English Project Rishit

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Name: Rishit Kumar

Class: XI-B

Roll No: 4

GR. No: 8080


1. Introduction
2. Understanding Bullying
3. What is Bullying
4. Causes of Bullying
5. Effect of bullying on a victim
6. Effects of Bullying on the doers
7. Summary
8. Bibliography

God has created everyone uniquely. Some are taller but some are
shorter; some are farer than the others but some are darker; some are
brilliant but some are dull; some are faster in doing things but some
are slower; some are stronger but some are weaker and so on. A
person may have many superior qualities and he or she is aware of all
these but despite that he or she never enters any kind of comparison
but he or she accepts all these as unique qualities which God has
bestowed and therefore that person is very humble. We may also find
some people who have one or two or many superior qualities and he
or she uses them to ridicule, persuade forcibly or use power to make
others fear and as a result he or she tries to gain importance. Under
these circumstances bullying comes in and the person who causes this
action is never aware and continues to repeat such action. We are
going to make a thorough study of such aggressive behavior.
Understanding Bullying

A boy named Kant (imaginary name) manages to get admission to a

prestigious school and he is very excited to go to school. On his first
day when he goes to school the teacher introduces him in front of the
class and offers him a seat in the second row. That seat was favorite
seat for someone and therefore when the teacher leaves the class then
he was asked by the boy to leave that seat and sit in the corner seat
at the back. Kant resists but the other boy throws his bag and therefore
Kant had to sit in the corner seat at the back. Kant tells his mother
about it and therefore his mother sends a note to the teacher about the
same. The teacher scolds that boy for his bad behavior and the matter
is over there but the boy starts troubling and mocking at him
everywhere along with his few like-minded friends. This becomes
everyday activity. Kant keeps on complaining to the teachers and the
teachers scold the boy for such behavior but they are unable to stop
this kind of activity completely. The school is unable to take any major
action because major incident has not happened so far. This is very
disturbing for Kant and he is unable to concentrate in his studies. Kant
is very much disturbed due to their irritating behavior and many a
times he keeps quiet. When he tries to mingle with others then this boy
goes and tell them not to be friends with him so out of fear those
children keep away with him. This act is a clear example of bullying.
What is bullying

Bullying can be defined as an act of aggressive behavior by one person

against another which is common in school. This is also an intentional
act carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and over time
against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself. Bullying can
be repetitive over time, and there are times when it could have
physical, mental, and psychological impacts on the bully and the

This is very unfortunate that our country India does not have any legal
policy which can handle bullying in schools. In other words, bullying
is not technically illegal unless and until these result into any severe
mishappening. If a person commits the act of bullying and as a result
the victim commits suicide then it becomes a crime. The bullied will be
liable for the abetment of suicide under Section 306 of the Indian Penal

In other words, the law will act only at the consequences of bullying.
The law does not prevent the act of bullying. Therefore, bullying is
recurrent in the schools and so the school which is supposed to make
a child into an adequate member of the society, ironically it becomes a
place which the child starts hating and the place becomes a place of
mental agony.
Reasons of Bullying

 Unable to channel their emotions and they extract them out to

 To imitate the people, they respect the most.
 To show their dominance and popularity in school or elsewhere.
 They are unhappy with their lives.
 They bully the victims to get what they want.
 Victims of bullying also cause bullying other weaker people.
 Bullying is done out of loneliness.
 Bullying is done to attract attention of others.
 Bullying also done by such people when they are unable to
compete with other person.
 Frustration and failure also result in bullying.
 Stubborn nature also results in bullying.
Effect of bullying on a victim

 The victim would isolate themself or would resort to self-harm.

 Bullying disrupts any chance to learn new things and form new
 A person would suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and other social phobias.
 A person's self-esteem and self-confidence would damage
beyond repair.
 A person who gets bullied would often have anti-social behavior,
substance abuse, and even become aggressive.
 The person would become depressed and would want to avoid
going to school
 Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test
scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss,
skip, or drop out of school
Effects of Bullying on the doers

 The kids who bully are most likely to:

 Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults
 Get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school
 Engage in early sexual activity
 Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults
 Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children
as adults

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming

and humiliating others, specifically those who are smaller, weaker,
younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully.

I, therefore, agree to the fact that Bullying causes a great deal of

emotional harm to individuals, and being a victim of bullying is a major
reason why many young people drop out of school. Bullying also
harms society at large by creating a source of aggression and violence;
those who bully are at increased risk of engaging in criminal behavior
as adults.

Henceforth, I support the view that the Bullies should be expelled from
the school.





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