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ee —_—_ | oe i _ cret-208 5 9 S$ cret-2018 10782 DO NOT OPEN THE BOOKLET UNTIL INSTRUCTED CHEMISTRY Max, Marks : 300 i CHEMISTRY Mi hee : ae 2s ime: 2: 30 Hrs. [10] Time 12: 30s. | | [10} | Roll No, For Office Use I j For Office Use | i Marks | | _ Instructions for the Candidate [— | UNIT-1 | Q.No.1 to. 25 | [1 This paper has Four Units. All questions of | | each unit are compulsory. |) Renee 4 gomet al mate song & wh Q No. 1 (A) | wet sitar &1 | |. Unit-1 comprises of 25 multiple choice ques- Q..No. 1 (B) | tions, Each question carries 2 marks. There | | is no negative marking for wrong answer. Q.No. 1 (C) | ‘Answer to this unit is to be given on OMR I Answer Sheet. Q.No. 1 (D) | Forg-1 425 aefteneta mera wee aghtocta i Be 2 Sieh OT Bl Tee TR WR Siw FET BIT UNIT - 11 Q.No. 1 (€) I STL BR WE Oe SOL. OR a 7 I — 3. Unit-II comprises of 10 short answer ‘ques- a fe 1) | |" tons. Each question carries 15 marks and | | has to be answered only in the blank space Q. No. 1 (G) | Provided for it. If any question is answered at wrong place, it will not be evaiuated. Qo. 1 (H) |) gorda 310 ony tir er 81 tes et | 15 Sit or 8 weeks He aT Te aber ara Q.No. 1 (1) we & fee fv ae fe wa Re Tae | BFR YAR OT Iai a fer STOTT Q.No. 1 (3) | [4 Unit-Itl comprises of 2 medium answer ques- | tons, Each question carries 25 marks and las to be answe I Q No. 2(A) |) provided fort on mth blank space JUnit - 11 i SoS 2 ay eh oe wads eo 5 Q.No. 2 (B) | | Sot or al nets wr an sae deer ara | |_SR18 fie Reo me Rice war oe at re) UNIT - IV Q. No. 3 5. Unit-IV comprises of 1 long answer ques- | tion. This question carries 50 Total Mark: marks and 7 Flues has to be answered only in the blank space 4] Provided for it. ary || BOW IV A ht sta se so sis ao get | [RET ar SR Ree me Rew eer oe Signature of Examiner | | ! i | Signature of Invigilator Mote : ease see Tt page for Examiners Mstructions Note 7 Preax aie, a ae 5€€ last page for rest of the Thstructions DAD 6. At the commencement of examination the question booklet will be given to you. You are required to open the booklet and must examine it as instructed below. otter oy aA oe merger smear 2 a ‘ome one wea-gfiror Ghetax Pret Pitsit Saga gaat atta sae wt * Check the question booklet carefully. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced no any extra time will be given. ser gitar a aad ore ate a det gic fat goer oa eo gare on mee at iRae # el, grate Roe ott mo geet ai, ai dia fae & thax oar Peters at ater oe Fab we aR we mE PROT a a a ae merger ae aet at arent ik a & ag afte wae fear arent 7. Ifyou write your name or put any mark on ‘any part of the question cum answer book- let, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries on the cover page, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. cafe an ser oPetar oR Pratt wear at waited & ofa ar ara ar ber ag oh fee fi fom oe cet oT oifooa axa & at sy Te © few srcira tif ox RS ret 8. You have to return the test cum answer booklet to the invigitator at the end of the ‘examination compulsorily and must not carry it along with you outside the examination hall. i wet BR APY OR weaTAR yf wat Fiber wetear at arava ater & cen we sry we We wer A aR Seat 3 a SAE 9. Use of any calculator or log table etc. is prohibited, feet A vor or ames (apace) am at ge aft a auc afer 8) 10. Bringing Mobile or any electronic equipment in examination hall will lead to automatic debarment. ber wer stage sree fot ar ss SORT APY Re: Freee a SET Instructions for the Examiner 1. The Bar-Code stickers must not be tem- pered or removed in any situation. 2. While writing marks in the relevant column, please try not to over-write. Please put your initials, if overwriting is unavoidable. Please write the marks in the relevant col- umn only and should be legible. UNIT -1 Multiple Choice Questions aghiontta re Unit-I comprises of 25 multiple choice questions. answer (A, B, C & D), of which only one is corres the circle corresponding to the option that you think is corre pen only on the OMR Answer Sheet provided with its Book your answer on the OMR Answer Sheet only. were an deere see gant 25 ceteris ks after 2 sia oT # FI ‘ th Baar) & AR Shae we A a see a ir wT he rae ah Te eas th Rees arg aera va oe eT mS TH SE fra awa sax wt carer a1 spent arent Sa SAOQHOOARO SHR ABR 23a TAI lly occuring or- Each question has four alternative ct. To mark your answers, darken .ct with Black/Blue Ball fet. You have to mark 1. Thermosetting polymers 4. Awell known natu (A) Become hard on heating ganometallic comp’ und is (8) Become soft on heating (A) Vitamin B,, Coenzyme (C) Show no effect of heating (B) Chlorophyil (D) Become brittle on heating (C) Cytochrome-P-450 2. In the absence of extemal magnetic . (D) Myoglobin or electric field the energy of degen- 5. Tafel plot in the study of kinetics of erate atomic orbitals is determined (n, {, mand s are quantum numbers) electrode reactions, is plotted be- (A) only byn tween: (B) only by J (A) Current density anc (C) only by mand s | overpotential only by n and by nan (8) Logarithm of Current density (0 3 f the following is correct r verpotential and logarithr resentation of IIkovic equation? (C) Logarithm of Current density and (A) id=607 0 0? mt overpot (8) id=607 n D2? mi? tc eee ( id2607 n DY rm? Be (D) Current density and transfer co- efficient : (0) id=607 n DY? ‘Chemistry (101/2018 ie od To > ‘The product of above thermal rear- rangement is : AN. (A) iN (8) © YSN (0) wa 7. The closeness of data to other data that have been obtained in exactly the same way is : (A) Accuracy (8) Absolute error (C) Relative error (D) Precision 8. The magnetic moment of the com- plex K,(CoF,] is 5.0 4B. The total stabilisation energy will be (A) 0.43, (8) -0.4, + p (C) -2.4a, +3p (0) -1.84, +3p Chemistry (10) /2018 12) & 10. iL cee | Comparison of bimolecular homage. neous and heterogeneous Feaction rates may be expressed as 2 Vet iene 2102 Ae/Ar Vhom /em in which € denotes activation energy. (A) aE = 6 &, hom (0) aE =Average activation energy The product of the following reaction (0) The spectroscopic technique used fo. identifying the intermolecular hydro- gen bonding is : (A) UV-vis spectroscopy (8) mass spectroscopy (C) IR spectroscopy (0) EPR spectroscopy 12. 13. The halogen which is most easily re- duced is : (A) Fy (8) Cl, (c) Br, (0) 1, Ina bimolecular surface reaction an difference obvious between Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Langmuir-Rideal mechanism can be obtained on plotting rate versus con- centration of one of the reactant at constant concentration of the other reactant : (A) In Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, no maxinum is ob- tained. (B) In Langmuir-Rideal mechanism. a maximum is obtained. (C) In Langmuir-Hinshelwood ism rate gives first or- mee der tending to become zero or der kinetics. (D) In Langmuir-Rideal mechanism rate gives first order tending to become zero order kinetics. try 10) 2048 14, 16. . The Concentration of sodium stearate solution is increased from low con- centration region upto critical micel- lar concentration (CMC). On measur- ing electrical conductivity of the so- lution at different stages itis observed that : (A) Conductivity increases with in- creasing concentration (B) Conductivity decreases with de- creasing concentration Conductivity decreases initially but rises sharply at CMC (D) Conductivity increases initially but decreases sharply at CMC actinoids showing +7 oxidation state are (A) U, Np (B) Pu, Am (C) Np, Pu (D) Am, Cm What will be the Rf value of a TLC work in which the distance from the centre of spot to the initial point is 4 cm and distance from the beginning to the solvent front is 16 cm? (A) 0.25 (B) 4 (c) 12 (D) 0.8 17. Whatis the product obtained by heat- ing the following allylic ether of phe- nol CHyCH = CH Cl, on OH a oo = CH Cyl, CoH CH,CH = CH, OH Sts 1 CH-CH=CH, (c) cats CH-CH=CH, o AS Ho Predict the product in the following O-CH,-CH=¢H, CH, CH, Zo oe reaction CH, a h SU CHyCH = om CH = CH, Hy, a O} CH. (olen ql CH: (0) ° Chemistry (10)/20f@2CH = CH, [4] 19. The magnitude of pressure Used jp, HPLC technique is of the order of; (A) 100 psi (8) 150 psi (C) 1000 psi (D) 50000 psi 20. In the square ligand field, the 3d-or- bital will split into : (A) One level (B) Two level (C) Three level (D) Four level : 2.09 NaCl is dissuived in 100 mL of water. IF K, and K, are the elevation in bioling point and depression in freezing point constants then for this solution 22. The following tetraene upon photoly- sis gives! | Me —™, Me Me (A) h, “Me ee Me (e) — Me yy Me (0) 0 6 23. Of the three types of systematic er- rors encountered in chemical analy- sis which is most difficult to identify and correct? (A) Instrument errors (8) Method erro (C) Personal errors (D) Allare equally difficult to identify and correct 24. An example of a hexadentate ligand is: (A) 2, 2'- bipyridyl (8) Ethylene diamine tetraacetate ion (C) Dimethyl glyoxime (D) Iminodiacetate ion 25. Derivation of Debye-Hiickel limiting law equation is based on : (A) Poisson equation (B) Poisson equation and Boltzmann distribution * (C) Poisson equation, Boltzmann distribution and [ Zep] /kT << 1 (0) Poisson equation, Boltzmann distribution and [+Ze4]/kT >> 1 © UNIT - IT Short Answer Type Questions ag ata This Unit comprises of 10 short answer questions. Please answer each question in about 75 words. Each question carries 15 marks. 5 Geng H 10 ony erehe e e HeA HEAHT T TIT 75 Te A fe a 15 sia Biel > 1 (A) What do you understand by term 18-crown-6-complex? OR Give some important reasons for using a supporting electrolyte in voltammetry. oR (NiCI,}* is paramagnetic while {Ni(CO),) dral, Why? i OR oe Primary and secondary salt effects on the reaction rates in solution phase. | Yo c a? is diamagnetic though both are tetrahe- i( B) Methyl protons of 1-methyi cyclohexene appear at higher field (5 1.70) than me- thy! protons in toluene (5.2.30), Exptain, oR Why is flameless atomic absorption Spectrometry more sensitive than flame atomic absorption spectrometry? OR Calculate the 'spin only’ Magnetic moment of M?+(aqu) ion (2=27). OR Define ion association in case of strong electrolytes. € en “When 2-bromobutane is subjected to elimination with oe ion, the majo, (Saytzoff) product 2-butene is prominant with elimination conducted wit, tert.butoxide on as the base, instead more of 1-butene (Hofmann product) i formed, explain. ay oy-¢ -08 1 CH; CH-CH,CH ; =] CHCH=CHCH, CH,"= CHCH,CH, OR Give 3 important advantages of using dropping mercury electrade in polarography oR Which is stronger reducing agent Cr2* or Fe** and why? OR \ Dobe importance of over-voltage, Ve (@) "j0), What do You understand from Frontier orbital and orbital symmetry, 100) OR hy water Is not Used as a solvent in 1p Spectroscopy? y w ; hich ofthe 3d-series of the transition meta whict tion states and why? OR fferentiate between Physicaj and Chemical adsorption. Diffe 1 (E) Comment on the stereoisomerism of 2-methyl cyclohexanol. OR Why is TMS used as a standard reference in NMR spectroscopy? OR Explain Screening effect. OR Write briefly about Adsorption Curves. ; What is a blank? Explain OR Why does separation of lanthanide is difficult? OR Show that higher the temperature, larger is the value of partition function. 1 (G) Why CHCl, is more rea OR Distinguish between Accuracy and Precision. OR Why Ce(III) can be easily oxidised to Ce(IV)? OR Show that for a van der Waals gas [Mp =a/V? @ Chemist trv 40) 19) 2018 tive than CHF, is SEI reaction. , 1 (H)_Rank the following carbanions in decreasing order of stability. Benzyl, phenyl, neopentyl, n propyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl. OR Distinguish between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. OR What is CFSE? Explain. OR . Derive equation showing entropy in terms of partition function. rss 1@) What are non-classical carbocations? OR What is synergistic extraction? Explain. OR Write electronic configuration of Ce?*(z=58); Eu’* (z=63); Gd(z=64) & Lu? (z=71). OR Show that Lindemann theory of unimolecular reactions predicts that @ secone order gaseous reaction becomes kinetically of the first order at sufficiently higher pressures. 4 1 (2) _ Arrange the following ligands in decreasing order of priority, (a) ~CH{OH)CH,, -OH, ~COOH, ~CH,OH (b) ~CH,NH,, NO,, ~C = N, -NH, oR Define R, value OR Describe protolytic mechanism in acid-base catalyses. oR \ Dat are cytochromes? Give their function Type tw ta ® OR Write short notes on Paterno-Buchi reaction, 21@,225,226 OR Fluencnence, Discuss the principle and important applications of atomic : absorption spectros- copy, (921) ® , a on spectrochemical series. LOL ® OR Show thai monostomic molecules the enternal energy per mole is given as 3 SRT 2 UNIT - IIT Medium Answer Type Questions Rea Sea A This Unit comprises of 2 medium answer questions. Please answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 25 marks. ‘gee gery 2 eee Taree wre Sl gore eer A HT STR HTT 150 Teal A Fe eho He 25 siol wal 2 (A) Give the products obtained from the reaction of the’ following compounds with sodium amide in liquid ammonia CH,CH, cH, fis ee > A A Br ook 0 ©) OY (8) a Br CH, Br OR Describe the instrumentation required for fluorescence analysis. Chemist-v ‘19) 2018 s high spin? 2.(B) Why tetrahedral complexes are alway: oR cath the help of Bragg's equation show-dkat extent of diffraction depends On 20. @®) glancing angle (8). 2022 — Grarnmakon V) Conformation — 10m NAYS Nomenclature — Hytwborahos oxdahon (Cobjectwe), — tom Sed, —+ Related wen, — tom y orn : : Mylo — gor WD CFSE — tom t WY Trans elect -— Lom Vil) Spectrecke arco = is Sener — Lom ny Chemistry (20) /29¢8 ae UNIT - IV Long Answer Question ahi ania et This Unit comprises of 1 long answer question. Please answer the question in about 400 words. The question carries 50 marks. seagon 41 def seta wes bl oem wea or Fae rT 400 eral ra ae mea 50 sist oT a 3. Explain the hydrogenation in lala ae (Section 8) wre Classify the diteren, G3 a agncte techniques and give examples of principal types of applications. (gece - C) WL OR t Show that increase in entropy on mixing ideal gases when 1 mole of a mixture is formed, is given by As | j | } -Ring log X_ + ng log X,) and x are number of moles and mole fractions of two gases) OR : An organic compound C,H, ,0, gave the following spectral data : uv: ae 283nm, «, 27 IR : Significant absorption bands at 3450, 2900 and 1705 cm™!. PMR : 61.3 (6H,S), 2.2 (3H,S), 2.5 (2H,S), and 3.8(1H,S, exchanges with D,0) R (off resonance decoupled) : Two singlets, one triplet and two quartets, one of the singlet is at 210 ppm and the other at 70ppm. \ | Mass : Prominent peaks at m/e 116, 58 and 43 Deduce the structure of the compound and explain the spectral data.

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