaomi
Additional Tags: Royalty, Prince Akashi pretends to be a librarian, and falls in love with
an adorable dork, AkaFuri Day, Jealousy
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-04-11 Words: 3,445 Chapters: 1/1
If you were only mine
by LunaP95


When the heir of Rakuzan turns 18 all the kingdoms celebrate for three months so he can find
a consort. Dreading meeting someone who only sees him for his crown, prince Akashi
Seijuurou hides in the library only to meet Furihata Kouki, the Seirin librarian. Now a month
later, Akashi is still pretending to be just another librarian while he falls deeply in love with
the young brunet, but their time together is ending and Akashi cannot help himself but be
jealous of all the people that can have Furihata when he doesn't have the same chances... or
maybe he does?


Hey, hey, hey gotta admit I'm not exactly happy about the result but well, I had fun writing
this which is the important thing. This is sort of a continuation of Chapter 7 of the Kuroko
Valentine Challenge, you don't have to read it but it will surely help you understand the story
better and is super short (come on guys don't be lazy). Anyway hope you enjoy it!

See the end of the work for more notes

When his father first told him about the Akashi tradition, he was just 10. King Masaomi spent
hours talking about how important that dance was for him, how he met Shiori in the gardens
and spent three months meeting each other. It was the longest his father had talked to him
since his mother died so Seijuurou treasured the memory for years. Things had not really
gone well after that. His father distanced even more from him and the pressure of being the
next king of Rakuzan tore his friendships with the other princes at Teiko Academy apart.
Without Kuroko he would have probably ended alone and bitter, with only hate filling his
heart. But his cousin defeated him in a fair fight and showed him there was much more than
life than victory. So of course, when the celebrations were coming close Akashi insisted on
inviting all of Seirin. The aristocracy in Rakuzan probably saw it as a way of measuring the
new kingdom but Akashi could not care less about that. Queen Riko and King Hyuuga may
be young but their leadership was marvellous, although their son Kagami did not seem to
share the same intelligence.

“Kagami might be a bit dumb, but he is a great leader,” the library was empty that afternoon
and the sunlight danced on his brown locks making his hair look like a chocolate sea.

“Kouki,” his name tasted like honey on his lips. Akashi could spend hours and hours just
saying it for the mere pleasure of it. “You only say that because he is your childhood friend.”

“Maybe, but doesn’t that give me a better insight of his personality?”

If he was being sincere, Akashi could not care less about the personality of Kagami Taiga.
But the brown eyes of Furihata Kouki shined every time he talked about Seirin and the
people who live there with him. Since that night a month ago when he found the young
librarian in the royal library he could not take the boy out of his head. Maybe it was his
honesty, or his will to keep trying no matter what. Or the fact that he had no idea he was the
actual prince of Rakuzan and believed he was a fellow librarian. Akashi was starting to regret
his lie a little bit because now he had to be extra careful of Kouki not seeing him outside the
library, but he would do anything to preserve moments like this when it was just the two of

“Anyway,” Furihata left a book fall in front of him. “Remember how you asked me about my
research about Seirin’s ancient history? I found an old book dating back to the Teiko Empire,
when the five kingdoms were still one, and guess what.”

“I fail to see how this has anything to do with Kagami’s leadership skill but please continue.”

“It does!” Furihata pouted. Akashi was so tempted to hold him in his arms and kiss him.
“Because I have found evidence that Seirin existed back then.”

“That’s impossible.”

“But it isn’t” he smiled. “Back then Seirin was just a tribe but they held a power called ‘Light
and Shadow’, suppose to bring the best of his people.”
“And you think Kagami might also have this,” guessed Akashi. He was actually quite
surprised, not for the mentions of that power as his advisors believed it a possibility when
they faced Seirin, but that Furihata had found such a hidden piece of information. How
mistaken were those who thought the strength of Seirin was in their prince when actually his
success was due to Furihata’s research.

“Probably, it is just a theory for the moment. I’m afraid I won’t be able to prove it until I get
access to the royal collection.”

“I’m sure you get the permission.”

Akashi wished he could simply take his hand and led him to his private collection. Would his
eyes shine in front of such a source of knowledge? Would Furihata then return the same look
of adoration he dreamed every night? But Akashi was not ready to reveal that information
yet, he wanted to enjoy these little moments in which Furihata saw him as he was, without
his title and his crown getting in the way. For the time being, the secret must be kept as he
was not going to lose the bond he had formed with Kouki.

Not if he wanted to convince him to marry him.

Because under all prognostic, Akashi actually enjoyed spending this time with this ordinary
man who could talk about hours about the things he loved, who seemed to trip on thin air
every time he walked. Who treated him as a person and not as a mean to get something. So
after the first week, Akashi noticed he would probably never find someone as fit as Furihata
to be by his side. And the moment the idea popped in his head he could not stop thinking
about it.

“He is the perfect option, Reo,” he had said to Mibuchi a week after meeting him. “I could
offer him endless supplies for his research in exchange and the issue of a partner would be
forever solved.”

“You say it like this a mere contract,” frowned Mibuchi. “Didn’t your mother wanted you to
find true love?”

“True love doesn’t exist, Furihata is a nice person who would make my life easier, that is all.”

How foolish he had been back then, blind to the effect the boy was having on him. It did not
take long for him to realise the strange pull he felt was not of mere convenience but due to a
growing infatuation. Akashi tried to deny as long as he could until one day Furihata had
tripped and fell over him and the feeling of his body against him had awakened things he
never thought he could feel. Now he dreamed of kissing him under the moonlight and
composed poems about chocolate eyes. In Hayama’s term “he got it bad”. But he was not
going to lose time with mere semantics when his effort should be focused on charming
Furihata. And so he had decided he was going to do everything in his power to show him
how wonderful Rakuzan was and how good he could make life for him so that when he
finally asked the real question Furihata would say yes without a doubt.

He would succeed no matter what.

Easier said than done.

In the next month, Akashi had tried absolutely everything to court one Furihata Kouki.
Mibuchi helped him created a beautiful bouquet done with the most exotic flowers of his
personal garden, only to discover that Furihata was allergic to pollen. Not one to give up
easily Hayama and Nebuya helped him to clear the river one evening so he could spend the
day with Kouki on a nice boat, but a sudden storm had crashed their plans. Even Mayuzumi’s
help turned out to be useless as he recommended a book that Furihata found too scary.

“You seem exhausted,” commented Furihata watching Akashi sigh for the umpteenth time.
“Are you okay?”

They were reading in the garden which was mysteriously empty at that time of the day (he
really should give Mibuchi a raise) but due to the heat both of them had ditched their paper
interest in order to sink their feet on the fountain. Furihata had even dared to get into one of
the shallow pools that surrounded the gardens and was now floating while staring at him.

“It’s just the heat,” he lied.

“Hmmm,” Furihata turned his head so that he could look directly at the sky. “You know, Sei,
even if we only know each other for a month or so, I have the feeling we can understand each
other better than other people. So if you ever need to talk about something, just know that
I’m here.”

He could not stop himself from smiling at his words. His feet guided him inside the pool, the
cold water sending shivers down his spine, until he stood right next to him. Furihata was now
talking about how the clouds in Rakuzan seemed brighter than in Seirin but Akashi could
only stare at his lips and how much he wanted to kiss this boy that had only shown him
kindness since the first time they meet.

“You should definitely come to visit me in Seirin. Our library is not as big as this one but it
has a lot of books about folklore and…”

His words interrupted his epiphany with the hard truth. Time was running out, Furihata would
leave in just a month and his relationship had not advanced further than mere friends. His
older self would probably be planning a way of making him stay, whatever it took. And a part
of him was still tempted to do so. Why did he have to come back to Seirin? They already had
Furihata during their whole lives, was not time for other people to enjoy his presence? After
all, for what he had seen the Seirin gang was just a bunch of brute illiterates that could not
appreciate the person Furihata was.

And that was the issue. If it was in his power, he would wrap Furihata in a blanket of love
and safety so that no one could ever hurt him again. But he knew very well his protection was
only not needed but also not wanted. Furihata was like one of those birds that loved to fly
around his garden but never stayed long enough. Always leaving him behind. But he had to
try even if it was just for his own selfishness.

“You could stay,” he said, waiting to see if the words sparked something in Furihata.
“Stay? Here in Rakuzan?” and Kouki laughed as if Akashi just told him the funniest joke. “I
don’t think so.”

“Why not?” his voice sounded desperate, but he could not care less.

Seijuurou was now kneeling over him, his head interrupting the vision of the sky. Furihata
frowned a bit, obviously not happy for the disappearance of his views. He did not understand
why Sei was insisting so much about him moving to Rakuzan. It was pretty obvious someone
like him did not fit in the huge metropolis that was the capital. For the goddess’s sake, he
even hid in the library during the huge dance parties due to his anxiety, living in a place
where everyone was running around all the time would be a complete nightmare. However,
deep down he suspected the reasons behind it. After all, there had not been a single time
when Furihata had seen him with anyone else, so he was starting to think he was probably the
only friend he had. It must be difficult for such a shy person like him to live there.

“It just not done for me…” he simply stated. “What about you? Do you ever think about
moving out of Rakuzan?”

The redhead looked at him in disbelief, still a bit confused as to why was he suggesting such
a thing until he remembered Furihata knew nothing of his real identity.

“I don’t think that’s possible in my case.”

“Well, as I say you can always come and visit me in…”

His words were never truly spoken as Akashi crashed his lips against his before he could
react. Furihata felt his hand over his nape, pushing him up so the impact of the kiss did not
make him sunk in the water. It took him a full minute to truly react to the fiery passion Sei
was showing him but as soon as his brain registered what was happening, the librarian
returned with as much strength as he could, until he found a tongue slip into his mouth.
Furihata melted into the touch, way too lost in the butterflies that were dancing on his
stomach, and let his hands travel up to his hair, tangling his fingers in the red locks. He would
be lying if he said he never notices those looks of pure adoration, but he always believed it to
be a pure imagination of his subconsciousness. After all, who could such an excellent person
like Sei be in love with plain him? Seijuurou deserved someone who could match his brilliant
mind and who did not trip with literal air every time he walked.

But apparently he had been mistaken, if the mouth that was now sucking on his neck was any
proof of it. Although he had entered the pool at the beginning in order to escape from the
heat, the fresh water was not exactly helping especially when their clothes were practically
glued to their skin leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Akashi for his part was
more than happy for that fact and dragged Furihata to his laps while sitting on the corner. His
hand travelled down to his hips, letting himself get lost in the heated moment. A little push
made both of them aware of the results of his make out session and Akashi started to think of
a way to sneak Furihata inside his room without anyone seeing them so he could claim him
forever on his bed when the other pulled back.

“I-I-I-It’s better if… if we… not that I… this is just…” started to stutter.
“Kouki,” he caressed his cheek. “It’s okay, sorry I got carried away.”

“No! I mean, I got carried away too,” his face was now almost as red as his hair.

“Can’t say I’m not happy about that,” Akashi rested his head on his shoulder, letting himself
relax and breathe his scent.

“Yeah, wasn’t expecting you to do that.”

“I hate when you talk about it.”

“About what?” Furihata frowned still a bit confused.

“Seirin,” he acknowledged, hiding his face further on his neck, a bit ashamed. “You always
talk about how great your friends are, how awesome the city is. Do you know how that
makes me feel? Knowing they can have you any time they want when I know our time is

“Are you… are you jealous of my city?”

“… you could stay,” he repeated. “I promise you I could make you the happiest person on
this planet.”

“I don’t doubt that,” smile Furihata leaving a quick kiss on his hair. “But you know I can’t.”

I could order you, a dark thought sparked on his mind. It would be so easy, to use his power
as prince of Rakuzan to keep him here next to him. But he remembered once when he was
just a kid, how he tried to put those beautiful birds in a cage so he could admire them every
day until they died of sadness. He did not want to trap Kouki like that, he deserved to be free
and happy.

He deserved the truth.

“Kouki, I need to tell you something,” he raised his head, looking him in the eyes. “I’m not
who you think I am… you see I’m…”

“Seijuurou!” all color left his face the moment Akashi recognize that voice and his body
freeze while Furihata jumped out of his lap to bow. “Explain right this instant what you were
doing here!”

“Your majesty,” the boy kept his back bent, not daring to look at King Masaomi. “We were
just enjoying the gardens, they are surely the most beautiful…”

“I didn’t ask you,” the king interrupted, obviously not happy. “I’m asking my son.”

“Y-your son?” this time Furihata raised his head a bit, a little confused by his words. “I’m
afraid nor Mibuchi-san or I have seen Prince Akashi.”

“Mibuchi-san?” Masaomi looked between the two boys, noticing how Akashi was now
looking at him with pure horror on his face. His son was now shaking his head, pleading with
his eyes to keep the secret a little bit longer. He should have known he was not going to find
such mercy in his father. “Enough of this nonsense, Seijuurou come with me right now.”

Akashi stood up, his partner looking even more confused now. Because if his brain was
deducing correctly, the kind was calling Seijuurou his son, which could not be true because
his friend, the person with whom he just make out a few minutes ago, was Mibuchi
Seijuurou, librarian of the Rakuzan Royal Library.

“Yes, father.”

His eyes grew impossibly wide with the realization. Akashi threw him a glance, hoping some
kind of understanding but the only thing he saw was hurt. Unable to resist the humiliation,
Furihata whispered a few apologies to the king and ran away. King Masaomi watched as his
son attempted to chase him but finally decided against him, probably knowing right now his
presence would only make everything worse.

“Explain,” he said. “Now.”

“Mother stated in her will that I could marry anyone I wanted,” Akashi turned to glare at his
father. “I do not see how this is any of your…”

“I was not talking about that,” he interrupted again. “As you say you are free to chooatse
whoever you want, but I am under the impression that boy did not know about who you
really are.”

There was a tense pause in which both just stared at each other, Masaomi challenging him
while Akashi reflected on what had just happened. With a sight, Akashi gave up and just sat
again on the border of the pool, feeling defeat again.

“You wouldn’t understand,” the king looked at his son, trying to find the exact moment when
Seijuurou started to slip through his fingers and when exactly did that wall between them
started to appear.

“I already told you how I met your mother during the festivities,” Masaomi sat down next to
him. “What we never told you what how I pretended to be a servant for most of it.”

“You did what?”

“Just like you, the mere idea of my partner in life just wanting for my title disgusted me,”
explained Masaomi. “Your mother got lost in the castle and I told her I was the prince main
assistant. Then we started to spend more and more time together and… the rest is history as
they say.”


“How what?”

“How did she forgive you?” asked while throwing a glance in the same direction the brunet
boy had run.
“Oh well, she got really mad,” Masaomi laughed, and Akashi noticed it was the first time he
heard him do so since his mother passed. “But I kneeled and begged and in the end she
forgave me.”

“Even he does… I don’t believe Kouki would want to stay here.”

“So what? Your mother travelled a lot too, Rakuzan is used to having a consort that doesn’t
fit into the mould,” the kind stood up offering a hand to his son. “And there is no reason why
you cannot spend some time as a diplomatic mission in Seirin. They are a new kingdom after
all, it would surely help to… know them better.”

“I doubt the council is going to be happy about that.”

“Let the council to me,” he turned to continue with his walk but stopped. “You know, if I
remember correctly, that librarian wanted access to our private collection. I’m not saying is
going to make him forgive you, but it will surely help.”

Akashi took his hand, letting his father raise him to his feet and realized how much he had
missed these moments with his father. However, and as much as he was happy for his
newfound connection, there was a more important issue for him right now. Furihata would
probably be venting with Kuroko or one of his Seirin friends at that moment so he needed to
act quickly. He will contact Mibuchi to ask for a beautiful origami bouquet, maybe even
follow his father advice. Now that he had finally found the person who truly made him
happy, Akashi would be dammed if he did not do absolutely everything in his power to beg
for his forgiveness. After all, he might be as heartless as people usually said but the only
reason for that is that his heart did not belong to him anymore.

It belonged to Furihata.


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were the prince!” shouted Furihata. “I should throw
this bouquet on your face!”

“I’m so sorry, Kouki, I promise you I will never ever lie to you my precious love.”

“Pretty words won’t save you,” said the boy already turning away

“… I can also grant you access to the private royal collection?” Furihata eyes shone with

“Now we are talking.”

End Notes

Furi is such a book nerd, I love him

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