Force 1

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What is Force-1?

Force-1 is a No.1 smart contract for starting and developing a

blockchain-powered online business. Force-1 operates as a

decentralized platform that connects people from all over the world

and provides unlimited opportunities for a brand-new economics start

JUNE 2023.

The Force-1 Community Start from 200+ countries around the globe.
What Makes Force-1 Stand Out
100% Decentralized

Force-1 has no owners or management. It has been deployed as a

smart contract and from that moment runs independently. No one can

tamper with it, even the founders and developers, since smart

contracts are irreversible by nature.

The Force-1 smart contract regulates the interactions between the

users according to the marketing programs.

All users are equal, and everyone has the same opportunities to

create and develop their online business.

There is no CEO or owner who can change the rules and terms of

Force-1 ecosystem. The founders are ordinary users who follow the

same rules and mechanics as everyone else in the community.

Low Risk

All transactions are executed peer-to-peer, from one personal wallet to

another. The platform itself does not store any funds. There is no need

to ‘withdraw’, since there’s nothing to withdraw. The funds are already

on the users’ wallets.

Force-1 has no access to the funds, and nothing can affect the crypto

economics of the smart contract.

Even if the website crashes or becomes blocked, it won’t stop Force-1

from operating. The website is merely an interface that facilitates the

interaction between users. All the transactions are made in the

blockchain, and they can never be compromised or canceled.

It makes Force-1 absolutely resistant to any interference from

third parties, be it malefactors, authorities, or even the founders.


So far Force-1 operates on 1 blockchains:

Binance Smart Chain (USDT)

Originally Force-1 was implemented on the BSC blockchain. with its

speedy transactions and negligible fees.

Finally, Force-1 achieved its peak performance with USDT stablecoin

on the Binance Smart Chain network.

The basic principles of interaction between users, as well as the crypto

economics in all Force-1 blockchains are similar. However, Force-1

USDT allows users to earn a stable income in USDT stablecoin that is

pegged to the US dollar, therefore it is not subject to market


No Any Admin Fees

All participants are 100% free of commissions and additional fees from

the platform. This was realized due to the strict criteria introduced

when the platform was created back in 2020.

Every Force-1 participant is considered equal, and there is no

segregation into admins, founders, and others. On top of that, the

execution of crypto marketing in a blockchain does not depend on

banks, payment services, and other third parties.

Thus, the community has no internal fees that reduce its profit.

Force-1 founders are treated like ordinary participants. They have their

own accounts and earn by developing their affiliate structures, just like

everyone else


All the transactions in blockchain are open for everyone willing to check

them. You can always see them in a block observer that works with one

of 3 blockchains.

Therefore, you can always track incoming and outcoming transactions,

both yours and made by any other Force-1 user.

The smart contract is also open for examination, and you can always

check its mechanics, or ask someone you trust to do it for you.

Usdt bep20 adress:


The most up-to-date Technology

Force-1 implies the most cutting-edge technology available at the

moment to ensure that users get the best experience when building

their online business.

Force-1 leaves behind any other ways of doing business, both online

and offline, since it eliminates any counterparties and other limits.

Web3 technology allows

Force-1 does not require authorization with users’ names, phone

numbers, ID, or other private information.


The whole idea behind Force-1 is based on infinitely working

independent programs, where no one, even the creators, has any

control over their operation.

The smart contract makes its logic immutable, so it cannot be changed

or destroyed as it is stored in the blockchain. The combination of

economically sound programs and the immutability of the smart

contract makes Force-1 unstoppable.

No authorities, hackers, or even the founders can interfere and make

any changes. Force-1 will operate as long as the Internet exists.

User-friendly Dashboard

A personal dashboard provides interactive visualization of a user’s

structure in online mode.

Users can monitor the number of partners, the current state of

activated slots, and all the other significant data in real-time.

No Special Equipment or Knowledge Required

All you need to interact with the platform is a smartphone, tablet, or

computer. No special equipment is required. You also don’t need any

special education or experience to build your online business with

You can learn everything you need on the go, as you create your

Force-1 account.

Force-1 is a community that grows naturally, by inviting new partners,

so the person who invited you can walk you through all the steps and

ensure you get everything right.

Force-1 Platforms
Force-1 USDT is the latest and the most popular marketing program at

the moment.

The advantages of Force-1 USDT:

Speedy transactions

Low fees (less than $1)

A steady price pegged to US dollar

All USDT supply is backed by USD

NYDFS approved

BNB option

The fact that USDT equals USD makes it easier to engage new partners

and explain to them the mechanics of the platform.

2 programs available 1 Trigger: 3QORE & 10 QORE

Force-1 USDT was the first one to be launched soon in june 2023. So far it has

over users who have earned more than 50000000+ USDT


Entry cost: 5 USDT

2 programs available: 3QORE & 10QORE

Advantages of Force-1 USDT (bep20):

Largest crypto community

Stable cryptocurrency by capitalization

The opportunity to make money on t

Reliable and stable network

Force-1 Crypto Economy
Understanding the economy behind Force-1 programs is essential for

everyone who aims to build their online business in this ecosystem.

Force-1 Marketing

Force-1 marketing is a matrix system based on decentralized smart

contract technology. Profits come from inviting new partners to your

team, who, once registered, stay with you forever since it is recorded in


The income is distributed automatically and instantly to the personal

wallets of the participants. Participants have access in 1 trigger to 2

marketing programs, different in terms of profitability and conditions

of interaction between partners.

The most efficient method is to use all of these programs in parallel.

The validity of the levels is not limited. Once activated, any level of the

program becomes assigned to you forever and does not require any

additional payments.

Higher levels bring more income.


The levels of each program contain a fixed number of spots. Marketing

profit is generated from the value of the level in which your downline

partner occupied a spot.

Force-1 marketing is built in such a way that income from one cycle is

enough to activate the next level. As soon as all the spots in the level

are filled, a new cycle automatically begins.

The number of cycles is not limited. A level activated once allows

you to invite an unlimited number of new partners.

Referral link

All personal partners whom you invite are assigned to you forever, and

this cannot be changed, since the data is recorded in the blockchain.

Also, your referral linkage remains unchanged, you can't change your

upline partner.

Funds storage

Force-1 smart contracts are programmed in such a way that they never

store participants' funds, their balance is always zero. The purpose of

the smart contract is to automatically redirect funds from incoming

transactions to the wallets of other participants, according to marketing

program rules.

To become a Force-1 member, you need a personal crypto wallet.

Only you have access to the funds. All rewards are instantly credited to

your personal wallet. All transactions are stored in the public domain in

a blockchain.

You can easily check each transaction and see where the funds have

been transferred.


Registration is the activation of first levels in Force-1 3QORE+50%

DIRECT programs .

The first levels is REG 5$ open 1 3QORE programs are always

activated Next 2nd Level to 12th level 2 programs open together

50% gores to 3QORE & 50% goes to 10QORE and cannot be

accessed separately.

All the following levels can be purchased one by one, in ascending

order. Registration transaction is credited to the smart contract.

The smart contract records your wallet number into the structure and

redirects the funds to the personal wallet of the person that invited you

(your upline partner).

You occupy a free spot in their first level of 3QORE program and the

respectively opened for you, and now you can invite partners through

your personal referral link.

After activation of the first levels of 3QORE programs, the Combined 2

programs 3QORE & 10QORE program activation becomes available.

Force-1 Programs
How Force-1 3QORE works

All partners in your Force-1 3QORE program levels are the people

whom you’ve personally invited. When partners register in the program

using your referral link, they take spots below you.

The distribution of rewards when filling each spot in a level of the

program is as follows:

The first Level =2 partners you invite & Get spillovers from uplines

is placed in the first 2 spot below you.

The reward of 20% Each spot Total=40% from first level goes to your

personal wallet.

The second Level=4 partners is placed in the second Level 4 spot

below you.

You also get a 30% each reward total 120% from 2nd level to your

personal wallet.

The third Level =8 partners is placed in the third spot below you

and completes the cycle.

You also get a each 50% 6 spots reward total 300% from 3rd level to

your personal wallet.

Last 2spot 50%+50%=100% goes to reopen again

Force-1 3QORE program → 14 places in a cycle, +460% profit from

each cycle, 1 recycle = level cost. Best for fast profits from direct

How Force-1 10QORE works

In Force-1 10QORE program you can invite personal partners, as well

as receive spillovers from 1O levels uplines & 10levels above and


The partners who occupy 1st line two spots below you .

FORCE-1 10QORE is a 2 into 2 binary matrix program all spots

are 2/2 matrix top to bottom left to write.

Force-1 10QORE Program → 2046 places in a 10 LINES, Get 10%

profit from each spot of all lines, Total 20460% profit from each

10QORE levels.

Rewards from partners who occupy these spots instantly go to your

Force-1 Ecosystem
Force-1 is not just a platform or a project.

Start June 2023 it has grown into an ecosystem that has all what it takes to

build an online business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take

advantage of all the resources that we have.

Force-1 Website is the main hub where the community members interact

with the smart contract.

On the main page you can find the key points about Force-1, check out the

results of some random users, and track the number of Forsage

community members and their total result.

After logging in, you open your personal dashboard where you can see a

visualization of your structure. Here you can activate new levels and

programs, track your progress, and download some ready-made promo

materials for attracting new team members.

We’re always searching for new ways to make our website more user-

friendly, so you can notice new interface elements and features every now

and then.

Force-1 Community is a website where community leaders are posting

articles, tips, and news. Here you can find a huge variety of comprehensive

materials that will make your journey with easier.

How much can you earn with Force-1
Your income is not limited. The platform does not impose any

restrictions on the number of incoming transactions and amounts per


The only way to earn here is to invite new partners to your team.

Successful Force-1 users are professionally engaged in promoting their

business with Force-1 on the Internet.

Force-1 members, using the most basic tools like Youtube,

Instagram, or a personal blog, managed to earn a million dollars.

Force-1 Media



Registration Force-1 USDT
A detailed guide for your account creation

Our team strongly advice to spend some time and get knowledge about concept and marketing rules before you perform

registration of your account. This will prevent frequent cases of

misguidance, will save your money and will arm you with basic

knowledge to make successful team right from the start!

To prepare your registration procedure first you need to setup and

fund one of supported wallet application which can operate with our

site and smart contract with no issues:

Basic ID registration

Open your wallet application and find DAPPs browser

Copy registration link from your inviter or type default in Search bar of your DAPPs and proceed

Click on "Connect now" button and select your wallet

application from the list

On the top right corner you will see your crypto address. This

means site is connected to your wallet application.

Click on "Join" button for the next step

Check your Upline ID in the box, make sure that number is

Be aware: you can edit Upline ID only on this step!

In case of mistake you won't be able to change your Upline later

on, unless by registering different ID with new crypto address in

your wallet application.

If you registering without invitation link from default

then you will see Upline ID 1 by default.

Click "Approve" button and click "Transfer" on the next step

Confirm transaction in your wallet application

"Approve" must be done only in case if you registering with USDT


If you make registration completely with BNB then algorithm will

skip this step.

"Approve" transaction allows your crypto address to operate with

Force-1 smart contract if you registering with USDT.

After Approve is done click on "Registration" button and

confirm transaction in your wallet application

Next step will show you the progress of your account


After some seconds of waiting site will confirm that your

account is created and you can "Log in to your account" by

clicking corresponding button

Levels upgrade

BNB is used to process your transaction in the blockchain network.

Each transaction i.e. level activation will require to have 0.005 BNB on

balance (+ level cost itself in USDT or BNB by your choice).

Always keep enough BNB on your address balance to avoid

transactions being stuck.

Levels activation process is the same for Qore programs.

Login to your account and scroll to destination program where you

wish to upgrade a level

Click on the area of a program to enter levels view

Click on desired level and proceed to next step

You will see Information about a level in selected program, its cycle

revenue, cost and checkboxes with steps of activation.

Click on "Upgrade for..." button to start it and confirm transaction in

your wallet application

You will see Activating status for a few second until transaction is

processed in blockchain

After completion click "Okay" and return to your account main page
Basic ID registration
Go to the website or use referal link then click

"Connect now"
In the window that appears, select the Metamask wallet

Click on "Join" button

On the top right corner you will the Metamask extension make

sure that your wallet is connected. This means site is connected to

your wallet.
Click "Approve" button and click "Confirm" on the next step

Check your Upline ID in the box, make sure that number is


Be aware: you can edit Upline ID only on this step!

In case of mistake you won't be able to change your Upline later

on, unless by registering different ID with new crypto address in

your wallet application.

If you register without a referral link, then leave the field empty.

"Approve" must be done only in case if you registering with USDT

crypto. If you make registration completely with BNB then

algorithm will skip this step.

"Approve" transaction allows your crypto address to operate with

Force-1 smart contract if you registering with USDT.

After Approve is done click on "Registration" button and

confirm transaction in your Metamask extension.

You can also activate all next levels starting from 3QORE &

10QORE before you log in to your account.

After some seconds of waiting, site will confirm that your

account is created and you can "Log in to your account" by

clicking the corresponding button

Congratulations! You have successfully registered.

About Qore Program

Qore is a natural evolution of the Force-1 platform based on the

principles and concepts of development start june 2023.

Force-1 Qore was designed for better user engagement.

Trust Wallet Setup
Force1 USDT registration

Download To Trust Wallet:

Choose your device type and download the application:

Google Play (Android)


Install and setup:

Open the wallet application and select "Create a new wallet"

Confirm the checkbox with Terms of Service and press "Continue"

Read closely warnings about your Secret Recovery Phrase, this will

help to keep your crypto safe

Check all boxes and press "Continue"

Wallet application will offer you to save your Secret Recovery
Phrase (12 words) and then input it in proper order

Secret Recovery Phrase is generated only once - during your wallet

address creation process.
Secret Recovery Phrase is the only way to keep safe and recover your
wallet any time.
Never share Secret Recovery Phrase with anyone under any
circumstances - this will give lifetime access to your wallet for that

Confirm your successful wallet creation and you will see your
assets list

Now you need to add USDT Token and BNB Coin display

Click on token finder icon on the top right side

Type bnb in search bar and click on checkbox to add BNB Smart
Chain coin.
Type busd in search bar and click on checkbox to add Binance-
Peg USDT (BEP20) token

There may be similar token names, make sure you adding proper -
double check when you select BNB Smart Chain and Binance-Peg BUSD

Click back icon and you will see newly added tokens in your
assets list

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