SBW Quiz 2

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SBW Quiz 2

1. Declarative Sentence
A declarative sentence states a fact or an argument and ends with a full stop / period. The
pattern is Subject + Predicate + (Object / Complement / Circumstance), for example:
 America declared war on Japan in 1941.
S P O Cir. of time

Now use the verbs below to write declarative sentences.

a. throw
b. make
c. produce

2. Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark (?). The pattern is
Finite + Subject + Predicate + (Object / Complement / Circumstance)  Yes-no question
 Can you find my umbrella?
 Has anyone seen my torch?

WH + Finite + Subject + Predicate + (Object / Complement / Circumstance)  WH

question, for example:
 Where will we meet Simon?
 What's the capital of Peru?

Now use the verbs below to write interrogative sentences (both yes-no and WH
interrogative sentences)
a. break
b. drive
c. spoil

3. Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory sentence conveys a strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark
(!). It is a more forceful version of a declarative sentence that conveys excitement or
emotion. For example:
 You were meant to be back yesterday! (expresses anger)
 Jeepers! You scared the life out of me! (expresses surprise)
 We won! (expresses happiness)
 This puzzle is driving me up the wall! (expresses frustration)
 You're adorable! (expresses love)
 It's a boy! (expresses joy)
 I'm really going to miss this place! (expresses sorrow)

Now use the verbs below to write exclamatory sentences.

a. amaze
b. sound
c. look
d. lose

4. Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence is a command or a polite request. It ends with an exclamation
mark (!) or a full stop / period. The pattern is:
(Please), Verb 1 + Indirect Object + Direct Object
 Fetch my umbrella!
 Please bring my umbrella.

Finite + Subject + Predicate + (Object / Complement / Circumstance) + (please) 

Indirect request
 Can you get that umbrella for me, please?

Now use the verbs below to write imperative sentences.

a. pass
b. move
c. set

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