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4 Maximum Marks:

Time 4/lod:3lHoprs
compulsory. D
General Instruetions:
Al questions re Scction C, Section and Section E
in all. Section B,
There are 33qucsions scctions: Scction A,
() papcr hasfive based| of 1 mark each
(2) This qucstion compulsory. Assertion Reasoning
scctions arc MCQand four seven questions of three
(3) Allthe qucstions,(wclve Section Ccontains
sixtcen cach, marks each and Section E
of two marks bascd questions of four
(3) Section A five qucstions
Section B contains Dcontainstwo case study cach.
Section marks Serti
marks cach, answer qucstions of five provided in one question in
contains threc long choice has been
choice. However, an internal CBQ in Section Dand all three questions in
overall each
(5) There is no Section C, one
question in
such questions.
B. onc question in
only one ofthechoices in
Section E. You have to
(6) Use of
calculators is not allowed. constants wherever
of physical
following values
(7) Youmay use the
(i) c= 3 x 10
(ü) m, = 9.1 x 10
10' C
(üü) e = 1.6x
(i) 4, = 4n X 10
(") h= 6.63 x 10 cN-m-2
(vi) &, = 8.854 x per gram mole
number = 6.023 x 1023
(vii) Avogadro's

same potential. Findthe
Two spheres A and Bof radius a and brespectively are charged to the
ratio of surface charge density of A to B.
(a) a
(a) a'
constitute an
Two opposite charges each of magnitude 1.6 x 10Chave a separation of 1 A¢ to
electric dipole. The dipole moment is:
(a) 1.6 x 10Cm (b) 0.8 x 10 Cm (c) 1.6 x 10 Cm (d) 3.2 >x 10 Cm
value R are R. and R. in series and parallel
3. The equivalent resistance of n' resistances each of
combinations respectively. The value of R,-R, is:
(b) (a)
n'-1 n'

84Togethen witk EADPhysics-12

The rise in
temperature causes the decrease in
(a) aluminium,
(c) sodium.
susceptibility of
(b) platinum.
E An (d) all of the above
ammeter of 0,9 O To extend thematerials.
of range 1 A has a
the required shunt is: resistance range upto 10 A, the value of
(a) 0.01 Q (6) 0.1 O
KAbar magnet is droPped through () 0.9)
a copper ring having a cut as
acceleration of the falling magnet is shown in the diagram. 1he

Bar magnet

Copper ring
with a Cut

(a) zero. (b) g. (c) less than g. (d) more than g.

7 The inductance of a choke coil is 0.2 H and its resistance is 0.5 S2. A
current of 2.0 A and frequency
50 Hz is passed through it. The potential difference (in volts)
across its ends is:
(a) 40r (b) 20t (c) 4072 (d) None
8. An a.c. voltage E = E, sin ot is applied across a pure resistance. The phase diference in current
and voltage is:
(a) 4
(b) zero (c) 4
9. The refractive index andthe radius of curvature of a thin symmetric convex lens are 1.5 m and
0.5 m respectively. It is immersed in water of refractive index Find its focal length in water.
(a) 2.0 m (b) 0.2 m (c) 0.02 m (d) 4.0 m
10, Which of the following relations is correct between the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons
and the intensity of the incident radiation, I?
(a) Kmar c I
(b) Kmay c
(c) Kmax is independent of I.
(d) Kmar depends on work function of the stability.
fission and fusion in order to attain maximum
11. The nuclei undergo the processes of
The above statement is
(c) partially correct. (d) not applicable.
(a) correct. (b) wrong.
I2. An-type semiconductor is (b) positively charged.
(a) negatively charged.
(d) none of the above.
(c) neutral. Reason (R),
given-one labelled Assertion (A)and the other labelled
statements are as given below.
ror Q13 to Q.16, two questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d)
to these
Select the correct answer Reason is correct explanation
of Assertion.
and Reason are true and Assertion.
(a) If both Assertion Reason is not the correct explanation of
and Reason are true but
(0) If both Assertion
Reason is false.
(C) If Assertion is true but
Reason are false.
(a) If both Assertion and
Sample Papers
13. Assertion (A: \tay vek with the spced of light.
Renso (R): ay is n cm wave.
light is placed a the focIs of a mirror, the
14. Assertion (): \When asOuree of
beam is accualclv parallel,
Reason (R): Daaboloidal mirors are used in
astron0mical tclescopes. rel ectu
the light sourCes should be as small as possible
15. Assertion (A): The sC)aration between in
double slit expeimen.
Reason (R): The fringe width will be verysall if he separation of light Sources is large.
I6. AssCrtion (A): The resistivity incrcascs considcrably at higher tcmperatures in conductoe
Reason (R): Ahigher tenmperatures, the number of clectrons does not change but the
ime t deercases in conductors. relaxation,

17. Two identical circular loops X and Yof radius R and carrying the same current are kens :
perpendicular planes such that they have a common centre at P as shown in the figure. Find
magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the point P due to the loops.

18. Prove that the average energy density of the

magnetic field.
oscillating electric field is equal to that of the oscillating
19. A ray PQ incident normally on the
refracting face BA is refracted in the prism BACmade of
material of refractive index 1.5. Complete the path of ray through the prism. Fronm
the ray emerge? Justify your answer. which face will

20. Find the intensity at a pont On a screen in Young's
Waves of equal intensity have apath double slit
1 Exnlain, with the help of a dtterence of (i) /4, and (ii)experiment
where the interfering
crcuit diagram, the working of a p-n
rectifier. iunction diode as a half-wave

86 7ogether wck EAD Physics-12

The circuit shown in the figure cotaiDs Iwo divdes cach with a forward resistance oM S0 S2 ad
infinite backward resistance. Calculate the cuent in the 100 Oresistance.

100 0



)2, Aparallel plate capacitor of capacitance Cis chargcd to a potential Vby a hattery. witnout
disconnecting the battery, the distance betwcen the plates is tripled and a dielectric medium of
K= 10 is introduced betwccn the plates of the capacitor. Explain giving reasons, how will tne
following be affected.
i) Capacitance of the capacitor
(i) Charge of the capacitor
(i)) Energy of the capacitor
23. Write the expression for the magnetic moment (m ) due to a planar square loop of side T carrying
asteady current I in avector form.
In the given figure this loop is placed in a horizontal plane near a long straight conductor carry1ng
a steady current 1, at a distance Ias shown. Give reasons to explain that the loop will
a net force but no torque. Write the expression for this force acting on the loop.

perpendicular to its length with velocity v in a magnetic

24. (a) A metallic rod of length is moved the
acting perpendicular to the plane in which rod moves. Derive the expression for
field B
induced emf. plane normal to
metallic spokes each 60 cm long, is rotated at 360 rev/min in a
(b) A wheel with 15 place is 60. If
component of earth's magnetic field. The angle of dip at that the horizontal
the horizontal 400 mV, calculate
rim of the wheel and the axle is
the emf induced between
the place.,
Component of earth's magnetic field at number of spokes is increased?
change, if the
How willthe induced emf AB of a right-angled glass prism
of refractive
incident normally on the face index, Find the
*o (a) A ray of light is partly immersed in a liquid of unknown refractive refraction
index = 15. The prism is liquid so that the ray grazes along the face BCafter
value of refractive index of the
through the prism.
Sample Papers 87
the face AC
Tracr the ath of the ry if they werc incident normally on

an objctive lens of focal length 4cm and

eycpiece lens
length 10 em An object in uscs
microNcope placed at 6cm fromthe objective lens. Calculate the magnifying pr.
length of the microscopc.
of the compound microscopc. Also calculate the
does de Broglie hyneth
26. (a) State Bohr quantination condition for defining stationary orbits. How
explan the stationary orbits?
(h) Fnd the relation between the threc wavelengths ,. , and , trom the energy level diagr.
shown bclow

27. A 12.3 eV electron beam is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room
temperature upto whch
Chergy level the hydrogen atoms would be excited?
Calculatcd the wavelength of the second member of Lyman series and second member of Balmer
28. Wriic any two distinguishing fealures between conductors,
semiconductors and insulators on he
bas1s of chergy band diagrams.

29. Case Study
Read the following paragraph and answer the
questions that follow
Ferromagnctic substances arc those which are
strongly magnetised by relatively weak magneticield
and in the same scnse as the applied ficld. Iron,
nickel, cobalt,
ferromagnclic. These subslances
The flux density Bin
have relative
a lerTOmagnetic permeability gadolinium
of the order
and their alloys are
of hundreds and thousands
substance is not directly magnetising
force H. Hence, the permcability ( H 0s nol a proportional
COnstant. The permeability
decreases with rise in
temperalure. Above curie lemperature,
aterromagnelic substance becomes paramagneti substance.

88 Tagether wek EADPhysics-12

(i) Which of the following is incorrect statement?
(a) Magnetic intensity is a vector quantity.
(b) Induced magnetisation is aprocess where vou can magnetisc a non-magnetic material.
(c) Magnetic intensity and intensity of magnetisation are the samc.
(d) None of these.
(ü) SI unit of magnetic flux is
(a) Ohm
(d) Weber/m?
(b) Webcr (c) Tesla
(i) Which of the following has higher magnetic susceptibility? (d) None of these
(a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnctic (c) Ferromagnetic
temperature (0) 2s.
( ) The magnetic susceptibility x of aferromagnetic material varies with
(a) x (b) x 4

(c) xA (d) zt

samplesA, B,C, D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet
(iv) There four light-weight rod observation are noted.
each sample and the following
is slowly brought near
II. Bis feebly attracted.
I. A is feebly repelled. IV. D remains unaffected.
II. Cis strongly
Which of the following is (b) D is of a ferromagnetic
(a) C is of a diamagnetic (d) B is of a
paramagnetic material.
non-magnetic material.
(c) A is of a
30. Case Study follow.
paragraph and answer the questions that below.
Read following the enumerated
photoelectric effect are photon. All
The salient features
observed in
or bundles of energy called quanta or momentum
discrete packets and
Ane.m. wave travels
in the form of
free space carrying an energy E=hv
emitted by any source travelthrough and not its intensity. The transfer of
photons radiation
h frequency v of the incident metal is the
p = depend on the
electron inside the photosensitive
to a free
energy from a photon
discrete amount of light?
photoelectric emission. intensity of incident
basic cause of depend on the intensity.
does photoelectric current (b) decreases with decrease in
() How intensity. frequency.
increases with increase in (d) depends on
by intensity.
(c) is not affected
Sample Papers
of a frequency v(higher than
photoclectrons emitted for light
number of the
(ii) The
frequency Y) is proportional to
(a) threshold frequency (V)
(b) intensity of light thresho
(d) v- Vo
(c) frequency of light (v) emission processis 10 V. Find the maximum
potential for a photoclcctric
(i) The stopping
energy of the clcctrons cjccted in
(a) 3.2 x 10°
the proccss.
(b) L.6 x I0 "J
(c) L6 x 10J (d) Zero kinelkc
( ) Maximum kinctic cnergy of clectrons cmilted in photoclcctric cffect incrcases when
(b) light source is brought nearer the
(a) intensity of light is incrcascd. metal.
(c) frequency of light is decreascd.
(d) wavelength of light is decreased.
an clectron is called
(7") The minimum energy required to remove
(a) stopping potential. (b) kinetic energy.
(c) work function. (d) intensity of photons.

31. (a) Obtain the expression for the energy stored per unit volume in a charged parallel plate capacitor
(6) The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor is E. Find the amount of work done in
a charge q over a closed rectangular loop abcda. moving
+ + + + + t +

(c) Find the charge on the

capacitor as shown in the circuit.
6 4F

10 2 W
20 2

(a) A parallel plate
is then capacitor is charged to a potential
disconnected from the source. If the difference Vby a d.c. source. The
reason how the following will change. distance between the plates capacitor
is doubled. state
() Electric field with
between the plates
(ii) Capacitance
(iiü) Energy stored in the capacitor
(b) A network of four
capacitors each of 12 capacitance is
connected to a 500V supply as shown in the uF figure. Determine C
() equivalent capacitance of the
(ü) charge on each capacitor.

500 V
90 ogether wek EAD Physics-12
32. (a) Calculate the value of the resistance Rin the circuit shown in the figure so that the
in the cireuit is 0.2 A. What would be the potential difference betwecn points 5 and
02A B

15 ) 10) 10 0
30 O


0.2A E
connected in parallel
(6) Tivo cells of emts , E, and internal resistance and r, respectively are
as shown in the figurc.

Deduce the expression for the

(i) equivalent e.m.f. of the
(ü) equivalent resistance of the
points A and B.
(üü) potential difference between the
Wheatstone's Bridge.
derive the condition for balance in a
(a) Using Kirchhoff's laws The emf's of the
with their like poles connected together.
arranged in parallel SQ and 2 2. Find
(b) Three cells are their respective internal resistances are 1 2, 1
V and across 4 V cell.
cells are 2 V3 V and 4 cell and the terminal voltage
through each
the current passing (B),
rays of light, red (R), green (G) and blue A
33. (a) Three AB of a right-angled prism,
are incident on the face The refractive indices of the
as shown in the blue are 1.39,
material of the prism for red, green and rays

respectively. Which one of the three G

1.44 and 1.47
prism? R
will emerge out of the
support your answer.
Give reason to
diagram of a refracting telescope. 45
a labelled ray expression for
(b) Draw power and write the
Define its magnifying type telescope.
it. refracting telescope over a retlecting
limitations of a
Write two important Or diffraction pattern is
wavelets explain hoW a normally.
construction ofsecondary monochromatic beam of light is incident tringe.
Huygen's slit on which a the central
(a) Using to a narrow fringe is half that of
on a SCreen due first diffraction
that the angular width of the weaker and weaker with increasing n.
(6) Show become
the maxima at 0 = (n+;
(C) Explain why

Sample Papers 91

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