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•A resume is a formal document that a

job applicant creates to itemize their
qualifications for a position.
•It is a typically a short and quick way
for a job seeker to introduce
themselves to potential employer.
•A resume communicates your
qualifications, your brand, who you
are, and what makes you different to
employers and recruiters.

Chronological Resume
•It is the MOST common type of a
•A resume format that lists your
professional experience in reverse-
chronological order.
Functional Resume
• A resume format that focuses on your
professional skill test as opposed to
work experience.
•Illustrates work experiences and
abilities by skills areas in order to
highlight strengths rather than specific
positions or dates of employment.
•Often used by people who are
changing careers.
Combination Resume
•Combines elements of both
chronological and functional resume
•Useful for showcasing both work
experience and specific skills relevant
to a job.
•Highlights relevant skills while
providing chronological work history.
STEP 1: Resume should begin with your
name and contact information, including
your email address and phone number.

STEP 2: Summary or Objectives

•An objective statement quickly explains
your career goals

STEP 3: Educational Background

• Relevant coursework
• Grade point average (if above average)

STEP 4: Special Awards

•Participation in clubs or organizations
•Leadership positions held
•Awards, achievements or certifications

STEP 5: Activities and Interest

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