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Note: All the questions and answers will have to be written in the fair literature notebooks.

Textual Questions:
Q1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza?
Ans. The wind breaks the shutters of the windows; scatters the papers; throws down the books from the shelf;
tears the pages of the books; and brings showers of rain.

Q2. What does the poet say the Wind God winnows?
Ans. The poet says that the Wind God winnows the weak crumbling houses, doors, rafters, wood, bodies,
lives and hearts and crushes them all.

Q3. What should we do to make friends with the wind?

Ans. The poet asks us to build strong homes, join the doors firmly and practise to make our bodies and hearts
stronger to make friends with the wind.

Q4. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?
Ans. In the last four lines, the poet inspires us to face the wind courageously. This symbolizes the hardships
of our lives. He tells us that the wind can only extinguish weak fires, it intensifies the stronger ones.
Similarly, adversities deter the weak hearted but make stronger those who have unfaltering will. In such a
case, befriending the wind or the hardships of life makes it easier for us to face them.

Q5. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you?
Ans. The last four lines convey the message that those who are not determined and lack confidence face
defeat. And those who set their targets and make sincere efforts are not disturbed by any obstacle.



Note: All the exercises (I, II & III) will have to be done in the fair grammar and writing skill
notebooks respectively.

I. Choose the correct option:

a. This dress suits her style. She __________ definitely like it! (can /could/will/may)
b. When Juan was two, he __________ already speak very well. (might / could/ can/should)
c. She __________ visit her grandparents’ house during holidays. (dare to/ ought to/ can/ might)
d. __________ I talk to the manager? (might/ may/ shall/ could)
e. During peak hours, it _________ take more than two hours. (can/ should/ shall/ will)
f. How __________ she do that to us! (would/ must/could/ shall)
g. ___________ we save money for the party? (would/ need/ should/ dare)
II. Choose the grammatically correct sentence:
1. i. All members can attend the meeting as per notice.
ii All members would attend the meeting as per notice.
iii All members might attend the meeting as per notice.
iv All members should attend the meeting as per notice.

2i There has been a landslide. You could be careful while driving there.
ii There has been a landslide. You must be careful while driving there.
iii There has been a landslide. You can be careful while driving there.
iv There has been a landslide. You would be careful while driving there.

III. Writing Skill: Magazine Article

By Line------

Paragraph 1(Introduction)

Paragraph 2 (Development of Topic)

Paragraph 3 (Summing up/ Conclusion)

A detailed illustration that is given below has to be kept in mind while writing a good magazine article.

Q. Children and youth in today’s world are under a lot of pressure to perform well and compete
continuously. This causes them a lot of stress, often leading to their emotional and mental breakdown.
Write a magazine article in about 120 words based on the topic. Imagine yourself to be Shailja / Shailesh.

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