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Visual Techniques – Vocabulary

Action Angles Associating Colour Demand

Offer Repetition Shots Vectors

Term Definition
Using the same words or symbols.

Creating a symbolic connection between

a brand and a feeling or idea.
Characters making eye contact with the
What is happening in the image itself.

Characters looking away from the viewer.

Comes in long, medium, and close-up

varieties that change how much of the
character the audience can see.
Lines that lead the eye towards action.

Linked to height and can shower power,

weakness, emotion or movement.
Often connected to symbols and feelings,
can draw attention to different parts of the
View the commercial:

Always #Likeagirl

1. When have you ever heard the term “like a girl” used? Did you think it was said in a
way hurtful way?

2. How have elements of social media been included in the advertisement?

3. Outline how visual techniques have been used to break gender stereotypes in the
Describe how products are marketed towards:

Female Male
Analysing Advertisements

Complete the table.

Technique Effect

Vector lines

Salient image


1. Describe the gender stereotypes that are present in this advertisement.



2. Who is the target audience for this ad?


3. Why wouldn’t this ad be appropriate anymore?


Write a persuasive response to the prompt: Does advertising change people’s ideas about gender?

Topic: Advertising…….
Explain your
position and what
you will be talking

Example: This can be seen in the use of………

Provide two
examples and
techniques from
the ad above.

Explain: These techniques……..

How does this
example prove
your opinion.

Link: Through the use of ________ and _________ techniques the ad

Tell us how you shows…...
have answered
the question.

2 Stars and a wish:

Name of partner reading paragraph: _______
1. I like_________________________________________
2. I like _________________________________________
3. I wish ________________________________________

Draw a gender-reversal of the original ad in your book and label the visual techniques you use.
Analysing Advertisements:

1. Label the visual features of the images below.

2. What is this advertising?

3. Explain the gender stereotypes displayed in this text.

4. Explain how the written text supports the idea of the image.

5. How have visual techniques been used to reinforce gender stereotypes?

Activity: Gender swapped ads

1. Form pairs.
2. Create a poster ad that markets traditionally feminine
products to boys or masculine products to girls.
Advertising techniques you may want to consider
● A product's shape.
● Colour palette.
● Slogans.
● Fonts.
● Images.
● Testimony.
● Facts and statistics.
3. Write a 100-word rationale explaining what
persuasive, visual and marketing techniques you used
to appeal to the opposite gender.

Topics to choose from are:

● Makeup for men.

● Violent video games for girls.
● Laundry for men.
● Hardware products for women.
● Televising women's sport.

● Another topic in consultation with your teacher

Representations of gender in advertising – LEGO

1. What ideals and traits are these ads promoting in young girls?


2. What visual techniques is the ad using to promote these ideas?






3. Why is it important for texts to show alternatives to gender stereotypes?

Texts shape the way people think about gender, therefore it is important to subvert gender stereotypes
because… _______________________________________________________________________________
Analysing Advertisements – Practice Questions
1. What is this advertising?




2. Why wouldn’t this be an appropriate ad for today?




3. Explain how the written text supports the idea of the image.




4. How have visual techniques been used to reinforce gender stereotypes?










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