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Shot on OnePlus
By Kasak Maheshwari
(N owee tho Jal sualization hat omploto
nut theomplet
can yanlicipalo
inq Jak
h deosion making Jsak uh
the datH eyplanalien o pouhal
the yuDLUNER donti unuphoMbal_OL
enlkg t
suonlike not thogosd dhe
OhoR n 0doa b
aLON dnlinut
wliy ut thw Ouon
htyModen woeld, in ahoulas ohanged ihe enle LOnRpt Albia)
diake colousLon_wa not uald Jh wduna
a DuNe n0uw
ul una uahejn_an ogantued onu hat Ald
astuto, t MasUhe shl Jhal was gang th Jake
A0me ihe
drogs efo he CpnUnLinvlyJhu gie yi anA
alDcilion 0 lhe g0o

Pobhtala lht louen uoLLdb alihe th_Commen


But the above nlnoholiHtal ozlandi e da JRem anh

tplana_diljernt mann
adDminalon y One
fobhcal sOleA D_oale Poweto eccle

J00s moue apyaxent in ldenlogea concetmatzuam

ihhe Poli u Larnah ondlt
Yo e yobhcal,Jo live
mans that eneuythung u b de docided hoough
l yd,
gnd AoMLUASUOD and 10t thngh Jee and Retha/PuW
duinclapbehen Prbheand thal I
Yodoy e_oHauo_ a
Lohouo umanllo and Contnethe utage of dhe L n
ShotonOneiuSan and acdicis dallng in ulki dnu
By KasaManeshwar
IAO Q_manyCmylln9 VCLgand ayyuLOaeAoe. t
Uhuouy. t olihta
us calagarLAN DArm_Dnd giveun uncdaselaad.
JHrAt Poluhcal thuRMLAagbeDnlnued a4 dho ishu7 a lohdung u
Pa uhcalthought. JhM UNM0UeSon_allempt o ekuui
slgailicant0 e t d n ilhuulaloucally Ontot
schaal ntuyelatun had delopued uch ek b
atabluh heolauical_tlete aubheniie maanuigdypa
lbnlonb_dhe exact huby Cellel fauticualyayeng
in olage
intollichal contoutun hich leet aue uitllhn
NLHugA_agul thl ehuCAn dhoge ho tng4ged
tiiy nuiot. ehaeonwho elk A J hoLLilMe uneoer
kokccine maning ieli ond dh0e AD ague ihalanu
odehlnlsilzMaloion canngt dcae the apAplicalien e
trat meantng b oLH lives Kince olll alueays de dhe
outoemedahutuen 0hoKOnA_Dd AnadlienJAhL glhual
Laale plouing_ynianing un Lenlt ueu eilallithasd
etond he Jua_duadlien ollhal_huy huch kag
ooMghtb ooultalixe the disclpline as a om otenee+ua
J h kos inuolvedgung nouhal Jhpouy aa lukmalc ola-
whon upen_and olasiyiealueng dhe mcaning o uthe kuy Iun
Lnd comeLpti o yhobhtal oliacoiA oluch au doreHguuly
AlDmpIAy_ond dusHce
sAgain liowO_Ane_dent AALAe)_inlenpuatalinq thi enlupuine
Jheneao_thRe Asho ate engagedhl eepicaluon hl
p dhe ailtical udag oluital conopL
dhyfas_ed tn tndier ahuoh eenlouo the oluniky a
wandu and sthe uay he_manningo
n Rent Rert, nd h h e ho Kave Sghk
JALoR a s a Jolum yakemale ujlietin nAal in d.
trgaisk alute dhat ltpiuai tAon othA juunnA.
fobhcal dhoryda lostlylaled h he naluK oabtH. Alao,to
Oulhouiy, dho yuehothe alaio and u
fabhcal cdheoy alo sulätu uolh ühe wAMKA_0 Palikial tinhu
Butthutnd Pabhca) JhLa hMan_He q_pabhcal Buu
Foome eguut Paphca.lhoy tith PabHcal
stencé ond Palha
hil.ophy Catin
LHgE Catun alei
Auellng on dhe nauuQ 0polhal dhsoy
andy okoliuued " Jhethnyilal diuldu inko fAbhal
Ondphhalphilniophy lasical nomaive @emyibdka!
Hetmdtee 3 HTaudal
dallosdlng ae thin dealuus q Folihcal
OJhe i s t feai ionalnout oksiLire ouo
Aoneit, wlh Aeus
DOncun0lh the unliHnal INuclwO
LOMeet lat _ono anDthq_ahod Lome
un cluaik and huo
Un enthuy make thun auwn doundauuL
LohLKe dhe en
aJhe odlcond da lie a ajenaenupuLe
AatLonal wndualIeod euy naolly b mah tha dhe Lnthulan
oawucluxe o HILJn
asuived a Julod ai has afome_distenalke
ehund i
JeHimal cvnponund n dheey als úlluninaii_anshr Ihu
u ajlaluon h lkulh_md ckiseily
AAituO namoly the UHulh
CAulinaly dut olauly.
dloum must de made e y
hat thuouiD AaNliculakly 8eual
pt salio o all ame_and all ylas, bulha mit and
Auiy COnlbetdepcndent aAd Juriuld
th anieili dne

Shot on OnePlus
By Kasak Maheshwari
youuh fealixe
pllostphyhDty u that tu COmmilh
Addunyuen and pidupnati Hon
AAuhung he backuolMa,
beluy,achon and
C u olalunonta gennalihy andl
hiouy- o7071e dog-
l h gealuun o couaL_dl_almuuCRuHa wlde youoy
akabactom. i does so
yhihomina, Jhu dAts ngt man dhau
Olaiad ut duhaMale RL_mian JhLoy
wvelkdal h dDyA2,
t ltALoLL muat Ye Aaxlculat&emithng naula
CAnnoidai dual palucl a_mdlsn
dh0URMO Pal di a
Thei nh qaliuHe hanlicularly olh dke bxth
Cordulonand has ernuxaad
mpdeyndUence das_h the
yuelp eculalie Qhd mulk pas
padeen_ubhLouieyCaunot de

dho empuclal 00rld, JAuy carnat

ugh and dankend
pasthe emkidal w04ld Logelhn

alautt Polihtal hoty 7 PI 4oH 10phMLen

enquunu*Joh_ nDumaire Qnol erplanalouy
hDA iwDdunonLona)
asnD eplain proluhcal.afe, analyse th
0_bAey_ PolhcalhiOLy
paihcal_uLgllamdhe 0ayah VaHLDULw
0uRg 0 the puniling COual and HOhlon h Cheothau
paloHn_ 1/
Aauiiaxe held TegetAon dhe o_aduscaloty
PolHcal ahey Jutijie aplmbeulay lijpe
HOCeMnendl dnd
Beuy Btihcal Aheou onehat alneady uuti a
coÍnude l h
dociety Jhh_mas
may ohe oun
eN eLeluan, euplakalokuy e nanabye 2
No lobhcal thsoky vhu mand gasunded
n0kmailLeuhlk i
Lnmat de enlitely andnned y dhe naluo
4 dllman capaculh
an hutoukal analju sistnual n nalure,a palihal
dheR Capalle
GiN hollhal 4ouy outn ekb d hithosi aas
CDnCunod unolonthand A

on OnePluslince t daui yKomiu_and adiunylien Q

By KasakMahashwarbun and apd oA a yhAiRulay ige oly
eMyseuen yeseyYAE
sndeuO uo jouS
Jhe decane yolitcal thpup ip paulical steuce Junab
Uhe badilional oe nAvmalie pobhtal thiou un Aglune. olsclune
Jha radil oha
y0bNcal tuouy iincikicaly Ankad uwlh qohital pkilarophyz
JhoxD OQu o boundsuy dehuea Pabhcal Hs0y aayubkal yhilbne
hOnckt Jnih l cllcouxse. Jophuy
Jhat it shy dhe tuaditina/ADbhcalchaoty plosophual.sicoaln
b many iaden obhcal dtnlul , heujulhin f yobhcal Auy
ADaLi olnLUshad
xn ancuntueocephilatophaug Ute Plah,Ltolle ,asypaxaildhde
AOUIAd 0aluilionasuy ofocial ehange Tho_yokuilung donu Kulu
uhilosophakg lite Hobes Jsckeeame actie ut hau Dand ncat
Ay erglanol oni.jouged ty nliguupandPalhcal confli
n the fh Cnliy Jpanco Condhulon Senhom and ISmill
Jhe englanol Joulo canonucLgndilueh
Sn he middle heulenTh cunius Jhite Wag a guai dal
Onlid uh th 'dedal phea Qnda pioce d utulunal chongu
AtueLksls nD tiguilcanl_zol) pauhital yhilbiophy Kas eMINgLdo
douclop.edh any OLAtsuy uhdhe toorld
_shy ekaotly Dauld baaton_and slpad Coblah hag spakin
alout dooline g Polhcal theou
Hcoordngb Bauld tilon the aLzhune o
PabHal heauy has
cueln th p-nin Cllinlk PoluhioalTaou
4vuluog CAaclor hor doclue o
Caglon Aanled eul COnpuaLonbohuepn
nlpucum ONora Rolalpikm
ypo faclualam
LeMYsayen yesey
HtoticiamResiauchoxs on on poirSnldOuOuO1Ou
CDnkinad ancknt udas, Thy Aave olevoted
hho iscuuion o CoUAlonal valne dhe pot homaolree_Onunoly
HL thRLeuihalsckullal ove uhonon no
auc in
ay nlu Juouhcal vclne The VudARy value ag Nel Veenodueloning
un the wONk SL ARALONgeng Pobhol goals 7hy has
lud t ha
eL.oALOn 0 value aded folihcal Jhiouie
d pu aion_Jhal fadlen_ kau hasply_Aiczd otnay
obhcoalJcentit wuch au wund sabuw dndgay,Jhiy al
Du durelopuedh hooug baad on usuca ardu
Ccoxding Eailen,thi plaps nPolhal theouLil spui ho much
-une_eyibauringthe polhcal "adolopru Past mione unlonutid
d elaning he dorelopmont puul and polhcol Value.
Moxal Ra loiiuiso 2-t p b i b ihe ccoluione value,nihe midd

uxn Palihtal sknco_h s tEnca 2 main AincnleX Value neul

falon, hQueren n0L_n havous omplelely _dueidinq he diguLsier
o_valuosLJ nLcKauy uild_salue aLkm.
hnkt akondemeutuale. maku l deo usbllic,Jod.h dueli
Conhyiaiop thweon JUENE_and Yheoies-> one he saLOn_)daclu
00hcal zihuouyslhe 0e ljance_dn_ddenlilc nuhod uh o4dou
b eluote yuouhcal sdtknte_b dhe level e stnce
Jhecopuenluona idoa_MUha
JAL yplialion shnlihi mehad and the ARealen theoriu4
MLo_onLaAok as nat yhonmALs
Madounpolhcal LeuHLL_ule he SCHAALemuthod
injayralinym_n the ukyea_ult cannot eylan all i
dAat oL a OMC RhUnd jhahhenphmana
do th AORorn 6adlon_apaks o gathixing
LboLodon theb Meicalhupothiii Jh u 10guxantu
d odhiouy acan de olaviloued Juugk
roti hi, method A Oed Jho uukj ect
LIEMYSeyen yesey E
snIdeuo uO joys
TmAConcIplion alaut oknto
Lon Inuailant
Lumu h he Jalh nh cotunyL de dnyadant
Jumemkir Jhal JhOMYAAndnantien dchence
knblic miHad in
E buL hat dhe athlalon stntlicmuhad iu
RLDNCh woRRJu Aputially_ Jnoian
Sut scknlilu oALONOh olsArt menh th unisgonto e AL
Hypp daclialam- &n AauldGaalon vieuednaunalen
dhdlzALd wlh fack and
hi Aomg een
lhi JBond iu_alho 0baed undhe duuaon_
Pabhcal ddence_n_ine soh cuniuy
thai un Mocont Uumey Pahhcol dteiiul
JhLxe _ AD_doult
umaxkalle educceA Irwentinq and aspllug
aue olDn
CDmpler method _undulandung
nob_poouilde dunemien
But Ahey vCRuld
to dhe OKLAMOh ludiu
MeMyseyen yes
snIdeuo uo jc

dho .utbyance o Pobical thuQM Dulol de neled a alahon

lNolhaounuon ihe ouicalJDnemona a n0n gctahle
OLuialon ox wotnlifG anya O_eplanalinPathcal
Aalond_abhcal aclion9icon0nulhe anel moal
n shoutthe JalevaIco oPooHcal thuo
dau he ralukD_OA AulpDge_ilalo 90UHMAi HOlaien_o indyde
authallyand loule,Louhcal huO ODIdi elyaknalu hikinylai=
a aulJhe dtlohobhal Jdeol and Jhe enoli o seuo-econenm
aydlen and the ulagt_ h evaullon JAsunejh ihe ag
t t m a k dhiindidual cmsdaus g hi iphl,nd dulie oq slela
Aolu yund Jobutuon yoblem tasl Mas ilhe_WEE
loUhca!dheouy nud enly o vadoulond aol exnlain ui alo hange
Seual saalhy Polihca hoouy holp u h evnleudaye anl mir
htharg Jutly dhuough UoLuluon
E Tl_u alouit the fattUAuT) OAd ulwe polhe h
Matoial oays,mpauion_oq allloeht talhcal ayclm ond
hlps in_elaculalion a Dun ayalina t encoubage Adjaile
duhato beheen uhelde dforend talntu e p
Jhe colnaluon whch al ghcn delos ung aut cOrlan chawclous
Ofobh al Hoouy a a4s anoa o opkalinhe Auln Palha
_uje aolical_tehauinun.,pabhsl ldans
! inchdecihtana tehical
hhe gouveunmoAl Ao exlakuhod and ak dhad 90eknnonl ploHmn
Jhemuthnd nehich _foluhcal tALARy a14rey dnelude_duujluon,
BlplanaLun,Juaalelon_and iwelgelien o any palHcal phinomuna
he MulHnaf_sbellre olihal Hioy d h Lnlust
almyub teate cOaih hLeCOHJUBoduo,dtlbuetive
QAd nuulenwhuh hulbtla dad ard 9alenally Jined

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