2006 - Removal of Separated Files From Root Canals With A New File Removal System Case Reports

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Removal of Separated Files from Root Canals With a New

File-removal System: Case Reports
Yoshitsugu Terauchi, DDS,* Le O’Leary, DDS,† and Hideaki Suda DDS, PhD*

There have been many different devices and techniques
developed to retrieve instruments fractured during end-
odontic procedures, but none of them can consistently
O ne of the complications of endodontic therapy is having an instrument fracture
within the root canal space. Over the years, as techniques and instrumentation have
developed, there have been various types of endodontic instruments that have broken
remove separated instruments from root canals. Iatro- off in canals. In the past 10 yr, the incidence of separated instruments has risen, mainly
genic accidents such as perforation and canal destruc- because of the increased use of nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments, especially in
tion have been reported during the removal of sepa- the untrained hand. The introduction of NiTi alloy to the endodontic world by Walia in
rated instruments. The file removal process becomes 1988 revolutionized the way we shape the canal system, however, the improper use of
even more difficult when breakage occurs in a curved NiTi rotary instruments has resulted in procedural mishaps (1).
canal or in the apical third of the canal. Four cases Various factors have been associated with the fracture of NiTi rotary instruments:
requiring removal of separated files from the apical operator experience (2), rotational speed (3), canal curvature (4), instrument design
third of curved canals are presented. All were success- and technique (5, 6), torque (7), manufacturing process (8), and absence of glide path
fully treated using a newly designed system and (9). It has been noted that these NiTi instruments frequently fracture in narrow, curved
technique. (J Endod 2006;32:789 –797) root canals (10, 11). The breakage usually occurs in the apical one-third of a curved
canal (9, 10). The instruments usually separate by two different mechanisms: torsional
Key Words fatigue or bending fatigue (12). Torsional fatigue occurs when the instrument binds
Breakage, canal obstruction, curved canal, file removal, against the canal walls and is usually associated with excessive apical force applied
fragment, instrument separation, retreatment, retrieval, during instrumentation. Bending fatigue is caused by continuous stress applied to an
separated file
instrument that is already weakened by metal fatigue and breakage occurs when it
reaches its point of maximum flexure, where the stress is greatest, and this is often seen
in curved canals. To prevent these types of fatigue, a glide path that reduces the risk of
From the *Department of Restorative Sciences, Pulp Biol- stress and binding along the canal walls must be established before introducing the NiTi
ogy and Endodontics Tokyo Medical and Dental University, rotary instrument into the canal (9). One needs to keep in mind that NiTi rotary
Tokyo, Japan; †Associated Endodontists, P.C., Dallas, Texas. instruments only follow a path and do not create one. Instrumentation techniques such
Address requests for reprints to Yoshitsugu Terauchi, as step back or crown down can also play a role in instrument fatigue. Early coronal
1557-4 Shimotsuruma, Yamato City Kanagawa Prefecture
242-0001 Japan. E-mail address: terauti@tk.usen.ne.jp. flaring of the canal during chemomechanical root-canal preparations has been found to
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter produce less stress on files because they often progress to the apex in a straighter path
Copyright © 2006 by the American Association of and thus the chance of instrument separation is minimized (6).
Endodontists. When an endodontic instrument fractures during root canal treatment, this im-
mediately hinders the clinician from thoroughly cleaning and shaping the canal system,
and thus compromises the outcome of the treatment. The prognosis of the case is
dependent on the stage of canal instrumentation at the time the instrument separates. It
has been suggested that separation of an instrument occurring in the later stage of canal
instrumentation, especially if it is at the apex, has the best prognosis because the canal
is probably well debrided and probably free from infection (13). However, in most
cases it is difficult to determine the true extent of how well the canal is disinfected when
the instrument separates, especially if short of working length and, therefore, it is
important to be able to bypass or retrieve the separated instruments without further
damage to the tooth structure (14). Because breakage of a NiTi instrument is more
frequent, usually occurring in the apical one-third of a curved canal, the removal of
these types of fragments tends to be more difficult than removal of a separated stainless
steel hand instrument (15). The clinician needs to weigh out the advantages and dis-
advantages of retrieval of these types of separated files. It has been shown that attempts
at removal of these files usually result in the removal of a large amount of root dentin,
which ends up reducing the root strength by 30 to 40% (16). Anatomically, curved
canals often curve in more than one plane and to establish straight-line access to the
separated instrument, especially in the apical one third of the canal, a significant
amount of dentin has to be sacrificed. Therefore, it’s recommended that file removal
beyond the curve should not be routinely attempted (16). The decision to retrieve a
separated file lies in the judgment of the clinician.

JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006 New File-Removal System 789
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
The removal of separated instruments from the root canal in most retrieved as the fractured part of the file will always engage on the
cases is difficult and at times impossible (15). There are various meth- outside wall of the curve of the canal.
ods and devices developed to retrieve separated instruments. When a There are several factors affecting the successful removal of the
fractured instrument extends far above the root canal orifice, it can be separated instruments besides the available techniques and devices. The
easily grasped by a hemostat, Steiglitz forceps, modified Castroviejos skill and experience of the operator, the canal anatomy, the location of
needle holder (17), or a Perry plier (18). A spoon excavator or a the separated instrument, and the size of the fragment are all-important
Caufield retriever (a hand instrument with a V-shaped notch at the tip) factors influencing the outcome of the operation. Several studies
can also be used to engage the obstruction and, with coronally directed showed that small fragments are more difficult to remove than larger
pressure, it can elevate the obstruction from the canal. Another method, fragments and that removal rates are low for fragments that are located
known as the braiding technique, involves the use of several Hedstrom apical to the canal curvature (15, 34, 35). At the present time, there is
files inserted along the bypassed instrument and the files are twisted to no standardized procedure for the removal of separated instruments.
grasp the fragment and then withdrawn as one unit. When the fractured The approach to the removal of these fragments often involves the use of
instrument is below the canal orifice and cannot be bypassed, one basic a combination of techniques and devices, which all have limitations.
method for removal of this fragment requires the exposure of approx- A file-removal system was developed to minimize the amount of
imately 2 mm of the separated fragment. This allows a device to be used dentin removal and the time required to remove a separated instrument.
to get purchase on it and retrieve it. The Masserann kit (Micro-Mega, The intended goal of this system is to obtain a more predictable result
Besancon, France) is a popular system for the retrieval of instrument than the methods that are currently available to clinicians. The purpose
fragments located within the straight part of the canal. This kit involves of this article is to describe a system that has uniquely designed instru-
the use of trephine burs to expose the fragment and to create space for ments that can be used in the retrieval of separated instruments from
an extractor. An extractor is then used to retrieve the fragment. The curved canals.
limitation of this system is that it cannot be used in cases involving
fragments located in the midroot or apical third of the root or in curved Instrument Removal Procedure
canals because this technique involves the removal of a considerable This new system involves three steps that consists of three different
amount of sound dentin which can weaken the root structure and in- techniques and three newly designed instruments (Fig. 1A–H). Each
crease the risk of perforation (19). Another alternative to the step as illustrated in Fig. 1 is performed sequentially until the separated
Masserann kit is the Endo Safety System (20). This system differs from file is removed.
the Masserann kit in that it uses smaller diameter trephine burs and the
extractor has its own unique mechanism for grasping instruments. The Step 1
Endo Extractor (Brasseler Inc., Savannah, GA) can also be used in these The goal of this step is to establish straight line access to the
types of cases. This system consists of a trephine bur to expose the separated file with minimal removal of the dentin to conserve the root
fragment and a hollow tube extractor that is placed over the exposed tip structure. Two types of low-speed cutting burs with 28-mm lengths were
and bonded to it with cyanoacrylate adhesive (21). Other techniques to developed. The first one is referred to as Cutting Bur A (CBA). It has a
remove exposed separated fragments include the use of the wire loop pilot tip that follows the path already created by the separated file when
technique (22), Cancelliers (23), a spinal tap needle-and-Hedstrom file it was first brought into the canal before the breakage. It is used to
technique (24), Tube-and-Hedstrom file technique (25), hypodermic enlarge the canal wall so that the second bur can be easily introduced
needle (26), Instrument Removal System (IRS) (27), and the blunt into the canal and brought into contact over the coronal portion of the
needle and core paste technique (28). separated file. The second bur is referred as Cutting Bur B (CBB). It has
The use of ultrasonic devices has also been shown to be successful a cylinder-shaped tip that cuts the periphery of the separated file, which
for the removal of various canal obstructions (29, 30, 31). The advan- acts as a trephine bur that slightly machines down the coronal portion of
tage of an ultrasonic instrument is that it has the ability to vibrate the the file. At the same time, this provides a guidance space for the ultra-
obstruction loose while causing minimal damage to the canal wall (21). sonic tip that is subsequently used in the second step. The diameter of
The standard approach to removing a separated instrument with ultra- the CBA is 0.5 mm while the diameter of the CBB is 0.45 mm. The CBB
sonic tip is to first establish a straight-line access to it. This is accom- is smaller than the CBA because its main objective is to machine down
plished by flaring the coronal portion of the canal with either a Peeso the separated fragment, without removing additional dentin. Both burs
reamer, or Hedstrom file (29), or modified Gates Glidden drills (27). can go around a curved canal as they are flexible in the shanks. They
Proper visualization of the fragment is important for the controlled also share a mechanical function of loosening the separated file wedged
removal of the dentin around the separated instrument, and to remain in the canal because they are used in a counter-clockwise motion in the
centered within the canal. The coronal portion of the fragment is ex- low speed handpiece. The counter-clockwise motion of the bur imparts
posed by troughing around it with an ultrasonic tip or a K file mounted an unscrewing effect to the separated instrument that helps loosen it. If
on an ultrasonic handpiece. Once this is achieved, the energized tip is the separated file was already comparatively loose from the canal wall or
gently wedged between the obstruction and the canal wall to vibrate it is shorter in length than the CBB, it could be accidentally removed at this
out. Ruddle (32) recommends operating the ultrasonic tip in dry con- stage. If the file removal attempt is unsuccessful at this point, the clini-
ditions during this stage; however, Ward (33) reported that the addition cian should proceed to Step 2.
of irrigating solution to the canal can enhance instrument removal. It
has been observed that the removal of NiTi instruments with ultrasonics Step 2
is more difficult than the removal of stainless steel instruments because The purpose of this step is to conservatively trim away the dentin
there is a greater tendency for the NiTi instruments to fracture repeat- and expose the coronal few millimeters of the separated instrument and
edly (11). The other problem with NiTi is the elastic memory that the to loosen it. A specially designed ultrasonic instrument was developed to
material possesses. This is the very property that allows us to use NiTi as prepare the periphery of the file. The length of this ultrasonic instrument
a rotary instrument and yet ironically it’s the property that means that if is 30 mm. It was designed to reach a separated file lodged in the apical
the instrument separates in a curved canal it wants to straighten out. The third of a long canal. The ultrasonic tip size is small, measuring 0.2 mm
realization is that even if the instrument is loose, it often cannot be easily in diameter, to minimize the amount of dentin removal. Direct contact of

790 Terauchi et al. JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 1. Procedures for removing a separated file from a root canal using the new file removal system. (a Initial canal with a separated file. (b) Canal enlarged with
CBA. (c) Dentin removal around the separated file with CBB. (d) Ultrasonic tip troughed semicircularly around the separated file to create space for the file-removal
device. (e) troughing semicircularly on the remaining half of the separated file for complete exposure. (f) Placement of the loop over the separated file. (g) Fastening
the loop to grab the separated file. (h) Removal of the separated file from the root canal.

the ultrasonic tip with the separated file should be avoided to prevent a Case 1
secondary fracture; therefore, ultrasonic vibration is focused on the A 37-yr-old female was referred to a private endodontic office for
remaining dentin around the file or the floor of the cavity prepared by retreatment of her mandibular left second molar. The patient was in
the CBB. The process of uncovering the coronal segment of the sepa- good general health with no significant past or present illness. Her chief
rated file with the ultrasonic instrument may result in its early removal. complaint was intermittent pain to chewing ever since the tooth was
The final step should be attempted if the separated file is irretrievable treated a year ago. Clinical examination revealed that this tooth was
after adequate exposure of at least 0.7 mm of the coronal portion of the slightly sensitive to percussion, periodontal probing within normal lim-
fragment. This length was determined by a pilot study that is being
its (⬍3 mm), and no mobility. A preoperative radiograph showed ap-
prepared for future publication.
proximately 5 mm of a separated instrument in the apical third of the
Step 3 distal canal with 2.0 mm of the segment extended beyond the apex of the
This stage involves a device that would mechanically engage the mandibular left second molar, with normal periradicular tissues (Fig.
fragment to retrieve it. A file removal device was developed to directly 2). The canals appeared to be gutta-percha filled. Retreatment was
grab the file out of the canal. It consists of two assemblies. One part commenced with the removal of the metal crown. The gutta-percha root
consists of a head connected to a disposable tube (0.45 mm in diame- filling was removed by rotary NiTi instrumentation without solvent. All
ter) with a loop made of NiTi wire (0.08 mm) projecting from it. The the gutta-percha was removed and straight-line access to the fragment
other part is a brass body equipped with a sliding handle on the side that was obtained so that the coronal portion of the separated file could be
holds the wire of the head attachment. The main purpose of the handle visualized through a dental operating microscope (Opmi 111, Carl
is to control the wire of the loop. When the handle is moved downwards Zeiss, Germany). The separated file was removed successfully in 7 min
it will help fasten the loop and vice versa. The wire protruding from the using the file removal system as described previously (Fig. 3). The distal
tube is used to create the loop. The loop size can be adjusted to the size canal was negotiated with a #15 K-file and then Greater Taper (Dentsply/
of the separated file by manipulating the handle. The coronal portion of Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) rotary NiTi instruments were used to prepare
the file must be exposed by at least 0.7 mm for the system to be effective. all the canals to the working length. The canals were then obturated with
Once the fragment is sufficiently exposed, the loop is placed over the 0.10 taper gutta-percha points (SybronEndo/Analytic, Orange, CA) and
coronal portion of the separated file and then fastened to secure the Pulp Canal Sealer (SybronEndo/KerrEndo, Orange, CA) using a System
fragment. The obstruction is retrieved by pulling the apparatus out of the B heat source (SybronEndo/Analytic) and Obtura (Obtura-Spartan
canal in various directions to dislodge the fragment from the canal Corp., Fenton, MO) for backfill (Fig. 4). The patient returned to the
walls. referring dentist for the final restoration.

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 2. Mandibular left second molar with a separated file in the apical third
of the distal canal.
Figure 4. Final obturation, showing slight enlargement of the coronal portion of
the distal canal with minimum invasion.
Case 2
A 15-year-old male with no contributory health problems pre-
sented with a chief complaint of chewing sensitivity of the mandibular tips because the coronal portion of the canal was already overzealously
left molar region. This patient was referred to a private endodontic enlarged. The separated file was successfully removed in 5 min using the
office for retreatment of his mandibular left second molar. The patient file removal device in the same manner as described earlier (Fig. 6). All
reported that because of the abrupt curvature of the canal, his general the canals were prepared with Greater Taper rotary NiTi instruments
dentist had separated a K file during treatment. Clinical examination and obturated with 0.10 taper gutta-percha cones and Pulp Canal Sealer
revealed that the tooth was slightly sensitive to percussion. This tooth using a System B heat source and Obtura for backfill (Fig. 7). The
had no detectable mobility and the periodontal probing was within patient returned to the referring dentist for the final restoration (Fig. 5).
normal limits. A preoperative radiograph revealed approximately 5 mm
of a separated file in the apical third of the distal canal (Fig. 5). There Case 3
was no evidence of periapical radiolucency. Root-filling materials were A healthy 42-year-old male presented to a general dentist with a
only present in the apical half of the mesial canals. Retreatment was chief complaint of cold sensitivity of his mandibular left third molar.
commenced with removal of the gutta-percha root filling from the me- Nonsurgical root canal treatment was initiated and unfortunately be-
sial canals by rotary NiTi instrumentation without solvent. The coronal cause of a severe midroot dilaceration of the mesial root, a #15 K file
portion of the separated file was visualized under the microscope. Many
file-removal attempts seemed to have been tried before with ultrasonic

Figure 5. Preoperative radiograph showing a separated file lodged in the cur-

vature of the distal canal of the mandibular left second molar with the distal
Figure 3. The separated fragment was removed from the distal canal. canal already coronally enlarged.

792 Terauchi et al. JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006

Case Report/Clinical Techniques
within normal limits. A preoperative radiograph revealed approxi-
mately 4 mm of a separated file in the apical third of the mesial canal
(Fig. 11). The taper appearance of the file suggested that it might be
a NiTi instrument. There were periapical radiolucencies around
both the mesial and distal roots. It was also noted that the furcation
area was weakened structurally, suggesting a possible perforation.
All the canals were underfilled. The patient was informed that the
integrity of the tooth structure was compromised in the furcation
area and it had a separated instrument present in the apical third of
the mesial root, making the overall prognosis for this tooth fair-
guarded. Retreatment was commenced with removal of the metal
crown. Upon access, a small perforation was noted in the furcation
area. Gutta-percha root filling in all canals was removed by rotary
NiTi instrumentation without solvent. Once all the gutta-percha was
removed from the mesio-buccal canal, the coronal portion of the
separated file became visible under the microscope. The file-re-
moval attempt was started with the CBA because there was little
working space to access the separated file. Great care was taken with
the ultrasonics to avoid secondary fracture. The separated file was
successfully removed using the file removal device in the same man-
ner as described earlier and it took 12 minutes for its safe removal
(Fig. 12). Close inspection of the recovered file fragment revealed it
to be a tapered NiTi rotary file. The mesio-buccal and mesio-lingual
canals merged into one single canal in the apical third of the mesial
root. All the canals were prepared with Greater Taper rotary NiTi
instruments. The perforation was repaired with gray MTA and the
tooth was closed with a moistened cotton pellet and cavit G. At the

Figure 6. Radiograph showing the completion of file removal.

was separated. The patient was then referred to a private endodontic

office for the removal of the separated file. The patient had no significant
medical history. Clinical examination revealed that the tooth was slightly
sensitive to percussion. The periodontal probing was within normal
limits. Radiographic examination showed approximately 8 mm of a
separated file in the apical third of the mesial canal and there was
absence of obturation material in both the mesial and distal canals (Fig.
8). There was no evidence of periapical radiolucency. Upon access, the
separated file was immediately visible under the microscope and re-
treatment was commenced with the CBB. The preparation for the file
removal was made in the same way as described previously. The sepa-
rated file was initially resistant to the pulling motion with the loop device
and it was finally removed by manipulating the device in all directions
(Fig. 9). The removal procedure took approximately 6 min. All the
canals were prepared with Greater Taper rotary NiTi instruments. The
canals were obturated with .08 taper gutta-percha cones and Pulp Canal
Sealer using a System B heat source and Obtura backfill (Fig. 10). A
silver cast core was placed and the patient was sent back to the referring
dentist for a full coverage crown (Figs. 6 and 7).

Case 4
A 28-yr-old male was referred to an endodontic office for the
retreatment of the right mandibular first molar. The patient pre-
sented with a noncontributory health history and a chief complaint
of chewing sensitivity for the past 6 months. The patient reported
that a year and a half ago this tooth had to be endodontically treated
and restored with a metal crown because of deep caries. Clinical
examination revealed that this tooth was very sensitive to percus- Figure 7. Postoperative radiograph showing all the root canals successfully
sion. It had no detectable mobility and the periodontal probing was obturated.

JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006 New File-Removal System 793
Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 8. Preoperative radiograph showing a separated file lodged in the se- Figure 10. Postoperative radiograph showing the obturated tooth.
verely curved mesial canal of the mandibular left third molar.

sensus is that the Massserann kit does remove an excessive amount

subsequent visit, the canals were obturated with 0.10 taper gutta- of dentin tissue, especially in curved canals (19, 37) and posterior
percha cones and Pulp Canal Sealer using a System B heat source teeth (19). Although the amount of dentin removal in all of the four
and Obtura for backfill (Fig. 13). The tooth was restored with a cases was minimal to expose the separated files, ledge formation is
composite resin build-up. The patient returned to the referring den- generally inevitable in curved canals. Several studies showed that
tist for the final restoration. The patient was followed-up 1 month ledges were inevitably created in the process of file removal attempts
later with the permanent restoration in place (Fig. 14). because of the staging platform (29, 33). There were no distinct
differences in canal ledge formation between the preoperative and
Discussion the postoperative radiographs for cases 2 and 3, where the sepa-
There are various techniques and devices described for the rated files were located in the apical third of relatively curved canals.
removal of separated instruments lodged inside the root canal sys- The only exception is that the canals were slightly widened in the
tem and most of them have brought about unpredictable results coronal third to expose the coronal end of the separated instru-
causing a lot of damage to the remaining root (15). The removal of ments. It is assumed that the use of greater taper files might have
a separated instrument from a root canal must be performed with smoothed out the ledges when used to the canal terminus during the
minimum damage to the tooth and the surrounding tissues (17). instrumentation procedure. Overall, the results obtained from our
Ideally, the original canal shape should be preserved as much as cases showed the preservation of the canal anatomy.
possible, just like during the cleaning and shaping of a canal. Wilcox Ward et al. (33) reported the use of an ultrasonic technique in
et al. (36) showed that canal enlargement of 40 to 50% of the root simulated canals and on extracted teeth can cause a portion of the
width increased susceptibility to vertical fracture. The general con-

Figure 11. Preoperative radiograph showing a separated file lodged in a curved

Figure 9. Radiograph showing the file was successfully removed. mesial canal of the mandibular right first molar.

794 Terauchi et al. JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 12. Radiograph showing the file was successfully removed. Figure 14. One month postoperative radiograph showing a metal crown in

separated instruments to occasionally break off from the original

fragment, leaving a shorter fragment behind. This is frequently ob- or symptoms are present in these cases, surgery or extraction will be
served during the ultrasonic removal of NiTi fragment (35). There- required to solve the problem.
fore, these results suggest that it is necessary to avoid the direct This prototype file removal system involves the use of two spe-
contact of the ultrasonic tip with the separated instrument. A shorter cially designed burs, two specially designed ultrasonic instruments,
fragment is more difficult to retrieve than a longer fragment, defi- and a newly designed wire loop device. Our system does share the
nitely complicating the job at hand (15). basic concept of the loop technique mentioned earlier. Roig-Greene
File removal attempts in all of the four cases required step 3 for was the first to describe the use of this technique for the retrieval of
successful completion indicating all the cases were not simple and foreign objects from root canals (22). His technique consists of a
would not have been possible without this new system. If the fragments 0.14-mm wire loop passing through and protruding from a 25-
were irretrievable, the cases would still be treatable by having the file gauge dental injection needle to grasp an obstruction. A hemostat is
incorporated as part of the filling material. Saunders et al. (38) showed used to tighten the free ends of the wire so that the noose will tighten
that the sealing ability of the obturation material is not compromised by around the obstruction for its retrieval. The limitation to the wire
the presence of a separated file. Even though the separated file has flutes loop technique described by Roig-Greene (22) is that a sufficient
and does not adapt three dimensionally to the canal wall, it was sug- amount of the object has to be exposed before it can be grasped by
gested that with the use of sealer during obturation, this fragment may the wire loop and usually at this stage several other techniques can
become the equivalent of any other obturation material (38). The suc- be used for its retrieval (39).
cess of an endodontic treatment is dependent on degree of infection of Our system differs from the wire loop technique in that the
the canal system at the time of instrument separation. If signs of failure fragment is grasped by fastening the fragment between the wire loop
and the tube by contracting the wire whereas the other system would
require the continuous twisting of the loop to strangle the fragment.
The mechanics of contracting a wire loop is much easier than con-
tinuously twisting a wire to secure an object. One of the advantages
of this system is that it requires only 0.7 mm of exposed end of the
separated instrument for the loop to be effective.
Suter (11) recommended that removal attempts of fractured
instruments from root canals should not exceed 45 to 60 minutes
because the success rates may drop with increased treatment time.
He suggested that the lowered success rate could be because of
operator fatigue or from over enlargement of the canal, which com-
promises the integrity of the tooth and increase the risk of perfora-
tion. It has been reported that the time needed to remove a fragment
using the Masserann technique varied from 20 minutes to several
hours, the time required using ultrasonic techniques varied from 3
to 40 minutes (29), while the prototype file removal system took
only 5 to 12 minutes. Because this system was used in a small sample
size, further studies are required to establish the true efficiency of
the system. However, based on the complexity of the cases pre-
sented, the system does demonstrate potential efficiency in the re-
Figure 13. Postoperative radiograph showing the obturated tooth. moval of separated instruments.

JOE — Volume 32, Number 8, August 2006 New File-Removal System 795
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
Ample light and magnification as provided by the operating it was successfully used in several difficult cases that would usually have
microscope is essential in the retrieval of separated instruments. a low probability of success, because of the position of the fragments in
Visualization of the obstruction is very important during the frag- the canals. This system offers clinicians another armamentarium for the
ment retrieval process because it will allow better control of dentin removal of instrument fragments.
removal, ensuring centering within the canal and positioning of the
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