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VishwakarmaInstituteofTechnology, Pune-37

Department of Multidisciplinary

Division B

Batch 3

GR-no 12320155

Rollno 77


Title: Assignment No.-3

Description: Design and Execute "SELECT" queries using conditional,

logical, like/not like, in/not in, between...and, is null/is not null operators in
where clause, order by, group by, aggregate functions, having clause, and set
operators. Use SQL single row functions for date, time, string etc.


1. Select all books published after the year 2000:


2. Select books with titles containing the word 'Harry':

3. Select authors who have written more than 2 books:

4. Select books with publication years between 1980 and 2000, ordered by publication year:
5. Select authors who have written books in the genres 'Mystery' or 'Science Fiction':

6. Select authors who have not written any books:

7. Count the number of books published in each genre:

8. Select the genre with the highest number of books:

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