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Objectives of this Chapter After completing this chapter, the student will be able to: Review the concepts about helical springs as introduced in Mechanics in terms of the stress and deformation equations. Know the different loading cases of helical springs. Solve problems about helical springs considering different arrangements, with various loading cases. 4, Design a helical spring considering materials, properties and dimensions based on standard specifications. 5. Analyze and design other kinds of springs including extension springs, torsion springs, and leaf springs. In Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (MDB), springs ‘are usually introduced as an extension topic for Torsion. However, out of the numerous kinds of springs, most discussion and problems are concentrated on helical springs only In Machine Design | (MD1), discussion about springs is more extensive since design considerations are given ‘more emphasis, Analysis of other kinds of springs include the following: extension springs with binding force, helical springs made of rectangular wires, torsion springs, leaf springs, et. ‘The first part of the discussion presented here is an excerpt from the pre-requisite subject, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies.This is intended to easily’ recall the principles underlying the derivation of formulas, anticularly about stresses and deformations of springs under the action of loads A. Helical Springs of Round Wire A helical spring is a good example of a machine component that serves its purpose through considerable deformations. While being deformed axially, the spring \wire is subjected to a combination of shear stresses, the ‘greater being a torsional stress on the spring wire, ‘@R Machine Desion 1_2 Sem 2022-2023 BASAEN.RV_ Where: F = axial oad of spring Dy = spring wire diameter D. = outside coil diameter D, = inside coil diameter Dy = mean coil diameter Dyy = Dy ~ Dy! Dy, = Dy + Dy (+d) a P= pitch of spring A = pitch angle Note: All dimensions are measured when F = 0. ‘+ SHEAR STRESS FORMULA, 5, : : oa 53 os Note: ‘The spring wire is subjected to two shear stresses: torsional shear S,, and direct shear S,, © Torsional Stress in the Spring S., = Torsional shear stress From But, 1= (Pet forthe spring wite of diameter Dy ‘Since the ratio ofthe diameters of spring is ‘commonly used Dm : C= FE (spring index) Then, 5, = BFC ‘20 De Corsional stress in the spring) Direct Shear Stress in the Spring FE wt F Seq Sa Dy? (direct shear stress in the spring) Resultant Shear Stress in the Spring ‘The shear stresses have a maximum resultant at point ‘A’, esorspeng ‘The total shear stress is then S.= Sat Sea Combining the two shear stresses in the spring, whose maximum resultant occurs at ‘A’, the total shear stress is then the sum of the vectors The vectors are akitive since they are colinear and in the same sense at the surface of the coil nearest the spring axis at point A, as shown, BFDm AF EDS Dy Oa Be) : (factor for direct shear) ® susne Des sasameny $8 Thus, arc “nD Note The above shear stress equation already includes. the two. shear stresses. However, considering the effect of the curvature of the spring coil, another factor Ke should be included. This is also known as the stress concentration of the spring due to the curvature ofthe coils. ‘Thus, the corrected total shear stress is then wn 8 ss Ke factor for direct shear The two factors when combined is known as the Wahl’s factor °K” K=K,K,: — (Wahl'sfactor) In terms of the spring index, C, the Wahl’s factor is defined as x (AOA, 0.818 ac-4* co | ‘Thus, the maximum shear stress in the spring wire is __ SFC] + | (exact equation of shear stress) Use this unless otherwise stated in the problem. ‘Neglecting the factor for curvature K., ay ee a SS (approximate equation only) © AXIAL DEFORMATION FORMULA, 5 Wil Note ‘While the spring absorbs an axial load F which causes, an axial deformation 6. the spring wire is under a bwisting moment T which results in an angle of wis 6 ‘Thus, relating the strain energy quantities from axial and angular deformations, Eserain (2) where Evan = Strain energy or elastic potential energy of spring Since the two strain energy quantities (represented by ‘tiangular areas above) are just equal, 1 1 train = 5 F8]= [Esrame = 578 (F6]= [76] But a T rare sand on Length of equivalent straight spring wire = Length of spring wire Ne = Number of active coils of the spring ‘Then, equating the two strain energy quantities. If 2a) ro) B06 [BF Dy.'Ne GD, BFCN, D, (axial deformation formula) $ Mastne Ds sempozz.2ns3 masamnsny Spring Constant, k load _F deformation ~ 5 Also, BFCON, Note: Ils also referred to as spring rate, spring scale, spring modulus, spring gradient, or stiffness of spring, ‘SPRING ARRANGEMENTS, 1. Springs arranged in parallel a) Equal length Fores Wak +h ng" 3"%8) Deformations b= = constant Biter spring (otal load, force exerted by the outer spring, force exerted by the inner spring jeformation of the outer spring jeformation of the inner spring Over-al spring ate Fr Ath+h ea Or But the deformation is constant ‘Thus, Wa FoF Deformations fo=3re 67 ©) Nom-concentric Fores: [EMG Wearb+e) = Fifa) + Fefab) Deformations 2. Spring arranged in series 1S :formations: = Ste = r= total deformation SPRING UNDER IMPACT LOADING. 1. Froma Potential Energy Source Energy balance: ree Stainenery wie =3P0 P= impact load of spring ® vse Ds 2 Som 2072-2023 BASAEN, RV 2. From Kinetic Energy Source nergy balance: KE= Strain energy impact load of spring spring constant OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS FOR HELICAL SPRINGS: 1. Pitch angle of spring, 2 Note: For more accurate results of the stress equation, the pitch angle should not exceed 12°, A < 12°. 2. Spring wire diameters are based on stardard gage numbers. Table ATIS of DME Faires lists. the standard sizes. ‘Wire Diameter, in| Plate Gage FWSM | B&S | Thickness, No. | Ferrous | Nonferrous | Inch (US: ‘Std.) 5 | 50 0.50 ‘<0 —|0aats 040 50 [0.405 Oa £0 [oa | 0a, 0.06 3:0 [-03@5—[ 007 O37S 0|-osn0 | aes ose ‘0 | oains [as oat 1 [0280 | 07299. ‘O81 2 [oes | 035% 0266 3[-o2s17 | — 0209 0250 [ozs — 0208 0254 302070] 0.1 0219 [atm — oer ‘208 arm [ae O18 | oneao [07 orm [oss [ont 0156 10 —[-0.1350—| 0.102 oar i —[-0.1005[ a1 0135 12 [-0.1055—[ a8 0.109 1s ]-o0o1s | 0073 o.098 Ta [ o.oo | 0. ‘07m 1s_[-a07a0 | —00s7 ‘O07 16—[-o0aas| 0051 0.068 1700510 | oss 0.056 1g [00875 [00107 0.050 3. Recommended values for the spring index, C: ‘To avoid problems in coiling the spring, the spring index should not be less than 5: € > 5. From Machinery's handbook, best proportioned springs use a spring index of C= 7 through 9. 4. Compression springs have the following lengths FL = free length CL = compressed length, 6 = deformation of spring SH = solid height Seouia = deformation at solid height sit cS S| a 5. Approximate free lengths and solid heights for different spring ends, (ATI6 DME Faires) "Type of Ends | Free oral | Solid Height Length | Coils Plain DNe=De | Ne | DeNeaDw Plain ground |” PN. Ne DeNe Squared PN+3De | Ne? | DeN+3D. Squared and | pN.+2D. | New? | DuN+2D. ound Example 1: ‘A helical compression spring is used to support an axial oad of SOON. The spring is made of an mm diameter steel spring wire that is wound to form an outside coil diameter of S6mm and a pitch of 24mm. The spring consists of 10 coils, with squared and graound ends. Determine the following: a) Maximum stress induced in the spring, in MPa ) Axial deformation of spring in mm ©) Spring rate )_ Pitch angle of the spring ifits free length i thrice its wire diameter ©) Length of straight spring wire used to coil the given spring 1) Deformation of spring if itis to be compressed to its solid height. 2) Spring's design stress if it is made of ASTM. ABI, stainless steel wire, Use equal spring index ® sishnoDasons 2% sonsozams pass ny & and a standard spring wire diameter closest to ‘8mm (but greater). The spring is to be used for only about 100,000 times during its life Solution: This isa basic example that applies the useful formulas about torsion in MDB. Design considerations are introduced in the last part ofthe problem, a) Maximum stress induced in the spring, S, bb) Axial spring deformation, ©) Spring rate, Co) ©) Pitch angle, a ©) Length of straight spring wire necessary, Lroraz ©) Spring deformation at solid height, 8,.u¢ 8) Shear design siress of the spring ® sustine des sasamay & Example 2: ‘Asspring is to be used as a relief valve fora boiler. ‘The spring has the following data D,~ 13mm D,-115mm FL = 208mmNy=9.5 coils (with sq, and gr. ends) \GPa The valve seat is 32 mm. and the relief valve should copen once the steam pressure reaches 1.4 MPa, Determine the following: 8) Length to which the spring should be initially compressed inside the valve to hold the given pressure 1) Stress on the spring at the given setting, and when the spring is compressed to its solid height, Solution: = | a) Compressed length, C1 =? fra 1 1). Spring's stress atthe specified setup, and at solid Example 3: ‘A spring isto absorb an impact load from a 12-kg rigid body which is to be dropped at a height of 1.5m from the ‘unsupported end of the spring. Ifthe spring gradient is 35 KIN/m, determine the following: a) Maximum deflection of the spring ® sshine Dosa 2 Som 2una.2003 pasa ny ) Velocity of the body at an instant when the spring's ‘deformation is SOmm Solution: a) Maximum deformation, 6 =? by Veloci if 6 = 80mm. v Example 4: ‘A crate of mass 1800 kg at a speed of 1.2 mis is, brought to rest by two helical steel springs. In stopping the crate, the springs are compressed by 200mm. Take the spring index to be 6 and the allowable stress to be 360 MPa on each spring, Determine the following: a) the maximum, Toad on each spring, b) the minimum spring wire diameter necessary, and c) the number of active coils. Use G = 80 Pa, 1 Solution: 8) Maxinnum foad on each spring 7] WM Ay = 8) Dynecessary =? oN Example &: ‘Two concentric springs of unequal lengths are loaded as shown. Before the 2 EN load is applied, the outer spring is longer by 20mm, Other data are given in the table below (Wolosd) (Loaded with W) ®vishineDesin | 2" som 2ea.2003 —pasamny Spring | Material [No] Dy De Gmm)_| (om) 7 G=aGPa [i2f 8 56 2 c-socra_|s | 10 30, Determine the maximum stress and deformation of each spring if they are to be axially loaded with 2 KN Solution: Example 6: ‘An eccentric circular cam is assembled as shown, At low position, the force between the cam and follower is 50 1b. At high position, the corresponding force is 80 Ib. ‘The spring is connected to maintain contact between the ‘cam and follower, with the following data CHT Soq =60 ksi Calculate the following: a) spring wire diameter Dy and, b) number of active coils Ne for the spring, Solution: a) Spring wire diameter, Dy = R Machine Design 1_2°! Sem 2072-2023 BASAEN. RV_ GR b) Number of active cols, Ne B DESIGN OF A HELICAL SPRING Characteristics: = Problems are usually open-ended, and, assumptions are often necessary = The requirements may involve material selection and determination of necessary detailed spring dimensions. = Solution must satisfy all problem requirements, and all conditions of good design as advised by the textbook, and other sources. Spring service Light service: less than 10° eycles Average service: 10't0 10° cycles Severe service: beyond 10° cycles Some Spring Materials ‘Typical spring materials have a carbon content of 0.5% or greater. Carbon Steels: Hard Drawn Wire Hard drawn spring wire (cheapest) Music Wire Moat commonly used aed tost reisble materi for general application up 10 a wie diameter of 2 inch Oil tempered spring wire Used as an allemative to music wire, but less reliable Alloy Steels: = Selected for a particular application in which carbon steels are no longer satisfactory (high endurance, high toughness and corrosion resistance may be desired). ~ Example of spring materials made of alloy steels: Cr, V, SiMn, stainless steel ~ Example of non-ferrous materials include copper and nickel based, Monel = Cu + Ni Inconel = Cr + Ni +Fe+, 2 Som 2072-2023 BASAEN, RV ® vse Ds Example of Simple Design of Hetical Springs ial sping is ot about an 2 inch diameter rod. A manu loud of ito compres he spring by 1 inches. The fee length so be 2inches oF ls, The spring is to be used only for only about 50,000 times dhring si, bu 8 to be subjcted to elatvely igh temperature and corsive atmosphere while in operon, Select a spring material and specify the necessary spring dimensions Dy, D,, NF, et. Mee all conditions advised by the textbook F=alb.(max) het Solution: " ® Mushne Des 2* sem sasameny $8 Bs ® sustine des sasamay & OTHER KINDS OF SPRINGS A. Extension Springs B. Helical Compression Springs (Rectangular section) C. Torsion Springs D. Leaf Springs A) Extension Spring with a Binding Force = Abinding force F; keeps the coils in contact with each other at no-load condition. This spring detects only after the binding force has been Load A i UY Deformation Spring Rate Ge _F-% 7 BFCIN, Where Fj, initial binding force F = applied force Note: Except for the effect of the initial binding force, this extension spring is treated with the same formulas of stress and deformation like a typical helical compression spring. Extension springs’ strength is only about 75% to 80% of the compression springs’ strength Sea (extension) = (0.75 £0 0.80)S ya (compression) Example 1: ‘An extension spring is loaded with 100 1b and has 1 measured deflection of 0.5 in. When the lond is doubled. the resulting deformation became 1,125 in, Determine the binding force, Fi and the spring constant, k. 6 Solution: Example 2: A helical extension spring has the following data: Dw =0.2 in, C=6, binding stress =10 ksi; Ne = 6 coils, and G = 11.5 10® psi, for steel Determine the following a) Binding force, F, b). Spring deformation, 6 if loaded with 200 Ib Solution: 8) Binding foree, b) Deformation, 6 =? B) Helical Springs of Rectangular Wire Note: ‘The formulas presented below are based on DME Faires, which are the same as those presented by MED by Mott ®vishineDesin | 2" som 2ea.2003 —pasamny Stress Equation FDy(3b + 1.80), a oe 5, ‘Where the dimension b should be parallel to the spring axis, 2.4FD, for square wire Where K, = Wahl’s factor for the rectangular-spring ‘wire (available from AFIS) Deformation Equation Also, 2ASFON, GO= 0500) where Example 3: A helical compression spring is made of rectangular wire and has the following data: spring index. C= 6; crass section, b= 20 mm (parallel to spring axis): Da G = 80 GPa; Ny ~8 coils. Determine the following 8) Maximum stress, and 'b) Deformation of spring as caused by a 5000 N load Solution: ) Spring deformation ©) Torsion Spring Helical Torsion Spring Stress Equation Mc $= K, "EM = Pa K,, = Wahl'sfactor for bending; c= Deformation equation ML _MnDyNc cipeEn radians Strain Energy Example 4: ‘A.spring wire is wound to form a helical torsion spring, ith the following dimensions: spring index C = 6; number of active coils Ne = 7: mean coil diameter Dy = 60mm: load F = SOON, applied at a moment arm a = 80mm from the center of coil, Using an E = 200GPa, determine the following: a, Maximum stress induced in the spring when loaded with 500 N. b, Resulting angular deformation in degrees Strain energy in Joules and the spring ra miev Solution: 2) Maximum bending stress induced in the torsion spring, $; =? ° D) 2 Sem 2072.0025 _RASAEN. RW b) Angular deflection, @ =? Strain energy, Exerain =? spring rate, k =? Leaf Spring A leaf spring consists of several leaves. of rectangular cross section that are clamped atthe center by means of U-bolts, They are usually assembled ina semielliptical or straight configuration. Basic Concept from a Cantilever Beam F 8 ‘Stress Equation n Fu(3) bet OFL. on 5, = chenaing stress) Deformation Equation FB FB AFL seam deft Fp (beam deflection) Note: Leaf springs are similar to two cantilever beams consisting of graduated leaves, The above stress and deformation fonmuas are affected by the number of leaves of the assembly of the leaf spring, Ful length Graduated eaves Teavee Note: ‘The formulas of stress and deformation of the above cantilever beam can be used (0 easily recall the textbook formulas of the stress and deformation of a leaf spring consisting of several leaves as shown. The cantilever beam formulas are just multiplied by a factor of: 3 Tag any, ‘Thus, for the maximum stress in a leaf spring, 6FL/ 3) _ BFL = bean, + 3n;) ~ ben, + 3m) And, for the maximum deflection is _ AF ( 3) a2 »* 3500 an, + 3n,) — bHEC@n, + 3n;) ‘€R Machine Design 1_2° Sem 2022-2023 _BASAEN.RV_@&& ‘¢ Maximum Bending Stress Formula 18FL. $5 Gn, + 3m) ¢ Maximum Deflection Formula 12F1 Where: F = loatl at cach eye of the leaf spring, sngth of each cantilever listance between the U-bolts number of graduated leaves number of full-length leaves L x Ly = total length of the main leaf (eye ~ to eye length) Lp = 2b+x x = line spacing between the u — bolts L= effective length of spring Lr-x z Note: For a more conservative analysis, the effective length L is slightly longer than that shown above i.e, L’ = L + 1/6X). ‘This length leads to more accurate stress and deflection if used in the above formulas. However, for theoretical calculations, use, y= Le 2z (unless otherwise emphasized in a problem) Example $: ‘A set of four leaf springs fora dump truck is designed. to support a total load of 72 KN, The truck has 4 wheels, and each wheel is supported by a leaf spring. Other dimensions are as follows: width of each leaf, b = 80mm; thickness, t = 22mm; eye-to-eye length = 1.5m; U-bolt spacing = 30cm. ‘There are 13 total leaves in the assembly of each leat spring, with two full-length leaves. Compute the maximum stress induced and the deflection of each leaf spring, Use E = 200 GPa, Solution: ‘Maximum stress, Sy = ” Example 6: ‘A leaf spring has 12 leaves, two of which are full- length. The spring’s supports ate 1.05 m apart and the central load is 5.4 KN, Assume a permissible stress of 280) MPa for this spring. The U-bolts clamping the leaves are spaced ata distance of 85:mm, Determine the thickness t and width b of each leaf if the ratio of the total depth to the with of the spring is 3.0, Also determine the deflection ofthis spring, Use 5 ~ 210) GPa Solution: R Machine Desi sasamay & 80

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