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(UnderJurisdiction of Bilaspur Court Only) ":X"rtg*f*t -
,Sdsfliq a;'qg["e'#
{A Subsjdia-ry of Coal fndia Limited)
ffi:rer fref frfits Management Development nstitute I

Indira Vihar Colony, Seepat Road,

m,+fr ifrsT Rfrls fi (rm'3lg?TirrtrEn dirrfi Bilaspur-495006 (C.G.)
A Mini Ratna Companyi q'ffi1;qa*Vfi Tel.07752-25509
e-mail : gm_hr-d.q€clS.cas iindi;r ![
iA Government of India Undertaking I afCf, S{.f.R 6T JCaF.}T

Cl N : U 10102CT1985GO1003 161

Ref. No: SECL/BSp/HRD/Apprentice 23-24t B 13 Date :12.02.2024

M sterfrt"ss Rfrb, ffi"rry (u-fiTrlr4 fr sr*rr di--.dqr firo-qrn Fflrd riqsrTfr *

3ffffif r;ilFrfi zfrqar aqr sffiI Bcdw qI €-sfieT *rq-ar qrrfr 3rs-qafr*
* :ffa arga qtE * 4Ttqa t t-*'Ef * Fil.rfr'3itT il*fiRlwT ftrqfcTr spleff Ftr #$
* a,* {nirrft EsR 3TrnfiT 3rrdt*d fuq' qr$ Sl
sRrryil fir 3rgqtrd
s'. 3Fq R-dtri 3qqfr-d
feTff* 4rofriFE
Hrqrry Tf qr$ rrt BTg.rS'
5-d s?t
I FFrs RIq (u;ra; 200 100 26 28 46
2 {aFFF ftta3 1fr-qd) 50 25 6 12
? {at?ffi' RraJ gifrfry 50 25 6 tz
4 TqTcffi' atql (RrTq-q) 30 15 4 4
m,rna Rrq 15d-+qYF-*r glr
20 10 2 3
({€-{R $;nGuftar I
o crcn-ffilq-d REg (Eraqr Er'a
900 450 117 126 247
a*-fff?nra'Rrq Fift-€r) 50 25 6 7 12
a*;ffRi:rq RraJ 1frqg) 75 38 10 10 17

I .qffiIrq Rr+f fl*nqrot 50 ?6 tj 7 J.t


Total 1425
q-{r€rfrvr{ d df 3fi'w 3ifrfffi ift-dr (fiJ*(rtD *t srd-irrfi * Rq- :riip-sffilq *t"
https:l/ q{ 3rqFils 6{a * fr('frf,rqrT ahr fuqr Fr

NAT$ 2'0 d*fr h"ttas;#-nats,educatien,gov-.u3 ER q-fta gE;6 $sq?ffqt m) a-oua * cTffi"

I fu A 3{crfrI 3ilAen ftqtfta ry SrTr * sfrff qrf$r'a fr 3nffiiF dEqTF
(> tT'aq eignm> va$rc$-> 3{qtfr€: t @ Googte Ffd' ir-r RqF m'nn 3ftffir-f-f, dE-3Tifda t ;TIuTq $ ;ml
611 q?C' sr{e *
frnr srdrqsrr qil 3rr$ cMAtL {sr& t ,'Ynr q.{dTr $rE?Ts' Fr srfi' / dr{
qT ft$ 3fiqr qTLqq t eH eK, 3Tr*fi .rq ftqR I +S$'rr adt fuqr drcrqn 3fifrF T$d
3Tr*tr sre 61 3iFq frfr Firrdrdm 27 $'r+S 2024 rrB 12.00
ry" S, * *
iHfrfi'frfu * EnE qTEr $rifiT qd'qr k{R;6 fr;ur ar&61 3qoT (rd 3r€Eru-c snffii qr
fuR rr$l'fr.qr dr(rrrTl
fidi * srtqrur ii ftfr{dt t ftnn-ft&ft *' srqqrf, znfi 3r{qtfud srtr * ft(' 14a/a

sl_€qtrd a-f,Jilfr 23% 3ilT 3rar frstrT Eat't3% 3rrerur * n*#f+qr arqr Hl

1" 3rsqeff *' qrs {+nirfi' grdtfrrsRq * R(' $ffiI erctT S A4 qt *r

HFrs Bafi, (,ril aq-*ftzna srdftgfq=r.T *. fr(, +ii** n**=*t- df os q.f fr'r **-
-{' sr\q,'i Edfv Ara<4c1r ffi' TI+"1-EI FRf 6f S#f.fiEt znTqEII 5141 UffgVl
Fr?r;F sfrfrq{ $1r Cqil}qr FdIfrfi (ffifir *r 3rdfr 10di qan * ; 3 Eq qr 12df t'
ElTfr 2 EE d €qtfi t st ffifr 6r*f * tt qr-d{#qf t
{fit E{- di rder qrrd'mr* *r rr$
+ Fl qm'dqq ffinr *r $-g}Ifr nfi il a;TdT ffid qotmTRs.) fe}Gnr *' a+ezrq
S Rra3-dr qRrqnur *. ilqi*'f, * R\r w Hl
q6" 3ird Fqss E;qr arar F ft. (BTr$rfi&5 (3Tfu6{ sTKtrq
Ffiil*I trIqn qfrqiq} * qT-fr
fttefi *. 3q€R 3il-{ vrTrf,se* sr 3r{rdeffi qBrqr gtriffir * d6et t'i 1a+2 qtr
3pqffi h fu' ffiqr En-d{fil+ t {st Eq d'Ts qrd t srrr q-ter arr vrcnrrr g1
baElel **ffitat afS q'r 6r4frrd{ 10dt q;ffir *' qrq sl+ Ef ar ilen tl
2. 3rsareff * sRrwr *S, qftqet **, 4E 6 ryga uferaSm ,aBrT qes NATS
2.0 Wffi ftttps:t/"in q* .r$T.a 6f-dr qrtr(rl
r rrffii Ei 3dq-dr 3ftT-dtsfr $ritr d"q-trdT{ 27.02.202+ qil qeq{ft n.aa E-S S q-d-d
q€$Tfrrrd dsmp .rr B(, ep Rm' * qBqrr * w+n 6-qr frr
4. 3ru"nfr f Tt * frffi $e .+irLqra dt Rlqfdr sfttwur ;T€t ftrqr 6rl
5. 3flqQff A fr"e'I sfi ig?rrdT d 1r5'q+ qr rs$ 3TfrE + fr(, tttrrTg I Sqr Tft
.'. d-fi #r
6. s+qeft {arffiTl qq.ts'.* *T;T EFTd / m-{ gnr 6r
Tdr I

y. :+:nff n sr{ft, 2a24 Et ra ad'* Tt *-* gq d I

E :Tlqefi 3TqtfcT qR'reiur di qTrfrf, 6ti fi ssilfril frfu S 0,r +f qE,d 3rrfi sffift I
Sd}frqftar EutT / Erfqr srfiut rfi Grar 6I
qtftrysr sfirqr: $sqetr ?ff{t S fiI :nffia a$srgd
NAT$ 2.0 *-&il
;'#sslinilis.*ciucation" w ar+-t qtrtrrur ffiri fi 3{q6r fir ar$ tl se#sErrt st
mfiF fr frrfi t m * r+a idlstgc + 6trT ta w Jrrret.r srudent Manual ffil NATSz.o
et8€ f 3findtgd +Ssqpr 4 fuS efi $mrEelwreeT *'fr(r, rqgad qf#-qr * aqgrr,
BOAT fir*T{ e $Frt Email: / natssupport-studen t@aicte-
in,, +trnffr: 011-2958 1332 3il-{ Toilfree d-r{ qr riqfi *tt :1gaa-222-060, q)a
dqq+ 9 1 -22-24A55635t 24053682.

eq"sft-qT * # qt$ *lFsT ;rS F, {€ft(' :raqffi qt trere fi ffS F fu {s

{ititr d t's.* g ffi a qtr

ir{rdr *'r* a,r rrlqdg w grarfiffi ifi.f q?r;r :

** s'r Errr;T t R(, situd ffiar erqrfr fifi / GEdtnr:rfiui 6;
T:l T
fr frfu ER'6ar s'r 3IT$R 3reffr .rre rn"t
Fffi, rre*ff ml qtr+dr q-* f Fq €er1;T q{"
{er anrrnl "r6i srTrr drfr * sff' 6qlt w' fi d il6r 3Tefa ilS *. qmd H

#ffisr bff I ry* * s.rrdiEit q'r qfr?rf,, ?? fi /-ro* uour,' h *rf,iqt. qfi?rtr
w ffii Rfr fi Et{dT ffi , ffidfq w {drq er€ *w t sq g 5q-*rr erq {S-qdr q*
*slr fI sT'(afr I $r IFFI{ 5qrfrfr rrFrdg aq 3rru*rur *' :nqn w 3r$?rr$ q{l;r W *qR-
#r sn'dfl

qq;i ffi-dqs t alurr $Rn=tf sq t ilqftd reffii fi d EfiFddr q-fi tqr *r qrq"ftr
TfifI +[* twr -1) dt EilTdrd sifr aTuqqe?r t rdrsEr enfrtr dd ,lh. q-S twrr EFtr
; 3rSffit t dqr *I ilq"frt Erf,& qfi *
-2) r{E-q'{-ddf r;trdEr{f t qqa *'qeila
fud Fqraf *. fr('(s{I q-fi t rlffii *t srqsr ffim;

JffqT-* qa;r q$ .3-r@: 4r+ , ZO24 ffi *' s?laT €qTr6 f q-s * Ct rer *
si*fr{ardT( website) rr* strf,}s s-t,fr il('affl

qr'anffi rrT siqFril sft frftrqr qfrqil:

**i nq * Tqfia rsfi-qqnt qi ffitrradi *'ssr.ra *' Era 3i1-{ frRr.,Hr qtfervr fr fre
qit'ffd * ErE & qf*qr"r * fr('sEqF fi dTt'dfi (sna frqff, 19ss * qTErrrdi * 3ra-{ffi,
tT fu Rttrf, qr+es sitq lrrsq t'srrsn srf,i dt fdrd qRTqFl * Rt, aFi ill vRrag #
wq s ffiil
* R('frkqr .ftqrur t mq ffi qrfirt 3r€q?ilFT * frfu-cHt' :+Frq;rft, ;fi
*Fqqn Rkd{ Ftf, S *q a S, S ftjfs e-FtM rf,T Trrqr 6'qEfr nfrdT{i $r
irql-sFr* jt sefi wBpsqi FqEE ritq q-c*rq FrdI qrpd('r ffiI sft q"irqru'r ffia +r
tsT{uT {srdf frfr F1-dr qrB{'l se=Segrr #I .rFfi{ frEfiH siq si.* w furq,r$ cnffi qTB.(r,
ffiq q-{ diq m.{e ar$ n66r 3Tffi ryrrr Finfir $l-r ryr arTrt ffilr qrfu't dfgwtr
ftE-.ds sfirurrr *-r rrFns g'erra Br
Fg' qrsq t kft
:rarar S sr6.T *
*B*e firr&-s wrn rq{ €trfiK a-fi Aqr anrarTt
*d : ffir;fiq ffis r#ITUrt1;r gs sTftq{dr *' q1-E 6r fr?fr *'r ilai" 3ftra+F F i

fur*s rfiTltrqq * ,6gs.1-q ilA fi RrS f sr$'€nr-s 3Tq* f ffir{T atq sffir w
frffitn-Sl Tcff
0 uq rrqar F

sFfrrfu gFrTqEr:
15 qr* zoz+ t f*qr sKrrff | qsdr]s ffirfitl;r e'r qr4ma
EFF;r+fr Trarfiqfr FrdreTq
q-€*Tffi- ffiE qq srgarrfi r+a gfi h spd 3Tqg}s fd;q, 611qr4rl
ElaTad fi s.qqf, *' srrq, :nqetrEil 6t 3lrt w qrrnfu dt ;TTr-qRfi i FE
fria?fi*fi f{qrfrq q}r{dr *. r*nur .r* gik 3i6 rr*, ;,C-qrt d Ggfriffiqr # erffrui
q* gik 3i6' qr, arF srnur wr (01/0 4tzo23 S qrtd 3ftrS q-#rm cr-* fi €fiqrr{ f+-qr
arsaTr, qia' 3flrrrT srg, 3TIER firg t
Eg tfi sri, sfirqG sik rBq stqr *' ffii fi
ftq 3rfudrs lr#{ror wr FTrf,r 3Tffi' il A 3{qe Trrer aFilr#i fi FE-s;qrfra
effi Fr eE' tc, qrt qnr*a 3ilirn ; wH arrn gik Tiilrr qrsrr d (rfi' ffi6,a
?TETeIE1-1 eft €rq A1qrrlf

rzna *:
1.eqftf, 3r$:{eff* mt $'*fusRtq 199a *r friro 11 {z) *' uE*+rr;qftrn
c' \ 6r *
FclFiis ;rr erqnTrf, fuqr urqryn, d *tqra dt u. wrra $qtftlr t fr(' 9000 t - lrfr rrr$
3ik dsfrftlqfr 3Tqms *. fr(, d'. 8000 / - qfr TT16 F I

2. srya
*' qzrae ltraery FRlqIrfl a} w.f.s.r'a. fi s{FlT * fi
q{€?i Bqr ilKrtil (id 3irzr gffi*fi ersrcfi t qqfid snqffi lrfQ$ +t
fir :lqa inr+e qI 3t-I sfrEerrdi f, d fir qeq seqr 3ilT sffi {rsq t'l trerd
t, qqFr t*.qr ilRrrnl
3 qftTfffr +t r,:s.*.s.rro. t fus efi qFsor;T fr *.ffi t sq fr q}trrrru * Rt,
gmqirfrd /'-Ffi-{ rfi t''or *Irqrql ('tr$fir,Tr * ft}enf,r qAIeilry snca qrrd *' Srnrru q{ fuffi

rfi H?rfr /qTttr?ffi * r.nfrftmr ,t't fl,,rrrn frrr mqr rrfr'{,tff

"\.. TirI tr,;r,rrR fr fta \rfl
dG' fi fuS et ErS qr f*fi rfi trqfr ti fdrr.rst fuqr arurqTl r _ r\,1

4 . {ear*s +r;etTEt;r, trCffir qtrarur qr tA *. fr(' Frrltftf, €qt;r Er{

eRTqnur dt emr
;irdlwd * Rt qfrs fi('l$(' lrEt;r rfi f+qr Er(rrTTt sFd fi +it srErs qr 3ffins gfd-"
rffiI adi fi qrq?frt
n " trs€Sq':FT gltitrd fudTr fuff $ * ffi
qwr sfr ftrq w Rtapr qR)anur *r +frdi 6t
G-6-l qI qEI TrEficrT t qr frar fttfi gd War * tF RraSar sfelqpr qrm o'nimq qi {€ efi
+q f#ar Ht

6. ffid qrEtTrdi s-r $F 3Tfuqr'rr q* d rdq afi d s-a sefi * fr!- 3fliifus 3{mfr{ra
;i'il felEar G-{ff ( qqr oqitfuO *' srdrra mI ddr
7 *. ,iGiti fr' €t{f dqurni s.Rtrd ("sffr'FT d-durg * ;+req?r * e
sFTWtt &' qrra
awafrl wffi\'(ts$sqi{ *r dq{flFE ffi rtr qla w riq# a #t zn 3l;TrE?Erfi q*rqr a
ehtt qfr Jdraqq-s'61, qrdrpr{r rr*rq f gfran $ q* * erFT s.00 qS
Xr*-an'ai geo 10
mF B{ ert'-dn-{ qt WF 10 si d Etcrf{ 1.30 qi erf) s'}d dq{ 077s2-2sss09 q{$iqd trry dm' q qqfi * wfr Hr )
e fus srt fil{ra fr Rrft ti kdr +r Rqcrqr pdil-str 6t* fr qr sri}fus.t+a dl Ffrre
$ffirftfird't qrTqr 6I fr.qr il(ryrrl

Efe-ryrr 1. qrrer q:T s'r srsq 2. fGffiF{ ffis sftfirA€ a. Ewr*tr rrrqFra € qfr

(e-aa I ar. €. ft.1

sfrtuft :

t. R*erffi, BoAT, (qfuq qf{ I€FS - srs'qeffi fir ilmffirt tg eonr *ts .rq

3ffiqqf,T 3r,Tdi's 6Ts * *

:rEtrr HFr 3drdeqfi firffi Q rrr* ifuar
l. qsTrt, d-s-4m srqkrq, sH, ffdlqg{

t. cro*fr sfrq,3ftq6 Trd stit1 frtqrs',free1-5, 6qdf#f( :iuremy,ftt?r6 cr6*fi {d qq

ffia-dT) fr*eni 6rffi*) / (fun ), (q.t,S.rra. Grsrqrr
2. erg"rsdem (sqrft ), (rg.*.Sqrs' fufl-sqq - a15.S.S.rrg. fit +q-€r$e qq srerffs FGT v#
s'-qtfrE t-tr *- 3{ada ffifi https:il-brms-glel6QMspeezlAdPQ6ZVg , mt aer friq. nqrf,
ffiqd * irTqltr *' srer t

3. sEft Er-fr-q afrmitr*, - Wdr sik nqrr * RE'l

(l Inde r lrrrisdirtinn nf Rilarpur for.rrt Only)
(A Subldiary of Coat rndia Limitedy
6td €E?Tr
f€?Ft @s frfits
frfrb fi (rs qqriettrrfi ?iirrfi
Management Development Institute
Indira Vihar Colony, Seepat Road,
Bilaspur-495006 (C.G. )
A Mini Ratna Company/ qrqffiqa*rffi Tel.O7752-255A9
e-mail : srlrlrd.secjpdpal
{A Government of India Undertaking I affd $FFR ifiI jcleFTI Web:
Cl N :U 10102CT1985GO1003161

Ref. No: SECL/BSp/HRD/Apprentice24/

I 1 3 Date:P.02.2024

I r 1961
{arnended uo to date}.

Applications are invited from the candidates having Degree /Diploma in Engineering or
equivalent from
recognized institute approved by Government for Graduate and Technician Apprenticeship Training a
period of one year underthe provisions of Apprentice Act 1961 (amended up to
date) in cliff"erent engineering
streams as mentioned below.

sl. Total no. of

Category I Trade of Apprentices General OBC qT
No. SC
Graduate in Mining Engg. 200 100 26 28 46
2 Graduate in Electrical Engg. 50 25
6 7 t2
Graduate in Mechanical Engg. 50 25 6 7 t2
4 Graduate in Civil Engg. 30 15 4 4 7
5 Graduate in Electronics and
Telecommunication 20 l0 2 J 5

Technician Apprentices in Mining EnggJ
Mining and Mine Surveying 900 450 117 126 2A7

Technician Apprentices in Mechanical Engg. 50 25 6 7 12

Technician Apprentices in Electrical Engg. i0
75 38 l0 17

Technician Apprentices in Civil Engg. 50 25 6 7 t2
Total 1425
sECl, has sent the advertisement to Board of Apprentice Training (BOAT) for uploading on rhe
ip portal lrttps :/lnats. education. gov. i n fo r inform ation.

Application Process:
Interested candidates registered on NATS 2.0 portal, are advised. to submit
their application through
onl i n e Application Form, by clicking on the Google Fonn link
available on official website of SECL (
under -> Iluman resource-) HRD-> Apprentice, within the prescribed tinre limit. 'l'he candidate is
required to login with his GMAII., account to fill the google form. Applications sent through pcrst / mail
or any other rnode will not be considered I accepted. The last date to apply online is T'hursday 27th
February 2024 till 12.00 MIDNIGHT. Applications received after the last date rvill not be considered.
Ilefective and unclear applications will not be considered.

In the reservation of seats, provision of DoPT guidelines i.e., Reservations for Schedriled Castes
14% scheduled tribe 23% andOflrer Backward Class 13% has been followed.

l. Candidate should hold A4 yeat degree for graduate apprenticeship and A3 year diploma in
relevant stream I branch of engineering fbr technician apprenticeship or eqgivalent qgalificatiop
granted by institution recognized by the Government.

Graduate Engineers and Diploma Engineers (Duration of Diploma can be 3 years after class lgth or
2yeats after 12th which is subject to the condition of getting laterai entry into 2nd.year of such
COURSES of the concerned students. One-year Diploma is not allowed), only through reguiar
(Full time) mode of education are eligible for enrolment of apprenticeship training.

It is further clarified that as per colnmunication received from AICTE and also in reference to the
approved process handbook of AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) there is a
provision of lateral entry into the second year of diploma course for 10+2 pass candidate with
certain conditions. The tenure of all Diploma engineering course is of 3 I 4 year duration after class

2' Candidates should have registered on the National Apprenticeship training Portal NATS 2.0
(https;//" of Board of Apprenticeship Training, Western Region,Mumbai.

3. Candidates should have submitted his online application through link provided on SECL
website before 12 .00 Midnight on Tuesday 27.02.2A24.

4' Candidates should not have undergone apprenticeship training in any other institution earlier.

5. Candidate should not have completed employment / service at any establishment fcr one year
or mofe.
6' Candidate should not be perusing or completed Postgraduate/ M.Tech.

7. Candidate should have completed 18 years of age as onl3th February, 2024.

I' Candidate should not have passed his engineering degree / diploma 05 years before the date of
ioining as apprentice,

Regirstrqfion, Process: Students are expected to register on the NATS 2.A Portal Westem Region of
Board of Apprenticeship Training. To register on NATS 2 Portal, Go to officiai weh;ite of
htlp.s:,{nats.educatisrn.gav"in. Candidates are advised to refer the student Nlatual available on horne page of
the said *ebsite. For any interruption / problem in online registration in the NATS portal, according ro the
above process, please contact BOAT office on Email / hnail:
natssuDport student(Eaig191!44fu.ogg Landline: 011-29581332 and, ToIIfiee no. :1800-222-060, phone no+91-
22 -244 5 5 63 5 I 240 5 3 682,
In this process, there is no role of SECL, so the candidates are advised not to contact SECL in this
Selection Criteria:
Date of passing in engineenng / diploma is hasis for shortlistipg cf the candidate. Earlier passed
candidafe will he piaced higher. In case of tie-on date of passing, in the same category. the perceniage of
marks of Engineering Degree / Diploma, percentage of marks in 12th /lOth respectivel,v and, datc ol'
rhe provisi'crnar seree'tic';n
T*'o seniorit,v'list of provisionally selected candidates as per selection criteria will be pre.parecl. lst list
{L'evel -i) will cotlsist of candidates belonging to Chhattisgarh ancl Maclhya Pradesh ancl 2nrJ list
-2] will be prepared of candidates belonging to rest other states. Canclidates froni 2nc1 list r.vill ur:t
{)fip$rtilnit"y ;ifler exhausting First list candidates.
tr:rovisional selection list rvill be uploaded on the SECL website, tentatively, in the lsi week r:fl

Verification of documents and medical examination:

prorisionally selected candidates will be allowed for training only after the verification of the
dollmcnts and after found fit in the medical examination (as per the provisions of the Mines rules,
i 955) as aFplicabie for apprentices posted in mines as per the criteria and folnat prescriSed in
the IVIines
it is mandatory to obtain a fitness certificate from the rnedical officcr of a gr:vu.ninicnl
haspital not less than a Assistant Civil Surgeon, after rnedical examination. tor engagcmer.rt as thd
apprentice. All the entries in the medical certificate should be clear and readable. The details of
aul tesr
report should not be blank. The photograph of the candidate should be pastecl on rhe :reiJical
examination fonn- which should be signed and stamped by the examining medical officer. tonrrat gJ'
\4eclical Firness certificate is attached]u"oi.ut il;."tiinr"r. il;;ilar orher ;ha;; u.,i*-r*r*o,
u'iil iroi ire accepted

Note: The medical fitness certificate must be flom the date after this notitication. In case the fitness
s:ertificate is in doubt, SECL can confirm the litness by conducting a meclical examinati"; ;;; it;
l locrunent Vsri fication:

T"he document verification will be done from 15th March onwards. l"he schedule cf documcnt
verificatisn will be uploaded on the SECL website along with the provisional selec.tion list.

At the time of verification of docurnents, the candidates should bring their originai documenis like
certiticate and mark sheet of the secondary / higher secondary school qualification, certificate. and
sheets of degree in engineering or Diploma in engineering" caste certificate (OBC) certi{icate gfrtain*r3
frnnl ()li{i4l?{l}1 r,vill r:rnlv Lrc accepl$rJ,) Adlrnnr linkurl hnnk nccnrrnl Dnnriiil," f '1,*r'ri{i, irtr ,ti-,r
Clihatfisgarh and Madhya Pradesh candidates, Aadhaar Card etc. They should also bring with them
set of self-attested photocopy of the above documents, lbur number passporl size photographs
and a
notarized alliclavit in prescribed format.
t. Selected candidates will be paicl stipend at the minimum rate as per Rulel l (2) of Apprenticeships
r'vhich is currently I{s. 9000 I - per month for Graduate apprentice and Rs. 8000/- per rnonth
teehnician apprentice.
2. Mining apprentices will be posted only in tlre underground mines
of SECL" r.lfiereas other engipeering
apprentices rvill be posted in open cast mines and establishments of areas of SHCL in the states of'
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

3. No apprentice will be absorbed I accepted for employment in any of the establishnrents of SIiCl, as
empioyee. Any claims for employment in any of the establishments of SECL, by virtue of getting
apprenticeship training in sECL will not be considered in any case.

-. No TA /DA fbr coming I going to the scheduled

place for documents verification. medical examination
or to attend training will be provided. Also, no accommodation or housing facility will be provided.
SECL management may increase or decrease seats of apprenticeship training at any level or can also
the entire apprenticeship training selection program without any prior notice.

6. The provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 and the Apprenticeship Rules 1992 amenclecl upto<iate will
apply in the matters not covered in this Notification.

Allannouncements regarding selection of apprentices will be done through the above SECL welrsite. So.
keep visiting the SHCL website. Do not call on phone or make unnecessary correspondence. lf
necessary, can conlact SHCL help desk at phone number 07752-255509 on working days in the office
hours (l 0.00 AM TO 5.00 PM on Monday to Friday and 10 AM TO 1.30 PM on Saturday).

I' In tire case of anv dispute. the settlement of the dispute will be resolvecl in Bilaspur court only or befbre
the otficials / bodies referred to in the Apprentice Act, 1961 as amended upto date.

Attached: l. Affidavit Format

2. Medical Certificate liorm o.O',
ii. Check List for f)ocument Verification

Dy. Gener4l
ager (Min.


l. Director, BOAT, (W.R.) Mumbai - With a request to upload the notification on the BOAT
Partal for information of the aspired candidates.
2. In-charge, Employment Exchange, Koni, Bilaspur

1. T.S. to C.M.D.iD(T)OID(P)/D(T)P&P/D(F), S.E.C.L. Bilaspur.
2. G.lvI. (System), S.E.C.L. Bilaspur - For uploading in SECL website with request to creale
blink and providing link httpsll/fsrms.qle/6el4spCcz1Adpe62V9, under apprentice rab.
3. All Area G.M.s - For information and publicity.
Affidavit Format (Notarized) for one year Graduate / Technician apprenticeship training in
SECL in FY 2023-24

slDlwlo. Date of birth am a reside nt

of the Village _ Post police station tehsil
District _state
i present this affidavit for one-year Graduate/ Technician apprenticeship training in

I swear by: -
1) | applied for a contract to one-year Graduate/ Technician apprenticeship training in

2) The facts mentioned in the application and the documents attached to it, such as the Ma rk
sheets and certificates of L0 th / 12 th mark sheets and ------- engineering graduate
degree/diploma, caste certificate,, Aadhar card, etc. are correct.
3)My certificate of medical examination and fitness for apprenticeship training is correct, in
which no forgery has been done. The details of examining Doctor (Whose post is not less than
Asst. Civil Surgeon) and the medical centre where I have been medically examined and
obtained the certificate of fitness are as follows:
Name of Doctor:
Phone no./mobile no. with STD Code of the examining doctor/MedicalCentre
E-Mail lD of the examining Doctor/Medical Centre
Name of Medical Centre
Medical Centre Address-
Village Post
District State

) | hold degree in ---------- engineering for graduate apprenticeship / diploma in ------

engineering for technician apprenticeship or equivalent qualification granted by institution
recognized by the Government.
5) | have applied for Apprenticeship through link provided on SECL website before L2.00
MIDNIGHT on Tuesday 27th February,2O24.
6) | have not undergone apprenticeship training in any other institution earlier,
7) | have not completed employment / service at any establishment for one year or more.
8) | am not holding / perusing M.Tech degree qualification.
9) | have completed 18 years of age as on 13 February,2O24.
L0) In the case of selection, the contract will automatically terminate once tlle one-year
apprenticeship training period expires. Apprenticeship training does not generate any
employment claim in SECL . I myself or through others will not pressurize SECL for employment
by virtue of my apprenticeship training in SECL.
11) During the training period, I will not claim for accommodation in SECL and wili not give
pressure to provide housing.
12) | will receive training in any mine of SECL where i will be posted . I will not put pressure for
change of place / mine

13) lf any of the conditions of the Apprentices Act or as mentioned above are violated by rne,
thrs apprenticeship training agreement will automatically be terminated and the responsibility
of breaking the contract will be mine.
ln such a situation, accot'dingto the provisions of the Apprentices Act, lwill be responsible
for the liabilities of breach of the contract.

Name and signature of the Candidate




ITJQIE:- There should be nochangeinthenamesandDoBina||thecertificates.tncase@

supported by Notarized Affidavit.

CASTE CATEGORYr r--:_--tr**::"**]r**@-]

sr I
IGENERALI IL________J I sc I I oBC l


NorE;- oBc certificate of a date earrier than oL/04/2023 wiil not



7. NATS registration date-
2. Medical Fitness Certificate (Not earlier
then Date-12 .02.2022 i.e. Notification
3. Degree/Diploma Marksheet
4. Degree/Diplom a Certificate
5. SSC/HSC Marksheet
6. SSC/HSC Certificate
7. Notarized Affidavit (Revised)
8. Aadhar card linked bank Account
9. Aadhar Card
10. Domicile Certificate for Chhattisgarh jnd
MadhyaPradesh Candidates
11. Passpgrt size photograph

Candidate Signature with Date

(For officiol use only)

Checkcd & Vertfled By
Signature with Date-

Signature with Date-
wr#ffi.i#$sE@w*@x$ff $i&yJit*:

Fls Snal sta,riftnsttrsn FErrnat


sepor* pf medtuar rmm$rusc-

*#ffi*ff.ffi,*';* Farrl, pr Ef rhe Mi*'es ,Rure* *bss

Certificata f'lo.

Cerftfiadtha*$fir. gr
rqtst*'€r;"';'i'iri,rtn'ii.i'.t;c.*r. liax
bes*rgnrniu turaohiti*,**dfu*1,;#{hatt"n i*aors.rdenee
{i,. with
Pl qf ths M*er tur*'
fi'' lffd r*B/sh** ;FFF* ; ;".,-.;;;; rn* fin&ry* of rhe
exarninireffithpd$ am.guen rn *l.;d6*dfi**. .
ffi ttis coruidcdr6s-nui6lr**ni*r{.,..i!..,.;
s;: t1l. iqtne$sagf,'ft ft,r *nv Frrwrsvrn"*tl graJ*'t,v'..heddr'Jl;.p"#'dgruos
ffi,,: h mrirs,
#r' fb}* is sutrr'ing ,,:.,,- ,
',; . -:l-1il'l*i*'.1a""*s5t4:*"t*p*n:ro* mli:
a,3.: :ueiftffor
#: frl artreaiployment inmlnq on
9il :

{u} any enBlEyffient behw groundi sr

{3} any efnploy,mgnr or,wudc'..,.,..

korn***a"al':"'-"*--*-,".-'*' herhoutcf gsths dkabirlty*

9. Y,To**
should be ryairrhtxalnhedwtthin pet':nddf eured/cqnsalrsd and
a *.,,..-,
m,gn$u. lbl$he wj$ appeat for ra .exanflnatiotu
*fth tltb '
be '*ou{'sf'&$ef,,',..,..* **a *a up**rryr sf
pe'rrqitt pg4*t*m m*nrum* fr
,'o'rf'd*r'r-' ,,***,
}reshe I'r?fi
r!!*..".o_. Fr€fbn' mar
earry oa rrm *$r{*e ttx pgirdf,-'F''s i
Space foraffixlry:Sa
Siae ptrotomlph gd thE eendt#te.

signature of tt*e exsthining au$oriw

{ r*ot bcfow the rf,ht:of:asrktafit civil surgEon}with
4s{j!rii.t{f ,rFdi..rish{&rrb rh!,

,FSH!$'ffi d dsrhaddes rir Qls&
* Delete
whstever F neta$plkabfe,
shb$ be ret*insd Oy ths Eltt&df.
' over**a**'wu
- - , n*nreela'd3nffi*os6w

:.. a:.1,:

B*pqrt afrthE FxEBrinIirE aIShE'tW
{tob€ fiffsd in for $erv rndleal,e)$ft{nfidofi1i}frsf.'ErftlJtlgl
ar Eft*l,esrslcontrof of disabtlhy).
Annexure to Certificate Na*-.-..,..-,..-",.,.,as
l,e*uh pf ,n6dicd:efarninrthn qn .,.-..

l*cntificatioft rMaFk*,,"*".n ..,*,.,..r!.*i;6,!rDa.r,,F.r,,rsi.e,,r

teft thunnb impressbn af ths candldate
I' Sensfst deyetopment- gup4,1FairlFspr
?. r{dlg|it."_..,.*nen*$
3. We4ht.._....",.kg.
4 syas:

htgfit €ryq_.,...
(iil tny orgsfih digeqr€
:r Ef €yef

i {lil)fughr U[i}dns,.....r..4!..q.x..,F.".r!

't,'.,,, Meqbfblf{iflns$fi ,*,..,.,,..d,..!,i$,i.,r

{y)Sguint .......-!r nJ,,il.s,.j,F.

{* to be tested ln speCbl ctoesJ

Ntuj:1i*ty#!..u;#Wy?;liirawl&}Ltt,/ir:!il,4VX*l :rit:t;*lirL!+J*.17li#tj)i:;:;#:i:i$;{#l:,:::j-+:i


r .Splgen.".,,._*.,,,..,...


g, fi€RFtl' s?Etertr
Hi*t+ry ef fits er Epilspcy......"..,


Mnntat h€alrtL,

ng, tpgomotff{,rysspnl,-.."__.*....
.i xl" sltfiL-..,,,....r.rq1.;.dri,,4ii

12. li/dros€te,
: lJ. f{hfa-.............4!,..d,..r,,.
:*, 14 Alry eth€r abnorrultty

:,; f5. Urlne!

i ,'' ResgtiQn*...",.*,..-*,,.

i. Albrlrnihr,._..,",.,,...-*".

, $qi*afn,.-,.-,,..-,,*-.,*,"

16, Stf girdm of cheet

.q ;
17. Any otber t€st canddsrgd
nececraqy hy tfte cneminlls auttror{ty.
18. Arsy optrto|i ofeBq&.tlst c

Sitnatur€ snd seaf of tfie e(emiornC authadty

{Ffdt belon, the nnk orf arslstant civil surgeon}

. Disrtiict*,,,,".,.-
r,r i{,, ;iu uhur [{!r_rrfit0ts",,.
Phana/MobileNo..-.."..*-,.,,..,.. . *..i..
[ ail Addr.g.*.,q j.s, {!ri.r j.irnranrd:irr,,r,id a!4i,.s.
\t i z ?#i4il att; ..-*:


{SecruL tgF(U rbd l9L}

Ittltdlfd,$rtd*rd df fihir*i fdf Ferro||t ts ir cllrlou,id In rnlrer.
'1" Tha person
should bc in gcod mcnral and bodity hcslttr cnd fi1'c frofi any phyrical drfcct likaly ro
irtarfero wilh his clTicicnl mpioymont in a ninc. iuc,aliowancc h r$c srandi;j sfioula uc made foi
a€c rlfs Ta$,

2. l,oca$otor $yittrn * The liftts should be r*,elt frrr!'ed snil d.i,Els$ad ftal dtd of all ilic limbs
sbould ba Pithin nofinal
iimt$._ lr:1,- dsfonniry *hould br ieorderi. Tieri, shonld
perallnis which may interfet"
Oc no acrcrmity oi
wit} his effrcicoi cmpioymtnt In s mine, Any d€ffiruity norcO efogli Ui

3. S&in*Thercsboutdbcnocvid*ncgofc-xtpnslvcrndchronip*indiscascorulceration,

4. (8] Distaht vi$ion eyc with or without glaseea shoold be not lssr than rho following st|ndard.
fcrworkew *rnplayrdon For workem cmnloycd
Surfacc end in opcrca.rt bolow ground
l. Bsltcr 6lt2 6t6
2. W*re ry.c 6/ff 6p
(b) Night blindnes should bo tesrcd in speciat cascs only h undcrground workcrs whcrc the
sutftority caruid*x it trtees5a{rr,

on-!1 olc.cyc whict tunctions normally sbould nor ba cmptoyed bclowground. For
!9-t-ry,T-h*"e tu,teT oftuch e pason in th* othcr ayc shoutd b€ 6/1 2 wirtr or vrith-out gt*sscs..
p€t{ .t6o Y"iT
wiu lc catsidq€d unioaulgr whsti thene is phy*ics.l Sm.s of me ey€ cr r*'hca dre*e-in *rictional
lose ofvision ofonr cya,

{d} Colour blirdnxe MII be t€stcd only in epgcial cases vhcre src jqb rquirEs good cotour dir criminatim.
tlaly lovgrado.colour pclrep*ione.wittbs iisf$d wirb -
EOrilgc Crdt t"orcrr,r.
{t} Tb*rG *hl}rrld 4gt:}.e gqpint yrrsre binocular vicJoa is tr"lsciriid,

1$ Thcrr*hnrrkl nnt $c an;l org*nic dis*asE dlhc cyc whicli ie ,I8ccly io r&gt rlir disranr \.i$ion {'ithlfi s
pcrind nffivc ycern

bc gcod. Any progrcssivc discrsc cllecting bearing ahould ba rcoorded. The cnndid3rc
sno$tc Di $Dtf to bsar conyersetional voicc firrn a diptence of3 mctncc.

6. Epe*ch mufl br sdthfirt sirjrus impcdinrcnts.

ehould bq eowd anit frce from any raingcat broncblat pulmcnary

diseesc. T\:bercul*+is of rungs ifnor a*ive shoutd ror "hronic
be 8 disqulili.alion.
{o) :tl-ryI_:,..g ryn"T.{?ro{T che*t ndiogrsh (tsrgs) coouSf ro ipctude rhoratic inla rnd b6dl
::::ry:?l-fCro tui*qly.T X{sy-rtr"{!in' of idarg 30o nA Miui*Arapcrc) strcngrb !, b€
evr&r$cd ld {|. mstncr rpcci{icd by tfte Chlcf Insgactor end Lgxg funclion tsg(soiromew) ro
lote€{|" norl-crprcity (FVC} a,d forccd expimory vohn' ir onJsccond (FEazD
*ail b" mrAc. 6cre
gStt{ Pot be rny cvidtilc€ of,ecrivc pu}norrrd} i{l thcr€ aF svi'asrcg of rierivc rxrlsroaarv
@aeu|o$r+ n? fr.y uc pqmircd o so* if lis
Suutn i5 rcrrriyc oo rtDc{cd canninetiq ma oi t
S.Cispulelqry syfigirr r Thgre ebs$ld bc nl evidcnrc cf curdim ot va$qrrr disenrc rrbicn fiay ifferfsrG
with his slfisienr cmFloyalcot ir I mine.
l'lerc shculd:not bt rny evidcnce of dis€ssc of abdominat orpns which i* lihaly to affcot his cfficicrt
diseharge ofdury in g mine,

!0. In crse thc candidare hss himir, ha may br declarcd fit sftcr .h€ har been successfirily operated for jl1c

1t- tlydrocete if prcsctlt-$houjd no{ b+ lrr8s..noud, Ji*n"a! thr riorrnol activities of the pcrson. If it is
largc *rrough he rnaybc drclarcd fir fficr being.slcccs*folly opcratc4

Ji..Q" :tjl"tlt $ystcm:lout .b? sorrnd, Pcrcoos witb hierory of cpiicpcy or en} orhcr gpc of organic or
ftieiorjcal iils should not bb declarcd fft for cfiptoyatcnt in c mlnc, - ' -

13. The mcdical cxarninarian sh<ruld iuctudc cxrmhation ofurinc, Mcrc prcacacc ofatbunrn and sug* ir
tftc unne sr$loul rny 9rc88 organic discacc producing signs ind sy?rpoms shotld not b! | diratilirJ*.

14' skiEgrrm of d}c chesl rhould el*o he obrnimd, If it ie nocodruy thc mcdical offiocrmay dirrcct rh!
{'i'r'{r,lq?$_iil r'lrldifl lh! tuillr rrl'{rrrtlill rFu{ rrrhni rh|t oflillhl or I rpoatrlrt tr*ftr rutl0.fltll0fil
instiurr.icir,ftosgirar, ,

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