Grade 3 Test

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Give Me Five!

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1 Read, look and tick (✔).

There’s a playground next to the school. ✔

There’s a vegetable garden next to the school.

You can work in the computer room.

You can work in the library.

This is the canteen. We have lunch here.

This is the music room. We play the drums here.

I can go online in the computer room.

There isn’t a computer in the library.

There isn’t a football pitch but there’s a basketball court.

There isn’t a basketball court but there’s a football pitch.

Score: /4
2 Match the activity to the place.

1 I play the drums here. a football pitch

2 I hang my coat here. b gym

3 I have my lunch here. c bike stand

4 We play football here. d playground

5 We grow potatoes and carrots here. e corridor

6 I leave my bike here. f canteen

7 We do PE lessons here. g music room

8 I play with my friends here at break time. h vegetable garden

Score: /7
3 Read and tick (✔) or cross (✘).

Hi, my name’s Ella. My school is great. There is a big gym. We do

gymnastics there. We play football there, too. There isn’t a football
pitch. But there is a basketball court. You can play outside in the
playground at break time. The playground is next to the school.
There isn’t a vegetable garden. Inside the school there are corridors
to the classrooms. There is a big library. There isn’t a computer room
because the computers are in the library. Oh, and there’s a fantastic
canteen. I have my lunch there.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Score: /7


4 Read and complete.

1 I read a book in the l i b r a r y .

2 I play in the at break time.

3 I leave my coat in the .

4 I eat my lunch in the .

5 I play football on the .

6 We play basketball on the .

Score: /5
5 Read and complete.

school hall drama brilliant bike stand history arts and crafts

1 I leave my bike behind the school in the bike sta nd .

2 We often have concerts in the .

3 I’m very good at basketball and I’m at PE.

4 I like painting, drawing and making things. I’m good at .

5 I love theatre and acting. I’m very good at .

6 I like learning about the past and old things. I’m good at .

Score: /5

6 Order and write.

1 history / at / ? / you / good / Are

Are you good a t history?

2 PE / Are / brilliant / at / ? / you

3 good / What / ? / you / are / at

4 maths / you / do / ? / Where / study

5 have / When / English / ? / do / you

6 do / What / in / music room / ? / do / you / the

Score: /5

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