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Assignment # 01

subject: informAtion security

submitted by:
mAirA AfzAl
bscs (sec A)
submitted to:
mAm zAinAb
1. Illustrate 10 ways that a user can implement to protect data from loss or
unauthorized access over the network.

Back up regularly:
Regularly backing up your data is crucial for data loss prevention. Whether it’s due to
cyberattacks, natural disasters, or human error, having backups ensures you can restore lost data.
Consider using automated backup solutions that follow your configured schedule.

Keep business software up to date:

Software developers release updates to fix bugs and patch security vulnerabilities. Ensure your
business software is always up to date to protect against cybersecurity threats. Most attacks
exploit newly discovered vulnerabilities, so vigilance is essential.

Password-protect everything:
Implement strong password policies as the first line of defense against unauthorized access.
Encourage employees to create complex passwords and regularly update them. Combining
password protection with other security measures enhances data safety.

Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network):

VPNs create encrypted tunnels for data, hiding it from hackers and minimizing your online
footprint. Employees connecting to business networks or accessing sensitive files should use a
VPN. Invest in a reputable paid VPN service for reliability and premium features.

Install antivirus software:

Modern antivirus software protects against ransomware, spyware, Trojan horses, and other cyber
threats. Regularly update and maintain your antivirus solution to safeguard your data.

Educate employees about data leakage:

Regular security awareness training helps employees understand the importance of data
protection. Teach them about safe practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and handling
sensitive information.

Ensure sensitive data is encrypted:

Encryption adds an extra layer of security. Encrypt data both in transit (e.g., using HTTPS) and
at rest (e.g., full-disk encryption). This prevents unauthorized access even if someone gains
physical access to your devices or servers.

Secure Wi-Fi networks:

Use strong encryption protocols (such as WPA3) for Wi-Fi networks. Change default router
passwords, hide SSIDs, and limit access to authorized devices. Regularly review and update Wi-
Fi security settings.

Regular security audits and assessments:

Conduct periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities. Assess your network, systems, and
policies to ensure compliance with security standards. Address any weaknesses promptly.

Review internal and external traffic:

Monitor firewall and perimeter devices for suspicious traffic. Assess allow lists, ports, and
protocols. Also, review remote administrative access to servers and firewalls. Proper network
traffic segregation is essential.

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