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2, FEBRUARY 2023

Platform-Based Manufacturing Service

Collaboration: A Supply-Demand Aware
Adaptive Scheduling Mechanism
Jiawei Ren, Ying Cheng , Feng Xiang , and Fei Tao , Member, IEEE

Abstract—With the development of new-generated IT and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can hardly cover all the
technologies and the launch of a series of industrial In- product manufacturing processes. In order to meet the chal-
ternet of things platforms, service-oriented manufacturing lenges, manufacturing service collaboration (MSC) has become
is an inevitable trend of manufacturing industry. There-
fore, the platform-based manufacturing service collabora- an effective way to solve the problem of personalized complex
tion (MSC) becomes a recognized answer to the complex product manufacturing and increase the value creation of man-
and personalized manufacturing demands. However, the ufacturing processes [2].
changes in both supply and demand of the platform in So far, MSC has gone through three phases, which are in-
its operation process are usually unpredictable. To cope
traenterprise collaboration, interenterprise collaboration, and
with the scheduling problem on the platform-based MSC
with the dynamic uncertainties of both supply and de- platform-based collaboration [3]. Today, with the concept such
mand, an adaptive scheduling mechanism is explored in as industry Internet of things (IIoT) platforms as well as industry
this article. In which, the real-time system state evaluation cloud platforms putting forward, platform-based collaboration
method considering supply and demand are designed, and has become the main development trend of MSC [4]. Even
a supply-demand aware rescheduling trigger judgement
now, platform-based MSC has been put into use on a gradually
is proposed. Experimental results show the effectiveness
and adaptiveness of the proposed mechanism, which also increasing scale [5]. However, there are still many obstacles for
provides a reference for other MSC scheduling problems this, such as insufficient digitalization of manufacturing equip-
towards different dynamic situations. ment, manufacturing enterprises reluctantly to release data, lack
Index Terms—Adaptive scheduling mechanism, dynamic of cloud computing capacity, and so on. However, just from the
scheduling, manufacturing service collaboration (MSC), perspective of platform operations, one of the crucial issues is
platform, supply-demand matching. that to achieve optimal matching and scheduling which contains
so many dynamic uncertainties of supply and demand [6].
From some point of view, the scheduling problem of platform-
based MSC just refers to dispatch the manufacturing demands
OWADAYS, with the development of information tech-
N nology and manufacturing globalization, three main chal-
lenges of manufacturing industry gradually appear in re-
to resources, which are in the form of services, or allocate the
resources to demands in a specific time interval in order to
execute manufacturing tasks and satisfy customers’ personalized
searchers’ vision, which are personalized requirements, com- requirements. In other point of view, all these activities on
plicated product and low added value [1]. For the simple small the platform including decomposition of the complex tasks,
composition of the individual services, mapping of the services
Manuscript received 27 January 2022; revised 18 April 2022 and 3 and tasks, optimization of the service selection, and even the
June 2022; accepted 29 June 2022. Date of publication 6 July 2022;
date of current version 13 December 2022. This work was supported in first point of view are all contained in the broad meaning of the
part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant scheduling problem [7].
52175448 and Grant 52120105008, in part by the Fundamental Re- However, in the changing state of production environment and
search Funds for the Central Universities under Grant YWF-22-L-1182,
and in part by the Fund of Key Laboratory for Metallurgical Equipment production system, it is difficult for traditional MSC scheduling
and Control of Ministry of Education in Wuhan University of Science and methods to realize intelligent scheduling in the unpredictable
Technology under Grant 2018B04. Paper no. TII-22-0436. (Correspond- and changeable situations for the increasingly complex and
ing author: Ying Cheng.)
Jiawei Ren, Ying Cheng, and Fei Tao are with the School of dynamic manufacturing task demands and massive and diverse
Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang Univer- manufacturing resource services [8]. Therefore, it is urgent to
sity (BUAA), Beijing 100191, China (e-mail:; develop the scheduling methods more adaptive for the environ-;
Feng Xiang is with the Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Equipment ment in which the platform operates.
and Control of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University of Science and Therefore, scheduling of platform-based MSC is one of the
Technology, Wuhan 430081, China (e-mail: key scientific problems in its operation management. In this
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at article, 1) the dynamic simulation of platform-based MSC is re-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2022.3188549 alized by adjusting the tasks in priority, 2) an adaptive scheduling

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mechanism based on supply and demand real-time evaluation is tasks, i.e., the supply and demand of platform-based MSC, is
proposed, and 3) according to the experimental results, theoret- enhanced.
ical basis is provided for the scheduling problems in different So far, as a key of the platform-based manufacturing service
situations. collaboration, the studies of supply-demand of the MSC is
not enough. Some studied on supply-demand of the MSC is
in the platform modeling [14], supply and demand matching
II. RELATED WORK [15], and optimization problems [16]. Hardly considered the
supply-demand of the MSC as the core of dynamic scheduling
A. Platform-Based Manufacturing Service Collaboration aim at dynamic uncertainty.
Since the 1960s, with the rapid development of computer
technology and network communication technology, the in-
formatization wave characterized by digitization, networking B. Adaptive Scheduling Methods
and intelligence has promoted the productivity of manufacturing An adaptive scheduling method refers to the formulation of
enterprises greatly. The emerging platform-based MSC provides corresponding scheduling methods or strategies according to
enterprises and individual users with extensive parallel com- the scheduling system state and external disturbance in the dy-
puting, distributed computing and grid computing capabilities namic uncertain environment to achieve adaptability to different
in the mode of “Infrastructure-as-service, platform-as-service, system states and requirements [17]. Basically, there are two
and software-as-service,” and promotes the production and de- main problems of the adaptive scheduling method to figure with,
velopment of modern manufacturing industry based on product which are “When to schedule” and “How to schedule” [18].
demand [9]. The development of the platform-based MSC can As the term of “When to schedule”, the scheduling mechanism
be mainly divided into three stages, enterprise private platform, also called rescheduling mechanism was studied by lots of
public platform, and IIoT platforms [10]. The enterprise pri- researchers. The scheduling mechanism drives the scheduling
vate platforms are mainly applied to internal informatization of process in an appropriate timing, which lead the scheduling
enterprises, such as MES, ERP, SCADA, and WMS systems. systems to achieve optimal results for a period of time, so that the
Virtual computing of platform-based MSC is used to integrate scheduling mechanism is regarded as the core of dynamic uncer-
the internal resource services of an enterprise. Based on SOA tain scheduling problems. The classical scheduling mechanisms
mode, application service-based assembly, flexible platform mainly include two categories, which are periodic scheduling
expansion, virtual resource supply, and intelligent management and event-driven scheduling [18]. As early as in 1992, the
support are realized to improve the production management level researchers have already done detailed analysis and comparison
and process operation mechanism of an enterprise. The public of periodic scheduling and event-driven scheduling in the job
platforms are mainly used by enterprises to provide direct ser- shop scheduling problem [19]. Compared with event-driven
vices to external users with their own manufacturing resources. scheduling, which has stronger real-time performance, periodic
A public platform integrates resources and capabilities to real- scheduling is better in system stability, and easy realization, but
ize information distribution and integration, so as to generate the disadvantages of the above two mechanisms are also obvious.
services and applications that can be directly used by users, The follow-up studies focus on the hybrid-driven scheduling,
greatly improving enterprise resource management efficiency which combine periodic scheduling with event-driven schedul-
and data processing capability. Currently, with the support of ing to get the advantages of both. Researchers have already
new-generated information technologies, a number of platforms, proposed lots of hybrid-driven scheduling mechanisms, such as
which called IIoT platforms are gradually implemented [11], scheduling mechanism based on the implicit interference [20],
such as GE Predix platform, Siemens Mindsphere platform, scheduling cost [21], expected effect of disturbance [22], and so
ABB Ability platform, Haier COSMO platform, and SANY on, in many different areas [23].
Roots Interconnection platform. The IIoT platforms take service Once the scheduling timing is decided, there would be one or a
as the core, realizing enterprise resources socialized sharing bunch of dynamic events to deal with. So, it is necessary to solve
and collaboration. With improving of manufacturing enterprise the problem of “How to schedule,” which leads to the constantly
informatization, the platforms will aggregate manufacturing re- research of the optimization algorithms and scheduling rules.
sources and capabilities in the form of manufacturing services Different from the problem of “When to schedule,” the problem
across different fields or industries. The aggregated services of “How to schedule,” is more focus on solving each static
can be effectively controlled and dispatched with the formation scheduling problem quickly and accurately in every scheduling
of crowdsourced production [12], cloud manufacturing mode interval.
[13], to response personalized user requirements timely. At the The most commonly used intelligent optimization algorithms
same time, the collaborative ability and effect between any two can be mainly divided into some categories, such as swarm
enterprises can be effectively improved. In addition, the value intelligence algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), and simulated
adding and the utility of services can be improved significantly. annealing algorithm [24]. In order to improve the adaptiveness
Overall, currently, there are three definite trends of the of the intelligent optimization algorithms, researchers proposed
platform-based MSC, which are, 1) more manufacturing re- a series of improvements. The specific implementation methods
sources are accessed to the platforms, 2) the number and com- include the improvement based on population and control pa-
plexity of requirements submitted to the platforms increased, rameter optimization [25], taking measures to control population
and 3) the aggregation of both manufacturing resources and diversity [26], and introducing new operators [27].
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Generally, the scheduling rules including the earliest due TABLE I

date (EDD) rule, the shortest processing time (SPT) rule, the
modified job due date (MDD) rule, the modified operation due
date (MOD) rule, and so on. As well, a bunch of basic schedul-
ing rules with the mapping relationships of different system
states or a scheduling rule that keeps learning and evolving
with the environment can be called as the adaptive scheduling
rule [28]. Since around 2000, some researchers have applied
reinforcement learning (RL) methods to optimal scheduling
problems [29]. At first, they applied RL to dynamic single
scheduling research and the appropriate dispatching rule was
selected dynamically in correspondence with different situations
and system states [30]. Then, many other difficult problems
such as multimachine scheduling and multiobjective scheduling
problems were studied as well [31].

C. Research Gap
With the rapid development of platform-based MSC, the con-
tinuous growth of the scale of the supply and demand leads to the
increasingly uncertainty of the platform. Sometime the classical
scheduling methods are difficult to meet the requirements. So
that, a MSC scheduling mechanism with more adaptive for the
environment is required urgently.
According to the relevant studies of “When to schedule” and
“How to schedule”. It can be seen that, for any bunch of dynamic
events, the optimization algorithms and scheduling rules could
help to obtain an optimal solution. However, for the continuous
scheduling problems in uncertainty dynamic environment, the
scheduling mechanisms adaptive to the dynamic events and the
system condition is the key.
However, the existing hybrid-driven scheduling mechanisms
hardly consider both the state of supply and demand, and lack of
the dynamic uncertainty simulation of platform environment. So
that, in this article, a supply-demand aware adaptive scheduling
mechanism is proposed and verified with the proposed dynamic
uncertainty simulation environment.


A. Notations and Assumptions
According to the previous relevant studies, mostly, descrip-
tion of the MSC scheduling problems include three categories,
the task-related parameters, the service-related parameters, and
the scheduling process-related parameters. In this article, the
scheduling problem is described as that there are M service
communities, which was aggregated from some single services
with similar functions and the service number of each com-
munity can be represented as Srw , r = 1, 2, 3, . . . , Rw . Also,
there are N manufacturing tasks, which can be represented as
Tn , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N . So that, the tasks should be decom-
posed into serval subtasks sTnk , which can be executed by
any single suitable-function service. The scheduling problem of
platform-based MSC is trying to find a reasonable distribution
of manufacturing services in order to execute the manufacturing
tasks with high quality and efficiency. The notations used in the
formulation of the problem are listed in Table I.

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The studied scheduling problem in this article is subject to the

following assumptions:
1) all service resources are available at beginning;
2) any task cannot be scheduled until it arrives;
3) the resources type and number demanded by tasks are
4) any subtask cannot be executed until all of its preceding
subtasks are completed;
5) it cannot be interrupted once a task is started;
6) the execution time, quality and cost of resources are
7) the execution time of all subtasks are determined by the
resources with longest execution time.

B. Objective Functions
Different from the normal static scheduling problems usually Fig. 1. Supply-demand aware adaptive scheduling process.
use some static objectives such as makespan, quality, and cost,
due to the complexity and uncertainty of the environment in the
platform-based MSC processes, it needs to introduce suitable stability the MSC environment is. The computational formula
objectives for the dynamic scheduling problem, which including of the scheduling stability is shown in formula
task tardy time, task waiting time, scheduling system stability, N

i rti−1
system balance, and so on. Stability = Xn × 1 − rti Yn
In this problem, especially the dynamic uncertain scheduling n=1
problem, to a great extent, tardiness, and latency of the man-  
× 1 − rti Zn × (planTni finish − planT ni−1 finish )2 .
ufacturing tasks represent the optimum level of the scheduling
solution in the time dimension. So, tardiness and latency can be
considered as time-relevant objectives. The tardiness and latency The other constraints are shown from (7)–(11). Formulas (7)
are defined as following formulas: and (8) reflect the constraint of operation sequences and re-
sources constraint. Furthermore, (9)–(11) reflect the task quality,
 total cost, and the stability of each scheduling process should be
Tardiness = min max ((Tnfinish − Tndue ) , 0) (1)
limited in a predefined range
 sT nk start + sT nk execute ≤ sT nk+1 start (7)
Latency = min Tnstart − Tnarrive . (2) Rw

n=1 Urw ≤ Rw (8)
Manufacturing cost and quality of service are more general m=1
objective functions. Different from tardiness and latency, cost, Tnquality ≤ Qcons (9)
and quality are considered as time-irrelevant objectives. They

can be calculated by formulas
Tncost ≤ Ccons (10)
 1 n=1
Quality = min (3)
Tnquality I

Stability ≤ Scons . (11)
Cost = min Tncost . (4)
Based on (1)–(4), the objective function is normalized as MECHANISM
shown in (5), the value of w represents the weights of different
objectives The adaptive scheduling refers to the timely adjustment of
scheduling scheme based on the initial scheduling scheme and
min(weight1 ∗ Tardiness + weight2 ∗ Latency the actual state of the system. Therefore, the tasks need to be
scheduled at each scheduling time, including the tasks that have
+ weight3 ∗ Quality + weight4 ∗ Cost). (5)
not been executed and the newly arrived tasks.
As the flowchart shown in Fig. 1, a supply-demand aware
C. Constrains
adaptive scheduling mechanism is proposed for the problem
To limit the stability of the scheduling problem, the changes of platform-based MSC. First, in the initial moment when
of each rescheduled scheme are chosen to represent the stability t = 0, initialize the information of manufacturing tasks and
in each scheduling process. The smaller the changes, the more services, and use intelligent optimization algorithms or other
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methods to solve the scheduling problem in the initial moment. process would be executed. What needs to be stated is that, the
Then, when a dynamic event occurs, such as a task arrives or a adaptive scheduling threshold is not a fixed value, it should be
service change, the information of tasks and services would be adjusted with the change of system state in real time.
updated, the system state would be evaluated by combining the
service capacity and task load state of the platform-based MSC.
When the system state meets the rescheduling condition, the V. EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS
rescheduling process would be triggered, and the rescheduling To verify the availability and effectiveness of the proposed
scheme would be solved and executed until the next reschedule adaptive scheduling mechanism, the simulation experiment is
process triggered or all tasks are finished executing. executed. To simulate the scheduling problem precisely, the
simulation is divided into three stages, including 1) to generate
A. System State Evaluation Considering Supply and different scheduling situations for experimental, 2) to analyze
Demand the performance of different rescheduling thresholds under dif-
Based on the adaptive scheduling process mentioned previ- ferent situations, and 3) to compare the proposed mechanism
ously, it is necessary to evaluate the state of the supply and with other mechanisms.
demand on the platform.
Considering the scarcity of services, the manufacturing ser- A. Experimental Setting
vice capacity could be evaluated by the available manufacturing
service resources in the platform. The system service capacity For the advantages of fast convergency and global optimiza-
at time t is evaluated by formulas tion, GA is used to solve the scheduling scheme. In this ex-
periment, the population size is 200, and the generation num-
Service capability = (t Service capability1 , ber is 100. The selection probability, mutation probability and
t crossover probability are all adapted to the individual fitness in
Service capability2 , . . . , t Service capabilityw ) (12)
each generation. The experiment was programmed with MAT-
 LAB R2019a and performed on a 64-bit Windows10 operating
t w
Service capability = 1 − t Urw . (13) system with 2.50 GHz.
r=1 1) Experimental Parameters: According to the platform-
Considering the manufacturing tasks are personalized and based MSC in practical, considering the randomness and un-
dynamic, the task load state could be evaluated by service certainty of tasks, a test data generation method of MSC was
resources demand and the task urgency. The system task load presented. Specifically, the randomness of the arrival time of
state at time t is evaluated by formulas manufacturing tasks and the uncertainty of manufacturing ser-
  vices required by the tasks are considered. Therefore, in the
Task load = t Task load1 , t Task load2 , . . . , t Task loadw experiment, under the condition of constant total time and total
resource demand, by adjusting the scale of services and the
randomness and uncertainty of tasks, the adaptive scheduling
N Tn
  thresholds in different situations are analyzed and the effective-
Task loadw = t
Xn × 1 − t ynk ness of the scheduling mechanism is verified.
n=1 k=1 First, set the total task number as N , in the time interval
  Tnexpect [0, T ], the arrival time of tasks subject to uniform distribution
× 1 − t znk × × sT nkw number . Tn arrive ∼ U ( TN ∗n−T T ∗n−T
Tndue − t −1 − τ, N −1 + τ ). The larger the τ , the
stronger randomness of the arrival time distribution.
Then, represent the average requirement of services of type
w as Rwmean . The required service of task Tn is represented as
B. Supply-Demand Aware Rescheduling Trigger
sT nw number. sT nw number is positive integers and subjects to uni-
form distribution sT w n number ∼ U (Rwmean − γ, Rwmean + γ).
For the reason that the system scheduling difficulties is usually The larger the γ, the stronger the uncertainty of the number
limited by scarce resources, i.e., resources with larger ratio of of the required services.
task load and service capacity. So that, represent maximum value Finally, four service scales will be set, corresponding to
of the ratio of task load and service capacity at time t as t θ, which several situations from scarce to sufficient services. The scale
is calculated by formula of each service resources Rwsum are, respectively, 2∗Rwmean ,
Task load 3∗Rwmean ,4∗Rwmean , 5∗Rwmean .
θ = max t . (16) Besides, the constrains including quality, cost and stability
Service capability
are all set, as shown in Table II.
Based on the ratio of task load and service capacity, the system 2) Situation Setting: Adjusting the randomness and uncer-
state would be evaluated in real time in order to decide whether tainty parameters of tasks, as well as the total number of services,
to trigger the rescheduling process or not, and to adjust the adap- there are six different situations designed and analyzed in the
tive rescheduling threshold θn . Once t θ ≥ θn , the rescheduling experiment. The designed six situations are shown in Table III.

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Fig. 2. Algorithm convergence process of 30 times scheduling.

B. Experimental Results
Fig. 3. Changes of time-irrelevant objectives in different situations. (a)
1) Algorithm Convergence Verification: To verify the validity Total cost. (b) Total quality.
of the proposed adaptive scheduling mechanism, it is necessary
to verify the convergence of the optimization algorithm at first. Through the statistical analysis of the experimental data,
Because of the large number of groups of experiment, an ex- as shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), in different situations, with
periment with Situation 3 ( Rwsum = 3 ∗ Rwmean , τ = 0, γ = 0) the increasing of rescheduling threshold, the cost and quality
is chosen to demonstrate, when the rescheduling threshold θ = have no obvious change. It shows that under the experimental
0.8. As shown in Fig. 2, there are total 30 times of scheduling setting, the service cost and quality have no significant corre-
process, and in each rescheduling process the fitness function lation with rescheduling threshold. It is because weather the
can always convergence to the approximate optimal solution. value of rescheduling threshold is, it is equivalent to a service
2) Performance Analysis and Suggestion Under Different optimization in terms of cost and quality. Therefore, from the
Rescheduling Threshold: By adjusting the rescheduling thresh- result, adjusting the rescheduling threshold has little influence
old, the experimental results under different situations with on service cost and quality.
different rescheduling thresholds are obtained. As some experi- Result and Suggestion 2: For most situations, the times of
mental results obviously exceed the constraints of the problem, rescheduling reach the minimal when t θ = θ , mostly θ ∈
only the experimental results within the constraints are selected. [1.11.2]. So, when the system has high requirement on the times
Due to space limitations, four results are mainly analyzed as of rescheduling, choose the rescheduling threshold in the interval
follows. of θ ∈ [1.11.2] could be a better choice.
Result and Suggestion 1: There is no significant correlation As shown in Fig. 4, by comparing and analyzing the experi-
between cost and quality indicators and rescheduling thresh- mental data of six situations, it can be roughly divided into three
old. So, when choosing appropriate rescheduling threshold, types, which are types with sufficient supply, supply-demand
the influence to cost and quality can be considered in less balance, and insufficient supply, and the interval of θ is shown
priority. as the red lines, respectively.

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Fig. 4. Changes of rescheduling times for different situations. (a) For resource-sufficient type (situations 1, 2, and 3). (b) For supply-demand
balance type (situations 4 and 5). (c) For resource insufficient type (situations 6).

decreases with the increase of rescheduling threshold, and when

θ ≥ θ , the times of rescheduling process increases with the
increase of rescheduling threshold. It is because that with the
increase of rescheduling threshold, the number of accumulated
tasks for each rescheduling will increase. When the existing
services of the system can meet the need of each rescheduling,
the times of rescheduling will decrease. When the rescheduling
threshold is less than 1.1, the services required for each schedule
are roughly equal to the available services in the system, and
the times of rescheduling reach the minimum value. When the
threshold is greater than 1.2, it means that the system cannot im-
mediately allocate enough services to tasks in each scheduling,
and some tasks are postponed to next scheduling, which leads
to increasing of the times of rescheduling.
For situations 4 and 5, they are the type with supply-demand
balance. As shown in Fig. 4(b), when θ = 0, the same as the
type with sufficient supply, the times of rescheduling is equal to
the number of tasks. When 0 < t θ ≤ θ , there is different from
the type with sufficient supply, the times of rescheduling is still
approximately equal to task number, and when t θ ≥ θ , the times
of rescheduling increase with the increase of the rescheduling
threshold. Because of the balance between the demand of ser-
vices and tasks, when the rescheduling threshold is less than
1.1, the services are enough to be allocated for each demand
of rescheduling. However, when the rescheduling threshold is
larger than 1.2, some tasks are postponed to next rescheduling
process, because the system cannot allocate sufficient services
to the tasks immediately. As a result, the times of rescheduling
The results on the type with insufficient supply (i.e., situation
6), are, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Different from the other two types,
when θ = 0 , there are 40 times of rescheduling, which is more
Fig. 5. Changes of time-relevant objectives in different situations. (a) than the number of tasks, and the times of rescheduling will
Total latency. (b) Total tardiness. continue to rise basically with the increase of threshold. Which
means that, with the augmentation of randomness or uncertainty
of tasks, the task load would beyond the system service capacity
Wherein, situations 1, 2, and 3 are the type with sufficient in a local time interval, so that more rescheduling processes are
supply. As shown in Fig. 4(a), their typical characteristics are that required.
when θ = 0, the rescheduling times is equal to the number of Result and Suggestion 3: Tardiness and latency increase with
tasks, which is equivalent to the event-driven scheduling mech- the increase of rescheduling threshold, but decrease suddenly
anism. When 0 < t θ ≤ θ , in general, the times of rescheduling in some specific values. Therefore, when the system has strict

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Fig. 6. Latency of 30 tasks in each rescheduling threshold of situation.

time constraint, choose the rescheduling threshold as small as

possible. However, if higher rescheduling threshold is required,
try to avoid the maximum value of Latency and Tardiness.
The results on tardiness and latency change of different
rescheduling threshold in different situations are shown in
Fig. 5(a) and (b).
On the whole, tardiness and latency shows an upward trend,
but at some specific value there are sudden decreases in each
situation. In order to analyze the reason of the sudden decreases,
the latency change of situation 1 is chosen as an example to study
because of its significant feature. As shown in Fig. 6, latency
of 30 tasks of each rescheduling threshold is shown on the
circumference. It is clearly that, with the increase of rescheduling
threshold, latency of each task would increase evenly, until a
sudden decrease by the increase of average rescheduling task
number. For example, when θ = 0.5, there are two tasks be
dispatched in each rescheduling process, but the tasks are not
dispatched immediately.
Result and Suggestion 4: The system stability presents a
step characteristic, and is obviously affected by the scale of
services and the randomness and uncertainty of tasks. Therefore,
it is necessary to be clear about the maximum value of the
rescheduling threshold to avoid the system stability collapse.
The results on stability change of different rescheduling
thresholds are shown in Fig. 7(a). By comparing the system
stability change of six situations, it can be easily obtained that,
1) when the task is regular, as the growth of the scale of services,
the system critical stability threshold also increases, 2) when the
scale of services is certain, as the growth of the randomness and
uncertainty of tasks, the system critical stability threshold would
shrink, and 3) within the scope of the system critical stability
threshold, overall, the system stability can be guaranteed. How-
ever, when θ = 0.6, there are three tasks be dispatched in each
rescheduling process and the tasks are dispatched immediately,
which leads to the sudden decrease of total latency. After that,
latency increases continuously, until there are four tasks to be
dispatched in each rescheduling process.
In order to do some further analysis of the system critical Fig. 7. Analysis of rescheduling stability in different situations. (a)
stability threshold, it can be obtained that, the system stability is Changes of system stability. (b) Maximum number of dispatched tasks.

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rescheduling. As shown in Fig. 8, to compare with periodic

rescheduling, when the task is regular, as in Fig. 8(a), a par-
ticular scheduling period can have similar scheduling effects
with the corresponding rescheduling threshold. However, when
the randomness and uncertainty of tasks growth, as in Fig. 8(b),
it is difficult for periodic rescheduling to accurately identify the
situation at that time, and it is easy to lead to system stability
fluctuation. Meanwhile, it is difficult to guarantee scheduling

For the problem of platform-based MSC with the dynamic
and uncertain environment of both supply and demand, a supply-
demand aware adaptive scheduling mechanism was proposed in
this article, based on the careful analysis of the previous studies
in the related fields. The main contributions are summarized as
follows. First, the model of platform-based MSC scheduling was
established and described. Then, the real-time system state was
evaluated with the proposed supply-demand aware indicators,
which were task load and service capability. Based on the indica-
tors, the supply-demand aware adaptive scheduling mechanism
was explored. Furthermore, there were groups of experiment un-
der six situations with different characteristics conducted. Based
on the results analysis, four findings were concluded. Finally, the
effectiveness and superiority of the propose mechanism were
However, there are still some work need to be further solved.
In terms of the idealized problem model used in this article, it
may lead to the difficulty to provide an in-practice guidance
for the operation of the actual platforms. For the dynamic
optimization of multiobjective problems, the weighted normal-
Fig. 8. Comparison of the proposed mechanism and periodic
rescheduling. (a) Situation 1 when θ = 0.9, Δt = 30. (b) Situation ization method is adopted, which is not conducive to achieve
6 when θ = 0.9, Δt = 10. multiobjective optimization. In future, the multiobjective opti-
mization algorithms with adaptiveness will be discussed. For
the experimental results, although the results under different sit-
significantly correlated with the maximum number of dispatched uations have been analyzed in detail, the dynamic uncertainties
tasks. As shown in Fig. 7(b), for most of situations, the system of platform-based MSC still have not been fully discussed. It is
stability takes a step when the maximum number of dispatched also one of the most important goals in further research.
tasks rise to a larger value. And the maximum number of
dispatched tasks can be affected by the scale of services and REFERENCES
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