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1) Q: What is your name?

A: My name is [Your Name].

2) Q: How old are you?

A: I am [Your Age] years old.

3) Q: Where are you from?

A: I am from Sri Lanka.

4) Q: What is your favorite color?

A: My favorite color is [Your Favorite

5) Q: Do you like Sri Lankan food?

A: Yes, I like Sri Lankan food.

1st day Breakout Rooms V3 Speaking club 27-day English speaking course
6) Q: Can you speak Sinhala?
A: Yes/No, I can/cannot speak Sinhala.

7) Q: What is your favorite Sri Lankan

A: My favorite Sri Lankan dish is [Dish,
e.g., rice and curry].

8) Q: Have you visited Kandy?

A: Yes/No, I have/have not visited Kandy.

9) Q: What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?

A: The capital city of Sri Lanka is Colombo.

10) Q: What do you do for a living?

A: I am a [Your Occupation, e.g., student,

1st day Breakout Rooms V3 Speaking club 27-day English speaking course
11) Q: Can you write in English?
A: Yes/No, I can/cannot write in English.

12) Q: What is your favorite fruit?

A: My favorite fruit is [Fruit, e.g., mango].

13) Q: Do you like to drink tea?

A: Yes/No, I like/do not like to drink tea.

14) Q: What is your favorite holiday in Sri

A: My favorite holiday in Sri Lanka is
[Holiday, e.g., Sinhala New Year].

15) Q: Can you count to ten in English?

A: Yes, I can count to ten in English.

1st day Breakout Rooms V3 Speaking club 27-day English speaking course
16) Q: What is the weather like today in
your city?
A: It is [Sunny/Rainy/Cloudy/Windy].

17) Q: What time is it now?

A: It is [Time, e.g., 3:30 PM].

18) Q: How do you go to school/work?

A: I go to school/work by

19) Q: What do you like to do in your free

A: I like to [Hobby, e.g., read, play games].

20) Q: What is your favorite animal?

A: My favorite animal is [Your Favorite

1st day Breakout Rooms V3 Speaking club 27-day English speaking course
21) Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Yes/No, I have [Type of Pet, e.g., a dog].

22) Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: My favorite movie is [Movie Title].

23) Q: What is your favorite subject in

A: My favorite subject is [Subject, e.g.,
Math, English].

24) Q: What is your favorite sport?

A: My favorite sport is [Sport, e.g.,

25) Q: Can you play a musical instrument?

A: Yes/No, I can/cannot play [Instrument,
e.g., guitar].

1st day Breakout Rooms V3 Speaking club 27-day English speaking course

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