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 Dearly: with much loss or suffering; at great cost.

 Ushered: show or guide (someone) somewhere.

 Detainee: a person held in custody prior to trial or hearing.
 Bunks: a narrow shelf like bed, typically one of two or more arranged one on top of the other.
 Underwent: experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or
 Memento: an object kept as a reminder of a person or event.
 Composed: having one’s feelings and expression under control; calm.
 Inscribed: (of a surface or object) marked with characters.
 Chirp: (of a small bird or an insect) make a short, sharp, high-pitched sound.
 Inmates: a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital.
 Lapel: the part on each side of a coat or jacket immediately below the collar which is folded back on
either side of the front opening.
 Camaraderie: mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
 Bureaucracy: excessively complicated administrative procedure.
 Derelict: in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.
 Cottages: a small house, typically one in the country.
 Mulberry: a small deciduous tree with broad leaves, native to East Asia and long cultivated elsewhere.
 Scholars: a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities
 Annotate: to make or furnish critical or explanatory notes or comment.

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